Tue, 05 Apr 2011 15:15:33 +0200
changeset 42239 e48baf91aeab
parent 42238 d53dccb38dd1 (current diff)
parent 42226 cb650789f2f0 (diff)
child 42240 5a4d30cd47a7
child 42256 461624ffd382
child 42258 79cb339d8989
--- a/NEWS	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/NEWS	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -93,6 +93,10 @@
 be disabled via the configuration option Syntax.positions, which is
 called "syntax_positions" in Isar attribute syntax.
+* Discontinued special treatment of structure Ast: no pervasive
+content, no inclusion in structure Syntax.  INCOMPATIBILITY, refer to
+qualified names like Ast.Constant etc.
 New in Isabelle2011 (January 2011)
--- a/doc-src/Classes/Thy/Setup.thy	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Classes/Thy/Setup.thy	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
 parse_ast_translation {*
-    fun alpha_ast_tr [] = Syntax.Variable "'a"
-      | alpha_ast_tr asts = raise Syntax.AST ("alpha_ast_tr", asts);
+    fun alpha_ast_tr [] = Ast.Variable "'a"
+      | alpha_ast_tr asts = raise Ast.AST ("alpha_ast_tr", asts);
     fun alpha_ofsort_ast_tr [ast] =
-      Syntax.Appl [Syntax.Constant @{syntax_const "_ofsort"}, Syntax.Variable "'a", ast]
-      | alpha_ofsort_ast_tr asts = raise Syntax.AST ("alpha_ast_tr", asts);
-    fun beta_ast_tr [] = Syntax.Variable "'b"
-      | beta_ast_tr asts = raise Syntax.AST ("beta_ast_tr", asts);
+          Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{syntax_const "_ofsort"}, Ast.Variable "'a", ast]
+      | alpha_ofsort_ast_tr asts = raise Ast.AST ("alpha_ast_tr", asts);
+    fun beta_ast_tr [] = Ast.Variable "'b"
+      | beta_ast_tr asts = raise Ast.AST ("beta_ast_tr", asts);
     fun beta_ofsort_ast_tr [ast] =
-      Syntax.Appl [Syntax.Constant @{syntax_const "_ofsort"}, Syntax.Variable "'b", ast]
-      | beta_ofsort_ast_tr asts = raise Syntax.AST ("beta_ast_tr", asts);
+          Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{syntax_const "_ofsort"}, Ast.Variable "'b", ast]
+      | beta_ofsort_ast_tr asts = raise Ast.AST ("beta_ast_tr", asts);
    [(@{syntax_const "_alpha"}, alpha_ast_tr),
     (@{syntax_const "_alpha_ofsort"}, alpha_ofsort_ast_tr),
--- a/src/HOL/HOLCF/Cfun.thy	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/HOLCF/Cfun.thy	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
 (* cf. Syntax.lambda_ast_tr from src/Pure/Syntax/syn_trans.ML *)
     fun Lambda_ast_tr [pats, body] =
-          Syntax.fold_ast_p @{syntax_const "_cabs"}
-            (Syntax.unfold_ast @{syntax_const "_cargs"} (Syntax.strip_positions_ast pats), body)
-      | Lambda_ast_tr asts = raise Syntax.AST ("Lambda_ast_tr", asts);
+          Ast.fold_ast_p @{syntax_const "_cabs"}
+            (Ast.unfold_ast @{syntax_const "_cargs"} (Syntax.strip_positions_ast pats), body)
+      | Lambda_ast_tr asts = raise Ast.AST ("Lambda_ast_tr", asts);
   in [(@{syntax_const "_Lambda"}, Lambda_ast_tr)] end;
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@
 (* cf. Syntax.abs_ast_tr' from src/Pure/Syntax/syn_trans.ML *)
     fun cabs_ast_tr' asts =
-      (case Syntax.unfold_ast_p @{syntax_const "_cabs"}
-          (Syntax.Appl (Syntax.Constant @{syntax_const "_cabs"} :: asts)) of
-        ([], _) => raise Syntax.AST ("cabs_ast_tr'", asts)
-      | (xs, body) => Syntax.Appl
-          [Syntax.Constant @{syntax_const "_Lambda"},
-           Syntax.fold_ast @{syntax_const "_cargs"} xs, body]);
+      (case Ast.unfold_ast_p @{syntax_const "_cabs"}
+          (Ast.Appl (Ast.Constant @{syntax_const "_cabs"} :: asts)) of
+        ([], _) => raise Ast.AST ("cabs_ast_tr'", asts)
+      | (xs, body) => Ast.Appl
+          [Ast.Constant @{syntax_const "_Lambda"},
+           Ast.fold_ast @{syntax_const "_cargs"} xs, body]);
   in [(@{syntax_const "_cabs"}, cabs_ast_tr')] end
--- a/src/HOL/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_constructors.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/HOLCF/Tools/Domain/domain_constructors.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -442,16 +442,14 @@
     (* define syntax for case combinator *)
     (* TODO: re-implement case syntax using a parse translation *)
-      open Syntax
       fun syntax c = Syntax.mark_const (fst (dest_Const c))
       fun xconst c = Long_Name.base_name (fst (dest_Const c))
-      fun c_ast authentic con =
-          Constant (if authentic then syntax con else xconst con)
+      fun c_ast authentic con = Ast.Constant (if authentic then syntax con else xconst con)
       fun showint n = string_of_int (n+1)
-      fun expvar n = Variable ("e" ^ showint n)
-      fun argvar n (m, _) = Variable ("a" ^ showint n ^ "_" ^ showint m)
+      fun expvar n = Ast.Variable ("e" ^ showint n)
+      fun argvar n (m, _) = Ast.Variable ("a" ^ showint n ^ "_" ^ showint m)
       fun argvars n args = map_index (argvar n) args
-      fun app s (l, r) = mk_appl (Constant s) [l, r]
+      fun app s (l, r) = Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant s) [l, r]
       val cabs = app "_cabs"
       val capp = app @{const_syntax Rep_cfun}
       val capps = Library.foldl capp
@@ -460,22 +458,21 @@
       fun case1 authentic (n, c) =
           app "_case1" (Syntax.strip_positions_ast (con1 authentic n c), expvar n)
       fun arg1 (n, (con,args)) = List.foldr cabs (expvar n) (argvars n args)
-      fun when1 n (m, c) =
-          if n = m then arg1 (n, c) else (Constant @{const_syntax bottom})
-      val case_constant = Constant (syntax (case_const dummyT))
+      fun when1 n (m, c) = if n = m then arg1 (n, c) else Ast.Constant @{const_syntax bottom}
+      val case_constant = Ast.Constant (syntax (case_const dummyT))
       fun case_trans authentic =
-          (if authentic then Parse_Print_Rule else Parse_Rule)
-            (app "_case_syntax"
-              (Variable "x",
-               foldr1 (app "_case2") (map_index (case1 authentic) spec)),
-             capp (capps (case_constant, map_index arg1 spec), Variable "x"))
+        (if authentic then Syntax.Parse_Print_Rule else Syntax.Parse_Rule)
+          (app "_case_syntax"
+            (Ast.Variable "x",
+             foldr1 (app "_case2") (map_index (case1 authentic) spec)),
+           capp (capps (case_constant, map_index arg1 spec), Ast.Variable "x"))
       fun one_abscon_trans authentic (n, c) =
-          (if authentic then Parse_Print_Rule else Parse_Rule)
-            (cabs (con1 authentic n c, expvar n),
-             capps (case_constant, map_index (when1 n) spec))
+        (if authentic then Syntax.Parse_Print_Rule else Syntax.Parse_Rule)
+          (cabs (con1 authentic n c, expvar n),
+           capps (case_constant, map_index (when1 n) spec))
       fun abscon_trans authentic =
           map_index (one_abscon_trans authentic) spec
-      val trans_rules : ast Syntax.trrule list =
+      val trans_rules : Ast.ast Syntax.trrule list =
           case_trans false :: case_trans true ::
           abscon_trans false @ abscon_trans true
--- a/src/HOL/HOLCF/Tools/cont_consts.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/HOLCF/Tools/cont_consts.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@
 fun trans_rules name2 name1 n mx =
     val vnames = Name.invents Name.context "a" n
-    val extra_parse_rule = Syntax.Parse_Rule (Constant name2, Constant name1)
+    val extra_parse_rule = Syntax.Parse_Rule (Ast.Constant name2, Ast.Constant name1)
-      (Syntax.mk_appl (Constant name2) (map Variable vnames),
-        fold (fn a => fn t => Syntax.mk_appl (Constant @{const_syntax Rep_cfun}) [t, Variable a])
-          vnames (Constant name1))] @
+      (Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant name2) (map Ast.Variable vnames),
+        fold (fn a => fn t =>
+            Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant @{const_syntax Rep_cfun}) [t, Ast.Variable a])
+          vnames (Ast.Constant name1))] @
     (case mx of
       Infix _ => [extra_parse_rule]
     | Infixl _ => [extra_parse_rule]
--- a/src/HOL/HOLCF/ex/Pattern_Match.thy	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/HOLCF/ex/Pattern_Match.thy	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -497,33 +497,32 @@
