--- a/doc-src/Errata.txt Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Pure/tactic/lift_inst_rule: now checks for distinct parameters (could also
-compare with free variable names, though). Variables in the insts are now
-lifted over all parameters; their index is also increased. Type vars in
-the lhs variables are also increased by maxidx+1; this is essential for HOL
-examples to work.
-Definitions: users must ensure that the left-hand side is nothing
-more complex than a function application -- never using fancy syntax. E.g.
-> ("the_def", "THE y. P(y) == Union({y . x:{0}, P(y)})" ),
-< ("the_def", "The(P) == Union({y . x:{0}, P(y)})" ),
-Provers/classical, simp (new simplifier), tsimp (old simplifier), ind
-explain make system? maketest
--- a/doc-src/Intro/intro.toc Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
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@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-\contentsline {part}{\uppercase {i}\phspace {1em}Foundations}{1}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Formalizing logical syntax in Isabelle}{1}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1}Simple types and constants}{1}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.2}Polymorphic types and constants}{3}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.3}Higher types and quantifiers}{5}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Formalizing logical rules in Isabelle}{5}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1}Expressing propositional rules}{6}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2}Quantifier rules and substitution}{7}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3}Signatures and theories}{8}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Proof construction in Isabelle}{9}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.1}Higher-order unification}{10}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.2}Joining rules by resolution}{11}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Lifting a rule into a context}{13}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1}Lifting over assumptions}{13}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.2}Lifting over parameters}{14}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Backward proof by resolution}{15}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.1}Refinement by resolution}{15}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.2}Proof by assumption}{16}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.3}A propositional proof}{16}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.4}A quantifier proof}{17}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.5}Tactics and tacticals}{18}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Variations on resolution}{18}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.1}Elim-resolution}{19}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2}Destruction rules}{20}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.3}Deriving rules by resolution}{21}
-\contentsline {part}{\uppercase {ii}\phspace {1em}Getting Started with Isabelle}{23}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Forward proof}{23}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {7.1}Lexical matters}{23}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {7.2}Syntax of types and terms}{24}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {7.3}Basic operations on theorems}{25}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {7.4}*Flex-flex constraints}{27}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8}Backward proof}{28}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {8.1}The basic tactics}{28}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {8.2}Commands for backward proof}{29}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {8.3}A trivial example in propositional logic}{29}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {8.4}Part of a distributive law}{31}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {9}Quantifier reasoning}{32}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {9.1}Two quantifier proofs: a success and a failure}{32}
-\contentsline {paragraph}{The successful proof.}{32}
-\contentsline {paragraph}{The unsuccessful proof.}{33}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {9.2}Nested quantifiers}{33}
-\contentsline {paragraph}{The wrong approach.}{34}
-\contentsline {paragraph}{The right approach.}{34}
-\contentsline {paragraph}{A one-step proof using tacticals.}{35}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {9.3}A realistic quantifier proof}{36}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {9.4}The classical reasoner}{37}
-\contentsline {part}{\uppercase {iii}\phspace {1em}Advanced Methods}{39}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10}Deriving rules in Isabelle}{39}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {10.1}Deriving a rule using tactics and meta-level assumptions}{39}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {10.2}Definitions and derived rules}{41}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {10.3}Deriving the $\neg $ introduction rule}{41}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {10.4}Deriving the $\neg $ elimination rule}{42}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11}Defining theories}{44}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {11.1}Declaring constants, definitions and rules}{46}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {11.2}Declaring type constructors}{46}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {11.3}Type synonyms}{48}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {11.4}Infix and mixfix operators}{48}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {11.5}Overloading}{50}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {12}Theory example: the natural numbers}{51}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.1}Extending first-order logic with the natural numbers}{51}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.2}Declaring the theory to Isabelle}{52}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {12.3}Proving some recursion equations}{52}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {13}Refinement with explicit instantiation}{53}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.1}A simple proof by induction}{53}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.2}An example of ambiguity in {\ptt resolve_tac}}{54}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {13.3}Proving that addition is associative}{55}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {14}A Prolog interpreter}{56}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {14.1}Simple executions}{57}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {14.2}Backtracking}{58}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {14.3}Depth-first search}{59}
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-%% $Id$
-%% \([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]}\.\) \([^ ]\) \1 \2
-%% @\([a-z0-9]\) ^{(\1)}
-\newcommand\mtt[1]{\mbox{\tt #1}}
-\newcommand\AST{{\sc ast}}
-\chapter{Defining Logics} \label{Defining-Logics}
-This chapter explains how to define new formal systems --- in particular,
-their concrete syntax. While Isabelle can be regarded as a theorem prover
-for set theory, higher-order logic or the sequent calculus, its
-distinguishing feature is support for the definition of new logics.
-Isabelle logics are hierarchies of theories, which are described and
-illustrated in {\em Introduction to Isabelle}. That material, together
-with the theory files provided in the examples directories, should suffice
-for all simple applications. The easiest way to define a new theory is by
-modifying a copy of an existing theory.
-This chapter is intended for experienced Isabelle users. It documents all
-aspects of theories concerned with syntax: mixfix declarations, pretty
-printing, macros and translation functions. The extended examples of
-\S\ref{sec:min_logics} demonstrate the logical aspects of the definition of
-theories. Sections marked with * are highly technical and might be skipped
-on the first reading.
-\section{Priority grammars} \label{sec:priority_grammars}
-The syntax of an Isabelle logic is specified by a {\bf priority grammar}.
-A context-free grammar\index{grammars!context-free} contains a set of
-productions of the form $A=\gamma$, where $A$ is a nonterminal and
-$\gamma$, the right-hand side, is a string of terminals and nonterminals.
-Isabelle uses an extended format permitting {\bf priorities}, or
-precedences. Each nonterminal is decorated by an integer priority, as
-in~$A^{(p)}$. A nonterminal $A^{(p)}$ in a derivation may be replaced
-using a production $A^{(q)} = \gamma$ only if $p \le q$. Any priority
-grammar can be translated into a normal context free grammar by introducing
-new nonterminals and productions.
-Formally, a set of context free productions $G$ induces a derivation
-relation $\rew@G$. Let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ denote strings of terminal or
-nonterminal symbols. Then
-\[ \alpha\, A^{(p)}\, \beta ~\rew@G~ \alpha\,\gamma\,\beta \]
-if and only if $G$ contains some production $A^{(q)}=\gamma$ for~$q\ge p$.
-The following simple grammar for arithmetic expressions demonstrates how
-binding power and associativity of operators can be enforced by priorities.
- $A^{(9)}$ & = & {\tt0} \\
- $A^{(9)}$ & = & {\tt(} $A^{(0)}$ {\tt)} \\
- $A^{(0)}$ & = & $A^{(0)}$ {\tt+} $A^{(1)}$ \\
- $A^{(2)}$ & = & $A^{(3)}$ {\tt*} $A^{(2)}$ \\
- $A^{(3)}$ & = & {\tt-} $A^{(3)}$
-The choice of priorities determines that {\tt -} binds tighter than {\tt *},
-which binds tighter than {\tt +}. Furthermore {\tt +} associates to the
-left and {\tt *} to the right.
-To minimize the number of subscripts, we adopt the following conventions:
-\item All priorities $p$ must be in the range $0 \leq p \leq max_pri$ for
- some fixed integer $max_pri$.
-\item Priority $0$ on the right-hand side and priority $max_pri$ on the
- left-hand side may be omitted.
-The production $A^{(p)} = \alpha$ is written as $A = \alpha~(p)$;
-the priority of the left-hand side actually appears in a column on the far
-right. Finally, alternatives may be separated by $|$, and repetition
-indicated by \dots.
-Using these conventions and assuming $max_pri=9$, the grammar takes the form
-$A$ & = & {\tt0} & \hspace*{4em} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt(} $A$ {\tt)} \\
- & $|$ & $A$ {\tt+} $A^{(1)}$ & (0) \\
- & $|$ & $A^{(3)}$ {\tt*} $A^{(2)}$ & (2) \\
- & $|$ & {\tt-} $A^{(3)}$ & (3)
-$prop$ &=& \ttindex{PROP} $aprop$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $prop$ {\tt)} \\
- &$|$& $logic^{(3)}$ \ttindex{==} $logic^{(2)}$ & (2) \\
- &$|$& $logic^{(3)}$ \ttindex{=?=} $logic^{(2)}$ & (2) \\
- &$|$& $prop^{(2)}$ \ttindex{==>} $prop^{(1)}$ & (1) \\
- &$|$& {\tt[|} $prop$ {\tt;} \dots {\tt;} $prop$ {\tt|]} {\tt==>} $prop^{(1)}$ & (1) \\
- &$|$& {\tt!!} $idts$ {\tt.} $prop$ & (0) \\\\
-$logic$ &=& $prop$ ~~$|$~~ $fun$ \\\\
-$aprop$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $var$
- ~~$|$~~ $fun^{(max_pri)}$ {\tt(} $logic$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $logic$ {\tt)} \\\\
-$fun$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $var$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $fun$ {\tt)} \\
- &$|$& $fun^{(max_pri)}$ {\tt(} $logic$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $logic$ {\tt)} \\
- &$|$& $fun^{(max_pri)}$ {\tt::} $type$ \\
- &$|$& \ttindex{\%} $idts$ {\tt.} $logic$ & (0) \\\\
-$idts$ &=& $idt$ ~~$|$~~ $idt^{(1)}$ $idts$ \\\\
-$idt$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $idt$ {\tt)} \\
- &$|$& $id$ \ttindex{::} $type$ & (0) \\\\
-$type$ &=& $tid$ ~~$|$~~ $tvar$ ~~$|$~~ $tid$ {\tt::} $sort$
- ~~$|$~~ $tvar$ {\tt::} $sort$ \\
- &$|$& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $type^{(max_pri)}$ $id$
- ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $type$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $type$ {\tt)} $id$ \\
- &$|$& $type^{(1)}$ \ttindex{=>} $type$ & (0) \\
- &$|$& {\tt[} $type$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $type$ {\tt]} {\tt=>} $type$&(0)\\
- &$|$& {\tt(} $type$ {\tt)} \\\\
-$sort$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt\ttlbrace\ttrbrace}
- ~~$|$~~ {\tt\ttlbrace} $id$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $id$ {\tt\ttrbrace}
-\indexbold{type@$type$} \indexbold{sort@$sort$} \indexbold{idt@$idt$}
-\indexbold{idts@$idts$} \indexbold{logic@$logic$} \indexbold{prop@$prop$}
-\caption{Meta-logic syntax}\label{fig:pure_gram}
-\section{The Pure syntax} \label{sec:basic_syntax}
-At the root of all object-logics lies the Pure theory,\index{theory!Pure}
-bound to the \ML{} identifier \ttindex{Pure.thy}. It contains, among many
-other things, the Pure syntax. An informal account of this basic syntax
-(meta-logic, types, \ldots) may be found in {\em Introduction to Isabelle}.
-A more precise description using a priority grammar is shown in
-Fig.\ts\ref{fig:pure_gram}. The following nonterminals are defined:
- \item[$prop$] Terms of type $prop$. These are formulae of the meta-logic.
- \item[$aprop$] Atomic propositions. These typically include the
- judgement forms of the object-logic; its definition introduces a
- meta-level predicate for each judgement form.
- \item[$logic$] Terms whose type belongs to class $logic$. Initially,
- this category contains just $prop$. As the syntax is extended by new
- object-logics, more productions for $logic$ are added automatically
- (see below).
- \item[$fun$] Terms potentially of function type.
- \item[$type$] Types of the meta-logic.
- \item[$idts$] A list of identifiers, possibly constrained by types.
- Note that \verb|x::nat y| is parsed as \verb|x::(nat y)|, treating {\tt
- y} like a type constructor applied to {\tt nat}. The likely result is
- an error message. To avoid this interpretation, use parentheses and
- write \verb|(x::nat) y|.
- Similarly, \verb|x::nat y::nat| is parsed as \verb|x::(nat y::nat)| and
- yields a syntax error. The correct form is \verb|(x::nat) (y::nat)|.
-\subsection{Logical types and default syntax}\label{logical-types}
-Isabelle's representation of mathematical languages is based on the typed
-$\lambda$-calculus. All logical types, namely those of class $logic$, are
-automatically equipped with a basic syntax of types, identifiers,
-variables, parentheses, $\lambda$-abstractions and applications.
-More precisely, for each type constructor $ty$ with arity $(\vec{s})c$,
-where $c$ is a subclass of $logic$, several productions are added:
-$ty$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $var$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $ty$ {\tt)} \\
- &$|$& $fun^{(max_pri)}$ {\tt(} $logic$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $logic$ {\tt)}\\
- &$|$& $ty^{(max_pri)}$ {\tt::} $type$\\\\
-$logic$ &=& $ty$
-\subsection{Lexical matters}
-The parser does not process input strings directly. It operates on token
-lists provided by Isabelle's \bfindex{lexer}. There are two kinds of
-tokens: \bfindex{delimiters} and \bfindex{name tokens}.
-Delimiters can be regarded as reserved words of the syntax. You can
-add new ones when extending theories. In Fig.\ts\ref{fig:pure_gram} they
-appear in typewriter font, for example {\tt ==}, {\tt =?=} and
-{\tt PROP}\@.
-Name tokens have a predefined syntax. The lexer distinguishes four
-disjoint classes of names: \rmindex{identifiers}, \rmindex{unknowns}, type
-identifiers\index{identifiers!type}, type unknowns\index{unknowns!type}.
-They are denoted by $id$\index{id@$id$}, $var$\index{var@$var$},
-$tid$\index{tid@$tid$}, $tvar$\index{tvar@$tvar$}, respectively. Typical
-examples are {\tt x}, {\tt ?x7}, {\tt 'a}, {\tt ?'a3}. Here is the precise
-id & = & letter~quasiletter^* \\
-var & = & \mbox{\tt ?}id ~~|~~ \mbox{\tt ?}id\mbox{\tt .}nat \\
-tid & = & \mbox{\tt '}id \\
-tvar & = & \mbox{\tt ?}tid ~~|~~
- \mbox{\tt ?}tid\mbox{\tt .}nat \\[1ex]
-letter & = & \mbox{one of {\tt a}\dots {\tt z} {\tt A}\dots {\tt Z}} \\
-digit & = & \mbox{one of {\tt 0}\dots {\tt 9}} \\
-quasiletter & = & letter ~~|~~ digit ~~|~~ \mbox{\tt _} ~~|~~ \mbox{\tt '} \\
-nat & = & digit^+
-A $var$ or $tvar$ describes an unknown, which is internally a pair
-of base name and index (\ML\ type \ttindex{indexname}). These components are
-either separated by a dot as in {\tt ?x.1} or {\tt ?x7.3} or
-run together as in {\tt ?x1}. The latter form is possible if the
-base name does not end with digits. If the index is 0, it may be dropped
-altogether: {\tt ?x} abbreviates both {\tt ?x0} and {\tt ?x.0}.
-The lexer repeatedly takes the maximal prefix of the input string that
-forms a valid token. A maximal prefix that is both a delimiter and a name
-is treated as a delimiter. Spaces, tabs and newlines are separators; they
-never occur within tokens.
-Delimiters need not be separated by white space. For example, if {\tt -}
-is a delimiter but {\tt --} is not, then the string {\tt --} is treated as
-two consecutive occurrences of the token~{\tt -}. In contrast, \ML\
-treats {\tt --} as a single symbolic name. The consequence of Isabelle's
-more liberal scheme is that the same string may be parsed in different ways
-after extending the syntax: after adding {\tt --} as a delimiter, the input
-{\tt --} is treated as a single token.
-Name tokens are terminal symbols, strictly speaking, but we can generally
-regard them as nonterminals. This is because a name token carries with it
-useful information, the name. Delimiters, on the other hand, are nothing
-but than syntactic sugar.
-\subsection{*Inspecting the syntax}
-syn_of : theory -> Syntax.syntax
-Syntax.print_syntax : Syntax.syntax -> unit
-Syntax.print_gram : Syntax.syntax -> unit
-Syntax.print_trans : Syntax.syntax -> unit
-The abstract type \ttindex{Syntax.syntax} allows manipulation of syntaxes
-in \ML. You can display values of this type by calling the following
-\item[\ttindexbold{syn_of} {\it thy}] returns the syntax of the Isabelle
- theory~{\it thy} as an \ML\ value.
-\item[\ttindexbold{Syntax.print_syntax} {\it syn}] shows virtually all
- information contained in the syntax {\it syn}. The displayed output can
- be large. The following two functions are more selective.
-\item[\ttindexbold{Syntax.print_gram} {\it syn}] shows the grammar part
- of~{\it syn}, namely the lexicon, roots and productions.
-\item[\ttindexbold{Syntax.print_trans} {\it syn}] shows the translation
- part of~{\it syn}, namely the constants, parse/print macros and
- parse/print translations.
-Let us demonstrate these functions by inspecting Pure's syntax. Even that
-is too verbose to display in full.
-Syntax.print_syntax (syn_of Pure.thy);
-{\out lexicon: "!!" "\%" "(" ")" "," "." "::" ";" "==" "==>" \dots}
-{\out roots: logic type fun prop}
-{\out prods:}
-{\out type = tid (1000)}
-{\out type = tvar (1000)}
-{\out type = id (1000)}
-{\out type = tid "::" sort[0] => "_ofsort" (1000)}
-{\out type = tvar "::" sort[0] => "_ofsort" (1000)}
-{\out \vdots}
-{\out consts: "_K" "_appl" "_aprop" "_args" "_asms" "_bigimpl" \dots}
-{\out parse_ast_translation: "_appl" "_bigimpl" "_bracket"}
-{\out "_idtyp" "_lambda" "_tapp" "_tappl"}
-{\out parse_rules:}
-{\out parse_translation: "!!" "_K" "_abs" "_aprop"}
-{\out print_translation: "all"}
-{\out print_rules:}
-{\out print_ast_translation: "==>" "_abs" "_idts" "fun"}
-As you can see, the output is divided into labeled sections. The grammar
-is represented by {\tt lexicon}, {\tt roots} and {\tt prods}. The rest
-refers to syntactic translations and macro expansion. Here is an
-explanation of the various sections.
- \item[\ttindex{lexicon}] lists the delimiters used for lexical
- analysis.\index{delimiters}
- \item[\ttindex{roots}] lists the grammar's nonterminal symbols. You must
- name the desired root when calling lower level functions or specifying
- macros. Higher level functions usually expect a type and derive the
- actual root as described in~\S\ref{sec:grammar}.
- \item[\ttindex{prods}] lists the productions of the priority grammar.
- The nonterminal $A^{(n)}$ is rendered in {\sc ascii} as {\tt $A$[$n$]}.
- Each delimiter is quoted. Some productions are shown with {\tt =>} and
- an attached string. These strings later become the heads of parse
- trees; they also play a vital role when terms are printed (see
- \S\ref{sec:asts}).
- Productions with no strings attached are called {\bf copy
- productions}\indexbold{productions!copy}. Their right-hand side must
- have exactly one nonterminal symbol (or name token). The parser does
- not create a new parse tree node for copy productions, but simply
- returns the parse tree of the right-hand symbol.
- If the right-hand side consists of a single nonterminal with no
- delimiters, then the copy production is called a {\bf chain
- production}\indexbold{productions!chain}. Chain productions should
- be seen as abbreviations: conceptually, they are removed from the
- grammar by adding new productions. Priority information
- attached to chain productions is ignored, only the dummy value $-1$ is
- displayed.
- \item[\ttindex{consts}, \ttindex{parse_rules}, \ttindex{print_rules}]
- relate to macros (see \S\ref{sec:macros}).
- \item[\ttindex{parse_ast_translation}, \ttindex{print_ast_translation}]
- list sets of constants that invoke translation functions for abstract
- syntax trees. Section \S\ref{sec:asts} below discusses this obscure
- matter.
- \item[\ttindex{parse_translation}, \ttindex{print_translation}] list sets
- of constants that invoke translation functions for terms (see
- \S\ref{sec:tr_funs}).
-\section{Mixfix declarations} \label{sec:mixfix}
-\index{mixfix declaration|(}
-When defining a theory, you declare new constants by giving their names,
-their type, and an optional {\bf mixfix annotation}. Mixfix annotations
-allow you to extend Isabelle's basic $\lambda$-calculus syntax with
-readable notation. They can express any context-free priority grammar.
-Isabelle syntax definitions are inspired by \OBJ~\cite{OBJ}; they are more
-general than the priority declarations of \ML\ and Prolog.
-A mixfix annotation defines a production of the priority grammar. It
-describes the concrete syntax, the translation to abstract syntax, and the
-pretty printing. Special case annotations provide a simple means of
-specifying infix operators, binders and so forth.
-\subsection{Grammar productions}\label{sec:grammar}
-Let us examine the treatment of the production
-\[ A^{(p)}= w@0\, A@1^{(p@1)}\, w@1\, A@2^{(p@2)}\, \ldots\,
- A@n^{(p@n)}\, w@n. \]
-Here $A@i^{(p@i)}$ is a nonterminal with priority~$p@i$ for $i=1$,
-\ldots,~$n$, while $w@0$, \ldots,~$w@n$ are strings of terminals.
-In the corresponding mixfix annotation, the priorities are given separately
-as $[p@1,\ldots,p@n]$ and~$p$. The nonterminal symbols are identified with
-types~$\tau$, $\tau@1$, \ldots,~$\tau@n$ respectively, and the production's
-effect on nonterminals is expressed as the function type
-\[ [\tau@1, \ldots, \tau@n]\To \tau. \]
-Finally, the template
-\[ w@0 \;_\; w@1 \;_\; \ldots \;_\; w@n \]
-describes the strings of terminals.
