moved Isar/local_syntax.ML to Syntax/local_syntax.ML;
Tue, 05 Apr 2011 15:46:35 +0200
changeset 42240 5a4d30cd47a7
parent 42239 e48baf91aeab
child 42241 dd8029f71e1c
moved Isar/local_syntax.ML to Syntax/local_syntax.ML;
--- a/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaMakefile	Tue Apr 05 15:46:35 2011 +0200
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@
   Isar/isar_syn.ML					\
   Isar/keyword.ML					\
   Isar/local_defs.ML					\
-  Isar/local_syntax.ML					\
   Isar/local_theory.ML					\
   Isar/locale.ML					\
   Isar/method.ML					\
@@ -180,6 +179,7 @@
   ROOT.ML						\
   Syntax/ast.ML						\
   Syntax/lexicon.ML					\
+  Syntax/local_syntax.ML				\
   Syntax/mixfix.ML					\
   Syntax/parser.ML					\
   Syntax/printer.ML					\
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/local_syntax.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/local_syntax.ML
-    Author:     Makarius
-Local syntax depending on theory syntax.
-signature LOCAL_SYNTAX =
-  type T
-  val syn_of: T -> Syntax.syntax
-  val idents_of: T -> {structs: string list, fixes: string list}
-  val init: theory -> T
-  val rebuild: theory -> T -> T
-  datatype kind = Type | Const | Fixed
-  val add_syntax: theory -> (kind * (string * typ * mixfix)) list -> T -> T
-  val set_mode: Syntax.mode -> T -> T
-  val restore_mode: T -> T -> T
-  val update_modesyntax: theory -> bool -> Syntax.mode ->
-    (kind * (string * typ * mixfix)) list -> T -> T
-structure Local_Syntax: LOCAL_SYNTAX =
-(* datatype T *)
-type local_mixfix =
-  (string * bool) *  (*name, fixed?*)
-  ((bool * bool * Syntax.mode) * (string * typ * mixfix));  (*type?, add?, mode, declaration*)
-datatype T = Syntax of
- {thy_syntax: Syntax.syntax,
-  local_syntax: Syntax.syntax,
-  mode: Syntax.mode,
-  mixfixes: local_mixfix list,
-  idents: string list * string list};
-fun make_syntax (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents) =
-  Syntax {thy_syntax = thy_syntax, local_syntax = local_syntax,
-    mode = mode, mixfixes = mixfixes, idents = idents};
-fun map_syntax f (Syntax {thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents}) =
-  make_syntax (f (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents));
-fun is_consistent thy (Syntax {thy_syntax, ...}) =
-  Syntax.eq_syntax (Sign.syn_of thy, thy_syntax);
-fun syn_of (Syntax {local_syntax, ...}) = local_syntax;
-fun idents_of (Syntax {idents = (structs, fixes), ...}) = {structs = structs, fixes = fixes};
-(* build syntax *)
-fun build_syntax thy mode mixfixes (idents as (structs, _)) =
-  let
-    val thy_syntax = Sign.syn_of thy;
-    fun update_gram ((true, add, m), decls) = Syntax.update_type_gram add m decls
-      | update_gram ((false, add, m), decls) =
-          Syntax.update_const_gram add (Sign.is_logtype thy) m decls;
-    val (atrs, trs, trs', atrs') = Syntax.struct_trfuns structs;
-    val local_syntax = thy_syntax
-      |> Syntax.update_trfuns
-          (map Syntax.mk_trfun atrs, map Syntax.mk_trfun trs,
-           map Syntax.mk_trfun trs', map Syntax.mk_trfun atrs')
-      |> fold update_gram (AList.coalesce (op =) (rev (map snd mixfixes)));
-  in make_syntax (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents) end;
-fun init thy = build_syntax thy Syntax.mode_default [] ([], []);
-fun rebuild thy (syntax as Syntax {mode, mixfixes, idents, ...}) =
-  if is_consistent thy syntax then syntax
-  else build_syntax thy mode mixfixes idents;
-(* mixfix declarations *)
-datatype kind = Type | Const | Fixed;
-fun prep_mixfix _ _ (_, (_, _, Structure)) = NONE
-  | prep_mixfix add mode (Type, decl as (x, _, _)) = SOME ((x, false), ((true, add, mode), decl))
-  | prep_mixfix add mode (Const, decl as (x, _, _)) = SOME ((x, false), ((false, add, mode), decl))
-  | prep_mixfix add mode (Fixed, (x, T, mx)) =
-      SOME ((x, true), ((false, add, mode), (Syntax.mark_fixed x, T, mx)));
-fun prep_struct (Fixed, (c, _, Structure)) = SOME c
-  | prep_struct (_, (c, _, Structure)) = error ("Bad mixfix declaration for " ^ quote c)
-  | prep_struct _ = NONE;
-fun update_syntax add thy raw_decls
-    (syntax as (Syntax {mode, mixfixes, idents = (structs, _), ...})) =
-  (case filter_out (fn (_, (_, _, mx)) => mx = NoSyn) raw_decls of
-    [] => syntax
-  | decls =>
-      let
-        val new_mixfixes = map_filter (prep_mixfix add mode) decls;
-        val new_structs = map_filter prep_struct decls;
-        val mixfixes' = rev new_mixfixes @ mixfixes;
-        val structs' =
-          if add then structs @ new_structs
-          else subtract (op =) new_structs structs;
-        val fixes' = fold (fn ((x, true), _) => cons x | _ => I) mixfixes' [];
-      in build_syntax thy mode mixfixes' (structs', fixes') end);
-val add_syntax = update_syntax true;
-(* syntax mode *)
-fun set_mode mode = map_syntax (fn (thy_syntax, local_syntax, _, mixfixes, idents) =>
-  (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents));
-fun restore_mode (Syntax {mode, ...}) = set_mode mode;
-fun update_modesyntax thy add mode args syntax =
-  syntax |> set_mode mode |> update_syntax add thy args |> restore_mode syntax;
--- a/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/ROOT.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:46:35 2011 +0200
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
 use "Isar/object_logic.ML";
 use "Isar/rule_cases.ML";
 use "Isar/auto_bind.ML";
-use "Isar/local_syntax.ML";
+use "Syntax/local_syntax.ML";
 use "type_infer.ML";
 use "Isar/proof_context.ML";
 use "Isar/local_defs.ML";
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/local_syntax.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:46:35 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/local_syntax.ML
+    Author:     Makarius
+Local syntax depending on theory syntax.