     (* syntax translations for pattern combinators *)
-      open Syntax
       fun syntax c = Syntax.mark_const (fst (dest_Const c));
-      fun app s (l, r) = Syntax.mk_appl (Constant s) [l, r];
+      fun app s (l, r) = Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant s) [l, r];
       val capp = app @{const_syntax Rep_cfun};
       val capps = Library.foldl capp
-      fun app_var x = Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_variable") [x, Variable "rhs"];
-      fun app_pat x = Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_pat") [x];
-      fun args_list [] = Constant "_noargs"
+      fun app_var x = Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_variable") [x, Ast.Variable "rhs"];
+      fun app_pat x = Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_pat") [x];
+      fun args_list [] = Ast.Constant "_noargs"
         | args_list xs = foldr1 (app "_args") xs;
       fun one_case_trans (pat, (con, args)) =
-          val cname = Constant (syntax con);
-          val pname = Constant (syntax pat);
+          val cname = Ast.Constant (syntax con);
+          val pname = Ast.Constant (syntax pat);
           val ns = 1 upto length args;
-          val xs = map (fn n => Variable ("x"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
-          val ps = map (fn n => Variable ("p"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
-          val vs = map (fn n => Variable ("v"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
+          val xs = map (fn n => Ast.Variable ("x"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
+          val ps = map (fn n => Ast.Variable ("p"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
+          val vs = map (fn n => Ast.Variable ("v"^(string_of_int n))) ns;
-          [Parse_Rule (app_pat (capps (cname, xs)),
-                      mk_appl pname (map app_pat xs)),
-           Parse_Rule (app_var (capps (cname, xs)),
-                      app_var (args_list xs)),
-           Print_Rule (capps (cname, (app "_match") (ps,vs)),
-                      app "_match" (mk_appl pname ps, args_list vs))]
+          [Syntax.Parse_Rule (app_pat (capps (cname, xs)),
+            Ast.mk_appl pname (map app_pat xs)),
+           Syntax.Parse_Rule (app_var (capps (cname, xs)),
+            app_var (args_list xs)),
+           Syntax.Print_Rule (capps (cname, (app "_match") (ps,vs)),
+            app "_match" (Ast.mk_appl pname ps, args_list vs))]
-      val trans_rules : Syntax.ast Syntax.trrule list =
+      val trans_rules : Ast.ast Syntax.trrule list =
           maps one_case_trans (pat_consts ~~ spec);
       val thy = Sign.add_trrules trans_rules thy;
--- a/src/HOL/Import/hol4rews.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/hol4rews.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -610,10 +610,10 @@
-    fun handle_meta [x as Appl[Appl[Constant "_constrain", Constant @{const_syntax "=="}, _],_,_]] = x
-      | handle_meta [x as Appl[Appl[Constant "_constrain", Constant @{const_syntax all}, _],_]] = x
-      | handle_meta [x as Appl[Appl[Constant "_constrain", Constant @{const_syntax "==>"}, _],_,_]] = x
-      | handle_meta [x] = Appl[Constant @{const_syntax Trueprop}, x]
+    fun handle_meta [x as Ast.Appl [Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant "_constrain", Ast.Constant @{const_syntax "=="}, _],_,_]] = x
+      | handle_meta [x as Ast.Appl [Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant "_constrain", Ast.Constant @{const_syntax all}, _],_]] = x
+      | handle_meta [x as Ast.Appl [Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant "_constrain", Ast.Constant @{const_syntax "==>"}, _],_,_]] = x
+      | handle_meta [x] = Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{const_syntax Trueprop}, x]
       | handle_meta _ = error "hol4rews error: Trueprop not applied to single argument"
 val smarter_trueprop_parsing = [(@{const_syntax Trueprop},handle_meta)]
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/string_syntax.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/string_syntax.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
 (* nibble *)
 val mk_nib =
-  Syntax.Constant o Syntax.mark_const o
+  Ast.Constant o Syntax.mark_const o
     fst o Term.dest_Const o HOLogic.mk_nibble;
-fun dest_nib (Syntax.Constant s) =
+fun dest_nib (Ast.Constant s) =
   (case try Syntax.unmark_const s of
     NONE => raise Match
   | SOME c => (HOLogic.dest_nibble (Const (c, HOLogic.nibbleT)) handle TERM _ => raise Match));
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 fun mk_char s =
   if Symbol.is_ascii s then
-    Syntax.Appl [Syntax.Constant @{const_syntax Char}, mk_nib (ord s div 16), mk_nib (ord s mod 16)]
+    Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{const_syntax Char}, mk_nib (ord s div 16), mk_nib (ord s mod 16)]
   else error ("Non-ASCII symbol: " ^ quote s);
 val specials = raw_explode "\\\"`'";
@@ -40,44 +40,42 @@
     then c else raise Match
-fun dest_char (Syntax.Appl [Syntax.Constant @{const_syntax Char}, c1, c2]) = dest_chr c1 c2
+fun dest_char (Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{const_syntax Char}, c1, c2]) = dest_chr c1 c2
   | dest_char _ = raise Match;
 fun syntax_string cs =
-  Syntax.Appl
-    [Syntax.Constant @{syntax_const "_inner_string"},
-      Syntax.Variable (Syntax.implode_xstr cs)];
+  Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{syntax_const "_inner_string"}, Ast.Variable (Syntax.implode_xstr cs)];
-fun char_ast_tr [Syntax.Variable xstr] =
-    (case Syntax.explode_xstr xstr of
-      [c] => mk_char c
-    | _ => error ("Single character expected: " ^ xstr))
-  | char_ast_tr asts = raise AST ("char_ast_tr", asts);
+fun char_ast_tr [Ast.Variable xstr] =
+      (case Syntax.explode_xstr xstr of
+        [c] => mk_char c
+      | _ => error ("Single character expected: " ^ xstr))
+  | char_ast_tr asts = raise Ast.AST ("char_ast_tr", asts);
 fun char_ast_tr' [c1, c2] =
-      Syntax.Appl [Syntax.Constant @{syntax_const "_Char"}, syntax_string [dest_chr c1 c2]]
+      Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{syntax_const "_Char"}, syntax_string [dest_chr c1 c2]]
   | char_ast_tr' _ = raise Match;
 (* string *)
-fun mk_string [] = Syntax.Constant @{const_syntax Nil}
+fun mk_string [] = Ast.Constant @{const_syntax Nil}
   | mk_string (c :: cs) =
-      Syntax.Appl [Syntax.Constant @{const_syntax Cons}, mk_char c, mk_string cs];
+      Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{const_syntax Cons}, mk_char c, mk_string cs];
-fun string_ast_tr [Syntax.Variable xstr] =
-    (case Syntax.explode_xstr xstr of
-      [] =>
-        Syntax.Appl
-          [Syntax.Constant Syntax.constrainC,
-            Syntax.Constant @{const_syntax Nil}, Syntax.Constant @{type_syntax string}]
-    | cs => mk_string cs)
-  | string_ast_tr asts = raise AST ("string_tr", asts);
+fun string_ast_tr [Ast.Variable xstr] =
+      (case Syntax.explode_xstr xstr of
+        [] =>
+          Ast.Appl
+            [Ast.Constant Syntax.constrainC,
+              Ast.Constant @{const_syntax Nil}, Ast.Constant @{type_syntax string}]
+      | cs => mk_string cs)
+  | string_ast_tr asts = raise Ast.AST ("string_tr", asts);
 fun list_ast_tr' [args] =
-      Syntax.Appl [Syntax.Constant @{syntax_const "_String"},
-        syntax_string (map dest_char (Syntax.unfold_ast @{syntax_const "_args"} args))]
+      Ast.Appl [Ast.Constant @{syntax_const "_String"},
+        syntax_string (map dest_char (Ast.unfold_ast @{syntax_const "_args"} args))]
   | list_ast_tr' ts = raise Match;
--- a/src/Pure/General/exn.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/General/exn.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
   val get_exn: 'a result -> exn option
   val capture: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b result
   val release: 'a result -> 'a
+  val flat_result: 'a result result -> 'a result
   val map_result: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a result -> 'b result
+  val maps_result: ('a -> 'b result) -> 'a result -> 'b result
   exception Interrupt
   val interrupt: unit -> 'a
   val is_interrupt: exn -> bool
@@ -45,8 +47,13 @@