-A simple type is typically declared for each nonterminal symbol. In
-first-order logic, type~$i$ stands for terms and~$o$ for formulae. Only
-the outermost type constructor is taken into account. For example, any
-type of the form $\sigma list$ stands for a list; productions may refer
-to the symbol {\tt list} and will apply lists of any type.
-The symbol associated with a type is called its {\bf root} since it may
-serve as the root of a parse tree. Precisely, the root of $(\tau@1, \dots,
-\tau@n)ty$ is $ty$, where $\tau@1$, \ldots, $\tau@n$ are types and $ty$ is
-a type constructor. Type infixes are a special case of this; in
-particular, the root of $\tau@1 \To \tau@2$ is {\tt fun}. Finally, the
-root of a type variable is {\tt logic}; general productions might
-refer to this nonterminal.
-Identifying nonterminals with types allows a constant's type to specify
-syntax as well. We can declare the function~$f$ to have type $[\tau@1,
-\ldots, \tau@n]\To \tau$ and, through a mixfix annotation, specify the
-layout of the function's $n$ arguments. The constant's name, in this
-case~$f$, will also serve as the label in the abstract syntax tree. There
-are two exceptions to this treatment of constants:
- \item A production need not map directly to a logical function. In this
- case, you must declare a constant whose purpose is purely syntactic.
- By convention such constants begin with the symbol~{\tt\at},
- ensuring that they can never be written in formulae.
- \item A copy production has no associated constant.
-There is something artificial about this representation of productions,
-but it is convenient, particularly for simple theory extensions.
-\subsection{The general mixfix form}
-Here is a detailed account of the general \bfindex{mixfix declaration} as
-it may occur within the {\tt consts} section of a {\tt .thy} file.
- {\tt "$c$" ::\ "$\sigma$" ("$template$" $ps$ $p$)}
-This constant declaration and mixfix annotation is interpreted as follows:
-\item The string {\tt "$c$"} is the name of the constant associated with
- the production. If $c$ is empty (given as~{\tt ""}) then this is a copy
- production.\index{productions!copy} Otherwise, parsing an instance of the
- phrase $template$ generates the \AST{} {\tt ("$c$" $a@1$ $\ldots$
- $a@n$)}, where $a@i$ is the \AST{} generated by parsing the $i$-th
- argument.
- \item The constant $c$, if non-empty, is declared to have type $\sigma$.
- \item The string $template$ specifies the right-hand side of
- the production. It has the form
- \[ w@0 \;_\; w@1 \;_\; \ldots \;_\; w@n, \]
- where each occurrence of \ttindex{_} denotes an
- argument\index{argument!mixfix} position and the~$w@i$ do not
- contain~{\tt _}. (If you want a literal~{\tt _} in the concrete
- syntax, you must escape it as described below.) The $w@i$ may
- consist of \rmindex{delimiters}, spaces or \rmindex{pretty
- printing} annotations (see below).
- \item The type $\sigma$ specifies the production's nonterminal symbols (or name
- tokens). If $template$ is of the form above then $\sigma$ must be a
- function type with at least~$n$ argument positions, say $\sigma =
- [\tau@1, \dots, \tau@n] \To \tau$. Nonterminal symbols are derived
- from the type $\tau@1$, \ldots,~$\tau@n$, $\tau$ as described above.
- Any of these may be function types; the corresponding root is then {\tt
- fun}.
- \item The optional list~$ps$ may contain at most $n$ integers, say {\tt
- [$p@1$, $\ldots$, $p@m$]}, where $p@i$ is the minimal
- priority\indexbold{priorities} required of any phrase that may appear
- as the $i$-th argument. Missing priorities default to~$0$.
- \item The integer $p$ is the priority of this production. If omitted, it
- defaults to the maximal priority.
- Priorities, or precedences, range between $0$ and
- $max_pri$\indexbold{max_pri@$max_pri$} (= 1000).
-The declaration {\tt $c$ ::\ "$\sigma$" ("$template$")} specifies no
-priorities. The resulting production puts no priority constraints on any
-of its arguments and has maximal priority itself. Omitting priorities in
-this manner will introduce syntactic ambiguities unless the production's
-right-hand side is fully bracketed, as in \verb|"if _ then _ else _ fi"|.
- Theories must sometimes declare types for purely syntactic purposes. One
- example is {\tt type}, the built-in type of types. This is a `type of
- all types' in the syntactic sense only. Do not declare such types under
- {\tt arities} as belonging to class $logic$, for that would allow their
- use in arbitrary Isabelle expressions~(\S\ref{logical-types}).
-\subsection{Example: arithmetic expressions}
-This theory specification contains a {\tt consts} section with mixfix
-declarations encoding the priority grammar from
-EXP = Pure +
- exp
- exp :: logic
- "0" :: "exp" ("0" 9)
- "+" :: "[exp, exp] => exp" ("_ + _" [0, 1] 0)
- "*" :: "[exp, exp] => exp" ("_ * _" [3, 2] 2)
- "-" :: "exp => exp" ("- _" [3] 3)
-Note that the {\tt arities} declaration causes {\tt exp} to be added to the
-syntax' roots. If you put the text above into a file {\tt exp.thy} and load
-it via {\tt use_thy "EXP"}, you can run some tests:
-val read_exp = Syntax.test_read (syn_of EXP.thy) "exp";
-{\out val it = fn : string -> unit}
-read_exp "0 * 0 * 0 * 0 + 0 + 0 + 0";
-{\out tokens: "0" "*" "0" "*" "0" "*" "0" "+" "0" "+" "0" "+" "0"}
-{\out raw: ("+" ("+" ("+" ("*" "0" ("*" "0" ("*" "0" "0"))) "0") "0") "0")}
-{\out \vdots}
-read_exp "0 + - 0 + 0";
-{\out tokens: "0" "+" "-" "0" "+" "0"}
-{\out raw: ("+" ("+" "0" ("-" "0")) "0")}
-{\out \vdots}
-The output of \ttindex{Syntax.test_read} includes the token list ({\tt
- tokens}) and the raw \AST{} directly derived from the parse tree,
-ignoring parse \AST{} translations. The rest is tracing information
-provided by the macro expander (see \S\ref{sec:macros}).
-Executing {\tt Syntax.print_gram} reveals the productions derived
-from our mixfix declarations (lots of additional information deleted):
-Syntax.print_gram (syn_of EXP.thy);
-{\out exp = "0" => "0" (9)}
-{\out exp = exp[0] "+" exp[1] => "+" (0)}
-{\out exp = exp[3] "*" exp[2] => "*" (2)}
-{\out exp = "-" exp[3] => "-" (3)}
-\subsection{The mixfix template}
-Let us take a closer look at the string $template$ appearing in mixfix
-annotations. This string specifies a list of parsing and printing
-directives: delimiters\index{delimiter}, arguments\index{argument!mixfix},
-spaces, blocks of indentation and line breaks. These are encoded via the
-following character sequences:
-\index{pretty printing|(}
- \item[~\ttindex_~] An argument\index{argument!mixfix} position, which
- stands for a nonterminal symbol or name token.
- \item[~$d$~] A \rmindex{delimiter}, namely a non-empty sequence of
- non-special or escaped characters. Escaping a character\index{escape
- character} means preceding it with a {\tt '} (single quote). Thus
- you have to write {\tt ''} if you really want a single quote. You must
- also escape {\tt _}, {\tt (}, {\tt )} and {\tt /}. Delimiters may
- never contain white space, though.
- \item[~$s$~] A non-empty sequence of spaces for printing. This
- and the following specifications do not affect parsing at all.
- \item[~{\ttindex($n$}~] Open a pretty printing block. The optional
- number $n$ specifies how much indentation to add when a line break
- occurs within the block. If {\tt(} is not followed by digits, the
- indentation defaults to~$0$.
- \item[~\ttindex)~] Close a pretty printing block.
- \item[~\ttindex{//}~] Force a line break.
- \item[~\ttindex/$s$~] Allow a line break. Here $s$ stands for the string
- of spaces (zero or more) right after the {\tt /} character. These
- spaces are printed if the break is not taken.
-Isabelle's pretty printer resembles the one described in
-Paulson~\cite{paulson91}. \index{pretty printing|)}
-\indexbold{infix operators}
-Infix operators associating to the left or right can be declared
-using {\tt infixl} or {\tt infixr}.
-Roughly speaking, the form {\tt $c$ ::\ "$\sigma$" (infixl $p$)}
-abbreviates the declarations
-"op \(c\)" :: "\(\sigma\)" ("op \(c\)")
-"op \(c\)" :: "\(\sigma\)" ("(_ \(c\)/ _)" [\(p\), \(p+1\)] \(p\))
-and {\tt $c$ ::\ "$\sigma$" (infixr $p$)} abbreviates the declarations
-"op \(c\)" :: "\(\sigma\)" ("op \(c\)")
-"op \(c\)" :: "\(\sigma\)" ("(_ \(c\)/ _)" [\(p+1\), \(p\)] \(p\))
-The infix operator is declared as a constant with the prefix {\tt op}.
-Thus, prefixing infixes with \ttindex{op} makes them behave like ordinary
-function symbols, as in \ML. Special characters occurring in~$c$ must be
-escaped, as in delimiters, using a single quote.
-The expanded forms above would be actually illegal in a {\tt .thy} file
-because they declare the constant \hbox{\tt"op \(c\)"} twice.
-\def\Q{{\cal Q}}
-A {\bf binder} is a variable-binding construct such as a quantifier. The
-binder declaration \indexbold{*binder}
-\(c\) :: "\(\sigma\)" (binder "\(\Q\)" \(p\))
-introduces a constant~$c$ of type~$\sigma$, which must have the form
-$(\tau@1 \To \tau@2) \To \tau@3$. Its concrete syntax is $\Q~x.P$, where
-$x$ is a bound variable of type~$\tau@1$, the body~$P$ has type $\tau@2$
-and the whole term has type~$\tau@3$. Special characters in $\Q$ must be
-escaped using a single quote.
-Let us declare the quantifier~$\forall$:
-All :: "('a => o) => o" (binder "ALL " 10)
-This let us write $\forall x.P$ as either {\tt All(\%$x$.$P$)} or {\tt ALL
- $x$.$P$}. When printing, Isabelle prefers the latter form, but must fall
-back on $\mtt{All}(P)$ if $P$ is not an abstraction. Both $P$ and {\tt ALL
- $x$.$P$} have type~$o$, the type of formulae, while the bound variable
-can be polymorphic.
-The binder~$c$ of type $(\sigma \To \tau) \To \tau$ can be nested. The
-external form $\Q~x@1~x@2 \ldots x@n. P$ corresponds to the internal form
-\[ c(\lambda x@1. c(\lambda x@2. \ldots c(\lambda x@n. P) \ldots)) \]
-The general binder declaration
-\(c\) :: "(\(\tau@1\) => \(\tau@2\)) => \(\tau@3\)" (binder "\(\Q\)" \(p\))
-is internally expanded to
-\(c\) :: "(\(\tau@1\) => \(\tau@2\)) => \(\tau@3\)"
-"\(\Q\)"\hskip-3pt :: "[idts, \(\tau@2\)] => \(\tau@3\)" ("(3\(\Q\)_./ _)" \(p\))
-with $idts$ being the nonterminal symbol for a list of $id$s optionally
-constrained (see Fig.\ts\ref{fig:pure_gram}). The declaration also
-installs a parse translation\index{translations!parse} for~$\Q$ and a print
-translation\index{translations!print} for~$c$ to translate between the
-internal and external forms.
-\index{mixfix declaration|)}
-\section{Example: some minimal logics} \label{sec:min_logics}
-This section presents some examples that have a simple syntax. They
-demonstrate how to define new object-logics from scratch.
-First we must define how an object-logic syntax embedded into the
-meta-logic. Since all theorems must conform to the syntax for~$prop$ (see
-Fig.\ts\ref{fig:pure_gram}), that syntax has to be extended with the
-object-level syntax. Assume that the syntax of your object-logic defines a
-nonterminal symbol~$o$ of formulae. These formulae can now appear in
-axioms and theorems wherever $prop$ does if you add the production
-\[ prop ~=~ o. \]
-This is not a copy production but a coercion from formulae to propositions:
-Base = Pure +
- o
- o :: logic
- Trueprop :: "o => prop" ("_" 5)
-The constant {\tt Trueprop} (the name is arbitrary) acts as an invisible
-coercion function. Assuming this definition resides in a file {\tt base.thy},
-you have to load it with the command {\tt use_thy "Base"}.
-One of the simplest nontrivial logics is {\bf minimal logic} of
-implication. Its definition in Isabelle needs no advanced features but
-illustrates the overall mechanism nicely:
-Hilbert = Base +
- "-->" :: "[o, o] => o" (infixr 10)
- K "P --> Q --> P"
- S "(P --> Q --> R) --> (P --> Q) --> P --> R"
- MP "[| P --> Q; P |] ==> Q"
-After loading this definition from the file {\tt hilbert.thy}, you can
-start to prove theorems in the logic:
-goal Hilbert.thy "P --> P";
-{\out Level 0}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out 1. P --> P}
-by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.MP] 1);
-{\out Level 1}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out 1. ?P --> P --> P}
-{\out 2. ?P}
-by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.MP] 1);
-{\out Level 2}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out 1. ?P1 --> ?P --> P --> P}
-{\out 2. ?P1}
-{\out 3. ?P}
-by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.S] 1);
-{\out Level 3}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out 1. P --> ?Q2 --> P}
-{\out 2. P --> ?Q2}
-by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.K] 1);
-{\out Level 4}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out 1. P --> ?Q2}
-by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.K] 1);
-{\out Level 5}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out No subgoals!}
-As we can see, this Hilbert-style formulation of minimal logic is easy to
-define but difficult to use. The following natural deduction formulation is
-MinI = Base +
- "-->" :: "[o, o] => o" (infixr 10)
- impI "(P ==> Q) ==> P --> Q"
- impE "[| P --> Q; P |] ==> Q"
-Note, however, that although the two systems are equivalent, this fact
-cannot be proved within Isabelle. Axioms {\tt S} and {\tt K} can be
-derived in {\tt MinI} (exercise!), but {\tt impI} cannot be derived in {\tt
- Hilbert}. The reason is that {\tt impI} is only an {\bf admissible} rule
-in {\tt Hilbert}, something that can only be shown by induction over all
-possible proofs in {\tt Hilbert}.
-We may easily extend minimal logic with falsity:
-MinIF = MinI +
- False :: "o"
- FalseE "False ==> P"
-On the other hand, we may wish to introduce conjunction only:
-MinC = Base +
- "&" :: "[o, o] => o" (infixr 30)
- conjI "[| P; Q |] ==> P & Q"
- conjE1 "P & Q ==> P"
- conjE2 "P & Q ==> Q"
-And if we want to have all three connectives together, we create and load a
-theory file consisting of a single line:\footnote{We can combine the
- theories without creating a theory file using the ML declaration
-val MinIFC_thy = merge_theories(MinIF,MinC)
-MinIFC = MinIF + MinC
-Now we can prove mixed theorems like
-goal MinIFC.thy "P & False --> Q";
-by (resolve_tac [MinI.impI] 1);
-by (dresolve_tac [MinC.conjE2] 1);
-by (eresolve_tac [MinIF.FalseE] 1);
-Try this as an exercise!
-Unless you need to define macros or syntax translation functions, you may
-skip the rest of this chapter.
-\section{*Abstract syntax trees} \label{sec:asts}
-\index{trees!abstract syntax|(} The parser, given a token list from the
-lexer, applies productions to yield a parse tree\index{trees!parse}. By
-applying some internal transformations the parse tree becomes an abstract
-syntax tree, or \AST{}. Macro expansion, further translations and finally
-type inference yields a well-typed term\index{terms!obtained from ASTs}.
-The printing process is the reverse, except for some subtleties to be
-discussed later.
-Figure~\ref{fig:parse_print} outlines the parsing and printing process.
-Much of the complexity is due to the macro mechanism. Using macros, you
-can specify most forms of concrete syntax without writing any \ML{} code.
-string & \\
-$\downarrow$ & parser \\
-parse tree & \\
-$\downarrow$ & parse \AST{} translation \\
-\AST{} & \\
-$\downarrow$ & \AST{} rewriting (macros) \\
-\AST{} & \\
-$\downarrow$ & parse translation, type inference \\
---- well-typed term --- & \\
-$\downarrow$ & print translation \\
-\AST{} & \\
-$\downarrow$ & \AST{} rewriting (macros) \\
-\AST{} & \\
-$\downarrow$ & print \AST{} translation, printer \\
-string &
-\index{translations!parse}\index{translations!parse AST}
-\index{translations!print}\index{translations!print AST}
-\caption{Parsing and printing}\label{fig:parse_print}
-Abstract syntax trees are an intermediate form between the raw parse trees
-and the typed $\lambda$-terms. An \AST{} is either an atom (constant or
-variable) or a list of {\em at least two\/} subtrees. Internally, they
-have type \ttindex{Syntax.ast}: \index{*Constant} \index{*Variable}
-datatype ast = Constant of string
- | Variable of string
- | Appl of ast list
-Isabelle uses an S-expression syntax for abstract syntax trees. Constant
-atoms are shown as quoted strings, variable atoms as non-quoted strings and
-applications as a parenthesized list of subtrees. For example, the \AST
-Appl [Constant "_constrain",
- Appl [Constant "_abs", Variable "x", Variable "t"],
- Appl [Constant "fun", Variable "'a", Variable "'b"]]
-is shown as {\tt ("_constrain" ("_abs" x t) ("fun" 'a 'b))}.
-Both {\tt ()} and {\tt (f)} are illegal because they have too few
-The resemblance of Lisp's S-expressions is intentional, but there are two
-kinds of atomic symbols: $\Constant x$ and $\Variable x$. Do not take the
-names ``{\tt Constant}'' and ``{\tt Variable}'' too literally; in the later
-translation to terms, $\Variable x$ may become a constant, free or bound
-variable, even a type constructor or class name; the actual outcome depends
-on the context.
-Similarly, you can think of ${\tt (} f~x@1~\ldots~x@n{\tt )}$ as the
-application of~$f$ to the arguments $x@1, \ldots, x@n$. But the kind of
-application is determined later by context; it could be a type constructor
-applied to types.
-Forms like {\tt (("_abs" x $t$) $u$)} are legal, but \AST{}s are
-first-order: the {\tt "_abs"} does not bind the {\tt x} in any way. Later
-at the term level, {\tt ("_abs" x $t$)} will become an {\tt Abs} node and
-occurrences of {\tt x} in $t$ will be replaced by bound variables (the term
-constructor \ttindex{Bound}).
-\subsection{Transforming parse trees to \AST{}s}
-The parse tree is the raw output of the parser. Translation functions,
-called {\bf parse AST translations}\indexbold{translations!parse AST},
-transform the parse tree into an abstract syntax tree.
-The parse tree is constructed by nesting the right-hand sides of the
-productions used to recognize the input. Such parse trees are simply lists
-of tokens and constituent parse trees, the latter representing the
-nonterminals of the productions. Let us refer to the actual productions in
-the form displayed by {\tt Syntax.print_syntax}.
-Ignoring parse \AST{} translations, parse trees are transformed to \AST{}s
-by stripping out delimiters and copy productions. More precisely, the
-mapping $ast_of_pt$\index{ast_of_pt@$ast_of_pt$} is derived from the
-productions as follows:
- \item Name tokens: $ast_of_pt(t) = \Variable s$, where $t$ is an $id$,
- $var$, $tid$ or $tvar$ token, and $s$ its associated string.
- \item Copy productions: $ast_of_pt(\ldots P \ldots) = ast_of_pt(P)$.
- Here $\ldots$ stands for strings of delimiters, which are
- discarded. $P$ stands for the single constituent that is not a
- delimiter; it is either a nonterminal symbol or a name token.
- \item $0$-ary productions: $ast_of_pt(\ldots \mtt{=>} c) = \Constant c$.
- Here there are no constituents other than delimiters, which are
- discarded.
- \item $n$-ary productions, where $n \ge 1$: delimiters are discarded and
- the remaining constituents $P@1$, \ldots, $P@n$ are built into an
- application whose head constant is~$c$:
- \begin{eqnarray*}
- \lefteqn{ast_of_pt(\ldots P@1 \ldots P@n \ldots \mtt{=>} c)} \\
- &&\qquad{}= \Appl{\Constant c, ast_of_pt(P@1), \ldots, ast_of_pt(P@n)}
- \end{eqnarray*}
-Figure~\ref{fig:parse_ast} presents some simple examples, where {\tt ==},
-{\tt _appl}, {\tt _args}, and so forth name productions of the Pure syntax.
-These examples illustrate the need for further translations to make \AST{}s
-closer to the typed $\lambda$-calculus. The Pure syntax provides
-predefined parse \AST{} translations\index{translations!parse AST} for
-ordinary applications, type applications, nested abstractions, meta
-implications and function types. Figure~\ref{fig:parse_ast_tr} shows their
-effect on some representative input strings.
-\rm input string & \rm \AST \\\hline
-"f" & f \\
-"'a" & 'a \\
-"t == u" & ("==" t u) \\
-"f(x)" & ("_appl" f x) \\
-"f(x, y)" & ("_appl" f ("_args" x y)) \\
-"f(x, y, z)" & ("_appl" f ("_args" x ("_args" y z))) \\
-"\%x y.\ t" & ("_lambda" ("_idts" x y) t) \\
-\caption{Parsing examples using the Pure syntax}\label{fig:parse_ast}
-\rm input string & \rm \AST{} \\\hline
-"f(x, y, z)" & (f x y z) \\
-"'a ty" & (ty 'a) \\
-"('a, 'b) ty" & (ty 'a 'b) \\
-"\%x y z.\ t" & ("_abs" x ("_abs" y ("_abs" z t))) \\
-"\%x ::\ 'a.\ t" & ("_abs" ("_constrain" x 'a) t) \\
-"[| P; Q; R |] => S" & ("==>" P ("==>" Q ("==>" R S))) \\
-"['a, 'b, 'c] => 'd" & ("fun" 'a ("fun" 'b ("fun" 'c 'd)))
-\caption{Built-in parse \AST{} translations}\label{fig:parse_ast_tr}
-The names of constant heads in the \AST{} control the translation process.