+signature LOCAL_SYNTAX =
+  type T
+  val syn_of: T -> Syntax.syntax
+  val idents_of: T -> {structs: string list, fixes: string list}
+  val init: theory -> T
+  val rebuild: theory -> T -> T
+  datatype kind = Type | Const | Fixed
+  val add_syntax: theory -> (kind * (string * typ * mixfix)) list -> T -> T
+  val set_mode: Syntax.mode -> T -> T
+  val restore_mode: T -> T -> T
+  val update_modesyntax: theory -> bool -> Syntax.mode ->
+    (kind * (string * typ * mixfix)) list -> T -> T
+structure Local_Syntax: LOCAL_SYNTAX =
+(* datatype T *)
+type local_mixfix =
+  (string * bool) *  (*name, fixed?*)
+  ((bool * bool * Syntax.mode) * (string * typ * mixfix));  (*type?, add?, mode, declaration*)
+datatype T = Syntax of
+ {thy_syntax: Syntax.syntax,
+  local_syntax: Syntax.syntax,
+  mode: Syntax.mode,
+  mixfixes: local_mixfix list,
+  idents: string list * string list};
+fun make_syntax (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents) =
+  Syntax {thy_syntax = thy_syntax, local_syntax = local_syntax,
+    mode = mode, mixfixes = mixfixes, idents = idents};
+fun map_syntax f (Syntax {thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents}) =
+  make_syntax (f (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents));
+fun is_consistent thy (Syntax {thy_syntax, ...}) =
+  Syntax.eq_syntax (Sign.syn_of thy, thy_syntax);
+fun syn_of (Syntax {local_syntax, ...}) = local_syntax;
+fun idents_of (Syntax {idents = (structs, fixes), ...}) = {structs = structs, fixes = fixes};
+(* build syntax *)
+fun build_syntax thy mode mixfixes (idents as (structs, _)) =
+  let
+    val thy_syntax = Sign.syn_of thy;
+    fun update_gram ((true, add, m), decls) = Syntax.update_type_gram add m decls
+      | update_gram ((false, add, m), decls) =
+          Syntax.update_const_gram add (Sign.is_logtype thy) m decls;
+    val (atrs, trs, trs', atrs') = Syntax.struct_trfuns structs;
+    val local_syntax = thy_syntax
+      |> Syntax.update_trfuns
+          (map Syntax.mk_trfun atrs, map Syntax.mk_trfun trs,
+           map Syntax.mk_trfun trs', map Syntax.mk_trfun atrs')
+      |> fold update_gram (AList.coalesce (op =) (rev (map snd mixfixes)));
+  in make_syntax (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents) end;
+fun init thy = build_syntax thy Syntax.mode_default [] ([], []);
+fun rebuild thy (syntax as Syntax {mode, mixfixes, idents, ...}) =
+  if is_consistent thy syntax then syntax
+  else build_syntax thy mode mixfixes idents;
+(* mixfix declarations *)
+datatype kind = Type | Const | Fixed;
+fun prep_mixfix _ _ (_, (_, _, Structure)) = NONE
+  | prep_mixfix add mode (Type, decl as (x, _, _)) = SOME ((x, false), ((true, add, mode), decl))
+  | prep_mixfix add mode (Const, decl as (x, _, _)) = SOME ((x, false), ((false, add, mode), decl))
+  | prep_mixfix add mode (Fixed, (x, T, mx)) =
+      SOME ((x, true), ((false, add, mode), (Syntax.mark_fixed x, T, mx)));
+fun prep_struct (Fixed, (c, _, Structure)) = SOME c
+  | prep_struct (_, (c, _, Structure)) = error ("Bad mixfix declaration for " ^ quote c)
+  | prep_struct _ = NONE;
+fun update_syntax add thy raw_decls
+    (syntax as (Syntax {mode, mixfixes, idents = (structs, _), ...})) =
+  (case filter_out (fn (_, (_, _, mx)) => mx = NoSyn) raw_decls of
+    [] => syntax
+  | decls =>
+      let
+        val new_mixfixes = map_filter (prep_mixfix add mode) decls;
+        val new_structs = map_filter prep_struct decls;
+        val mixfixes' = rev new_mixfixes @ mixfixes;
+        val structs' =
+          if add then structs @ new_structs
+          else subtract (op =) new_structs structs;
+        val fixes' = fold (fn ((x, true), _) => cons x | _ => I) mixfixes' [];
+      in build_syntax thy mode mixfixes' (structs', fixes') end);
+val add_syntax = update_syntax true;
+(* syntax mode *)
+fun set_mode mode = map_syntax (fn (thy_syntax, local_syntax, _, mixfixes, idents) =>
+  (thy_syntax, local_syntax, mode, mixfixes, idents));
+fun restore_mode (Syntax {mode, ...}) = set_mode mode;
+fun update_modesyntax thy add mode args syntax =
+  syntax |> set_mode mode |> update_syntax add thy args |> restore_mode syntax;