 fun release (Result y) = y
   | release (Exn e) = reraise e;
+fun flat_result (Result x) = x
+  | flat_result (Exn e) = Exn e;
 fun map_result f (Result x) = Result (f x)
-  | map_result f (Exn e) = (Exn e);
+  | map_result f (Exn e) = Exn e;
+fun maps_result f = flat_result o map_result f;
 (* interrupts *)
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/attrib.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/attrib.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -398,8 +398,8 @@
 (* theory setup *)
 val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory
- (register_config Syntax.ast_trace_raw #>
-  register_config Syntax.ast_stat_raw #>
+ (register_config Ast.ast_trace_raw #>
+  register_config Ast.ast_stat_raw #>
   register_config Syntax.positions_raw #>
   register_config Syntax.show_brackets_raw #>
   register_config Syntax.show_sorts_raw #>
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/isar_cmd.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ pos txt
   |> ML_Context.expression pos
     ("val parse_ast_translation: (string * (" ^ advancedT a ^
-      "Syntax.ast list -> Syntax.ast)) list")
+      "Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast)) list")
     ("Context.map_theory (Sign.add_" ^ advancedN a ^ "trfuns (parse_ast_translation, [], [], []))")
   |> Context.theory_map;
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ pos txt
   |> ML_Context.expression pos
     ("val print_ast_translation: (string * (" ^ advancedT a ^
-      "Syntax.ast list -> Syntax.ast)) list")
+      "Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast)) list")
     ("Context.map_theory (Sign.add_" ^ advancedN a ^ "trfuns ([], [], [], print_ast_translation))")
   |> Context.theory_map;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/proof_context.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/proof_context.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@
   val check_tfree: Proof.context -> string * sort -> string * sort
   val type_context: Proof.context -> Syntax.type_context
   val term_context: Proof.context -> Syntax.term_context
-  val decode_term: Proof.context -> Position.reports * term -> Position.reports * term
+  val decode_term: Proof.context ->
+    Position.reports * term Exn.result -> Position.reports * term Exn.result
   val standard_infer_types: Proof.context -> term list -> term list
   val read_term_pattern: Proof.context -> string -> term
   val read_term_schematic: Proof.context -> string -> term
@@ -784,8 +785,8 @@
           then default_root else c
       | _ => default_root);
-    fun check t = (Syntax.check_term ctxt (Type.constraint T' t); NONE)
-      handle ERROR msg => SOME msg;
+    fun check t = (Syntax.check_term ctxt (Type.constraint T' t); Exn.Result t)
+      handle exn as ERROR _ => Exn.Exn exn;
     val t =
       Syntax.standard_parse_term check ctxt (type_context ctxt) (term_context ctxt) (syn_of ctxt)
         root (syms, pos)
@@ -1092,12 +1093,12 @@
-fun const_ast_tr intern ctxt [Syntax.Variable c] =
+fun const_ast_tr intern ctxt [Ast.Variable c] =
         val Const (c', _) = read_const_proper ctxt false c;
         val d = if intern then Syntax.mark_const c' else c;
-      in Syntax.Constant d end
-  | const_ast_tr _ _ asts = raise Syntax.AST ("const_ast_tr", asts);
+      in Ast.Constant d end
+  | const_ast_tr _ _ asts = raise Ast.AST ("const_ast_tr", asts);
 val typ = Simple_Syntax.read_typ;
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/runtime.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/runtime.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
         | Fail msg => [raised exn "Fail" [msg]]
         | THEORY (msg, thys) =>
             [raised exn "THEORY" (msg :: (if detailed then map Context.str_of_thy thys else []))]
-        | Syntax.AST (msg, asts) =>
+        | Ast.AST (msg, asts) =>
             [raised exn "AST" (msg ::
-              (if detailed then map (Pretty.string_of o Syntax.pretty_ast) asts else []))]
+              (if detailed then map (Pretty.string_of o Ast.pretty_ast) asts else []))]
         | TYPE (msg, Ts, ts) =>
             [raised exn "TYPE" (msg ::
               (if detailed then
--- a/src/Pure/Proof/proof_syntax.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Proof/proof_syntax.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -71,17 +71,20 @@
   |> Sign.add_modesyntax_i ("latex", false)
       [("_Lam", [paramsT, proofT] ---> proofT, Mixfix ("(1\\<^bold>\\<lambda>_./ _)", [0, 3], 3))]
   |> Sign.add_trrules (map Syntax.Parse_Print_Rule
-      [(Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_Lam")
-          [Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_Lam0") [Variable "l", Variable "m"], Variable "A"],
-        Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_Lam")
-          [Variable "l", Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_Lam") [Variable "m", Variable "A"]]),
-       (Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_Lam")
-          [Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_Lam1") [Variable "x", Variable "A"], Variable "B"],
-        Syntax.mk_appl (Constant (Syntax.mark_const "AbsP")) [Variable "A",
-          (Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_abs") [Variable "x", Variable "B"])]),
-       (Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_Lam") [Variable "x", Variable "A"],
-        Syntax.mk_appl (Constant (Syntax.mark_const "Abst"))
-          [(Syntax.mk_appl (Constant "_abs") [Variable "x", Variable "A"])])]);
+      [(Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_Lam")
+          [Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_Lam0")
+            [Ast.Variable "l", Ast.Variable "m"], Ast.Variable "A"],
+        Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_Lam")
+          [Ast.Variable "l",
+            Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_Lam") [Ast.Variable "m", Ast.Variable "A"]]),
+       (Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_Lam")
+          [Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_Lam1")
+            [Ast.Variable "x", Ast.Variable "A"], Ast.Variable "B"],
+        Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant (Syntax.mark_const "AbsP")) [Ast.Variable "A",
+          (Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_abs") [Ast.Variable "x", Ast.Variable "B"])]),
+       (Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_Lam") [Ast.Variable "x", Ast.Variable "A"],
+        Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant (Syntax.mark_const "Abst"))
+          [(Ast.mk_appl (Ast.Constant "_abs") [Ast.Variable "x", Ast.Variable "A"])])]);
 (**** translation between proof terms and pure terms ****)
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/ast.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/ast.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -4,21 +4,18 @@
 Abstract syntax trees, translation rules, matching and normalization of asts.
-signature AST0 =
+signature AST =
   datatype ast =
     Constant of string |
     Variable of string |
     Appl of ast list
+  val mk_appl: ast -> ast list -> ast
   exception AST of string * ast list
-signature AST1 =
-  include AST0
-  val mk_appl: ast -> ast list -> ast
   val pretty_ast: ast -> Pretty.T
   val pretty_rule: ast * ast -> Pretty.T
+  val head_of_rule: ast * ast -> string
+  val rule_error: ast * ast -> string option
   val fold_ast: string -> ast list -> ast
   val fold_ast_p: string -> ast list * ast -> ast
   val unfold_ast: string -> ast -> ast list
@@ -27,17 +24,10 @@
   val ast_trace: bool Config.T
   val ast_stat_raw: Config.raw
   val ast_stat: bool Config.T
-signature AST =
-  include AST1
-  val head_of_rule: ast * ast -> string
-  val rule_error: ast * ast -> string option
   val normalize: Proof.context -> (string -> (ast * ast) list) -> ast -> ast
-structure Ast : AST =
+structure Ast: AST =
 (** abstract syntax trees **)
@@ -53,16 +43,12 @@
   Variable of string |    (*x, ?x, 'a, ?'a*)
   Appl of ast list;       (*(f x y z), ("fun" 'a 'b), ("_abs" x t)*)
 (*the list of subasts of an Appl node has to contain at least 2 elements, i.e.