-The list of constants invoking parse \AST{} translations appears in the
-output of {\tt Syntax.print_syntax} under {\tt parse_ast_translation}.
-\subsection{Transforming \AST{}s to terms}
-The \AST{}, after application of macros (see \S\ref{sec:macros}), is
-transformed into a term. This term is probably ill-typed since type
-inference has not occurred yet. The term may contain type constraints
-consisting of applications with head {\tt "_constrain"}; the second
-argument is a type encoded as a term. Type inference later introduces
-correct types or rejects the input.
-Another set of translation functions, namely parse
-translations,\index{translations!parse}, may affect this process. If we
-ignore parse translations for the time being, then \AST{}s are transformed
-to terms by mapping \AST{} constants to constants, \AST{} variables to
-schematic or free variables and \AST{} applications to applications.
-More precisely, the mapping $term_of_ast$\index{term_of_ast@$term_of_ast$}
-is defined by
-\item Constants: $term_of_ast(\Constant x) = \ttfct{Const} (x,
- \mtt{dummyT})$.
-\item Schematic variables: $term_of_ast(\Variable \mtt{"?}xi\mtt") =
- \ttfct{Var} ((x, i), \mtt{dummyT})$, where $x$ is the base name and $i$
- the index extracted from $xi$.
-\item Free variables: $term_of_ast(\Variable x) = \ttfct{Free} (x,
- \mtt{dummyT})$.
-\item Function applications with $n$ arguments:
- \begin{eqnarray*}
- \lefteqn{term_of_ast(\Appl{f, x@1, \ldots, x@n})} \\
- &&\qquad{}= term_of_ast(f) \ttapp
- term_of_ast(x@1) \ttapp \ldots \ttapp term_of_ast(x@n)
- \end{eqnarray*}
-Here \ttindex{Const}, \ttindex{Var}, \ttindex{Free} and
-\verb|$|\index{$@{\tt\$}} are constructors of the datatype {\tt term},
-while \ttindex{dummyT} stands for some dummy type that is ignored during
-type inference.
-So far the outcome is still a first-order term. Abstractions and bound
-variables (constructors \ttindex{Abs} and \ttindex{Bound}) are introduced
-by parse translations. Such translations are attached to {\tt "_abs"},
-{\tt "!!"} and user-defined binders.
-\subsection{Printing of terms}
-The output phase is essentially the inverse of the input phase. Terms are
-translated via abstract syntax trees into strings. Finally the strings are
-pretty printed.
-Print translations (\S\ref{sec:tr_funs}) may affect the transformation of
-terms into \AST{}s. Ignoring those, the transformation maps
-term constants, variables and applications to the corresponding constructs
-on \AST{}s. Abstractions are mapped to applications of the special
-constant {\tt _abs}.
-More precisely, the mapping $ast_of_term$\index{ast_of_term@$ast_of_term$}
-is defined as follows:
- \item $ast_of_term(\ttfct{Const} (x, \tau)) = \Constant x$.
- \item $ast_of_term(\ttfct{Free} (x, \tau)) = constrain (\Variable x,
- \tau)$.
- \item $ast_of_term(\ttfct{Var} ((x, i), \tau)) = constrain (\Variable
- \mtt{"?}xi\mtt", \tau)$, where $\mtt?xi$ is the string representation of
- the {\tt indexname} $(x, i)$.
- \item For the abstraction $\lambda x::\tau.t$, let $x'$ be a variant
- of~$x$ renamed to differ from all names occurring in~$t$, and let $t'$
- be obtained from~$t$ by replacing all bound occurrences of~$x$ by
- the free variable $x'$. This replaces corresponding occurrences of the
- constructor \ttindex{Bound} by the term $\ttfct{Free} (x',
- \mtt{dummyT})$:
- \begin{eqnarray*}
- \lefteqn{ast_of_term(\ttfct{Abs} (x, \tau, t))} \\
- &&\qquad{}= \ttfct{Appl}
- \mathopen{\mtt[}
- \Constant \mtt{"_abs"}, constrain(\Variable x', \tau), \\
- &&\qquad\qquad\qquad ast_of_term(t') \mathclose{\mtt]}.
- \end{eqnarray*}
- \item $ast_of_term(\ttfct{Bound} i) = \Variable \mtt{"B.}i\mtt"$.
- The occurrence of constructor \ttindex{Bound} should never happen
- when printing well-typed terms; it indicates a de Bruijn index with no
- matching abstraction.
- \item Where $f$ is not an application,
- \begin{eqnarray*}
- \lefteqn{ast_of_term(f \ttapp x@1 \ttapp \ldots \ttapp x@n)} \\
- &&\qquad{}= \ttfct{Appl}
- \mathopen{\mtt[} ast_of_term(f),
- ast_of_term(x@1), \ldots,ast_of_term(x@n)
- \mathclose{\mtt]}
- \end{eqnarray*}
-Type constraints are inserted to allow the printing of types, which is
-governed by the boolean variable \ttindex{show_types}. Constraints are
-treated as follows:
- \item $constrain(x, \tau) = x$, if $\tau = \mtt{dummyT}$ \index{*dummyT} or
- \ttindex{show_types} not set to {\tt true}.
- \item $constrain(x, \tau) = \Appl{\Constant \mtt{"_constrain"}, x, ty}$,
- where $ty$ is the \AST{} encoding of $\tau$. That is, type constructors as
- {\tt Constant}s, type identifiers as {\tt Variable}s and type applications
- as {\tt Appl}s with the head type constructor as first element.
- Additionally, if \ttindex{show_sorts} is set to {\tt true}, some type
- variables are decorated with an \AST{} encoding of their sort.
-The \AST{}, after application of macros (see \S\ref{sec:macros}), is
-transformed into the final output string. The built-in {\bf print AST
- translations}\indexbold{translations!print AST} effectively reverse the
-parse \AST{} translations of Fig.\ts\ref{fig:parse_ast_tr}.
-For the actual printing process, the names attached to productions
-of the form $\ldots A^{(p@1)}@1 \ldots A^{(p@n)}@n \ldots \mtt{=>} c$ play
-a vital role. Each \AST{} with constant head $c$, namely $\mtt"c\mtt"$ or
-$(\mtt"c\mtt"~ x@1 \ldots x@n)$, is printed according to the production
-for~$c$. Each argument~$x@i$ is converted to a string, and put in
-parentheses if its priority~$(p@i)$ requires this. The resulting strings
-and their syntactic sugar (denoted by ``\dots'' above) are joined to make a
-single string.
-If an application $(\mtt"c\mtt"~ x@1 \ldots x@m)$ has more arguments than the
-corresponding production, it is first split into $((\mtt"c\mtt"~ x@1 \ldots
-x@n) ~ x@{n+1} \ldots x@m)$. Applications with too few arguments or with
-non-constant head or without a corresponding production are printed as
-$f(x@1, \ldots, x@l)$ or $(\alpha@1, \ldots, \alpha@l) ty$. An occurrence of
-$\Variable x$ is simply printed as~$x$.
-Blanks are {\em not\/} inserted automatically. If blanks are required to
-separate tokens, specify them in the mixfix declaration, possibly preceeded
-by a slash~({\tt/}) to allow a line break.
-\index{trees!abstract syntax|)}
-\section{*Macros: Syntactic rewriting} \label{sec:macros}
-Mixfix declarations alone can handle situations where there is a direct
-connection between the concrete syntax and the underlying term. Sometimes
-we require a more elaborate concrete syntax, such as quantifiers and list
-notation. Isabelle's {\bf macros} and {\bf translation functions} can
-perform translations such as
- \begin{tabular}{r@{$\quad\protect\rightleftharpoons\quad$}l}
- ALL x:A.P & Ball(A, \%x.P) \\ \relax
- [x, y, z] & Cons(x, Cons(y, Cons(z, Nil)))
- \end{tabular}
-Translation functions (see \S\ref{sec:tr_funs}) must be coded in ML; they
-are the most powerful translation mechanism but are difficult to read or
-write. Macros are specified by first-order rewriting systems that operate
-on abstract syntax trees. They are usually easy to read and write, and can
-express all but the most obscure translations.
-Figure~\ref{fig:set_trans} defines a fragment of first-order logic and set
-theory.\footnote{This and the following theories are complete working
- examples, though they specify only syntax, no axioms. The file {\tt
- ZF/zf.thy} presents the full set theory definition, including many
- macro rules.} Theory {\tt SET} defines constants for set comprehension
-({\tt Collect}), replacement ({\tt Replace}) and bounded universal
-quantification ({\tt Ball}). Each of these binds some variables. Without
-additional syntax we should have to express $\forall x \in A. P$ as {\tt
- Ball(A,\%x.P)}, and similarly for the others.
-SET = Pure +
- i, o
- i, o :: logic
- Trueprop :: "o => prop" ("_" 5)
- Collect :: "[i, i => o] => i"
- "{\at}Collect" :: "[idt, i, o] => i" ("(1{\ttlbrace}_:_./ _{\ttrbrace})")
- Replace :: "[i, [i, i] => o] => i"
- "{\at}Replace" :: "[idt, idt, i, o] => i" ("(1{\ttlbrace}_./ _:_, _{\ttrbrace})")
- Ball :: "[i, i => o] => o"
- "{\at}Ball" :: "[idt, i, o] => o" ("(3ALL _:_./ _)" 10)
- "{\ttlbrace}x:A. P{\ttrbrace}" == "Collect(A, \%x. P)"
- "{\ttlbrace}y. x:A, Q{\ttrbrace}" == "Replace(A, \%x y. Q)"
- "ALL x:A. P" == "Ball(A, \%x. P)"
-\caption{Macro example: set theory}\label{fig:set_trans}
-The theory specifies a variable-binding syntax through additional
-productions that have mixfix declarations. Each non-copy production must
-specify some constant, which is used for building \AST{}s. The additional
-constants are decorated with {\tt\at} to stress their purely syntactic
-purpose; they should never occur within the final well-typed terms.
-Furthermore, they cannot be written in formulae because they are not legal
-The translations cause the replacement of external forms by internal forms
-after parsing, and vice versa before printing of terms. As a specification
-of the set theory notation, they should be largely self-explanatory. The
-syntactic constants, {\tt\at Collect}, {\tt\at Replace} and {\tt\at Ball},
-appear implicitly in the macro rules via their mixfix forms.
-Macros can define variable-binding syntax because they operate on \AST{}s,
-which have no inbuilt notion of bound variable. The macro variables {\tt
- x} and~{\tt y} have type~{\tt idt} and therefore range over identifiers,
-in this case bound variables. The macro variables {\tt P} and~{\tt Q}
-range over formulae containing bound variable occurrences.
-Other applications of the macro system can be less straightforward, and
-there are peculiarities. The rest of this section will describe in detail
-how Isabelle macros are preprocessed and applied.
-\subsection{Specifying macros}
-Macros are basically rewrite rules on \AST{}s. But unlike other macro
-systems found in programming languages, Isabelle's macros work in both
-directions. Therefore a syntax contains two lists of rewrites: one for
-parsing and one for printing.
-The {\tt translations} section\index{translations section@{\tt translations}
-section} specifies macros. The syntax for a macro is
-\[ (root)\; string \quad
- \left\{\begin{array}[c]{c} \mtt{=>} \\ \mtt{<=} \\ \mtt{==} \end{array}
- \right\} \quad
- (root)\; string
-This specifies a parse rule ({\tt =>}), a print rule ({\tt <=}), or both
-({\tt ==}). The two strings specify the left and right-hand sides of the
-macro rule. The $(root)$ specification is optional; it specifies the
-nonterminal for parsing the $string$ and if omitted defaults to {\tt
- logic}. \AST{} rewrite rules $(l, r)$ must obey certain conditions:
-\item Rules must be left linear: $l$ must not contain repeated variables.
-\item Rules must have constant heads, namely $l = \mtt"c\mtt"$ or $l =
- (\mtt"c\mtt" ~ x@1 \ldots x@n)$.
-\item Every variable in~$r$ must also occur in~$l$.
-Macro rules may refer to any syntax from the parent theories. They may
-also refer to anything defined before the the {\tt .thy} file's {\tt
- translations} section --- including any mixfix declarations.
-Upon declaration, both sides of the macro rule undergo parsing and parse
-\AST{} translations (see \S\ref{sec:asts}), but do not themselves undergo
-macro expansion. The lexer runs in a different mode that additionally
-accepts identifiers of the form $\_~letter~quasiletter^*$ (like {\tt _idt},
-{\tt _K}). Thus, a constant whose name starts with an underscore can
-appear in macro rules but not in ordinary terms.
-Some atoms of the macro rule's \AST{} are designated as constants for
-matching. These are all names that have been declared as classes, types or
-The result of this preprocessing is two lists of macro rules, each stored
-as a pair of \AST{}s. They can be viewed using {\tt Syntax.print_syntax}
-(sections \ttindex{parse_rules} and \ttindex{print_rules}). For
-theory~{\tt SET} of Fig.~\ref{fig:set_trans} these are
- ("{\at}Collect" x A P) -> ("Collect" A ("_abs" x P))
- ("{\at}Replace" y x A Q) -> ("Replace" A ("_abs" x ("_abs" y Q)))
- ("{\at}Ball" x A P) -> ("Ball" A ("_abs" x P))
- ("Collect" A ("_abs" x P)) -> ("{\at}Collect" x A P)
- ("Replace" A ("_abs" x ("_abs" y Q))) -> ("{\at}Replace" y x A Q)
- ("Ball" A ("_abs" x P)) -> ("{\at}Ball" x A P)
- Avoid choosing variable names that have previously been used as
- constants, types or type classes; the {\tt consts} section in the output
- of {\tt Syntax.print_syntax} lists all such names. If a macro rule works
- incorrectly, inspect its internal form as shown above, recalling that
- constants appear as quoted strings and variables without quotes.
-If \ttindex{eta_contract} is set to {\tt true}, terms will be
-$\eta$-contracted {\em before\/} the \AST{} rewriter sees them. Thus some
-abstraction nodes needed for print rules to match may vanish. For example,
-\verb|Ball(A, %x. P(x))| contracts {\tt Ball(A, P)}; the print rule does
-not apply and the output will be {\tt Ball(A, P)}. This problem would not
-occur if \ML{} translation functions were used instead of macros (as is
-done for binder declarations).
-Another trap concerns type constraints. If \ttindex{show_types} is set to
-{\tt true}, bound variables will be decorated by their meta types at the
-binding place (but not at occurrences in the body). Matching with
-\verb|Collect(A, %x. P)| binds {\tt x} to something like {\tt ("_constrain" y
-"i")} rather than only {\tt y}. \AST{} rewriting will cause the constraint to
-appear in the external form, say \verb|{y::i:A::i. P::o}|.
-To allow such constraints to be re-read, your syntax should specify bound
-variables using the nonterminal~\ttindex{idt}. This is the case in our
-example. Choosing {\tt id} instead of {\tt idt} is a common error,
-especially since it appears in former versions of most of Isabelle's
-\subsection{Applying rules}
-As a term is being parsed or printed, an \AST{} is generated as an
-intermediate form (recall Fig.\ts\ref{fig:parse_print}). The \AST{} is
-normalized by applying macro rules in the manner of a traditional term
-rewriting system. We first examine how a single rule is applied.
-Let $t$ be the abstract syntax tree to be normalized and $(l, r)$ some
-translation rule. A subtree~$u$ of $t$ is a {\bf redex} if it is an
-instance of~$l$; in this case $l$ is said to {\bf match}~$u$. A redex
-matched by $l$ may be replaced by the corresponding instance of~$r$, thus
-{\bf rewriting} the \AST~$t$. Matching requires some notion of {\bf
- place-holders} that may occur in rule patterns but not in ordinary
-\AST{}s; {\tt Variable} atoms serve this purpose.
-The matching of the object~$u$ by the pattern~$l$ is performed as follows:
- \item Every constant matches itself.
- \item $\Variable x$ in the object matches $\Constant x$ in the pattern.
- This point is discussed further below.
- \item Every \AST{} in the object matches $\Variable x$ in the pattern,
- binding~$x$ to~$u$.
- \item One application matches another if they have the same number of
- subtrees and corresponding subtrees match.
- \item In every other case, matching fails. In particular, {\tt
- Constant}~$x$ can only match itself.
-A successful match yields a substitution that is applied to~$r$, generating
-the instance that replaces~$u$.
-The second case above may look odd. This is where {\tt Variable}s of
-non-rule \AST{}s behave like {\tt Constant}s. Recall that \AST{}s are not
-far removed from parse trees; at this level it is not yet known which
-identifiers will become constants, bounds, frees, types or classes. As
-\S\ref{sec:asts} describes, former parse tree heads appear in \AST{}s as
-{\tt Constant}s, while $id$s, $var$s, $tid$s and $tvar$s become {\tt
- Variable}s. On the other hand, when \AST{}s generated from terms for
-printing, all constants and type constructors become {\tt Constant}s; see
-\S\ref{sec:asts}. Thus \AST{}s may contain a messy mixture of {\tt
- Variable}s and {\tt Constant}s. This is insignificant at macro level
-because matching treats them alike.
-Because of this behaviour, different kinds of atoms with the same name are
-indistinguishable, which may make some rules prone to misbehaviour. Example:
- Nil
- Nil :: "'a list"
- "[]" :: "'a list" ("[]")
- "[]" == "Nil"
-The term {\tt Nil} will be printed as {\tt []}, just as expected. What
-happens with \verb|%Nil.t| or {\tt x::Nil} is left as an exercise.
-Normalizing an \AST{} involves repeatedly applying macro rules until none
-is applicable. Macro rules are chosen in the order that they appear in the
-{\tt translations} section. You can watch the normalization of \AST{}s
-during parsing and printing by setting \ttindex{Syntax.trace_norm_ast} to
-{\tt true}.\index{tracing!of macros} Alternatively, use
-\ttindex{Syntax.test_read}. The information displayed when tracing
-includes the \AST{} before normalization ({\tt pre}), redexes with results
-({\tt rewrote}), the normal form finally reached ({\tt post}) and some
-statistics ({\tt normalize}). If tracing is off,
-\ttindex{Syntax.stat_norm_ast} can be set to {\tt true} in order to enable
-printing of the normal form and statistics only.
-\subsection{Example: the syntax of finite sets}
-This example demonstrates the use of recursive macros to implement a
-convenient notation for finite sets.
- is
- "" :: "i => is" ("_")
- "{\at}Enum" :: "[i, is] => is" ("_,/ _")
- empty :: "i" ("{\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace}")
- insert :: "[i, i] => i"
- "{\at}Finset" :: "is => i" ("{\ttlbrace}(_){\ttrbrace}")
- "{\ttlbrace}x, xs{\ttrbrace}" == "insert(x, {\ttlbrace}xs{\ttrbrace})"
- "{\ttlbrace}x{\ttrbrace}" == "insert(x, {\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace})"
-Finite sets are internally built up by {\tt empty} and {\tt insert}. The
-declarations above specify \verb|{x, y, z}| as the external representation
-insert(x, insert(y, insert(z, empty)))
-The nonterminal symbol~{\tt is} stands for one or more objects of type~{\tt
- i} separated by commas. The mixfix declaration \hbox{\verb|"_,/ _"|}
-allows a line break after the comma for pretty printing; if no line break
-is required then a space is printed instead.
-The nonterminal is declared as the type~{\tt is}, but with no {\tt arities}
-declaration. Hence {\tt is} is not a logical type and no default
-productions are added. If we had needed enumerations of the nonterminal
-{\tt logic}, which would include all the logical types, we could have used
-the predefined nonterminal symbol \ttindex{args} and skipped this part
-altogether. The nonterminal~{\tt is} can later be reused for other
-enumerations of type~{\tt i} like lists or tuples.
-Next follows {\tt empty}, which is already equipped with its syntax
-\verb|{}|, and {\tt insert} without concrete syntax. The syntactic
-constant {\tt\at Finset} provides concrete syntax for enumerations of~{\tt
- i} enclosed in curly braces. Remember that a pair of parentheses, as in
-\verb|"{(_)}"|, specifies a block of indentation for pretty printing.
-The translations may look strange at first. Macro rules are best
-understood in their internal forms:
- ("{\at}Finset" ("{\at}Enum" x xs)) -> ("insert" x ("{\at}Finset" xs))
- ("{\at}Finset" x) -> ("insert" x "empty")
- ("insert" x ("{\at}Finset" xs)) -> ("{\at}Finset" ("{\at}Enum" x xs))
- ("insert" x "empty") -> ("{\at}Finset" x)
-This shows that \verb|{x, xs}| indeed matches any set enumeration of at least
-two elements, binding the first to {\tt x} and the rest to {\tt xs}.
-Likewise, \verb|{xs}| and \verb|{x}| represent any set enumeration.
-The parse rules only work in the order given.
- The \AST{} rewriter cannot discern constants from variables and looks
- only for names of atoms. Thus the names of {\tt Constant}s occurring in
- the (internal) left-hand side of translation rules should be regarded as
- reserved keywords. Choose non-identifiers like {\tt\at Finset} or
- sufficiently long and strange names. If a bound variable's name gets
- rewritten, the result will be incorrect; for example, the term
-\%empty insert. insert(x, empty)
- gets printed as \verb|%empty insert. {x}|.
-\subsection{Example: a parse macro for dependent types}\label{prod_trans}
-As stated earlier, a macro rule may not introduce new {\tt Variable}s on
-the right-hand side. Something like \verb|"K(B)" => "%x. B"| is illegal;
-it allowed, it could cause variable capture. In such cases you usually
-must fall back on translation functions. But a trick can make things
-readable in some cases: {\em calling translation functions by parse
- macros}:
- Pi :: "[i, i => i] => i"
- "{\at}PROD" :: "[idt, i, i] => i" ("(3PROD _:_./ _)" 10)
- "{\at}->" :: "[i, i] => i" ("(_ ->/ _)" [51, 50] 50)
- "PROD x:A. B" => "Pi(A, \%x. B)"
- "A -> B" => "Pi(A, _K(B))"
- val print_translation = [("Pi", dependent_tr' ("{\at}PROD", "{\at}->"))];
-Here {\tt Pi} is an internal constant for constructing general products.
-Two external forms exist: the general case {\tt PROD x:A.B} and the
-function space {\tt A -> B}, which abbreviates \verb|Pi(A, %x.B)| when {\tt B}
-does not depend on~{\tt x}.
-The second parse macro introduces {\tt _K(B)}, which later becomes \verb|%x.B|
-due to a parse translation associated with \ttindex{_K}. The order of the
-parse rules is critical. Unfortunately there is no such trick for
-printing, so we have to add a {\tt ML} section for the print translation
-Recall that identifiers with a leading {\tt _} are allowed in translation
-rules, but not in ordinary terms. Thus we can create \AST{}s containing
-names that are not directly expressible.
-The parse translation for {\tt _K} is already installed in Pure, and {\tt
-dependent_tr'} is exported by the syntax module for public use. See
-\S\ref{sec:tr_funs} below for more of the arcane lore of translation functions.
-\section{*Translation functions} \label{sec:tr_funs}
-This section describes the translation function mechanism. By writing
-\ML{} functions, you can do almost everything with terms or \AST{}s during
-parsing and printing. The logic \LK\ is a good example of sophisticated
-transformations between internal and external representations of
-associative sequences; here, macros would be useless.
-A full understanding of translations requires some familiarity
-with Isabelle's internals, especially the datatypes {\tt term}, {\tt typ},
-{\tt Syntax.ast} and the encodings of types and terms as such at the various
-stages of the parsing or printing process. Most users should never need to
-use translation functions.
-\subsection{Declaring translation functions}
-There are four kinds of translation functions. Each such function is
-associated with a name, which triggers calls to it. Such names can be
-constants (logical or syntactic) or type constructors.
-{\tt Syntax.print_syntax} displays the sets of names associated with the
-translation functions of a {\tt Syntax.syntax} under
-\ttindex{parse_ast_translation}, \ttindex{parse_translation},
-\ttindex{print_translation} and \ttindex{print_ast_translation}. You can
-add new ones via the {\tt ML} section\index{ML section@{\tt ML} section} of
-a {\tt .thy} file. There may never be more than one function of the same
-kind per name. Conceptually, the {\tt ML} section should appear between
-{\tt consts} and {\tt translations}; newly installed translation functions
-are already effective when macros and logical rules are parsed.
-The {\tt ML} section is copied verbatim into the \ML\ file generated from a
-{\tt .thy} file. Definitions made here are accessible as components of an
-\ML\ structure; to make some definitions private, use an \ML{} {\tt local}
-declaration. The {\tt ML} section may install translation functions by
-declaring any of the following identifiers:
-val parse_ast_translation : (string * (ast list -> ast)) list
-val print_ast_translation : (string * (ast list -> ast)) list
-val parse_translation : (string * (term list -> term)) list
-val print_translation : (string * (term list -> term)) list
-\subsection{The translation strategy}
-All four kinds of translation functions are treated similarly. They are
-called during the transformations between parse trees, \AST{}s and terms
-(recall Fig.\ts\ref{fig:parse_print}). Whenever a combination of the form
-$(\mtt"c\mtt"~x@1 \ldots x@n)$ is encountered, and a translation function
-$f$ of appropriate kind exists for $c$, the result is computed by the \ML{}
-function call $f \mtt[ x@1, \ldots, x@n \mtt]$.
-For \AST{} translations, the arguments $x@1, \ldots, x@n$ are \AST{}s. A
-combination has the form $\Constant c$ or $\Appl{\Constant c, x@1, \ldots,
- x@n}$. For term translations, the arguments are terms and a combination
-has the form $\ttfct{Const} (c, \tau)$ or $\ttfct{Const} (c, \tau) \ttapp
-x@1 \ttapp \ldots \ttapp x@n$. Terms allow more sophisticated
-transformations than \AST{}s do, typically involving abstractions and bound
-Regardless of whether they act on terms or \AST{}s,
-parse translations differ from print translations fundamentally:
-\item[Parse translations] are applied bottom-up. The arguments are already
- in translated form. The translations must not fail; exceptions trigger
- an error message.
-\item[Print translations] are applied top-down. They are supplied with
- arguments that are partly still in internal form. The result again
- undergoes translation; therefore a print translation should not introduce
- as head the very constant that invoked it. The function may raise
- exception \ttindex{Match} to indicate failure; in this event it has no
- effect.
-Only constant atoms --- constructor \ttindex{Constant} for \AST{}s and
-\ttindex{Const} for terms --- can invoke translation functions. This
-causes another difference between parsing and printing.
-Parsing starts with a string and the constants are not yet identified.
-Only parse tree heads create {\tt Constant}s in the resulting \AST; recall
-$ast_of_pt$ in \S\ref{sec:asts}. Macros and parse \AST{} translations may
-introduce further {\tt Constant}s. When the final \AST{} is converted to a
-term, all {\tt Constant}s become {\tt Const}s; recall $term_of_ast$ in
-Printing starts with a well-typed term and all the constants are known. So
-all logical constants and type constructors may invoke print translations.
-These, and macros, may introduce further constants.
-\subsection{Example: a print translation for dependent types}
-Let us continue the dependent type example (page~\pageref{prod_trans}) by
-examining the parse translation for {\tt _K} and the print translation
-{\tt dependent_tr'}, which are both built-in. By convention, parse
-translations have names ending with {\tt _tr} and print translations have
-names ending with {\tt _tr'}. Search for such names in the Isabelle
-sources to locate more examples.
-Here is the parse translation for {\tt _K}:
-fun k_tr [t] = Abs ("x", dummyT, incr_boundvars 1 t)
- | k_tr ts = raise TERM("k_tr",ts);
-If {\tt k_tr} is called with exactly one argument~$t$, it creates a new
-{\tt Abs} node with a body derived from $t$. Since terms given to parse
-translations are not yet typed, the type of the bound variable in the new
-{\tt Abs} is simply {\tt dummyT}. The function increments all {\tt Bound}
-nodes referring to outer abstractions by calling \ttindex{incr_boundvars},
-a basic term manipulation function defined in {\tt Pure/term.ML}.
-Here is the print translation for dependent types:
-fun dependent_tr' (q,r) (A :: Abs (x, T, B) :: ts) =
- if 0 mem (loose_bnos B) then
- let val (x', B') = variant_abs (x, dummyT, B);
- in list_comb (Const (q, dummyT) $ Free (x', T) $ A $ B', ts)
- end
- else list_comb (Const (r, dummyT) $ A $ B, ts)
- | dependent_tr' _ _ = raise Match;
-The argument {\tt (q,r)} is supplied to {\tt dependent_tr'} by a curried
-function application during its installation. We could set up print
-translations for both {\tt Pi} and {\tt Sigma} by including
-val print_translation =
- [("Pi", dependent_tr' ("{\at}PROD", "{\at}->")),
- ("Sigma", dependent_tr' ("{\at}SUM", "{\at}*"))];
-within the {\tt ML} section. The first of these transforms ${\tt Pi}(A,
-\mtt{Abs}(x, T, B))$ into $\hbox{\tt{\at}PROD}(x', A, B')$ or
-$\hbox{\tt{\at}->}r(A, B)$, choosing the latter form if $B$ does not depend
-on~$x$. It checks this using \ttindex{loose_bnos}, yet another function
-from {\tt Pure/term.ML}. Note that $x'$ is a version of $x$ renamed away
-from all names in $B$, and $B'$ the body $B$ with {\tt Bound} nodes
-referring to our {\tt Abs} node replaced by $\ttfct{Free} (x',
-We must be careful with types here. While types of {\tt Const}s are
-ignored, type constraints may be printed for some {\tt Free}s and
-{\tt Var}s if \ttindex{show_types} is set to {\tt true}. Variables of type
-\ttindex{dummyT} are never printed with constraint, though. The line
- let val (x', B') = variant_abs (x, dummyT, B);
-replaces bound variable occurrences in~$B$ by the free variable $x'$ with
-type {\tt dummyT}. Only the binding occurrence of~$x'$ is given the
-correct type~{\tt T}, so this is the only place where a type
-constraint might appear.
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-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}Basic Concepts}{1}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}Syntax definitions}{2}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.2}Proof procedures}{3}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}First-Order Logic}{4}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}Syntax and rules of inference}{4}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.2}Generic packages}{8}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.3}Intuitionistic proof procedures}{8}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.4}Classical proof procedures}{10}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.5}An intuitionistic example}{11}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.6}An example of intuitionistic negation}{12}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.7}A classical example}{14}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.8}Derived rules and the classical tactics}{15}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.8.1}Deriving the introduction rule}{16}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.8.2}Deriving the elimination rule}{17}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.8.3}Using the derived rules}{17}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.8.4}Derived rules versus definitions}{19}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {3}Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory}{22}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.1}Which version of axiomatic set theory?}{22}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}The syntax of set theory}{23}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.3}Binding operators}{25}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.4}The Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms}{27}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.5}From basic lemmas to function spaces}{30}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.5.1}Fundamental lemmas}{30}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.5.2}Unordered pairs and finite sets}{32}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.5.3}Subset and lattice properties}{32}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.5.4}Ordered pairs}{36}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.5.5}Relations}{36}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.5.6}Functions}{37}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.6}Further developments}{38}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.7}Simplification rules}{47}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.8}The examples directory}{47}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.9}A proof about powersets}{48}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.10}Monotonicity of the union operator}{51}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.11}Low-level reasoning about functions}{52}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {4}Higher-Order Logic}{55}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.1}Syntax}{55}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1.1}Types}{57}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1.2}Binders}{58}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1.3}The {\ptt let} and {\ptt case} constructions}{58}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.2}Rules of inference}{58}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.3}A formulation of set theory}{60}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.3.1}Syntax of set theory}{65}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.3.2}Axioms and rules of set theory}{69}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.4}Generic packages and classical reasoning}{71}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.5}Types}{73}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.5.1}Product and sum types}{73}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.5.2}The type of natural numbers, {\ptt nat}}{73}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.5.3}The type constructor for lists, {\ptt list}}{76}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.5.4}The type constructor for lazy lists, {\ptt llist}}{76}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.6}Datatype declarations}{79}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.1}Foundations}{79}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.2}Defining datatypes}{80}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.6.3}Examples}{82}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{The datatype $\alpha \penalty \@M \ list$}{82}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{The datatype $\alpha \penalty \@M \ list$ with mixfix syntax}{83}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{Defining functions on datatypes}{83}
-\contentsline {subsubsection}{A datatype for weekdays}{84}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.7}The examples directories}{84}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.8}Example: Cantor's Theorem}{85}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {5}First-Order Sequent Calculus}{88}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.1}Unification for lists}{88}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.2}Syntax and rules of inference}{90}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.3}Tactics for the cut rule}{92}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.4}Tactics for sequents}{93}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.5}Packaging sequent rules}{94}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.6}Proof procedures}{94}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.6.1}Method A}{95}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.6.2}Method B}{95}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.7}A simple example of classical reasoning}{96}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.8}A more complex proof}{97}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {6}Constructive Type Theory}{99}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.1}Syntax}{101}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.2}Rules of inference}{101}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.3}Rule lists}{107}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.4}Tactics for subgoal reordering}{107}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.5}Rewriting tactics}{108}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.6}Tactics for logical reasoning}{109}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.7}A theory of arithmetic}{111}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.8}The examples directory}{111}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.9}Example: type inference}{111}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.10}An example of logical reasoning}{113}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.11}Example: deriving a currying functional}{116}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.12}Example: proving the Axiom of Choice}{117}
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-\chapter{Defining Logics} \label{Defining-Logics}
-This chapter is intended for Isabelle experts. It explains how to define new
-logical systems, Isabelle's {\it raison d'\^etre}. Isabelle logics are
-hierarchies of theories. A number of simple examples are contained in the
-introductory manual; the full syntax of theory definitions is shown in the
-{\em Reference Manual}. The purpose of this chapter is to explain the
-remaining subtleties, especially some context conditions on the class
-structure and the definition of new mixfix syntax. A full understanding of
-the material requires knowledge of the internal representation of terms (data
-type {\tt term}) as detailed in the {\em Reference Manual}. Sections marked
-with a * can be skipped on first reading.
-\section{Classes and Types *}
-\index{*arities!context conditions}
-Type declarations are subject to the following two well-formedness
-\item There are no two declarations $ty :: (\vec{r})c$ and $ty :: (\vec{s})c$
- with $\vec{r} \neq \vec{s}$. For example
-types ty 1
-arities ty :: (\{logic\}) logic
- ty :: (\{\})logic
-leads to an error message and fails.
-\item If there are two declarations $ty :: (s@1,\dots,s@n)c$ and $ty ::
- (s@1',\dots,s@n')c'$ such that $c' < c$ then $s@i' \preceq s@i$ must hold
- for $i=1,\dots,n$. The relationship $\preceq$, defined as
-\[ s' \preceq s \iff \forall c\in s. \exists c'\in s'.~ c'\le c, \]
-expresses that the set of types represented by $s'$ is a subset of the set of
-types represented by $s$. For example
-classes term < logic
-types ty 1
-arities ty :: (\{logic\})logic
- ty :: (\{\})term
-leads to an error message and fails.
-These conditions guarantee principal types~\cite{nipkow-prehofer}.
-\section{Precedence Grammars}
-\index{precedence grammar|(}
-The precise syntax of a logic is best defined by a context-free grammar.
-These grammars obey the following conventions: identifiers denote
-nonterminals, {\tt typewriter} fount denotes terminals, repetition is
-indicated by \dots, and alternatives are separated by $|$.
-In order to simplify the description of mathematical languages, we introduce
-an extended format which permits {\bf precedences}\index{precedence}. This
-scheme generalizes precedence declarations in \ML\ and {\sc prolog}. In this
-extended grammar format, nonterminals are decorated by integers, their
-precedence. In the sequel, precedences are shown as subscripts. A nonterminal
-$A@p$ on the right-hand side of a production may only be replaced using a
-production $A@q = \gamma$ where $p \le q$.
-Formally, a set of context free productions $G$ induces a derivation
-relation $\rew@G$ on strings as follows:
-\[ \alpha A@p \beta ~\rew@G~ \alpha\gamma\beta ~~~iff~~~
- \exists q \ge p.~(A@q=\gamma) \in G
-Any extended grammar of this kind can be translated into a normal context
-free grammar. However, this translation may require the introduction of a
-large number of new nonterminals and productions.
-The following simple grammar for arithmetic expressions demonstrates how
-binding power and associativity of operators can be enforced by precedences.
-$A@9$ & = & {\tt0} \\
-$A@9$ & = & {\tt(} $A@0$ {\tt)} \\
-$A@0$ & = & $A@0$ {\tt+} $A@1$ \\
-$A@2$ & = & $A@3$ {\tt*} $A@2$ \\
-$A@3$ & = & {\tt-} $A@3$
-The choice of precedences determines that \verb$-$ binds tighter than
-\verb$*$ which binds tighter than \verb$+$, and that \verb$+$ and \verb$*$
-associate to the left and right, respectively.
-To minimize the number of subscripts, we adopt the following conventions:
-\item all precedences $p$ must be in the range $0 \leq p \leq max_pri$ for
- some fixed $max_pri$.
-\item precedence $0$ on the right-hand side and precedence $max_pri$ on the
- left-hand side may be omitted.
-In addition, we write the production $A@p = \alpha$ as $A = \alpha~(p)$.
-Using these conventions and assuming $max_pri=9$, the grammar in
-Example~\ref{PrecedenceEx} becomes
-$A$ & = & {\tt0} & \hspace*{4em} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt(} $A$ {\tt)} \\
- & $|$ & $A$ {\tt+} $A@1$ & (0) \\
- & $|$ & $A@3$ {\tt*} $A@2$ & (2) \\
- & $|$ & {\tt-} $A@3$ & (3)
-\index{precedence grammar|)}
-\section{Basic syntax *}
-An informal account of most of Isabelle's syntax (meta-logic, types etc) is
-contained in {\em Introduction to Isabelle}. A precise description using a
-precedence grammar is shown in Figure~\ref{MetaLogicSyntax}. This description
-is the basis of all extensions by object-logics.
-$prop$ &=& \ttindex{PROP} $aprop$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $prop$ {\tt)} \\
- &$|$& $logic@3$ \ttindex{==} $logic@2$ & (2) \\
- &$|$& $prop@2$ \ttindex{==>} $prop@1$ & (1) \\
- &$|$& {\tt[|} $prop$ {\tt;} \dots {\tt;} $prop$ {\tt|]} {\tt==>} $prop@1$ & (1) \\
- &$|$& {\tt!!} $idts$ {\tt.} $prop$ & (0) \\\\
-$logic$ &=& $prop$ ~~$|$~~ $fun$ \\\\
-$aprop$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $var$
- ~~$|$~~ $fun@{max_pri}$ {\tt(} $logic$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $logic$ {\tt)} \\\\
-$fun$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $var$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $fun$ {\tt)} \\
- &$|$& \ttindex{\%} $idts$ {\tt.} $logic$ & (0) \\\\
-$idts$ &=& $idt$ ~~$|$~~ $idt@1$ $idts$ \\\\
-$idt$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $idt$ {\tt)} \\
- &$|$& $id$ \ttindex{::} $type$ & (0) \\\\
-$type$ &=& $tfree$ ~~$|$~~ $tvar$ \\
- &$|$& $tfree$ {\tt::} $sort$ ~~$|$~~ $tvar$ {\tt::} $sort$ \\
- &$|$& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $type@{max_pri}$ $id$
- ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $type$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $type$ {\tt)} $id$ \\
- &$|$& $type@1$ \ttindex{=>} $type$ & (0) \\
- &$|$& {\tt[} $type$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $type$ {\tt]} {\tt=>} $type$&(0)\\
- &$|$& {\tt(} $type$ {\tt)} \\\\
-$sort$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt\{\}}
- ~~$|$~~ {\tt\{} $id$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $id$ {\tt\}}
-\caption{Meta-Logic Syntax}
-The following main categories are defined:
-\item[$prop$] Terms of type $prop$, i.e.\ formulae of the meta-logic.
-\item[$aprop$] Atomic propositions.
-\item[$logic$] Terms of types in class $logic$. Initially, $logic$ contains
- merely $prop$. As the syntax is extended by new object-logics, more
- productions for $logic$ are added (see below).
-\item[$fun$] Terms potentially of function type.
-\item[$type$] Types.
-\item[$idts$] a list of identifiers, possibly constrained by types. Note
- that $x::nat~y$ is parsed as $x::(nat~y)$, i.e.\ $y$ is treated like a
- type constructor applied to $nat$.
-The predefined types $id$, $var$, $tfree$ and $tvar$ represent identifiers
-({\tt f}), unknowns ({\tt ?f}), type variables ({\tt 'a}), and type unknowns
-({\tt ?'a}) respectively. If we think of them as nonterminals with
-predefined syntax, we may assume that all their productions have precedence
-\subsection{Logical types and default syntax}
-Isabelle is concerned with mathematical languages which have a certain
-minimal vocabulary: identifiers, variables, parentheses, and the lambda
-calculus. Logical types, i.e.\ those of class $logic$, are automatically
-equipped with this basic syntax. More precisely, for any type constructor
-$ty$ with arity $(\dots)c$, where $c$ is a subclass of $logic$, the following
-productions are added:
-$ty$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $var$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt(} $ty$ {\tt)} \\
- &$|$& $fun@{max_pri}$ {\tt(} $logic$ {\tt,} \dots {\tt,} $logic$ {\tt)}\\
- &$|$& $ty@{max_pri}$ {\tt::} $type$\\\\
-$logic$ &=& $ty$
-\section{Mixfix syntax}
-We distinguish between abstract and concrete syntax. The {\em abstract}
-syntax is given by the typed constants of a theory. Abstract syntax trees are
-well-typed terms, i.e.\ values of \ML\ type {\tt term}. If none of the
-constants are introduced with mixfix annotations, there is no concrete syntax
-to speak of: terms can only be abstractions or applications of the form
-$f(t@1,\dots,t@n)$, where $f$ is a constant or variable. Since this notation
-quickly becomes unreadable, Isabelle supports syntax definitions in the form
-of unrestricted context-free grammars using mixfix annotations.
-Mixfix annotations describe the {\em concrete} syntax, its translation into
-the abstract syntax, and a pretty-printing scheme, all in one. Isabelle
-syntax definitions are inspired by \OBJ's~\cite{OBJ} {\em mixfix\/} syntax.
-Each mixfix annotation defines a precedence grammar production and associates
-an Isabelle constant with it.