   there are no empty asts or nullary applications; use mk_appl for convenience*)
 fun mk_appl f [] = f
   | mk_appl f args = Appl (f :: args);
 (*exception for system errors involving asts*)
 exception AST of string * ast list;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/parser.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
   type gram
   val empty_gram: gram
   val extend_gram: Syn_Ext.xprod list -> gram -> gram
-  val make_gram: Syn_Ext.xprod list -> gram
   val merge_gram: gram * gram -> gram
   val pretty_gram: gram -> Pretty.T list
   datatype parsetree =
@@ -54,6 +53,8 @@
      lambda productions are stored as normal productions
      and also as an entry in "lambdas"*)
+val union_token = union Lexicon.matching_tokens;
+val subtract_token = subtract Lexicon.matching_tokens;
 (*productions for which no starting token is
   known yet are associated with this token*)
@@ -119,14 +120,14 @@
           if forall
             (fn Nonterminal (id, _) => member (op =) lambdas' id
               | Terminal _ => false) rhs
-          then (true, union (op =) lambdas' (connected_with chains' [lhs] [lhs]))
+          then (true, union (op =) (connected_with chains' [lhs] [lhs]) lambdas')
           else (false, lambdas');
         (*list optional terminal and all nonterminals on which the lookahead
           of a production depends*)
         fun lookahead_dependency _ [] nts = (NONE, nts)
-          | lookahead_dependency _ ((Terminal tk) :: _) nts = (SOME tk, nts)
-          | lookahead_dependency lambdas ((Nonterminal (nt, _)) :: symbs) nts =
+          | lookahead_dependency _ (Terminal tk :: _) nts = (SOME tk, nts)
+          | lookahead_dependency lambdas (Nonterminal (nt, _) :: symbs) nts =
               if member (op =) lambdas nt then
                 lookahead_dependency lambdas symbs (nt :: nts)
               else (NONE, nt :: nts);
@@ -134,13 +135,11 @@
         (*get all known starting tokens for a nonterminal*)
         fun starts_for_nt nt = snd (fst (Array.sub (prods, nt)));
-        val token_union = uncurry (union Lexicon.matching_tokens);
         (*update prods, lookaheads, and lambdas according to new lambda NTs*)
         val (added_starts', lambdas') =
             (*propagate added lambda NT*)
-            fun propagate_lambda [] added_starts lambdas= (added_starts, lambdas)
+            fun propagate_lambda [] added_starts lambdas = (added_starts, lambdas)
               | propagate_lambda (l :: ls) added_starts lambdas =
                     (*get lookahead for lambda NT*)
@@ -156,11 +155,12 @@
                                 val new_lambda = is_none tk andalso subset (op =) (nts, lambdas);
-                                val new_tks = subtract (op =) l_starts
-                                  ((if is_some tk then [the tk] else []) @
-                                    Library.foldl token_union ([], map starts_for_nt nts));
+                                val new_tks =
+                                  (if is_some tk then [the tk] else [])
+                                  |> fold (union_token o starts_for_nt) nts
+                                  |> subtract (op =) l_starts;
-                                val added_tks' = token_union (new_tks, added_tks);
+                                val added_tks' = union_token added_tks new_tks;
                                 val nt_dependencies' = union (op =) nts nt_dependencies;
@@ -244,9 +244,8 @@
               val (start_tk, start_nts) = lookahead_dependency lambdas' rhs [];
               val start_tks =
-                Library.foldl token_union
-                  (if is_some start_tk then [the start_tk] else [],
-                    map starts_for_nt start_nts);
+                (if is_some start_tk then [the start_tk] else [])
+                |> fold (union_token o starts_for_nt) start_nts;
               val opt_starts =
                (if new_lambda then [NONE]
@@ -256,10 +255,10 @@
               (*add lhs NT to list of dependent NTs in lookahead*)
               fun add_nts [] = ()
                 | add_nts (nt :: nts) =
-                  let val ((old_nts, old_tks), ps) = Array.sub (prods, nt) in
-                    if member (op =) old_nts lhs then ()
-                    else Array.update (prods, nt, ((lhs :: old_nts, old_tks), ps))
-                  end;
+                    let val ((old_nts, old_tks), ps) = Array.sub (prods, nt) in
+                      if member (op =) old_nts lhs then ()
+                      else Array.update (prods, nt, ((lhs :: old_nts, old_tks), ps))
+                    end;
               (*add new start tokens to chained NTs' lookahead list;
                 also store new production for lhs NT*)
@@ -268,7 +267,7 @@
                       val ((old_nts, old_tks), nt_prods) = Array.sub (prods, nt);
-                      val new_tks = subtract Lexicon.matching_tokens old_tks start_tks;
+                      val new_tks = subtract_token old_tks start_tks;
                       (*store new production*)
                       fun store [] prods is_new =
@@ -288,8 +287,10 @@
                                   else (new_prod :: tk_prods, true)
                                 else (new_prod :: tk_prods, true);
-                              val prods' = prods
-                                |> is_new' ? AList.update (op =) (tk: Lexicon.token option, tk_prods');
+                              val prods' =
+                                if is_new' then
+                                  AList.update (op =) (tk: Lexicon.token option, tk_prods') prods
+                                else prods;
                             in store tks prods' (is_new orelse is_new') end;
                       val (nt_prods', prod_count', changed) =
@@ -375,17 +376,18 @@
                             (*associate productions with new lookahead tokens*)
                             val (tk_prods', nt_prods') = update_prods tk_prods ([], nt_prods);
-                            val nt_prods' =
-                              nt_prods'
-                              |> (key = SOME unknown_start) ? AList.update (op =) (key, tk_prods');
+                            val nt_prods'' =
+                              if key = SOME unknown_start then
+                                AList.update (op =) (key, tk_prods') nt_prods'
+                              else nt_prods';
-                            val added_tks = subtract Lexicon.matching_tokens old_tks new_tks;
+                            val added_tks = subtract_token old_tks new_tks;
                             if null added_tks then
-                              (Array.update (prods, nt, (lookahead, nt_prods'));
+                              (Array.update (prods, nt, (lookahead, nt_prods''));
                                 process_nts nts added)
-                              (Array.update (prods, nt, ((old_nts, added_tks @ old_tks), nt_prods'));
+                              (Array.update (prods, nt, ((old_nts, added_tks @ old_tks), nt_prods''));
                                 process_nts nts ((nt, added_tks) :: added))
@@ -422,13 +424,14 @@
         fun prod_of_chain from = ([Nonterminal (from, ~1)], "", ~1);
         val nt_prods =
-          Library.foldl (uncurry (union (op =))) ([], map snd (snd (Vector.sub (prods, tag)))) @
-          map prod_of_chain (these (AList.lookup (op =) chains tag));
+          fold (union (op =) o snd) (snd (Vector.sub (prods, tag))) [] @
+            map prod_of_chain (these (AList.lookup (op =) chains tag));
       in map (pretty_prod name) nt_prods end;
   in maps pretty_nt (sort_wrt fst (Symtab.dest tags)) end;
 (** Operations on gramars **)
 val empty_gram =
@@ -465,10 +468,10 @@
           delimiters and predefined terms are stored as terminals,
           nonterminals are converted to integer tags*)
         fun symb_of [] nt_count tags result = (nt_count, tags, rev result)
-          | symb_of ((Syn_Ext.Delim s) :: ss) nt_count tags result =
+          | symb_of (Syn_Ext.Delim s :: ss) nt_count tags result =
               symb_of ss nt_count tags
                 (Terminal (Lexicon.Token (Lexicon.Literal, s, Position.no_range)) :: result)
-          | symb_of ((Syn_Ext.Argument (s, p)) :: ss) nt_count tags result =
+          | symb_of (Syn_Ext.Argument (s, p) :: ss) nt_count tags result =
                 val (nt_count', tags', new_symb) =
                   (case Lexicon.predef_term s of
@@ -482,7 +485,7 @@
         (*Convert list of productions by invoking symb_of for each of them*)
         fun prod_of [] nt_count prod_count tags result =
               (nt_count, prod_count, tags, result)
-          | prod_of ((Syn_Ext.XProd (lhs, xsymbs, const, pri)) :: ps)
+          | prod_of (Syn_Ext.XProd (lhs, xsymbs, const, pri) :: ps)
                 nt_count prod_count tags result =
                 val (nt_count', tags', lhs_tag) = get_tag nt_count tags lhs;
@@ -522,8 +525,6 @@
           prods = Array.vector prods'}
-fun make_gram xprods = extend_gram xprods empty_gram;
 (*Merge two grammars*)
 fun merge_gram (gram_a, gram_b) =
@@ -551,15 +552,14 @@
     val ((nt_count1', tags1'), tag_table) =
-        val tag_list = Symtab.dest tags2;
         val table = Array.array (nt_count2, ~1);
+        fun the_nt tag =
+          the (Symtab.get_first (fn (n, t) => if t = tag then SOME n else NONE) tags2);
         fun store_tag nt_count tags ~1 = (nt_count, tags)
           | store_tag nt_count tags tag =
-                val (nt_count', tags', tag') =
-                  get_tag nt_count tags (fst (the (find_first (fn (n, t) => t = tag) tag_list)));
+                val (nt_count', tags', tag') = get_tag nt_count tags (the_nt tag);
                 val _ = Array.update (table, tag, tag');
               in store_tag nt_count' tags' (tag - 1) end;
       in (store_tag nt_count1 tags1 (nt_count2 - 1), table) end;
@@ -584,8 +584,7 @@
     fun process_nt ~1 result = result
       | process_nt nt result =
-            val nt_prods = Library.foldl (uncurry (union (op =)))
-              ([], map snd (snd (Vector.sub (prods2, nt))));
+            val nt_prods = fold (union (op =) o snd) (snd (Vector.sub (prods2, nt))) [];
             val lhs_tag = convert_tag nt;
             (*convert tags in rhs*)
@@ -627,6 +626,7 @@
 (** Parser **)
 datatype parsetree =
@@ -647,11 +647,11 @@
 (*Get all rhss with precedence >= min_prec*)
-fun get_RHS min_prec = filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= min_prec);
+fun get_RHS min_prec = filter (fn (_, _, prec: int) => prec >= min_prec);
 (*Get all rhss with precedence >= min_prec and < max_prec*)
 fun get_RHS' min_prec max_prec =
-  filter (fn (_, _, prec:int) => prec >= min_prec andalso prec < max_prec);
+  filter (fn (_, _, prec: int) => prec >= min_prec andalso prec < max_prec);
 (*Make states using a list of rhss*)
 fun mk_states i min_prec lhs_ID rhss =
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
 (*Add parse tree to list and eliminate duplicates
   saving the maximum precedence*)
-fun conc (t: parsetree list, prec:int) [] = (NONE, [(t, prec)])
+fun conc (t: parsetree list, prec: int) [] = (NONE, [(t, prec)])
   | conc (t, prec) ((t', prec') :: ts) =
       if t = t' then
         (SOME prec',
@@ -671,33 +671,25 @@
         in (n, (t', prec') :: ts') end;
 (*Update entry in used*)
-fun update_trees ((B: nt_tag, (i, ts)) :: used) (A, t) =
-  if A = B then
-    let val (n, ts') = conc t ts
-    in ((A, (i, ts')) :: used, n) end
-  else
-    let val (used', n) = update_trees used (A, t)
-    in ((B, (i, ts)) :: used', n) end;
+fun update_trees (A, t) used =
+  let
+    val (i, ts) = the (Inttab.lookup used A);
+    val (n, ts') = conc t ts;
+  in (n, Inttab.update (A, (i, ts')) used) end;
 (*Replace entry in used*)
-fun update_prec (A: nt_tag, prec) used =
-  let
-    fun update ((hd as (B, (_, ts))) :: used, used') =
-      if A = B
-      then used' @ ((A, (prec, ts)) :: used)
-      else update (used, hd :: used')
-  in update (used, []) end;
+fun update_prec (A, prec) =
+  Inttab.map_entry A (fn (_, ts) => (prec, ts));
-fun getS A max_prec Si =
-  filter
-    (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _) => A = B andalso prec <= max_prec
-      | _ => false) Si;
-fun getS' A max_prec min_prec Si =
-  filter
-    (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _)
-          => A = B andalso prec > min_prec andalso prec <= max_prec
-      | _ => false) Si;
+fun getS A max_prec NONE Si =
+      filter
+        (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _) => A = B andalso prec <= max_prec
+          | _ => false) Si
+  | getS A max_prec (SOME min_prec) Si =
+      filter
+        (fn (_, _, _, Nonterminal (B, prec) :: _, _, _) =>
+            A = B andalso prec > min_prec andalso prec <= max_prec
+          | _ => false) Si;
 fun get_states Estate i ii A max_prec =
@@ -706,19 +698,17 @@
     (Array.sub (Estate, ii));
-fun movedot_term (A, j, ts, Terminal a :: sa, id, i) c =
-  if Lexicon.valued_token c then (A, j, ts @ [Tip c], sa, id, i)
+fun movedot_term c (A, j, ts, Terminal a :: sa, id, i) =
+  if Lexicon.valued_token c then (A, j, Tip c :: ts, sa, id, i)
   else (A, j, ts, sa, id, i);
-fun movedot_nonterm ts (A, j, tss, Nonterminal _ :: sa, id, i) =
-  (A, j, tss @ ts, sa, id, i);
+fun movedot_nonterm tt (A, j, ts, Nonterminal _ :: sa, id, i) =
+  (A, j, List.revAppend (tt, ts), sa, id, i);
-fun movedot_lambda _ [] = []
-  | movedot_lambda (B, j, tss, Nonterminal (A, k) :: sa, id, i) ((t, ki) :: ts) =
-      if k <= ki then
-        (B, j, tss @ t, sa, id, i) ::
-          movedot_lambda (B, j, tss, Nonterminal (A, k) :: sa, id, i) ts
-      else movedot_lambda (B, j, tss, Nonterminal (A, k) :: sa, id, i) ts;
+fun movedot_lambda [] _ = []
+  | movedot_lambda ((t, ki) :: ts) (state as (B, j, tss, Nonterminal (A, k) :: sa, id, i)) =
+      if k <= ki then (B, j, List.revAppend (t, tss), sa, id, i) :: movedot_lambda ts state
+      else movedot_lambda ts state;
 (*trigger value for warnings*)
@@ -741,7 +731,7 @@
     fun get_prods [] result = result
       | get_prods (nt :: nts) result =
           let val nt_prods = snd (Vector.sub (prods, nt));
-          in get_prods nts ((token_assoc (nt_prods, tk)) @ result) end;
+          in get_prods nts (token_assoc (nt_prods, tk) @ result) end;
   in get_prods (connected_with chains nts nts) [] end;
@@ -755,30 +745,26 @@
             (_, _, _, Nonterminal (nt, min_prec) :: _, _, _) =>
               let (*predictor operation*)
                 val (used', new_states) =
-                  (case AList.lookup (op =) used nt of
+                  (case Inttab.lookup used nt of
                     SOME (used_prec, l) => (*nonterminal has been processed*)
                       if used_prec <= min_prec then
                         (*wanted precedence has been processed*)
-                        (used, movedot_lambda S l)
+                        (used, movedot_lambda l S)
                       else (*wanted precedence hasn't been parsed yet*)
                           val tk_prods = all_prods_for nt;
-                          val States' = mk_states i min_prec nt
-                                          (get_RHS' min_prec used_prec tk_prods);
-                        in (update_prec (nt, min_prec) used,
-                            movedot_lambda S l @ States')
-                        end
+                          val States' =
+                            mk_states i min_prec nt (get_RHS' min_prec used_prec tk_prods);
+                        in (update_prec (nt, min_prec) used, movedot_lambda l S @ States') end
                   | NONE => (*nonterminal is parsed for the first time*)
                         val tk_prods = all_prods_for nt;
                         val States' = mk_states i min_prec nt (get_RHS min_prec tk_prods);
-                      in ((nt, (min_prec, [])) :: used, States') end);
+                      in (Inttab.update (nt, (min_prec, [])) used, States') end);
-                val dummy =
+                val _ =
                   if not (! warned) andalso
-                     length (new_states @ States) > Config.get ctxt branching_level then
+                     length new_states + length States > Config.get ctxt branching_level then
                     (Context_Position.if_visible ctxt warning
                       "Currently parsed expression could be extremely ambiguous";
                      warned := true)
@@ -789,32 +775,20 @@
           | (_, _, _, Terminal a :: _, _, _) => (*scanner operation*)
               processS used States
                 (S :: Si,
-                  if Lexicon.matching_tokens (a, c) then movedot_term S c :: Sii else Sii)
+                  if Lexicon.matching_tokens (a, c) then movedot_term c S :: Sii else Sii)
           | (A, prec, ts, [], id, j) => (*completer operation*)
-              let val tt = if id = "" then ts else [Node (id, ts)] in
+              let val tt = if id = "" then ts else [Node (id, rev ts)] in
                 if j = i then (*lambda production?*)
-                    val (used', O) = update_trees used (A, (tt, prec));
-                  in
-                    (case O of
-                      NONE =>
-                        let
-                          val Slist = getS A prec Si;
-                          val States' = map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist;
-                        in processS used' (States' @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end
-                    | SOME n =>
-                        if n >= prec then processS used' States (S :: Si, Sii)
-                        else
-                          let
-                            val Slist = getS' A prec n Si;
-                            val States' = map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist;
-                          in processS used' (States' @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end)
-                  end
+                    val (prec', used') = update_trees (A, (tt, prec)) used;
+                    val Slist = getS A prec prec' Si;
+                    val States' = map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist;
+                  in processS used' (States' @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end
                   let val Slist = get_states Estate i j A prec
                   in processS used (map (movedot_nonterm tt) Slist @ States) (S :: Si, Sii) end
-  in processS [] states ([], []) end;
+  in processS Inttab.empty states ([], []) end;
 fun produce ctxt warned prods tags chains stateset i indata prev_token =
@@ -832,16 +806,16 @@
   | s =>
       (case indata of
-         [] => Array.sub (stateset, i)
-       | c :: cs =>