-A {\em mixfix declaration} {\tt consts $c$ ::\ $\tau$ ($sy$ $ps$ $p$)} is
-interpreted as a grammar pro\-duction as follows:
-\item $sy$ is the right-hand side of this production, specified as a {\em
- mixfix annotation}. In general, $sy$ is of the form
- $\alpha@0\_\alpha@1\dots\alpha@{n-1}\_\alpha@n$, where each occurrence of
- ``\ttindex{_}'' denotes an argument/nonterminal and the strings
- $\alpha@i$ do not contain ``{\tt_}''.
-\item $\tau$ specifies the types of the nonterminals on the left and right
- hand side. If $sy$ is of the form above, $\tau$ must be of the form
- $[\tau@1,\dots,\tau@n] \To \tau'$. Then argument $i$ is of type $\tau@i$
- and the result, i.e.\ the left-hand side of the production, is of type
- $\tau'$. Both the $\tau@i$ and $\tau'$ may be function types.
-\item $c$ is the name of the Isabelle constant associated with this production.
- Parsing an instance of the phrase $sy$ generates the {\tt term} {\tt
- Const($c$,dummyT\footnote{Proper types are inserted later on. See
- \S\ref{Typing}})\$$a@1$\$$\dots$\$$a@n$}\index{*dummyT}, where $a@i$ is
- the term generated by parsing the $i^{th}$ argument.
-\item $ps$ must be of the form $[p@1,\dots,p@n]$, where $p@i$ is the
- minimal precedence\index{precedence} required of any phrase that may appear
- as the $i^{th}$ argument. The null list is interpreted as a list of 0's of
- the appropriate length.
-\item $p$ is the precedence of this production.
-Notice that there is a close connection between abstract and concrete syntax:
-each production has an associated constant, and types act as {\bf syntactic
- categories} in the concrete syntax. To emphasize this connection, we
-sometimes refer to the nonterminals on the right-hand side of a production as
-its arguments and to the nonterminal on the left-hand side as its result.
-The maximal legal precedence is called \ttindexbold{max_pri}, which is
-currently 1000. If you want to ignore precedences, the safest way to do so is
-to use the annotation {\tt($sy$)}: this production puts no precedence
-constraints on any of its arguments and has maximal precedence itself, i.e.\
-it is always applicable and does not exclude any productions of its
-In mixfix notation the grammar in Example~\ref{PrecedenceEx} can be written
-as follows:
-types exp 0
-consts "0" :: "exp" ("0" 9)
- "+" :: "[exp,exp] => exp" ("_ + _" [0,1] 0)
- "*" :: "[exp,exp] => exp" ("_ * _" [3,2] 2)
- "-" :: "exp => exp" ("- _" [3] 3)
-Parsing the string \verb!"0 + - 0 + 0"! produces the term {\tt
- $p$\$($p$\$($m$\$$z$)\$$z$)\$$z$} where {\tt$p =$ Const("+",dummyT)},
-{\tt$m =$ Const("-",dummyT)}, and {\tt$z =$ Const("0",dummyT)}.
-The interpretation of \ttindex{_} in a mixfix annotation is always as a {\bf
- meta-character}\index{meta-character} which does not represent itself but
-an argument position. The following characters are also meta-characters:
-' ( ) /
-Preceding any character with a quote (\verb$'$) turns it into an ordinary
-character. Thus you can write \verb!''! if you really want a single quote.
-The purpose of the other meta-characters is explained in
-\S\ref{PrettyPrinting}. Remember that in \ML\ strings \verb$\$ is already a
-(different kind of) meta-character.
-\subsection{Types and syntactic categories *}
-The precise mapping from types to syntactic categories is defined by the
-following function:
-N(\tau@1\To\tau@2) &=& fun \\
-N((\tau@1,\dots,\tau@n)ty) &=& ty \\
-N(\alpha) &=& logic
-Only the outermost type constructor is taken into account and type variables
-can range over all logical types. This catches some ill-typed terms (like
-$Cons(x,0)$, where $Cons :: [\alpha,\alpha list] \To \alpha list$ and $0 ::
-nat$) but leaves the real work to the type checker.
-In terms of the precedence grammar format introduced in
-\S\ref{PrecedenceGrammars}, the declaration
-consts \(c\) :: "[\(\tau@1\),\dots,\(\tau@n\)]\(\To\tau\)" ("\(\alpha@0\_\alpha@1\dots\alpha@{n-1}\_\alpha@n\)") [\(p@1\),\dots,\(p@n\)] \(p\))
-defines the production
-\[ N(\tau)@p ~~=~~ \alpha@0 ~N(\tau@1)@{p@1}~ \alpha@1~ \dots
- ~\alpha@{n-1} ~N(\tau@n)@{p@n}~ \alpha@n
-\subsection{Copy productions *}
-Productions which do not create a new node in the abstract syntax tree are
-called {\bf copy productions}. They must have exactly one nonterminal on
-the right hand side. The term generated when parsing that nonterminal is
-simply passed up as the result of parsing the whole copy production. In
-Isabelle a copy production is indicated by an empty constant name, i.e.\ by
-consts "" :: \(\tau\) (\(sy\) \(ps\) \(p\))
-A special kind of copy production is one where, modulo white space, $sy$ is
-{\tt"_"}. It is called a {\bf chain production}. Chain productions should be
-seen as an abbreviation mechanism. Conceptually, they are removed from the
-grammar by adding appropriate new rules. Precedence information attached to
-chain productions is ignored. The following example demonstrates the effect:
-the grammar defined by
-types A,B,C 0
-consts AB :: "B => A" ("A _" [10] 517)
- "" :: "C => B" ("_" [0] 100)
- x :: "C" ("x" 5)
- y :: "C" ("y" 15)
-admits {\tt"A y"} but not {\tt"A x"}. Had the constant in the second
-production been some non-empty string, both {\tt"A y"} and {\tt"A x"} would
-be legal.
-\section{Lexical conventions}
-The lexical analyzer distinguishes the following kinds of tokens: delimiters,
-identifiers, unknowns, type variables and type unknowns.
-Delimiters are user-defined, i.e.\ they are extracted from the syntax
-definition. If $\alpha@0\_\alpha@1\dots\alpha@{n-1}\_\alpha@n$ is a mixfix
-annotation, each $\alpha@i$ is decomposed into substrings
-$\beta@1~\dots~\beta@k$ which are separated by and do not contain
-\bfindex{white space} ( = blanks, tabs, newlines). Each $\beta@j$ becomes a
-delimiter. Thus a delimiter can be an arbitrary string not containing white
-The lexical syntax of identifiers and variables ( = unknowns) is defined in
-the introductory manual. Parsing an identifier $f$ generates {\tt
- Free($f$,dummyT)}\index{*dummyT}. Parsing a variable {\tt?}$v$ generates
-{\tt Var(($u$,$i$),dummyT)} where $i$ is the integer value of the longest
-numeric suffix of $v$ (possibly $0$), and $u$ is the remaining prefix.
-Parsing a variable {\tt?}$v{.}i$ generates {\tt Var(($v$,$i$),dummyT)}. The
-following table covers the four different cases that can arise:
-"?v" & "?v.7" & "?v5" & "?v7.5" \\
-Var(("v",0),$d$) & Var(("v",7),$d$) & Var(("v",5),$d$) & Var(("v7",5),$d$)
-where $d = {\tt dummyT}$.
-In mixfix annotations, \ttindexbold{id}, \ttindexbold{var},
-\ttindexbold{tfree} and \ttindexbold{tvar} are the predefined categories of
-identifiers, unknowns, type variables and type unknowns, respectively.
-The lexical analyzer translates input strings to token lists by repeatedly
-taking the maximal prefix of the input string that forms a valid token. A
-maximal prefix that is both a delimiter and an identifier or variable (like
-{\tt ALL}) is treated as a delimiter. White spaces are separators.
-An important consequence of this translation scheme is that delimiters need
-not be separated by white space to be recognized as separate. If \verb$"-"$
-is a delimiter but \verb$"--"$ is not, the string \verb$"--"$ is treated as
-two consecutive occurrences of \verb$"-"$. This is in contrast to \ML\ which
-would treat \verb$"--"$ as a single (undeclared) identifier. The
-consequence of Isabelle's more liberal scheme is that the same string may be
-parsed in a different way after extending the syntax: after adding
-\verb$"--"$ as a delimiter, the input \verb$"--"$ is treated as
-a single occurrence of \verb$"--"$.
-\section{Infix operators}
-{\tt Infixl} and {\tt infixr} declare infix operators which associate to the
-left and right respectively. As in \ML, prefixing infix operators with
-\ttindexbold{op} turns them into curried functions. Infix declarations can
-be reduced to mixfix ones as follows:
-"$c$" ::~$\tau$ (\ttindexbold{infixl} $p$) &
-"op $c$" ::~$\tau$ ("_ $c$ _" [$p$,$p+1$] $p$) \\
-"$c$" ::~$\tau$ (\ttindexbold{infixr} $p$) &
-"op $c$" ::~$\tau$ ("_ $c$ _" [$p+1$,$p$] $p$)
-A {\bf binder} is a variable-binding constant, such as a quantifier.
-The declaration
-consts \(c\) :: \(\tau\) (binder \(Q\) \(p\))
-introduces a binder $c$ of type $\tau$,
-which must have the form $(\tau@1\To\tau@2)\To\tau@3$. Its concrete syntax
-is $Q~x.t$. A binder is like a generalized quantifier where $\tau@1$ is the
-type of the bound variable $x$, $\tau@2$ the type of the body $t$, and
-$\tau@3$ the type of the whole term. For example $\forall$ can be declared
-like this:
-consts All :: "('a => o) => o" (binder "ALL " 10)
-This allows us to write $\forall x.P$ either as {\tt ALL $x$.$P$} or {\tt
- All(\%$x$.$P$)}; the latter form is for purists only.
-In case $\tau@2 = \tau@3$, nested quantifications can be written as $Q~x@1
-\dots x@n.t$. From a syntactic point of view,
-consts \(c\) :: "\((\tau@1\To\tau@2)\To\tau@3\)" (binder "\(Q\)" \(p\))
-is equivalent to
-consts \(c\) :: "\((\tau@1\To\tau@2)\To\tau@3\)"
- "\(Q\)" :: "[idts,\(\tau@2\)] => \(\tau@3\)" ("\(Q\)_. _" \(p\))
-where {\tt idts} is the syntactic category $idts$ defined in
-However, there is more to binders than concrete syntax: behind the scenes the
-body of the quantified expression has to be converted into a
-$\lambda$-abstraction (when parsing) and back again (when printing). This
-is performed by the translation mechanism, which is discussed below. For
-binders, the definition of the required translation functions has been
-automated. Many other syntactic forms, such as set comprehension, require
-special treatment.
-\section{Parse translations *}
-\index{parse translation|(}
-So far we have pretended that there is a close enough relationship between
-concrete and abstract syntax to allow an automatic translation from one to
-the other using the constant name supplied with each production. In many
-cases this scheme is not powerful enough, especially for constructs involving
-variable bindings. Therefore the $ML$-section of a theory definition can
-associate constant names with user-defined translation functions by including
-a line
-val parse_translation = \dots
-where the right-hand side of this binding must be an \ML-expression of type
-\verb$(string * (term list -> term))list$.
-After the input string has been translated into a term according to the
-syntax definition, there is a second phase in which the term is translated
-using the user-supplied functions in a bottom-up manner. Given a list $tab$
-of the above type, a term $t$ is translated as follows. If $t$ is not of the
-form {\tt Const($c$,$\tau$)\$$t@1$\$\dots\$$t@n$}, then $t$ is returned
-unchanged. Otherwise all $t@i$ are translated into $t@i'$. Let {\tt $t' =$
- Const($c$,$\tau$)\$$t@1'$\$\dots\$$t@n'$}. If there is no pair $(c,f)$ in
-$tab$, return $t'$. Otherwise apply $f$ to $[t@1',\dots,t@n']$. If that
-raises an exception, return $t'$, otherwise return the result.
-\ML-lists are constructed by {\tt[]} and {\tt::}. For readability the
-list \hbox{\tt$x$::$y$::$z$::[]} can be written \hbox{\tt[$x$,$y$,$z$]}.
-In Isabelle the two forms of lists are declared as follows:
-types list 1
- enum 0
-arities list :: (term)term
-consts "[]" :: "'a list" ("[]")
- ":" :: "['a, 'a list] => 'a list" (infixr 50)
- enum :: "enum => 'a list" ("[_]")
- sing :: "'a => enum" ("_")
- cons :: "['a,enum] => enum" ("_, _")
-Because \verb$::$ is already used for type constraints, it is replaced by
-\verb$:$ as the infix list constructor.
-In order to allow list enumeration, the new type {\tt enum} is introduced.
-Its only purpose is syntactic and hence it does not need an arity, in
-contrast to the logical type {\tt list}. Although \hbox{\tt[$x$,$y$,$z$]} is
-syntactically legal, it needs to be translated into a term built up from
-\verb$[]$ and \verb$:$. This is what \verb$make_list$ accomplishes:
-val cons = Const("op :", dummyT);
-fun make_list (Const("sing",_)$e) = cons $ e $ Const("[]", dummyT)
- | make_list (Const("cons",_)$e$es) = cons $ e $ make_list es;
-To hook this translation up to Isabelle's parser, the theory definition needs
-to contain the following $ML$-section:
-fun enum_tr[enum] = make_list enum;
-val parse_translation = [("enum",enum_tr)]
-This causes \verb!Const("enum",_)$!$t$ to be replaced by
-Of course the definition of \verb$make_list$ should be included in the
- Isabelle represents the set $\{ x \mid P(x) \}$ internally by $Set(\lambda
- x.P(x))$. The internal and external forms need separate
-constants:\footnote{In practice, the external form typically has a name
-beginning with an {\at} sign, such as {\tt {\at}SET}. This emphasizes that
-the constant should be used only for parsing/printing.}
-types set 1
-arities set :: (term)term
-consts Set :: "('a => o) => 'a set"
- SET :: "[id,o] => 'a set" ("\{_ | _\}")
-Parsing {\tt"\{$x$ | $P$\}"} according to this syntax yields the term {\tt
- Const("SET",dummyT) \$ Free("\(x\)",dummyT) \$ \(p\)}, where $p$ is the
-result of parsing $P$. What we need is the term {\tt
- Const("Set",dummyT)\$Abs("$x$",dummyT,$p'$)}, where $p'$ is some
-``abstracted'' version of $p$. Therefore we define a function
-fun set_tr[Free(s,T), p] = Const("Set", dummyT) $
- Abs(s, T, abstract_over(Free(s,T), p));
-where \verb$abstract_over: term*term -> term$ is a predefined function such
-that {\tt abstract_over($u$,$t$)} replaces every occurrence of $u$ in $t$ by
-a {\tt Bound} variable of the correct index (i.e.\ 0 at top level). Remember
-that {\tt dummyT} is replaced by the correct types at a later stage (see
-\S\ref{Typing}). Function {\tt set_tr} is associated with {\tt SET} by
-including the \ML-text
-val parse_translation = [("SET", set_tr)];
-If you want to run the above examples in Isabelle, you should note that an
-$ML$-section needs to contain not just a definition of
-\verb$parse_translation$ but also of a variable \verb$print_translation$. The
-purpose of the latter is to reverse the effect of the former during printing;
-details are found in \S\ref{Print-translations}. Hence you need to include
-the line
-val print_translation = [];
-This is instructive because the terms are then printed out in their internal
-form. For example the input \hbox{\tt[$x$,$y$,$z$]} is echoed as
-\hbox{\tt$x$:$y$:$z$:[]}. This helps to check that your parse translation is
-working correctly.
-%Explicit type constraints disappear with type checking but are still
-%visible to the parse translation functions.
-\index{parse translation|)}
-Syntax definitions provide printing information in three distinct ways:
-\item the syntax of the language (as used for parsing),
-\item pretty printing information, and
-\item print translation functions.
-The bare mixfix declarations enable Isabelle to print terms, but the result
-will not necessarily be pretty and may look different from what you expected.
-To produce a pleasing layout, you need to read the following sections.
-\subsection{Printing with mixfix declarations}
-Let {\tt$t =$ Const($c$,_)\$$t@1$\$\dots\$$t@n$} be a term and let
-consts \(c\) :: \(\tau\) (\(sy\))
-be a mixfix declaration where $sy$ is of the form
-$\alpha@0\_\alpha@1\dots\alpha@{n-1}\_\alpha@n$. Printing $t$ according to
-$sy$ means printing the string
-$\alpha@0\beta@1\alpha@1\ldots\alpha@{n-1}\beta@n\alpha@n$, where $\beta@i$
-is the result of printing $t@i$.
-Note that the system does {\em not\/} insert blanks. They should be part of
-the mixfix syntax if they are required to separate tokens or achieve a
-certain layout.
-\subsection{Pretty printing}
-\index{pretty printing}
-In order to format the output, it is possible to embed pretty printing
-directives in mixfix annotations. These directives are ignored during parsing
-and affect only printing. The characters {\tt(}, {\tt)} and {\tt/} are
-interpreted as meta-characters\index{meta-character} when found in a mixfix
-annotation. Their meaning is
-\item[~{\tt(}~] Open a block. A sequence of digits following it is
- interpreted as the \bfindex{indentation} of this block. It causes the
- output to be indented by $n$ positions if a line break occurs within the
- block. If {\tt(} is not followed by a digit, the indentation defaults to
- $0$.
-\item[~{\tt)}~] Close a block.
-\item[~\ttindex{/}~] Allow a \bfindex{line break}. White space immediately
- following {\tt/} is not printed if the line is broken at this point.
-\subsection{Print translations *}
-\index{print translation|(}
-Since terms are translated after parsing (see \S\ref{Parse-translations}),
-there is a similar mechanism to translate them back before printing.
-Therefore the $ML$-section of a theory definition can associate constant
-names with user-defined translation functions by including a line
-val print_translation = \dots
-where the right-hand side of this binding is again an \ML-expression of type
-\verb$(string * (term list -> term))list$.
-Including a pair $(c,f)$ in this list causes the printer to print
-$f[t@1,\dots,t@n]$ whenever it finds {\tt Const($c$,_)\$$t@1$\$\dots\$$t@n$}.
-Reversing the effect of the parse translation in Example~\ref{list-enum} is
-accomplished by the following function:
-fun make_enum (Const("op :",_) $ e $ es) = case es of
- Const("[]",_) => Const("sing",dummyT) $ e
- | _ => Const("enum",dummyT) $ e $ make_enum es;
-It translates \hbox{\tt$x$:$y$:$z$:[]} to \hbox{\tt[$x$,$y$,$z$]}. However,
-if the input does not terminate with an empty list, e.g.\ \hbox{\tt$x$:$xs$},
-\verb$make_enum$ raises exception {\tt Match}. This signals that the
-attempted translation has failed and the term should be printed as is.
-The connection with Isabelle's pretty printer is established as follows:
-fun enum_tr'[x,xs] = Const("enum",dummyT) $
- make_enum(Const("op :",dummyT)$x$xs);
-val print_translation = [("op :", enum_tr')];
-This declaration causes the printer to print \hbox{\tt enum_tr'[$x$,$y$]}
-whenever it finds \verb!Const("op :",_)$!$x$\verb!$!$y$.
- In Example~\ref{SET} we showed how to translate the concrete syntax for set
- comprehension into the proper internal form. The string {\tt"\{$x$ |
- $P$\}"} now becomes {\tt Const("Set",_)\$Abs("$x$",_,$p$)}. If, however,
- the latter term were printed without translating it back, it would result
- in {\tt"Set(\%$x$.$P$)"}. Therefore the abstraction has to be turned back
- into a term that matches the concrete mixfix syntax:
-fun set_tr'[Abs(x,T,P)] =
- let val (x',P') = variant_abs(x,T,P)
- in Const("SET",dummyT) $ Free(x',T) $ P' end;
-The function \verb$variant_abs$, a basic term manipulation function, replaces
-the bound variable $x$ by a {\tt Free} variable $x'$ having a unique name. A
-term produced by {\tt set_tr'} can now be printed according to the concrete
-syntax defined in Example~\ref{SET} above.
-Notice that the application of {\tt set_tr'} fails if the second component of
-the argument is not an abstraction, but for example just a {\tt Free}
-variable. This is intentional because it signals to the caller that the
-translation is inapplicable. As a result {\tt Const("Set",_)\$Free("P",_)}
-prints as {\tt"Set(P)"}.
-The full theory extension, including concrete syntax and both translation
-functions, has the following form:
-types set 1
-arities set :: (term)term
-consts Set :: "('a => o) => 'a set"
- SET :: "[id,o] => 'a set" ("\{_ | _\}")
-fun set_tr[Free(s,T), p] = \dots;
-val parse_translation = [("SET", set_tr)];
-fun set_tr'[Abs(x,T,P)] = \dots;
-val print_translation = [("Set", set_tr')];
-As during the parse translation process, the types attached to constants
-during print translation are ignored. Thus {\tt Const("SET",dummyT)} in
-{\tt set_tr'} above is acceptable. The types of {\tt Free}s and {\tt Var}s
-however must be preserved because they may get printed (see {\tt
-\index{print translation|)}
-\subsection{Printing a term}
-Let $tab$ be the set of all string-function pairs of print translations in the
-current syntax.
-Terms are printed recursively; print translations are applied top down:
-\item {\tt Free($x$,_)} is printed as $x$.
-\item {\tt Var(($x$,$i$),_)} is printed as $x$, if $i = 0$ and $x$ does not
- end with a digit, as $x$ followed by $i$, if $i \neq 0$ and $x$ does not
- end with a digit, and as {\tt $x$.$i$}, if $x$ ends with a digit. Thus the
- following cases can arise:
-\verb$Var(("v",0),_)$ & \verb$Var(("v",7),_)$ & \verb$Var(("v5",0),_)$ \\
-"?v" & "?v7" & "?v5.0"
-\item {\tt Abs($x@1$,_,Abs($x@2$,_,\dots Abs($x@n$,_,$p$)\dots))}, where $p$
- is not an abstraction, is printed as {\tt \%$y@1\dots y@n$.$P$}, where $P$
- is the result of printing $p$, and the $x@i$ are replaced by $y@i$. The
- latter are (possibly new) unique names.
-\item {\tt Bound($i$)} is printed as {\tt B.$i$} \footnote{The occurrence of
- such ``loose'' bound variables indicates that either you are trying to
- print a subterm of an abstraction, or there is something wrong with your
- print translations.}.
-\item The application {\tt$t =$ Const($c$,_)\$$t@1$\$\dots\$$t@n$} (where
- $n$ may be $0$!) is printed as follows:
- If there is a pair $(c,f)$ in $tab$, print $f[t@1,\dots,t@n]$. If this
- application raises exception {\tt Match} or there is no pair $(c,f)$ in
- $tab$, let $sy$ be the mixfix annotation associated with $c$. If there is
- no such $sy$, or if $sy$ does not have exactly $n$ argument positions, $t$
- is printed as an application; otherwise $t$ is printed according to $sy$.
- All other applications are printed as applications.
-Printing a term {\tt $c$\$$t@1$\$\dots\$$t@n$} as an application means
-printing it as {\tt $s$($s@1$,\dots,$s@n$)}, where $s@i$ is the result of
-printing $t@i$. If $c$ is a {\tt Const}, $s$ is its first argument;
-otherwise $s$ is the result of printing $c$ as described above.
-The printer also inserts parentheses where they are necessary for reasons
-of precedence.
-\section{Identifiers, constants, and type inference *}
-There is one final step in the translation from strings to terms that we have
-not covered yet. It explains how constants are distinguished from {\tt Free}s
-and how {\tt Free}s and {\tt Var}s are typed. Both issues arise because {\tt
- Free}s and {\tt Var}s are not declared.
-An identifier $f$ that does not appear as a delimiter in the concrete syntax
-can be either a free variable or a constant. Since the parser knows only
-about those constants which appear in mixfix annotations, it parses $f$ as
-{\tt Free("$f$",dummyT)}, where \ttindex{dummyT} is the predefined dummy {\tt
- typ}. Although the parser produces these very raw terms, most user
-interface level functions like {\tt goal} type terms according to the given
-theory, say $T$. In a first step, every occurrence of {\tt Free($f$,_)} or
-{\tt Const($f$,_)} is replaced by {\tt Const($f$,$\tau$)}, provided there is
-a constant $f$ of {\tt typ} $\tau$ in $T$. This means that identifiers are
-treated as {\tt Free}s iff they are not declared in the theory. The types of
-the remaining {\tt Free}s (and {\tt Var}s) are inferred as in \ML. Type
-constraints can be used to remove ambiguities.
-One peculiarity of the current type inference algorithm is that variables
-with the same name must have the same type, irrespective of whether they are
-schematic, free or bound. For example, take the first-order formula $f(x) = x
-\land (\forall f.~ f=f)$ where ${=} :: [\alpha{::}term,\alpha]\To o$ and
-$\forall :: (\alpha{::}term\To o)\To o$. The first conjunct forces
-$x::\alpha{::}term$ and $f::\alpha\To\alpha$, the second one
-$f::\beta{::}term$. Although the two $f$'s are distinct, they are required to
-have the same type. Unifying $\alpha\To\alpha$ and $\beta{::}term$ fails
-because, in first-order logic, function types are not in class $term$.
-\section{Putting it all together}
-Having discussed the individual building blocks of a logic definition, it
-remains to be shown how they fit together. In particular we need to say how
-an object-logic syntax is hooked up to the meta-logic. Since all theorems
-must conform to the syntax for $prop$ (see Figure~\ref{MetaLogicSyntax}),
-that syntax has to be extended with the object-level syntax. Assume that the
-syntax of your object-logic defines a category $o$ of formulae. These
-formulae can now appear in axioms and theorems wherever $prop$ does if you
-add the production
-\[ prop ~=~ form. \]
-More precisely, you need a coercion from formulae to propositions:
-Base = Pure +
-types o 0
-arities o :: logic
-consts Trueprop :: "o => prop" ("_" 5)
-The constant {\tt Trueprop} (the name is arbitrary) acts as an invisible
-coercion function. Assuming this definition resides in a file {\tt base.thy},
-you have to load it with the command {\tt use_thy"base"}.
-One of the simplest nontrivial logics is {\em minimal logic} of
-implication. Its definition in Isabelle needs no advanced features but
-illustrates the overall mechanism quite nicely:
-Hilbert = Base +
-consts "-->" :: "[o,o] => o" (infixr 10)
-K "P --> Q --> P"
-S "(P --> Q --> R) --> (P --> Q) --> P --> R"
-MP "[| P --> Q; P |] ==> Q"
-After loading this definition you can start to prove theorems in this logic:
-goal Hilbert.thy "P --> P";
-{\out Level 0}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out 1. P --> P}
-by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.MP] 1);
-{\out Level 1}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out 1. ?P --> P --> P}
-{\out 2. ?P}
-by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.MP] 1);
-{\out Level 2}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out 1. ?P1 --> ?P --> P --> P}
-{\out 2. ?P1}
-{\out 3. ?P}
-by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.S] 1);
-{\out Level 3}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out 1. P --> ?Q2 --> P}
-{\out 2. P --> ?Q2}
-by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.K] 1);
-{\out Level 4}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out 1. P --> ?Q2}
-by (resolve_tac [Hilbert.K] 1);
-{\out Level 5}
-{\out P --> P}
-{\out No subgoals!}
-As you can see, this Hilbert-style formulation of minimal logic is easy to
-define but difficult to use. The following natural deduction formulation is
-far preferable:
-MinI = Base +
-consts "-->" :: "[o,o] => o" (infixr 10)
-impI "(P ==> Q) ==> P --> Q"
-impE "[| P --> Q; P |] ==> Q"
-Note, however, that although the two systems are equivalent, this fact cannot
-be proved within Isabelle: {\tt S} and {\tt K} can be derived in \verb$MinI$
-(exercise!), but {\tt impI} cannot be derived in \verb!Hilbert!. The reason
-is that {\tt impI} is only an {\em admissible} rule in \verb!Hilbert!,
-something that can only be shown by induction over all possible proofs in
-It is a very simple matter to extend minimal logic with falsity:
-MinIF = MinI +
-consts False :: "o"
-FalseE "False ==> P"
-On the other hand, we may wish to introduce conjunction only:
-MinC = Base +
-consts "&" :: "[o,o] => o" (infixr 30)
-conjI "[| P; Q |] ==> P & Q"
-conjE1 "P & Q ==> P"
-conjE2 "P & Q ==> Q"
-And if we want to have all three connectives together, we define:
-MinIFC = MinIF + MinC
-Now we can prove mixed theorems like
-goal MinIFC.thy "P & False --> Q";
-by (resolve_tac [MinI.impI] 1);
-by (dresolve_tac [MinC.conjE2] 1);
-by (eresolve_tac [MinIF.FalseE] 1);
-Try this as an exercise!
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-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}Basic Use of Isabelle}{1}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}Basic interaction with Isabelle}{1}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.2}Ending a session}{2}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.3}Reading ML files}{2}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.4}Printing of terms and theorems}{2}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Printing limits}{2}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Printing of hypotheses, types and sorts}{3}
-\contentsline {subsection}{$\eta $-contraction before printing}{3}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.5}Displaying exceptions as error messages}{3}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.6}Shell scripts}{4}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Proof Management: The Subgoal Module}{5}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}Basic commands}{5}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Starting a backward proof}{5}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Applying a tactic}{6}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Extracting the proved theorem}{7}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Undoing and backtracking}{7}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Printing the proof state}{8}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Timing}{8}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.2}Shortcuts for applying tactics}{8}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Refining a given subgoal}{8}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Scanning shortcuts}{9}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Other shortcuts}{9}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.3}Executing batch proofs}{9}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.4}Managing multiple proofs}{10}
-\contentsline {subsection}{The stack of proof states}{11}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Saving and restoring proof states}{11}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.5}Debugging and inspecting}{11}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Reading and printing terms}{11}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Inspecting the proof state}{12}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Filtering lists of rules}{12}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {3}Tactics}{13}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.1}Resolution and assumption tactics}{13}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Resolution tactics}{13}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Assumption tactics}{14}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Matching tactics}{14}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Resolution with instantiation}{14}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}Other basic tactics}{15}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Definitions and meta-level rewriting}{15}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Tactic shortcuts}{16}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Inserting premises and facts}{16}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Theorems useful with tactics}{17}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.3}Obscure tactics}{17}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Tidying the proof state}{17}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Renaming parameters in a goal}{17}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Composition: resolution without lifting}{18}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.4}Managing lots of rules}{18}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Combined resolution and elim-resolution}{19}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Discrimination nets for fast resolution}{19}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.5}Programming tools for proof strategies}{20}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Operations on type {\ptt tactic}}{21}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Tracing}{21}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.6}Sequences}{22}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Basic operations on sequences}{22}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Converting between sequences and lists}{22}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Combining sequences}{22}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {4}Tacticals}{24}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.1}The basic tacticals}{24}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Joining two tactics}{24}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Joining a list of tactics}{24}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Repetition tacticals}{25}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Identities for tacticals}{25}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.2}Control and search tacticals}{26}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Filtering a tactic's results}{26}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Depth-first search}{26}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Other search strategies}{27}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Auxiliary tacticals for searching}{27}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Predicates and functions useful for searching}{28}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.3}Tacticals for subgoal numbering}{28}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Restricting a tactic to one subgoal}{28}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Scanning for a subgoal by number}{29}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Joining tactic functions}{30}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Applying a list of tactics to 1}{31}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {5}Theorems and Forward Proof}{32}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.1}Basic operations on theorems}{32}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Pretty-printing a theorem}{32}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Forward proof: joining rules by resolution}{33}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Expanding definitions in theorems}{33}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Instantiating a theorem}{34}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Miscellaneous forward rules}{34}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Taking a theorem apart}{35}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Tracing flags for unification}{35}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.2}Primitive meta-level inference rules}{36}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Assumption rule}{37}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Implication rules}{37}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Logical equivalence rules}{38}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Equality rules}{38}
-\contentsline {subsection}{The $\lambda $-conversion rules}{38}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Forall introduction rules}{39}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Forall elimination rules}{39}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Instantiation of unknowns}{39}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Freezing/thawing type unknowns}{40}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.3}Derived rules for goal-directed proof}{40}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Proof by assumption}{40}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Resolution}{40}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Composition: resolution without lifting}{40}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Other meta-rules}{41}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {6}Theories, Terms and Types}{42}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.1}Defining theories}{42}
-\contentsline {subsection}{*Classes and arities}{44}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.2}Loading a new theory}{44}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.3}Reloading modified theories}{45}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Important note for Poly/ML users}{45}
-\contentsline {subsection}{*Pseudo theories}{46}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.4}Basic operations on theories}{47}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Extracting an axiom from a theory}{47}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Building a theory}{47}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Inspecting a theory}{47}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.5}Terms}{48}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.6}Variable binding}{49}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.7}Certified terms}{50}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Printing terms}{50}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Making and inspecting certified terms}{50}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.8}Types}{50}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6.9}Certified types}{51}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Printing types}{51}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Making and inspecting certified types}{51}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {7}Defining Logics}{52}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.1}Priority grammars}{52}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.2}The Pure syntax}{53}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Logical types and default syntax}{55}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Lexical matters}{55}
-\contentsline {subsection}{*Inspecting the syntax}{56}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.3}Mixfix declarations}{58}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Grammar productions}{58}
-\contentsline {subsection}{The general mixfix form}{59}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Example: arithmetic expressions}{60}
-\contentsline {subsection}{The mixfix template}{61}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Infixes}{61}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Binders}{62}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7.4}Example: some minimal logics}{62}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {8}Syntax Transformations}{66}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8.1}Abstract syntax trees}{66}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8.2}Transforming parse trees to {\psc ast}{}s}{67}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8.3}Transforming {\psc ast}{}s to terms}{69}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8.4}Printing of terms}{69}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8.5}Macros: Syntactic rewriting}{71}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Specifying macros}{72}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Applying rules}{73}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Example: the syntax of finite sets}{75}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Example: a parse macro for dependent types}{76}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8.6}Translation functions}{76}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Declaring translation functions}{77}
-\contentsline {subsection}{The translation strategy}{77}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Example: a print translation for dependent types}{78}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {9}Substitution Tactics}{80}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {9.1}Substitution rules}{80}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {9.2}Substitution in the hypotheses}{81}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {9.3}Setting up {\ptt hyp_subst_tac}}{82}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {10}Simplification}{84}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.1}Simplification sets}{84}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Rewrite rules}{84}
-\contentsline {subsection}{*Congruence rules}{85}
-\contentsline {subsection}{*The subgoaler}{85}
-\contentsline {subsection}{*The solver}{86}
-\contentsline {subsection}{*The looper}{86}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.2}The simplification tactics}{87}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.3}Examples using the simplifier}{88}
-\contentsline {subsection}{A trivial example}{88}
-\contentsline {subsection}{An example of tracing}{89}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Free variables and simplification}{90}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.4}Permutative rewrite rules}{90}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Example: sums of integers}{91}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Re-orienting equalities}{93}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {10.5}*Setting up the simplifier}{93}
-\contentsline {subsection}{A collection of standard rewrite rules}{94}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Functions for preprocessing the rewrite rules}{94}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Making the initial simpset}{96}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Case splitting}{97}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {11}The Classical Reasoner}{98}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11.1}The sequent calculus}{98}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11.2}Simulating sequents by natural deduction}{99}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11.3}Extra rules for the sequent calculus}{100}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11.4}Classical rule sets}{101}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11.5}The classical tactics}{103}
-\contentsline {subsection}{The automatic tactics}{103}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Single-step tactics}{103}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Other useful tactics}{104}
-\contentsline {subsection}{Creating swapped rules}{104}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {11.6}Setting up the classical reasoner}{104}
-\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {A}Syntax of Isabelle Theories}{107}
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- \item \ttall, \bold{209}
- \item \texttt{?}, \bold{209}
- \item \isasymuniqex, \bold{209}
- \item \ttuniquex, \bold{209}
- \item {\texttt {\&}}, \bold{209}
- \item \verb$~$, \bold{209}
- \item \verb$~=$, \bold{209}
- \item \ttor, \bold{209}
- \item \texttt{[]}, \bold{9}
- \item \texttt{\#}, \bold{9}
- \item \texttt{\at}, \bold{10}, 209
- \item \isasymnotin, \bold{209}
- \item \verb$~:$, \bold{209}
- \item \isasymInter, \bold{209}
- \item \isasymUnion, \bold{209}
- \item \isasyminverse, \bold{209}
- \item \verb$^-1$, \bold{209}
- \item \isactrlsup{\isacharasterisk}, \bold{209}
- \item \verb$^$\texttt{*}, \bold{209}
- \item \isasymAnd, \bold{12}, \bold{209}
- \item \ttAnd, \bold{209}
- \item \emph {$\Rightarrow $}, \bold{5}
- \item \ttlbr, \bold{209}
- \item \ttrbr, \bold{209}
- \item \texttt {\%}, \bold{209}
- \item \texttt {;}, \bold{7}
- \item \isa {()} (constant), 24
- \item * trace_unify_fail (flag), 76
- \item \isa {+} (tactical), 99
- \item \isa {<*lex*>}, \see{lexicographic product}{1}
- \item \isa {?} (tactical), 100
- \item \texttt{|} (tactical), 100
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {0} (constant), 22, 23, 150
- \item \isa {1} (constant), 23, 150, 151
- \indexspace
- \item abandoning a proof, \bold{13}
- \item abandoning a theory, \bold{16}
- \item \isa {abs} (constant), 153
- \item \texttt {abs}, \bold{209}
- \item absolute value, 153
- \item \isa {add} (modifier), 29
- \item \isa {add_ac} (theorems), 152
- \item \isa {add_assoc} (theorem), \bold{152}