-         let val (si, sii) = PROCESSS ctxt warned prods chains stateset i c s;
-         in Array.update (stateset, i, si);
-            Array.update (stateset, i + 1, sii);
-            produce ctxt warned prods tags chains stateset (i + 1) cs c
-         end));
+        [] => s
+      | c :: cs =>
+          let
+            val (si, sii) = PROCESSS ctxt warned prods chains stateset i c s;
+            val _ = Array.update (stateset, i, si);
+            val _ = Array.update (stateset, i + 1, sii);
+          in produce ctxt warned prods tags chains stateset (i + 1) cs c end));
-fun get_trees l = map_filter (fn (_, _, [pt], _, _, _) => SOME pt | _ => NONE) l;
+fun get_trees states = map_filter (fn (_, _, [pt], _, _, _) => SOME pt | _ => NONE) states;
 fun earley ctxt prods tags chains startsymbol indata =
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/syn_trans.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/syn_trans.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
   val applC_ast_tr': Ast.ast * Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast
   val parsetree_to_ast: Proof.context -> type_context -> bool ->
     (string -> (Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) option) ->
-    Parser.parsetree -> Position.reports * Ast.ast
+    Parser.parsetree -> Position.reports * Ast.ast Exn.result
   val ast_to_term: Proof.context ->
     (string -> (Proof.context -> term list -> term) option) -> Ast.ast -> term
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
       | ast_of (Parser.Node (a, pts)) = trans a (map ast_of pts)
       | ast_of (Parser.Tip tok) = Ast.Variable (Lexicon.str_of_token tok);
-    val ast = ast_of parsetree;
+    val ast = Exn.interruptible_capture ast_of parsetree;
   in (! reports, ast) end;
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 signature BASIC_SYNTAX =
-  include AST0
   include SYN_TRANS0
   include MIXFIX0
   include PRINTER0
@@ -15,7 +14,6 @@
 signature SYNTAX =
-  include AST1
   include LEXICON0
   include SYN_EXT0
   include TYPE_EXT0
@@ -116,44 +114,44 @@
   val ambiguity_level_raw: Config.raw
   val ambiguity_level: int Config.T
   val ambiguity_limit: int Config.T
-  val standard_parse_term: (term -> string option) ->
+  val standard_parse_sort: Proof.context -> type_context -> syntax ->
+    Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.T -> sort
+  val standard_parse_typ: Proof.context -> type_context -> syntax ->
+    ((indexname * sort) list -> indexname -> sort) -> Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.T -> typ
+  val standard_parse_term: (term -> term Exn.result) ->
     Proof.context -> type_context -> term_context -> syntax ->
     string -> Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.T -> term
-  val standard_parse_typ: Proof.context -> type_context -> syntax ->
-    ((indexname * sort) list -> indexname -> sort) -> Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.T -> typ
-  val standard_parse_sort: Proof.context -> type_context -> syntax ->
-    Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.T -> sort
   datatype 'a trrule =
     Parse_Rule of 'a * 'a |
     Print_Rule of 'a * 'a |
     Parse_Print_Rule of 'a * 'a
   val map_trrule: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a trrule -> 'b trrule
   val is_const: syntax -> string -> bool
-  val read_rule_pattern: Proof.context -> type_context -> syntax -> string * string -> ast
+  val read_rule_pattern: Proof.context -> type_context -> syntax -> string * string -> Ast.ast
+  val standard_unparse_sort: {extern_class: string -> xstring} ->
+    Proof.context -> syntax -> sort -> Pretty.T
+  val standard_unparse_typ: {extern_class: string -> xstring, extern_type: string -> xstring} ->
+    Proof.context -> syntax -> typ -> Pretty.T
   val standard_unparse_term: {structs: string list, fixes: string list} ->
     {extern_class: string -> xstring, extern_type: string -> xstring,
       extern_const: string -> xstring} -> Proof.context -> syntax -> bool -> term -> Pretty.T
-  val standard_unparse_typ: {extern_class: string -> xstring, extern_type: string -> xstring} ->
-    Proof.context -> syntax -> typ -> Pretty.T
-  val standard_unparse_sort: {extern_class: string -> xstring} ->
-    Proof.context -> syntax -> sort -> Pretty.T
   val update_trfuns:
-    (string * ((ast list -> ast) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list *
     (string * ((term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
     (string * ((bool -> typ -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
-    (string * ((ast list -> ast) * stamp)) list -> syntax -> syntax
+    (string * ((Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list -> syntax -> syntax
   val update_advanced_trfuns:
-    (string * ((Proof.context -> ast list -> ast) * stamp)) list *
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list *
     (string * ((Proof.context -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
     (string * ((Proof.context -> bool -> typ -> term list -> term) * stamp)) list *
-    (string * ((Proof.context -> ast list -> ast) * stamp)) list -> syntax -> syntax
+    (string * ((Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast) * stamp)) list -> syntax -> syntax
   val extend_tokentrfuns: (string * string * (Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T)) list ->
     syntax -> syntax
   val update_type_gram: bool -> mode -> (string * typ * mixfix) list -> syntax -> syntax
   val update_const_gram: bool -> (string -> bool) ->
     mode -> (string * typ * mixfix) list -> syntax -> syntax
-  val update_trrules: ast trrule list -> syntax -> syntax
-  val remove_trrules: ast trrule list -> syntax -> syntax
+  val update_trrules: Ast.ast trrule list -> syntax -> syntax
+  val remove_trrules: Ast.ast trrule list -> syntax -> syntax
 structure Syntax: SYNTAX =
@@ -562,7 +560,7 @@
     ({input = input',
       lexicon = if changed then Scan.make_lexicon (Syn_Ext.delims_of input') else lexicon,
-      gram = if changed then Parser.make_gram input' else gram,
+      gram = if changed then Parser.extend_gram input' Parser.empty_gram else gram,
       consts = consts,
       prmodes = prmodes,
       parse_ast_trtab = remove_trtab (if_inout parse_ast_translation) parse_ast_trtab,
@@ -686,17 +684,9 @@
-(** read **)
+(** read **)  (* FIXME rename!? *)
-fun some_results f xs =
-  let
-    val exn_results = map (Exn.interruptible_capture f) xs;
-    val exns = map_filter Exn.get_exn exn_results;
-    val results = map_filter Exn.get_result exn_results;
-  in (case (results, exns) of ([], exn :: _) => reraise exn | _ => results) end;
-(* read_ast *)
+(* configuration options *)
 val positions_raw = Config.declare "syntax_positions" (fn _ => Config.Bool true);
 val positions = Config.bool positions_raw;
@@ -712,6 +702,23 @@
 fun ambiguity_msg pos = "Parse error: ambiguous syntax" ^ Position.str_of pos;
+(* results *)
+fun proper_results results = map_filter (fn (y, Exn.Result x) => SOME (y, x) | _ => NONE) results;
+fun failed_results results = map_filter (fn (y, Exn.Exn e) => SOME (y, e) | _ => NONE) results;
+fun report ctxt = (fn (pos, m) => ctxt pos m);
+fun report_result ctxt pos results =
+  (case (proper_results results, failed_results results) of
+    ([], (reports, exn) :: _) => (report ctxt reports; reraise exn)
+  | ([(reports, x)], _) => (report ctxt reports; x)
+  | _ => error (ambiguity_msg pos));
+(* read_asts *)
 fun read_asts ctxt type_ctxt (Syntax (tabs, _)) raw root (syms, pos) =
     val {lexicon, gram, parse_ast_trtab, ...} = tabs;
@@ -736,84 +743,87 @@
             map (Pretty.string_of o Parser.pretty_parsetree) (take limit pts))));
     val constrain_pos = not raw andalso Config.get ctxt positions;
-  in
-    some_results
-      (Syn_Trans.parsetree_to_ast ctxt type_ctxt constrain_pos (lookup_tr parse_ast_trtab)) pts
-  end;
+    val parsetree_to_ast =
+      Syn_Trans.parsetree_to_ast ctxt type_ctxt constrain_pos (lookup_tr parse_ast_trtab);
+  in map parsetree_to_ast pts end;
-(* read *)
+(* read_raw *)
-fun read ctxt type_ctxt (syn as Syntax (tabs, _)) root inp =
-  let val {parse_ruletab, parse_trtab, ...} = tabs in
-    read_asts ctxt type_ctxt syn false root inp
-    |> map (apsnd (Ast.normalize ctxt (Symtab.lookup_list parse_ruletab)))
-    |> some_results (apsnd (Syn_Trans.ast_to_term ctxt (lookup_tr parse_trtab)))
+fun read_raw ctxt type_ctxt (syn as Syntax (tabs, _)) root input =
+  let
+    val {parse_ruletab, parse_trtab, ...} = tabs;
+    val norm = Ast.normalize ctxt (Symtab.lookup_list parse_ruletab);
+    val ast_to_term = Syn_Trans.ast_to_term ctxt (lookup_tr parse_trtab);
+  in
+    read_asts ctxt type_ctxt syn false root input
+    |> (map o apsnd o Exn.maps_result) (norm #> Exn.interruptible_capture ast_to_term)
-(* read terms *)
-fun report_result ctxt (reports, res) =
-  ( (fn (pos, m) => ctxt pos m) reports; res);
-(*brute-force disambiguation via type-inference*)
-fun disambig ctxt _ [arg] = report_result ctxt arg
-  | disambig ctxt check args =
-      let
-        val level = Config.get ctxt ambiguity_level;
-        val limit = Config.get ctxt ambiguity_limit;
-        val ambiguity = length args;
-        fun ambig_msg () =
-          if ambiguity > 1 andalso ambiguity <= level then
-            "Got more than one parse tree.\n\
-            \Retry with smaller syntax_ambiguity_level for more information."