- \item \isa {add_commute} (theorem), \bold{152}
- \item \isa {add_mult_distrib} (theorem), \bold{151}
- \item \texttt {ALL}, \bold{209}
- \item \isa {All} (constant), 109
- \item \isa {allE} (theorem), \bold{81}
- \item \isa {allI} (theorem), \bold{80}
- \item antiquotation, \bold{61}
- \item append function, 10--14
- \item \isacommand {apply} (command), 15
- \item \isa {arg_cong} (theorem), \bold{96}
- \item \isa {arith} (method), 23, 149
- \item arithmetic operations
- \subitem for \protect\isa{nat}, 23
- \item \textsc {ascii} symbols, \bold{209}
- \item Aspinall, David, viii
- \item associative-commutative function, 176
- \item \isa {assumption} (method), 69
- \item assumptions
- \subitem of subgoal, 12
- \subitem renaming, 83
- \subitem reusing, 83--84
- \item \isa {auto} (method), 38, 92
- \item \isa {axclass}, 164--171
- \item axiom of choice, 87
- \item axiomatic type classes, 164--171
- \indexspace
- \item \isacommand {back} (command), 79
- \item \isa {Ball} (constant), 109
- \item \isa {ballI} (theorem), \bold{108}
- \item \isa {best} (method), 92
- \item \isa {Bex} (constant), 109
- \item \isa {bexE} (theorem), \bold{108}
- \item \isa {bexI} (theorem), \bold{108}
- \item \isa {bij_def} (theorem), \bold{110}
- \item bijections, 110
- \item binary trees, 18
- \item binomial coefficients, 109
- \item bisimulations, 116
- \item \isa {blast} (method), 89--92
- \item \isa {bool} (type), 4, 5
- \item boolean expressions example, 20--22
- \item \isa {bspec} (theorem), \bold{108}
- \item \isacommand{by} (command), 73
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {card} (constant), 109
- \item \isa {card_Pow} (theorem), \bold{109}
- \item \isa {card_Un_Int} (theorem), \bold{109}
- \item cardinality, 109
- \item \isa {case} (symbol), 32, 33
- \item \isa {case} expressions, 5, 6, 18
- \item case distinctions, 19
- \item case splits, \bold{31}
- \item \isa {case_tac} (method), 19, 102, 158
- \item \isa {cases} (method), 162
- \item \isacommand {chapter} (command), 59
- \item \isa {clarify} (method), 91, 92
- \item \isa {clarsimp} (method), 91, 92
- \item \isa {classical} (theorem), \bold{73}
- \item coinduction, \bold{116}
- \item \isa {Collect} (constant), 109
- \item compiling expressions example, 36--38
- \item \isa {Compl_iff} (theorem), \bold{106}
- \item complement
- \subitem of a set, 105
- \item composition
- \subitem of functions, \bold{110}
- \subitem of relations, \bold{112}
- \item conclusion
- \subitem of subgoal, 12
- \item conditional expressions, \see{\isa{if} expressions}{1}
- \item conditional simplification rules, 31
- \item \isa {cong} (attribute), 176
- \item congruence rules, \bold{175}
- \item \isa {conjE} (theorem), \bold{71}
- \item \isa {conjI} (theorem), \bold{68}
- \item \isa {Cons} (constant), 9
- \item \isacommand {constdefs} (command), 25
- \item \isacommand {consts} (command), 10
- \item contrapositives, 73
- \item converse
- \subitem of a relation, \bold{112}
- \item \isa {converse_iff} (theorem), \bold{112}
- \item CTL, 121--126, 191--193
- \indexspace
- \item \isacommand {datatype} (command), 9, 38--44
- \item datatypes, 17--22
- \subitem and nested recursion, 40, 44
- \subitem mutually recursive, 38
- \subitem nested, 180
- \item \isacommand {defer} (command), 16, 101
- \item Definitional Approach, 26
- \item definitions, \bold{25}
- \subitem unfolding, \bold{30}
- \item \isacommand {defs} (command), 25
- \item \isa {del} (modifier), 29
- \item description operators, 85--87
- \item descriptions
- \subitem definite, 85
- \subitem indefinite, 86
- \item \isa {dest} (attribute), 103
- \item destruction rules, 71
- \item \isa {diff_mult_distrib} (theorem), \bold{151}
- \item difference
- \subitem of sets, \bold{106}
- \item \isa {disjCI} (theorem), \bold{74}
- \item \isa {disjE} (theorem), \bold{70}
- \item \isa {div} (symbol), 23
- \item divides relation, 84, 95, 102--104, 152
- \item division
- \subitem by negative numbers, 153
- \subitem by zero, 152
- \subitem for type \protect\isa{nat}, 151
- \item documents, \bold{57}
- \item domain
- \subitem of a relation, 112
- \item \isa {Domain_iff} (theorem), \bold{112}
- \item \isacommand {done} (command), 13
- \item \isa {drule_tac} (method), 76, 96
- \item \isa {dvd_add} (theorem), \bold{152}
- \item \isa {dvd_anti_sym} (theorem), \bold{152}
- \item \isa {dvd_def} (theorem), \bold{152}
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {elim!} (attribute), 131
- \item elimination rules, 69--70
- \item \isacommand {end} (command), 14
- \item \isa {Eps} (constant), 109
- \item equality, 6
- \subitem of functions, \bold{109}
- \subitem of records, 161
- \subitem of sets, \bold{106}
- \item \isa {equalityE} (theorem), \bold{106}
- \item \isa {equalityI} (theorem), \bold{106}
- \item \isa {erule} (method), 70
- \item \isa {erule_tac} (method), 76
- \item Euclid's algorithm, 102--104
- \item even numbers
- \subitem defining inductively, 127--131
- \item \texttt {EX}, \bold{209}
- \item \isa {Ex} (constant), 109
- \item \isa {exE} (theorem), \bold{82}
- \item \isa {exI} (theorem), \bold{82}
- \item \isa {ext} (theorem), \bold{109}
- \item \isa {extend} (constant), 163
- \item extensionality
- \subitem for functions, \bold{109, 110}
- \subitem for records, 162
- \subitem for sets, \bold{106}
- \item \ttEXU, \bold{209}
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {False} (constant), 5
- \item \isa {fast} (method), 92, 124
- \item Fibonacci function, 47
- \item \isa {fields} (constant), 163
- \item \isa {finite} (symbol), 109
- \item \isa {Finites} (constant), 109
- \item fixed points, 116
- \item flags, 5, 6, 33, 76
- \subitem setting and resetting, 5
- \item \isa {force} (method), 91, 92
- \item formal comments, \bold{61}
- \item formal proof documents, \bold{57}
- \item formulae, 5--6
- \item forward proof, 93--99
- \item \isa {frule} (method), 83--84
- \item \isa {frule_tac} (method), 76
- \item \isa {fst} (constant), 24
- \item function types, 5
- \item functions, 109--111
- \subitem partial, 182
- \subitem total, 11, 47--52
- \subitem underdefined, 183
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {gcd} (constant), 93--95, 102--104
- \item generalizing for induction, 129
- \item generalizing induction formulae, 34
- \item Girard, Jean-Yves, \fnote{71}
- \item Gordon, Mike, 3
- \item grammars
- \subitem defining inductively, 140--145
- \item ground terms example, 135--140
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {hd} (constant), 17, 37
- \item \isacommand {header} (command), 59
- \item Hilbert's $\varepsilon$-operator, 86
- \item \isacommand {hints} (command), 49, 180, 182
- \item HOLCF, 44
- \item Hopcroft, J. E., 145
- \item \isa {hypreal} (type), 155
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {Id_def} (theorem), \bold{112}
- \item \isa {id_def} (theorem), \bold{110}
- \item identifiers, \bold{6}
- \subitem qualified, \bold{4}
- \item identity function, \bold{110}
- \item identity relation, \bold{112}
- \item \isa {if} expressions, 5, 6
- \subitem simplification of, 33
- \subitem splitting of, 31, 49
- \item if-and-only-if, 6
- \item \isa {iff} (attribute), 90, 91, 103, 130
- \item \isa {iffD1} (theorem), \bold{94}
- \item \isa {iffD2} (theorem), \bold{94}
- \item ignored material, \bold{64}
- \item image
- \subitem under a function, \bold{111}
- \subitem under a relation, \bold{112}
- \item \isa {image_def} (theorem), \bold{111}
- \item \isa {Image_iff} (theorem), \bold{112}
- \item \isa {impI} (theorem), \bold{72}
- \item implication, 72--73
- \item \isa {ind_cases} (method), 131
- \item \isa {induct_tac} (method), 12, 19, 52, 190
- \item induction, 186--193
- \subitem complete, 188
- \subitem deriving new schemas, 190
- \subitem on a term, 187
- \subitem recursion, 51--52
- \subitem structural, 19
- \subitem well-founded, 115
- \item induction heuristics, 33--35
- \item \isacommand {inductive} (command), 127
- \item inductive definition
- \subitem simultaneous, 141
- \item inductive definitions, 127--145
- \item \isacommand {inductive\_cases} (command), 131, 139
- \item infinitely branching trees, 43
- \item infix annotations, 53
- \item \isacommand{infixr} (annotation), 10
- \item \isa {inj_on_def} (theorem), \bold{110}
- \item injections, 110
- \item \isa {insert} (constant), 107
- \item \isa {insert} (method), 97--99
- \item instance, \bold{166}
- \item \texttt {INT}, \bold{209}
- \item \texttt {Int}, \bold{209}
- \item \isa {int} (type), 153--154
- \item \isa {INT_iff} (theorem), \bold{108}
- \item \isa {IntD1} (theorem), \bold{105}
- \item \isa {IntD2} (theorem), \bold{105}
- \item integers, 153--154
- \item \isa {INTER} (constant), 109
- \item \texttt {Inter}, \bold{209}
- \item \isa {Inter_iff} (theorem), \bold{108}
- \item intersection, 105
- \subitem indexed, 108
- \item \isa {IntI} (theorem), \bold{105}
- \item \isa {intro} (method), 74
- \item \isa {intro!} (attribute), 128
- \item \isa {intro_classes} (method), 166
- \item introduction rules, 68--69
- \item \isa {inv} (constant), 86
- \item \isa {inv_image_def} (theorem), \bold{115}
- \item inverse
- \subitem of a function, \bold{110}
- \subitem of a relation, \bold{112}
- \item inverse image
- \subitem of a function, 111
- \subitem of a relation, 114
- \item \isa {itrev} (constant), 34
- \indexspace
- \item \isacommand {kill} (command), 16
- \indexspace
- \item $\lambda$ expressions, 5
- \item LCF, 43
- \item \isa {LEAST} (symbol), 23, 86
- \item least number operator, \see{\protect\isa{LEAST}}{86}
- \item Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 53
- \item \isacommand {lemma} (command), 13
- \item \isacommand {lemmas} (command), 93, 103
- \item \isa {length} (symbol), 18
- \item \isa {length_induct}, \bold{190}
- \item \isa {less_than} (constant), 114
- \item \isa {less_than_iff} (theorem), \bold{114}
- \item \isa {let} expressions, 5, 6, 31
- \item \isa {Let_def} (theorem), 31
- \item \isa {lex_prod_def} (theorem), \bold{115}
- \item lexicographic product, \bold{115}, 178
- \item {\texttt{lfp}}
- \subitem applications of, \see{CTL}{116}
- \item Library, 4
- \item linear arithmetic, 22--24, 149
- \item \isa {List} (theory), 17
- \item \isa {list} (type), 5, 9, 17
- \item \isa {list.split} (theorem), 32
- \item \isa {lists_mono} (theorem), \bold{137}
- \item Lowe, Gavin, 196--197
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {Main} (theory), 4
- \item major premise, \bold{75}
- \item \isa {make} (constant), 163
- \item marginal comments, \bold{61}
- \item markup commands, \bold{59}
- \item \isa {max} (constant), 23, 24
- \item measure functions, 47, 114
- \item \isa {measure_def} (theorem), \bold{115}
- \item meta-logic, \bold{80}
- \item methods, \bold{16}
- \item \isa {min} (constant), 23, 24
- \item mixfix annotations, \bold{53}
- \item \isa {mod} (symbol), 23
- \item \isa {mod_div_equality} (theorem), \bold{151}
- \item \isa {mod_mult_distrib} (theorem), \bold{151}
- \item model checking example, 116--126
- \item \emph{modus ponens}, 67, 72
- \item \isa {mono_def} (theorem), \bold{116}
- \item monotone functions, \bold{116}, 139
- \subitem and inductive definitions, 137--138
- \item \isa {more} (constant), 159, 160
- \item \isa {mp} (theorem), \bold{72}
- \item \isa {mult_ac} (theorems), 152
- \item multiple inheritance, \bold{170}
- \item multiset ordering, \bold{115}
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {nat} (type), 4, 22, 151--153
- \item \isa {nat_less_induct} (theorem), 188
- \item natural deduction, 67--68
- \item natural numbers, 22, 151--153
- \item Needham-Schroeder protocol, 195--197
- \item negation, 73--75
- \item \isa {Nil} (constant), 9
- \item \isa {no_asm} (modifier), 29
- \item \isa {no_asm_simp} (modifier), 30
- \item \isa {no_asm_use} (modifier), 30
- \item \isa {no_vars} (attribute), 62
- \item non-standard reals, 155
- \item \isa {None} (constant), \bold{24}
- \item \isa {notE} (theorem), \bold{73}
- \item \isa {notI} (theorem), \bold{73}
- \item numbers, 149--155
- \item numeric literals, 150
- \subitem for type \protect\isa{nat}, 151
- \subitem for type \protect\isa{real}, 155
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {O} (symbol), 112
- \item \texttt {o}, \bold{209}
- \item \isa {o_def} (theorem), \bold{110}
- \item \isa {OF} (attribute), 95--96
- \item \isa {of} (attribute), 93, 96
- \item \isa {only} (modifier), 29
- \item \isacommand {oops} (command), 13
- \item \isa {option} (type), \bold{24}
- \item ordered rewriting, \bold{176}
- \item overloading, 23, 165--167
- \subitem and arithmetic, 150
- \indexspace
- \item pairs and tuples, 24, 155--158
- \item parent theories, \bold{4}
- \item pattern matching
- \subitem and \isacommand{recdef}, 47
- \item patterns
- \subitem higher-order, \bold{177}
- \item PDL, 118--120
- \item \isacommand {pr} (command), 16, 100
- \item \isacommand {prefer} (command), 16, 101
- \item prefix annotation, 55
- \item primitive recursion, \see{recursion, primitive}{1}
- \item \isacommand {primrec} (command), 10, 18, 38--44
- \item print mode, \bold{55}
- \item product type, \see{pairs and tuples}{1}
- \item Proof General, \bold{7}
- \item proof state, 12
- \item proofs
- \subitem abandoning, \bold{13}
- \subitem examples of failing, 88--89
- \item protocols
- \subitem security, 195--205
- \indexspace
- \item quantifiers, 6
- \subitem and inductive definitions, 135--137
- \subitem existential, 82--83
- \subitem for sets, 108
- \subitem instantiating, 84
- \subitem universal, 80--82
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {r_into_rtrancl} (theorem), \bold{112}
- \item \isa {r_into_trancl} (theorem), \bold{113}
- \item range
- \subitem of a function, 111
- \subitem of a relation, 112
- \item \isa {range} (symbol), 111
- \item \isa {Range_iff} (theorem), \bold{112}
- \item \isa {Real} (theory), 155
- \item \isa {real} (type), 154--155
- \item real numbers, 154--155
- \item \isacommand {recdef} (command), 47--52, 114, 178--186
- \subitem and numeric literals, 150
- \item \isa {recdef_cong} (attribute), 182
- \item \isa {recdef_simp} (attribute), 49
- \item \isa {recdef_wf} (attribute), 180
- \item \isacommand {record} (command), 159
- \item records, 158--164
- \subitem extensible, 160--161
- \item recursion
- \subitem guarded, 183
- \subitem primitive, 18
- \subitem well-founded, \bold{179}
- \item recursion induction, 51--52
- \item \isacommand {redo} (command), 16
- \item reflexive and transitive closure, 112--114
- \item reflexive transitive closure
- \subitem defining inductively, 132--135
- \item \isa {rel_comp_def} (theorem), \bold{112}
- \item relations, 111--114
- \subitem well-founded, 114--115
- \item \isa {rename_tac} (method), 83
- \item \isa {rev} (constant), 10--14, 34
- \item rewrite rules, \bold{27}
- \subitem permutative, \bold{176}
- \item rewriting, \bold{27}
- \item \isa {rtrancl_refl} (theorem), \bold{112}
- \item \isa {rtrancl_trans} (theorem), \bold{112}
- \item rule induction, 128--130
- \item rule inversion, 130--131, 139--140
- \item \isa {rule_format} (attribute), 187
- \item \isa {rule_tac} (method), 76
- \subitem and renaming, 83
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {safe} (method), 91, 92
- \item safe rules, \bold{90}
- \item \isacommand {sect} (command), 59
- \item \isacommand {section} (command), 59
- \item selector
- \subitem record, 159
- \item session, \bold{58}
- \item \isa {set} (type), 5, 105
- \item set comprehensions, 107--108
- \item \isa {set_ext} (theorem), \bold{106}
- \item sets, 105--109
- \subitem finite, 109
- \subitem notation for finite, \bold{107}
- \item settings, \see{flags}{1}
- \item \isa {show_brackets} (flag), 6
- \item \isa {show_types} (flag), 5, 16
- \item \isa {simp} (attribute), 11, 28
- \item \isa {simp} (method), \bold{28}
- \item \isa {simp} del (attribute), 28
- \item \isa {simp_all} (method), 29, 38
- \item simplification, 27--33, 175--178
- \subitem of \isa{let}-expressions, 31
- \subitem with definitions, 30
- \subitem with/of assumptions, 29
- \item simplification rule, 177--178
- \item simplification rules, 28
- \subitem adding and deleting, 29
- \item \isa {simplified} (attribute), 94, 96
- \item \isa {size} (constant), 17
- \item \isa {snd} (constant), 24
- \item \isa {SOME} (symbol), 86
- \item \texttt {SOME}, \bold{209}
- \item \isa {Some} (constant), \bold{24}
- \item \isa {some_equality} (theorem), \bold{87}
- \item \isa {someI} (theorem), \bold{87}
- \item \isa {someI2} (theorem), \bold{87}
- \item \isa {someI_ex} (theorem), \bold{87}
- \item sorts, 170
- \item source comments, \bold{60}
- \item \isa {spec} (theorem), \bold{81}
- \item \isa {split} (attribute), 32
- \item \isa {split} (constant), 156
- \item \isa {split} (method), 31, 156
- \item \isa {split} (modifier), 32
- \item split rule, \bold{32}
- \item \isa {split_if} (theorem), 32
- \item \isa {split_if_asm} (theorem), 32
- \item \isa {ssubst} (theorem), \bold{77}
- \item structural induction, \see{induction, structural}{1}
- \item subclasses, 165, 169
- \item subgoal numbering, 46
- \item \isa {subgoal_tac} (method), 98, 99
- \item subgoals, 12
- \item \isacommand {subsect} (command), 59
- \item \isacommand {subsection} (command), 59
- \item subset relation, \bold{106}
- \item \isa {subsetD} (theorem), \bold{106}
- \item \isa {subsetI} (theorem), \bold{106}
- \item \isa {subst} (method), 77
- \item substitution, 77--80
- \item \isacommand {subsubsect} (command), 59
- \item \isacommand {subsubsection} (command), 59
- \item \isa {Suc} (constant), 22
- \item \isa {surj_def} (theorem), \bold{110}
- \item surjections, 110
- \item \isa {sym} (theorem), \bold{94}
- \item symbols, \bold{54}
- \item syntax, 6, 11
- \item \isacommand {syntax} (command), 55
- \item syntax (command), 56
- \item syntax translations, \bold{56}
- \indexspace
- \item tacticals, 99--100
- \item tactics, 12
- \item \isacommand {term} (command), 16
- \item term rewriting, \bold{27}
- \item termination, \see{functions, total}{1}
- \item terms, 5
- \item text, \bold{61}
- \item text blocks, \bold{61}
- \item \isa {THE} (symbol), 85
- \item \isa {the_equality} (theorem), \bold{86}
- \item \isa {THEN} (attribute), \bold{94}, 96, 103
- \item \isacommand {theorem} (command), \bold{11}, 13
- \item theories, 4
- \subitem abandoning, \bold{16}
- \item \isacommand {theory} (command), 16
- \item theory files, 4
- \item \isacommand {thm} (command), 16
- \item \isa {tl} (constant), 17
- \item \isa {ToyList} example, 9--14
- \item \isa {trace_simp} (flag), 33
- \item tracing the simplifier, \bold{33}
- \item \isa {trancl_trans} (theorem), \bold{113}
- \item transition systems, 117
- \item \isacommand {translations} (command), 56
- \item tries, 44--46
- \item \isa {True} (constant), 5
- \item \isa {truncate} (constant), 163
- \item tuples, \see{pairs and tuples}{1}
- \item txt, \bold{61}
- \item \isacommand {typ} (command), 16
- \item type constraints, \bold{6}
- \item type constructors, 5
- \item type inference, \bold{5}
- \item type synonyms, 25
- \item type variables, 5
- \item \isacommand {typedecl} (command), 117, 171
- \item \isacommand {typedef} (command), 172--174
- \item types, 4--5
- \subitem declaring, 171
- \subitem defining, 172--174
- \item \isacommand {types} (command), 25
- \indexspace
- \item Ullman, J. D., 145
- \item \texttt {UN}, \bold{209}
- \item \texttt {Un}, \bold{209}
- \item \isa {UN_E} (theorem), \bold{108}
- \item \isa {UN_I} (theorem), \bold{108}
- \item \isa {UN_iff} (theorem), \bold{108}
- \item \isa {Un_subset_iff} (theorem), \bold{106}
- \item \isacommand {undo} (command), 16
- \item \isa {unfold} (method), \bold{30}
- \item unification, 76--79
- \item \isa {UNION} (constant), 109
- \item \texttt {Union}, \bold{209}
- \item union
- \subitem indexed, 108
- \item \isa {Union_iff} (theorem), \bold{108}
- \item \isa {unit} (type), 24
- \item unknowns, 7, \bold{68}
- \item unsafe rules, \bold{90}
- \item update
- \subitem record, 159
- \item updating a function, \bold{109}
- \indexspace
- \item variables, 7
- \subitem schematic, 7
- \subitem type, 5
- \item \isa {vimage_def} (theorem), \bold{111}
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {wf_induct} (theorem), \bold{115}
- \item \isa {wf_inv_image} (theorem), \bold{115}
- \item \isa {wf_less_than} (theorem), \bold{114}
- \item \isa {wf_lex_prod} (theorem), \bold{115}
- \item \isa {wf_measure} (theorem), \bold{115}
- \item \isa {wf_subset} (theorem), 180
- \item \isa {while} (constant), 185
- \item \isa {While_Combinator} (theory), 185
- \item \isa {while_rule} (theorem), 185
- \indexspace
- \item \isa {zadd_ac} (theorems), 153
- \item \isa {zmult_ac} (theorems), 153
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-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Introduction}{1}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Fixedpoint operators}{1}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Elements of an inductive or coinductive definition}{2}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.1}The form of the introduction rules}{2}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.2}The fixedpoint definitions}{3}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.3}Mutual recursion}{3}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.4}Proving the introduction rules}{4}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.5}The elimination rule}{4}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Induction and coinduction rules}{4}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1}The basic induction rule}{4}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.2}Mutual induction}{5}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.3}Coinduction}{5}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Examples of inductive and coinductive definitions}{6}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.1}The finite set operator}{6}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.2}Lists of $n$ elements}{6}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.3}A coinductive definition: bisimulations on lazy lists}{7}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.4}The accessible part of a relation}{8}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {5.5}The primitive recursive functions}{9}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Datatypes and codatatypes}{11}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.1}Constructors and their domain}{11}
-\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {6.2}The case analysis operator}{11}
-\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Conclusions and future work}{12}
--- a/src/CCL/ccl.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
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-(* Title: CCL/ccl
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-For ccl.thy.