-          else "";
+(* read sorts *)
-        val errs = Par_List.map_name "Syntax.disambig" (check o snd) args;
-        val results = map_filter (fn (arg, NONE) => SOME arg | _ => NONE) (args ~~ errs);
-        val len = length results;
-        val show_term = string_of_term (Config.put Printer.show_brackets true ctxt);
-      in
-        if null results then cat_error (ambig_msg ()) (cat_lines (map_filter I errs))
-        else if len = 1 then
-          (if ambiguity > level then
-            Context_Position.if_visible ctxt warning
-              "Fortunately, only one parse tree is type correct.\n\
-              \You may still want to disambiguate your grammar or your input."
-          else (); report_result ctxt (hd results))
-        else cat_error (ambig_msg ()) (cat_lines
-          (("Ambiguous input, " ^ string_of_int len ^ " terms are type correct" ^
-            (if len <= limit then "" else " (" ^ string_of_int limit ^ " displayed)") ^ ":") ::
-            map (show_term o snd) (take limit results)))
-      end;
-fun standard_parse_term check ctxt type_ctxt term_ctxt syn root (syms, pos) =
-  read ctxt type_ctxt syn root (syms, pos)
-  |> map (Type_Ext.decode_term term_ctxt)
-  |> disambig ctxt check;
+fun standard_parse_sort ctxt type_ctxt syn (syms, pos) =
+  read_raw ctxt type_ctxt syn (Syn_Ext.typ_to_nonterm Type_Ext.sortT) (syms, pos)
+  |> report_result ctxt pos
+  |> Type_Ext.sort_of_term;
 (* read types *)
 fun standard_parse_typ ctxt type_ctxt syn get_sort (syms, pos) =
-  (case read ctxt type_ctxt syn (Syn_Ext.typ_to_nonterm Syn_Ext.typeT) (syms, pos) of
-    [res] =>
-      let val t = report_result ctxt res
-      in Type_Ext.typ_of_term (get_sort (Type_Ext.term_sorts t)) t end
-  | _ => error (ambiguity_msg pos));
+  read_raw ctxt type_ctxt syn (Syn_Ext.typ_to_nonterm Syn_Ext.typeT) (syms, pos)
+  |> report_result ctxt pos
+  |> (fn t => Type_Ext.typ_of_term (get_sort (Type_Ext.term_sorts t)) t);
-(* read sorts *)
+(* read terms -- brute-force disambiguation via type-inference *)
+fun standard_parse_term check ctxt type_ctxt term_ctxt syn root (syms, pos) =
+  let
+    val results =
+      read_raw ctxt type_ctxt syn root (syms, pos)
+      |> map (Type_Ext.decode_term term_ctxt);
+    val level = Config.get ctxt ambiguity_level;
+    val limit = Config.get ctxt ambiguity_limit;
+    val ambiguity = length (proper_results results);
+    fun ambig_msg () =
+      if ambiguity > 1 andalso ambiguity <= level then
+        "Got more than one parse tree.\n\
+        \Retry with smaller syntax_ambiguity_level for more information."
+      else "";
-fun standard_parse_sort ctxt type_ctxt syn (syms, pos) =
-  (case read ctxt type_ctxt syn (Syn_Ext.typ_to_nonterm Type_Ext.sortT) (syms, pos) of
-    [res] =>
-      let val t = report_result ctxt res
-      in Type_Ext.sort_of_term t end
-  | _ => error (ambiguity_msg pos));
+    val results' =
+      if ambiguity > 1 then
+        (Par_List.map_name "Syntax.disambig" o apsnd o Exn.maps_result) check results
+      else results;
+    val reports' = fst (hd results');
+    val errs = map snd (failed_results results');
+    val checked = map snd (proper_results results');
+    val len = length checked;
+    val show_term = string_of_term (Config.put Printer.show_brackets true ctxt);
+  in
+    if len = 0 then
+      report_result ctxt pos
+        [(reports', Exn.Exn (Exn.EXCEPTIONS (ERROR (ambig_msg ()) :: errs)))]
+    else if len = 1 then
+      (if ambiguity > level then
+        Context_Position.if_visible ctxt warning
+          "Fortunately, only one parse tree is type correct.\n\
+          \You may still want to disambiguate your grammar or your input."
+      else (); report_result ctxt pos results')
+    else
+      report_result ctxt pos
+        [(reports', Exn.Exn (ERROR (cat_lines (ambig_msg () ::
+          (("Ambiguous input, " ^ string_of_int len ^ " terms are type correct" ^
+            (if len <= limit then "" else " (" ^ string_of_int limit ^ " displayed)") ^ ":") ::
+            map show_term (take limit checked))))))]
+  end;
@@ -874,11 +884,9 @@
     val (syms, pos) = read_token str;
-    (case read_asts ctxt type_ctxt syn true root (syms, pos) of
-      [res] =>
-        let val ast = report_result ctxt res
-        in constify ast end
-    | _ => error (ambiguity_msg pos))
+    read_asts ctxt type_ctxt syn true root (syms, pos)
+    |> report_result ctxt pos
+    |> constify
@@ -899,16 +907,16 @@
-fun standard_unparse_term idents extern =
-  unparse_t (Printer.term_to_ast idents) (Printer.pretty_term_ast extern) Markup.term;
+fun standard_unparse_sort {extern_class} ctxt syn =
+  unparse_t (K Printer.sort_to_ast)
+    (Printer.pretty_typ_ast {extern_class = extern_class, extern_type = I})
+    Markup.sort ctxt syn false;
 fun standard_unparse_typ extern ctxt syn =
   unparse_t (K Printer.typ_to_ast) (Printer.pretty_typ_ast extern) Markup.typ ctxt syn false;
-fun standard_unparse_sort {extern_class} ctxt syn =
-  unparse_t (K Printer.sort_to_ast)
-    (Printer.pretty_typ_ast {extern_class = extern_class, extern_type = I})
-    Markup.sort ctxt syn false;
+fun standard_unparse_term idents extern =
+  unparse_t (Printer.term_to_ast idents) (Printer.pretty_term_ast extern) Markup.term;
@@ -933,16 +941,14 @@
 (*export parts of internal Syntax structures*)
-open Lexicon Syn_Ext Ast Parser Type_Ext Syn_Trans Mixfix Printer;
+open Lexicon Syn_Ext Type_Ext Syn_Trans Mixfix Printer;
 structure Basic_Syntax: BASIC_SYNTAX = Syntax;
 open Basic_Syntax;
-forget_structure "Ast";
 forget_structure "Syn_Ext";
-forget_structure "Parser";
 forget_structure "Type_Ext";
 forget_structure "Syn_Trans";
 forget_structure "Mixfix";
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/type_ext.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Syntax/type_ext.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
   val strip_positions: term -> term
   val strip_positions_ast: Ast.ast -> Ast.ast
   type term_context
-  val decode_term: term_context -> Position.reports * term -> Position.reports * term
+  val decode_term: term_context ->
+    Position.reports * term Exn.result -> Position.reports * term Exn.result
   val term_of_typ: bool -> typ -> term
   val no_brackets: unit -> bool
   val no_type_brackets: unit -> bool
@@ -136,55 +137,56 @@
   markup_free: string -> Markup.T list,
   markup_var: indexname -> Markup.T list};
-fun decode_term (term_context: term_context) (reports0: Position.reports, tm) =
-  let
-    val {get_sort, get_const, get_free, markup_const, markup_free, markup_var} = term_context;
-    val decodeT = typ_of_term (get_sort (term_sorts tm));
+fun decode_term _ (result as (_: Position.reports, Exn.Exn _)) = result
+  | decode_term (term_context: term_context) (reports0, Exn.Result tm) =
+      let
+        val {get_sort, get_const, get_free, markup_const, markup_free, markup_var} = term_context;
+        val decodeT = typ_of_term (get_sort (term_sorts tm));
-    val reports = Unsynchronized.ref reports0;
-    fun report ps = Position.reports reports ps;
+        val reports = Unsynchronized.ref reports0;
+        fun report ps = Position.reports reports ps;
-    fun decode ps qs bs (Const ("_constrain", _) $ t $ typ) =
-          (case decode_position typ of
-            SOME p => decode (p :: ps) qs bs t
-          | NONE => Type.constraint (decodeT typ) (decode ps qs bs t))
-      | decode ps qs bs (Const ("_constrainAbs", _) $ t $ typ) =
-          (case decode_position typ of
-            SOME q => decode ps (q :: qs) bs t
-          | NONE => Type.constraint (decodeT typ --> dummyT) (decode ps qs bs t))
-      | decode _ qs bs (Abs (x, T, t)) =
-          let
-            val id = serial_string ();
-            val _ = report qs (markup_bound true) id;
-          in Abs (x, T, decode [] [] (id :: bs) t) end
-      | decode _ _ bs (t $ u) = decode [] [] bs t $ decode [] [] bs u
-      | decode ps _ _ (Const (a, T)) =
-          (case try Lexicon.unmark_fixed a of
-            SOME x => (report ps markup_free x; Free (x, T))
-          | NONE =>
+        fun decode ps qs bs (Const ("_constrain", _) $ t $ typ) =
+              (case decode_position typ of
+                SOME p => decode (p :: ps) qs bs t
+              | NONE => Type.constraint (decodeT typ) (decode ps qs bs t))
+          | decode ps qs bs (Const ("_constrainAbs", _) $ t $ typ) =
+              (case decode_position typ of
+                SOME q => decode ps (q :: qs) bs t
+              | NONE => Type.constraint (decodeT typ --> dummyT) (decode ps qs bs t))
+          | decode _ qs bs (Abs (x, T, t)) =
-                val c =
-                  (case try Lexicon.unmark_const a of
-                    SOME c => c
-                  | NONE => snd (get_const a));
-                val _ = report ps markup_const c;
-              in Const (c, T) end)
-      | decode ps _ _ (Free (a, T)) =
-          (case (get_free a, get_const a) of
-            (SOME x, _) => (report ps markup_free x; Free (x, T))
-          | (_, (true, c)) => (report ps markup_const c; Const (c, T))
-          | (_, (false, c)) =>
-              if Long_Name.is_qualified c
-              then (report ps markup_const c; Const (c, T))
-              else (report ps markup_free c; Free (c, T)))
-      | decode ps _ _ (Var (xi, T)) = (report ps markup_var xi; Var (xi, T))
-      | decode ps _ bs (t as Bound i) =
-          (case try (nth bs) i of
-            SOME id => (report ps (markup_bound false) id; t)
-          | NONE => t);
+                val id = serial_string ();
+                val _ = report qs (markup_bound true) id;
+              in Abs (x, T, decode [] [] (id :: bs) t) end
+          | decode _ _ bs (t $ u) = decode [] [] bs t $ decode [] [] bs u
+          | decode ps _ _ (Const (a, T)) =
+              (case try Lexicon.unmark_fixed a of
+                SOME x => (report ps markup_free x; Free (x, T))
+              | NONE =>
+                  let
+                    val c =
+                      (case try Lexicon.unmark_const a of
+                        SOME c => c
+                      | NONE => snd (get_const a));
+                    val _ = report ps markup_const c;
+                  in Const (c, T) end)
+          | decode ps _ _ (Free (a, T)) =
+              (case (get_free a, get_const a) of
+                (SOME x, _) => (report ps markup_free x; Free (x, T))
+              | (_, (true, c)) => (report ps markup_const c; Const (c, T))
+              | (_, (false, c)) =>
+                  if Long_Name.is_qualified c
+                  then (report ps markup_const c; Const (c, T))
+                  else (report ps markup_free c; Free (c, T)))
+          | decode ps _ _ (Var (xi, T)) = (report ps markup_var xi; Var (xi, T))
+          | decode ps _ bs (t as Bound i) =
+              (case try (nth bs) i of
+                SOME id => (report ps (markup_bound false) id; t)
+              | NONE => t);
-    val tm' = decode [] [] [] tm;
-  in (! reports, tm') end;
+        val tm' = Exn.interruptible_capture (fn () => decode [] [] [] tm) ();
+      in (! reports, tm') end;
--- a/src/Pure/pure_setup.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/pure_setup.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 toplevel_pp ["Context", "theory"] "Context.pretty_thy";
 toplevel_pp ["Context", "theory_ref"] "Context.pretty_thy o Theory.deref";
 toplevel_pp ["Context", "Proof", "context"] "Proof_Display.pp_context";
-toplevel_pp ["Syntax", "ast"] "Syntax.pretty_ast";
+toplevel_pp ["Syntax", "ast"] "Ast.pretty_ast";
 toplevel_pp ["Path", "T"] "Pretty.str o Path.print";
 toplevel_pp ["SHA1", "digest"] "Pretty.str o quote o SHA1.rep";
 toplevel_pp ["Proof", "state"] "(fn _: Proof.state => Pretty.str \"<Proof.state>\")";
--- a/src/Pure/sign.ML	Tue Apr 05 11:44:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/sign.ML	Tue Apr 05 15:15:33 2011 +0200
@@ -91,25 +91,25 @@
   val primitive_classrel: class * class -> theory -> theory
   val primitive_arity: arity -> theory -> theory
   val add_trfuns:
-    (string * (ast list -> ast)) list *
+    (string * (Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast)) list *
     (string * (term list -> term)) list *
     (string * (term list -> term)) list *
-    (string * (ast list -> ast)) list -> theory -> theory
+    (string * (Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast)) list -> theory -> theory
   val add_trfunsT:
     (string * (bool -> typ -> term list -> term)) list -> theory -> theory
   val add_advanced_trfuns:
-    (string * (Proof.context -> ast list -> ast)) list *
+    (string * (Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast)) list *
     (string * (Proof.context -> term list -> term)) list *
     (string * (Proof.context -> term list -> term)) list *
-    (string * (Proof.context -> ast list -> ast)) list -> theory -> theory
+    (string * (Proof.context -> Ast.ast list -> Ast.ast)) list -> theory -> theory
   val add_advanced_trfunsT:
     (string * (Proof.context -> bool -> typ -> term list -> term)) list -> theory -> theory
   val add_tokentrfuns:
     (string * string * (Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T)) list -> theory -> theory
   val add_mode_tokentrfuns: string -> (string * (Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T)) list
     -> theory -> theory
-  val add_trrules: ast Syntax.trrule list -> theory -> theory
-  val del_trrules: ast Syntax.trrule list -> theory -> theory
+  val add_trrules: Ast.ast Syntax.trrule list -> theory -> theory
+  val del_trrules: Ast.ast Syntax.trrule list -> theory -> theory
   val new_group: theory -> theory
   val reset_group: theory -> theory
   val add_path: string -> theory -> theory