-open CCL;
-val ccl_data_defs = [apply_def,fix_def];
-val CCL_ss = FOL_ss addcongs set_congs
- addsimps ([po_refl RS P_iff_T] @ mem_rews);
-(*** Congruence Rules ***)
-(*similar to AP_THM in Gordon's HOL*)
-val fun_cong = prove_goal CCL.thy "(f::'a=>'b) = g ==> f(x)=g(x)"
- (fn [prem] => [rtac (prem RS subst) 1, rtac refl 1]);
-(*similar to AP_TERM in Gordon's HOL and FOL's subst_context*)
-val arg_cong = prove_goal CCL.thy "x=y ==> f(x)=f(y)"
- (fn [prem] => [rtac (prem RS subst) 1, rtac refl 1]);
-goal CCL.thy "(ALL x. f(x) = g(x)) --> (%x.f(x)) = (%x.g(x))";
-by (simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps [eq_iff]) 1);
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs [po_abstractn]) 1);
-val abstractn = standard (allI RS (result() RS mp));
-fun type_of_terms (Const("Trueprop",_) $
- (Const("op =",(Type ("fun", [t,_]))) $ _ $ _)) = t;
-fun abs_prems thm =
- let fun do_abs n thm (Type ("fun", [_,t])) = do_abs n (abstractn RSN (n,thm)) t
- | do_abs n thm _ = thm
- fun do_prems n [] thm = thm
- | do_prems n (x::xs) thm = do_prems (n+1) xs (do_abs n thm (type_of_terms x));
- in do_prems 1 (prems_of thm) thm
- end;
-val caseBs = [caseBtrue,caseBfalse,caseBpair,caseBlam,caseBbot];
-(*** Termination and Divergence ***)
-goalw CCL.thy [Trm_def,Dvg_def] "Trm(t) <-> ~ t = bot";
-br iff_refl 1;
-val Trm_iff = result();
-goalw CCL.thy [Trm_def,Dvg_def] "Dvg(t) <-> t = bot";
-br iff_refl 1;
-val Dvg_iff = result();
-(*** Constructors are injective ***)
-val prems = goal CCL.thy
- "[| x=a; y=b; x=y |] ==> a=b";
-by (REPEAT (SOMEGOAL (ares_tac (prems@[box_equals]))));
-val eq_lemma = result();
-fun mk_inj_rl thy rews s =
- let fun mk_inj_lemmas r = ([arg_cong] RL [(r RS (r RS eq_lemma))]);
- val inj_lemmas = flat (map mk_inj_lemmas rews);
- val tac = REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI,allI,conjI] 1 ORELSE
- eresolve_tac inj_lemmas 1 ORELSE
- asm_simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps rews) 1)
- in prove_goal thy s (fn _ => [tac])
- end;
-val ccl_injs = map (mk_inj_rl CCL.thy caseBs)
- ["<a,b> = <a',b'> <-> (a=a' & b=b')",
- "(lam x.b(x) = lam x.b'(x)) <-> ((ALL z.b(z)=b'(z)))"];
-val pair_inject = ((hd ccl_injs) RS iffD1) RS conjE;
-(*** Constructors are distinct ***)
- fun pairs_of f x [] = []
- | pairs_of f x (y::ys) = (f x y) :: (f y x) :: (pairs_of f x ys);
- fun mk_combs ff [] = []
- | mk_combs ff (x::xs) = (pairs_of ff x xs) @ mk_combs ff xs;
-(* Doesn't handle binder types correctly *)
- fun saturate thy sy name =
- let fun arg_str 0 a s = s
- | arg_str 1 a s = "(" ^ a ^ "a" ^ s ^ ")"
- | arg_str n a s = arg_str (n-1) a ("," ^ a ^ (chr((ord "a")+n-1)) ^ s);
- val sg = sign_of thy;
- val T = case Sign.Symtab.lookup(#const_tab(Sign.rep_sg sg),sy) of
- None => error(sy^" not declared") | Some(T) => T;
- val arity = length (fst (strip_type T));
- in sy ^ (arg_str arity name "") end;
- fun mk_thm_str thy a b = "~ " ^ (saturate thy a "a") ^ " = " ^ (saturate thy b "b");
- val lemma = prove_goal CCL.thy "t=t' --> case(t,b,c,d,e) = case(t',b,c,d,e)"
- (fn _ => [simp_tac CCL_ss 1]) RS mp;
- fun mk_lemma (ra,rb) = [lemma] RL [ra RS (rb RS eq_lemma)] RL
- [distinctness RS notE,sym RS (distinctness RS notE)];
- fun mk_lemmas rls = flat (map mk_lemma (mk_combs pair rls));
- fun mk_dstnct_rls thy xs = mk_combs (mk_thm_str thy) xs;
-val caseB_lemmas = mk_lemmas caseBs;
-val ccl_dstncts =
- let fun mk_raw_dstnct_thm rls s =
- prove_goal CCL.thy s (fn _=> [rtac notI 1,eresolve_tac rls 1])
- in map (mk_raw_dstnct_thm caseB_lemmas)
- (mk_dstnct_rls CCL.thy ["bot","true","false","pair","lambda"]) end;
-fun mk_dstnct_thms thy defs inj_rls xs =
- let fun mk_dstnct_thm rls s = prove_goalw thy defs s
- (fn _ => [simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps (rls@inj_rls)) 1])
- in map (mk_dstnct_thm ccl_dstncts) (mk_dstnct_rls thy xs) end;
-fun mkall_dstnct_thms thy defs i_rls xss = flat (map (mk_dstnct_thms thy defs i_rls) xss);
-(*** Rewriting and Proving ***)
-fun XH_to_I rl = rl RS iffD2;
-fun XH_to_D rl = rl RS iffD1;
-val XH_to_E = make_elim o XH_to_D;
-val XH_to_Is = map XH_to_I;
-val XH_to_Ds = map XH_to_D;
-val XH_to_Es = map XH_to_E;
-val ccl_rews = caseBs @ ccl_injs @ ccl_dstncts;
-val ccl_ss = CCL_ss addsimps ccl_rews;
-val ccl_cs = set_cs addSEs (pair_inject::(ccl_dstncts RL [notE]))
- addSDs (XH_to_Ds ccl_injs);
-(****** Facts from gfp Definition of [= and = ******)
-val major::prems = goal Set.thy "[| A=B; a:B <-> P |] ==> a:A <-> P";
-brs (prems RL [major RS ssubst]) 1;
-val XHlemma1 = result();
-goal CCL.thy "(P(t,t') <-> Q) --> (<t,t'> : {p.EX t t'.p=<t,t'> & P(t,t')} <-> Q)";
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-val XHlemma2 = result() RS mp;
-(*** Pre-Order ***)
-goalw CCL.thy [POgen_def,SIM_def] "mono(%X.POgen(X))";
-br monoI 1;
-by (safe_tac ccl_cs);
-by (REPEAT_SOME (resolve_tac [exI,conjI,refl]));
-by (ALLGOALS (simp_tac ccl_ss));
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac set_cs));
-val POgen_mono = result();
-goalw CCL.thy [POgen_def,SIM_def]
- "<t,t'> : POgen(R) <-> t= bot | (t=true & t'=true) | (t=false & t'=false) | \
-\ (EX a a' b b'.t=<a,b> & t'=<a',b'> & <a,a'> : R & <b,b'> : R) | \
-\ (EX f f'.t=lam x.f(x) & t'=lam x.f'(x) & (ALL x.<f(x),f'(x)> : R))";
-br (iff_refl RS XHlemma2) 1;
-val POgenXH = result();
-goal CCL.thy
- "t [= t' <-> t=bot | (t=true & t'=true) | (t=false & t'=false) | \
-\ (EX a a' b b'.t=<a,b> & t'=<a',b'> & a [= a' & b [= b') | \
-\ (EX f f'.t=lam x.f(x) & t'=lam x.f'(x) & (ALL x.f(x) [= f'(x)))";
-by (simp_tac (ccl_ss addsimps [PO_iff]) 1);
-br (rewrite_rule [POgen_def,SIM_def]
- (POgen_mono RS (PO_def RS def_gfp_Tarski) RS XHlemma1)) 1;
-br (iff_refl RS XHlemma2) 1;
-val poXH = result();
-goal CCL.thy "bot [= b";
-br (poXH RS iffD2) 1;
-by (simp_tac ccl_ss 1);
-val po_bot = result();
-goal CCL.thy "a [= bot --> a=bot";
-br impI 1;
-bd (poXH RS iffD1) 1;
-be rev_mp 1;
-by (simp_tac ccl_ss 1);
-val bot_poleast = result() RS mp;
-goal CCL.thy "<a,b> [= <a',b'> <-> a [= a' & b [= b'";
-br (poXH RS iff_trans) 1;
-by (simp_tac ccl_ss 1);
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-val po_pair = result();
-goal CCL.thy "lam x.f(x) [= lam x.f'(x) <-> (ALL x. f(x) [= f'(x))";
-br (poXH RS iff_trans) 1;
-by (simp_tac ccl_ss 1);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI,allI] 1 ORELSE eresolve_tac [exE,conjE] 1));
-by (asm_simp_tac ccl_ss 1);
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-val po_lam = result();
-val ccl_porews = [po_bot,po_pair,po_lam];
-val [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5] = goal CCL.thy
- "[| t [= t'; a [= a'; b [= b'; !!x y.c(x,y) [= c'(x,y); \
-\ !!u.d(u) [= d'(u) |] ==> case(t,a,b,c,d) [= case(t',a',b',c',d')";
-br (p1 RS po_cong RS po_trans) 1;
-br (p2 RS po_cong RS po_trans) 1;
-br (p3 RS po_cong RS po_trans) 1;
-br (p4 RS po_abstractn RS po_abstractn RS po_cong RS po_trans) 1;
-by (res_inst_tac [("f1","%d.case(t',a',b',c',d)")]
- (p5 RS po_abstractn RS po_cong RS po_trans) 1);
-br po_refl 1;
-val case_pocong = result();
-val [p1,p2] = goalw CCL.thy ccl_data_defs
- "[| f [= f'; a [= a' |] ==> f ` a [= f' ` a'";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [po_refl,case_pocong,p1,p2 RS po_cong] 1));
-val apply_pocong = result();
-val prems = goal CCL.thy "~ lam x.b(x) [= bot";
-br notI 1;
-bd bot_poleast 1;
-be (distinctness RS notE) 1;
-val npo_lam_bot = result();
-val eq1::eq2::prems = goal CCL.thy
- "[| x=a; y=b; x[=y |] ==> a[=b";
-br (eq1 RS subst) 1;
-br (eq2 RS subst) 1;
-brs prems 1;
-val po_lemma = result();
-goal CCL.thy "~ <a,b> [= lam x.f(x)";
-br notI 1;
-br (npo_lam_bot RS notE) 1;
-be (case_pocong RS (caseBlam RS (caseBpair RS po_lemma))) 1;
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [po_refl,npo_lam_bot] 1));
-val npo_pair_lam = result();
-goal CCL.thy "~ lam x.f(x) [= <a,b>";
-br notI 1;
-br (npo_lam_bot RS notE) 1;
-be (case_pocong RS (caseBpair RS (caseBlam RS po_lemma))) 1;
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [po_refl,npo_lam_bot] 1));
-val npo_lam_pair = result();
-fun mk_thm s = prove_goal CCL.thy s (fn _ =>
- [rtac notI 1,dtac case_pocong 1,etac rev_mp 5,
- ALLGOALS (simp_tac ccl_ss),
- REPEAT (resolve_tac [po_refl,npo_lam_bot] 1)]);
-val npo_rls = [npo_pair_lam,npo_lam_pair] @ map mk_thm
- ["~ true [= false", "~ false [= true",
- "~ true [= <a,b>", "~ <a,b> [= true",
- "~ true [= lam x.f(x)","~ lam x.f(x) [= true",
- "~ false [= <a,b>", "~ <a,b> [= false",
- "~ false [= lam x.f(x)","~ lam x.f(x) [= false"];
-(* Coinduction for [= *)
-val prems = goal CCL.thy "[| <t,u> : R; R <= POgen(R) |] ==> t [= u";
-br (PO_def RS def_coinduct RS (PO_iff RS iffD2)) 1;
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
-val po_coinduct = result();
-fun po_coinduct_tac s i = res_inst_tac [("R",s)] po_coinduct i;
-(*************** EQUALITY *******************)
-goalw CCL.thy [EQgen_def,SIM_def] "mono(%X.EQgen(X))";
-br monoI 1;
-by (safe_tac set_cs);
-by (REPEAT_SOME (resolve_tac [exI,conjI,refl]));
-by (ALLGOALS (simp_tac ccl_ss));
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac set_cs));
-val EQgen_mono = result();
-goalw CCL.thy [EQgen_def,SIM_def]
- "<t,t'> : EQgen(R) <-> (t=bot & t'=bot) | (t=true & t'=true) | \
-\ (t=false & t'=false) | \
-\ (EX a a' b b'.t=<a,b> & t'=<a',b'> & <a,a'> : R & <b,b'> : R) | \
-\ (EX f f'.t=lam x.f(x) & t'=lam x.f'(x) & (ALL x.<f(x),f'(x)> : R))";
-br (iff_refl RS XHlemma2) 1;
-val EQgenXH = result();
-goal CCL.thy
- "t=t' <-> (t=bot & t'=bot) | (t=true & t'=true) | (t=false & t'=false) | \
-\ (EX a a' b b'.t=<a,b> & t'=<a',b'> & a=a' & b=b') | \
-\ (EX f f'.t=lam x.f(x) & t'=lam x.f'(x) & (ALL x.f(x)=f'(x)))";
-by (subgoal_tac
- "<t,t'> : EQ <-> (t=bot & t'=bot) | (t=true & t'=true) | (t=false & t'=false) | \
-\ (EX a a' b b'.t=<a,b> & t'=<a',b'> & <a,a'> : EQ & <b,b'> : EQ) | \
-\ (EX f f'.t=lam x.f(x) & t'=lam x.f'(x) & (ALL x.<f(x),f'(x)> : EQ))" 1);
-be rev_mp 1;
-by (simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps [EQ_iff RS iff_sym]) 1);
-br (rewrite_rule [EQgen_def,SIM_def]
- (EQgen_mono RS (EQ_def RS def_gfp_Tarski) RS XHlemma1)) 1;
-br (iff_refl RS XHlemma2) 1;
-val eqXH = result();
-val prems = goal CCL.thy "[| <t,u> : R; R <= EQgen(R) |] ==> t = u";
-br (EQ_def RS def_coinduct RS (EQ_iff RS iffD2)) 1;
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
-val eq_coinduct = result();
-val prems = goal CCL.thy
- "[| <t,u> : R; R <= EQgen(lfp(%x.EQgen(x) Un R Un EQ)) |] ==> t = u";
-br (EQ_def RS def_coinduct3 RS (EQ_iff RS iffD2)) 1;
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (EQgen_mono::prems) 1));
-val eq_coinduct3 = result();
-fun eq_coinduct_tac s i = res_inst_tac [("R",s)] eq_coinduct i;
-fun eq_coinduct3_tac s i = res_inst_tac [("R",s)] eq_coinduct3 i;
-(*** Untyped Case Analysis and Other Facts ***)
-goalw CCL.thy [apply_def] "(EX f.t=lam x.f(x)) --> t = lam x.(t ` x)";
-by (safe_tac ccl_cs);
-by (simp_tac ccl_ss 1);
-val cond_eta = result() RS mp;
-goal CCL.thy "(t=bot) | (t=true) | (t=false) | (EX a b.t=<a,b>) | (EX f.t=lam x.f(x))";
-by (cut_facts_tac [refl RS (eqXH RS iffD1)] 1);
-by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
-val exhaustion = result();
-val prems = goal CCL.thy
- "[| P(bot); P(true); P(false); !!x y.P(<x,y>); !!b.P(lam x.b(x)) |] ==> P(t)";
-by (cut_facts_tac [exhaustion] 1);
-by (REPEAT_SOME (ares_tac prems ORELSE' eresolve_tac [disjE,exE,ssubst]));
-val term_case = result();
-fun term_case_tac a i = res_inst_tac [("t",a)] term_case i;
--- a/src/CCL/ccl.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
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-(* Title: CCL/ccl.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Classical Computational Logic for Untyped Lambda Calculus with reduction to
-weak head-normal form.
-Based on FOL extended with set collection, a primitive higher-order logic.
-HOL is too strong - descriptions prevent a type of programs being defined
-which contains only executable terms.
-CCL = Gfp +
-classes prog < term
-default prog
-types i
- i :: prog
- fun :: (prog,prog)prog
- (*** Evaluation Judgement ***)
- "--->" :: "[i,i]=>prop" (infixl 20)
- (*** Bisimulations for pre-order and equality ***)
- "[=" :: "['a,'a]=>o" (infixl 50)
- SIM :: "[i,i,i set]=>o"
- POgen,EQgen :: "i set => i set"
- PO,EQ :: "i set"
- (*** Term Formers ***)
- true,false :: "i"
- pair :: "[i,i]=>i" ("(1<_,/_>)")
- lambda :: "(i=>i)=>i" (binder "lam " 55)
- case :: "[i,i,i,[i,i]=>i,(i=>i)=>i]=>i"
- "`" :: "[i,i]=>i" (infixl 56)
- bot :: "i"
- fix :: "(i=>i)=>i"
- (*** Defined Predicates ***)
- Trm,Dvg :: "i => o"
- (******* EVALUATION SEMANTICS *******)
- (** This is the evaluation semantics from which the axioms below were derived. **)
- (** It is included here just as an evaluator for FUN and has no influence on **)
- (** inference in the theory CCL. **)
- trueV "true ---> true"
- falseV "false ---> false"
- pairV "<a,b> ---> <a,b>"
- lamV "lam x.b(x) ---> lam x.b(x)"
- caseVtrue "[| t ---> true; d ---> c |] ==> case(t,d,e,f,g) ---> c"
- caseVfalse "[| t ---> false; e ---> c |] ==> case(t,d,e,f,g) ---> c"
- caseVpair "[| t ---> <a,b>; f(a,b) ---> c |] ==> case(t,d,e,f,g) ---> c"
- caseVlam "[| t ---> lam x.b(x); g(b) ---> c |] ==> case(t,d,e,f,g) ---> c"
- (*** Properties of evaluation: note that "t ---> c" impies that c is canonical ***)
- canonical "[| t ---> c; c==true ==> u--->v; \
-\ c==false ==> u--->v; \
-\ !!a b.c==<a,b> ==> u--->v; \
-\ !!f.c==lam x.f(x) ==> u--->v |] ==> \
-\ u--->v"
- (* Should be derivable - but probably a bitch! *)
- substitute "[| a==a'; t(a)--->c(a) |] ==> t(a')--->c(a')"
- (************** LOGIC ***************)
- (*** Definitions used in the following rules ***)
- apply_def "f ` t == case(f,bot,bot,%x y.bot,%u.u(t))"
- bot_def "bot == (lam x.x`x)`(lam x.x`x)"
- fix_def "fix(f) == (lam x.f(x`x))`(lam x.f(x`x))"
- (* The pre-order ([=) is defined as a simulation, and behavioural equivalence (=) *)
- (* as a bisimulation. They can both be expressed as (bi)simulations up to *)
- (* behavioural equivalence (ie the relations PO and EQ defined below). *)
- SIM_def
- "SIM(t,t',R) == (t=true & t'=true) | (t=false & t'=false) | \
-\ (EX a a' b b'.t=<a,b> & t'=<a',b'> & <a,a'> : R & <b,b'> : R) | \
-\ (EX f f'.t=lam x.f(x) & t'=lam x.f'(x) & (ALL x.<f(x),f'(x)> : R))"
- POgen_def "POgen(R) == {p. EX t t'. p=<t,t'> & (t = bot | SIM(t,t',R))}"
- EQgen_def "EQgen(R) == {p. EX t t'. p=<t,t'> & (t = bot & t' = bot | SIM(t,t',R))}"
- PO_def "PO == gfp(POgen)"
- EQ_def "EQ == gfp(EQgen)"
- (*** Rules ***)
- (** Partial Order **)
- po_refl "a [= a"
- po_trans "[| a [= b; b [= c |] ==> a [= c"
- po_cong "a [= b ==> f(a) [= f(b)"
- (* Extend definition of [= to program fragments of higher type *)
- po_abstractn "(!!x. f(x) [= g(x)) ==> (%x.f(x)) [= (%x.g(x))"
- (** Equality - equivalence axioms inherited from FOL.thy **)
- (** - congruence of "=" is axiomatised implicitly **)
- eq_iff "t = t' <-> t [= t' & t' [= t"
- (** Properties of canonical values given by greatest fixed point definitions **)
- PO_iff "t [= t' <-> <t,t'> : PO"
- EQ_iff "t = t' <-> <t,t'> : EQ"
- (** Behaviour of non-canonical terms (ie case) given by the following beta-rules **)
- caseBtrue "case(true,d,e,f,g) = d"
- caseBfalse "case(false,d,e,f,g) = e"
- caseBpair "case(<a,b>,d,e,f,g) = f(a,b)"
- caseBlam "case(lam x.b(x),d,e,f,g) = g(b)"
- caseBbot "case(bot,d,e,f,g) = bot" (* strictness *)
- (** The theory is non-trivial **)
- distinctness "~ lam x.b(x) = bot"
- (*** Definitions of Termination and Divergence ***)
- Dvg_def "Dvg(t) == t = bot"
- Trm_def "Trm(t) == ~ Dvg(t)"
-Would be interesting to build a similar theory for a typed programming language:
- ie. true :: bool, fix :: ('a=>'a)=>'a etc......
-This is starting to look like LCF.
-What are the advantages of this approach?
- - less axiomatic
- - wfd induction / coinduction and fixed point induction available
--- a/src/CCL/ex/flag.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/ex/flag
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-For flag.thy.
-open Flag;
-val flag_defs = [Colour_def,red_def,white_def,blue_def,ccase_def];
-val ColourXH = mk_XH_tac Flag.thy (simp_type_defs @flag_defs) []
- "a : Colour <-> (a=red | a=white | a=blue)";
-val Colour_case = XH_to_E ColourXH;
-val redT = mk_canT_tac Flag.thy [ColourXH] "red : Colour";
-val whiteT = mk_canT_tac Flag.thy [ColourXH] "white : Colour";
-val blueT = mk_canT_tac Flag.thy [ColourXH] "blue : Colour";
-val ccaseT = mk_ncanT_tac Flag.thy flag_defs case_rls case_rls
- "[| c:Colour; \
-\ c=red ==> r : C(red); c=white ==> w : C(white); c=blue ==> b : C(blue) |] ==> \
-\ ccase(c,r,w,b) : C(c)";
-val prems = goalw Flag.thy [flag_def]
- "flag : List(Colour)->List(Colour)*List(Colour)*List(Colour)";
-by (typechk_tac [redT,whiteT,blueT,ccaseT] 1);
-by clean_ccs_tac;
-be (ListPRI RS (ListPR_wf RS wfI)) 1;
-ba 1;
-val prems = goalw Flag.thy [flag_def]
- "flag : PROD l:List(Colour).{x:List(Colour)*List(Colour)*List(Colour).FLAG(x,l)}";
-by (gen_ccs_tac [redT,whiteT,blueT,ccaseT] 1);
-by (REPEAT_SOME (ares_tac [ListPRI RS (ListPR_wf RS wfI)]));
--- a/src/CCL/ex/flag.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/ex/flag.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Dutch national flag program - except that the point of Dijkstra's example was to use
-arrays and this uses lists.
-Flag = List +
- Colour :: "i set"
- red, white, blue :: "i"
- ccase :: "[i,i,i,i]=>i"
- flag :: "i"
- Colour_def "Colour == Unit + Unit + Unit"
- red_def "red == inl(one)"
- white_def "white == inr(inl(one))"
- blue_def "blue == inr(inr(one))"
- ccase_def "ccase(c,r,w,b) == when(c,%x.r,%wb.when(wb,%x.w,%x.b))"
- flag_def "flag == lam l.letrec \
-\ flagx l be lcase(l,<[],<[],[]>>, \
-\ %h t. split(flagx(t),%lr p.split(p,%lw lb. \
-\ ccase(h, <red$lr,<lw,lb>>, \
-\ <lr,<white$lw,lb>>, \
-\ <lr,<lw,blue$lb>>)))) \
-\ in flagx(l)"
- Flag_def
- "Flag(l,x) == ALL lr:List(Colour).ALL lw:List(Colour).ALL lb:List(Colour). \
-\ x = <lr,<lw,lb>> --> \
-\ (ALL c:Colour.(c mem lr = true --> c=red) & \
-\ (c mem lw = true --> c=white) & \
-\ (c mem lb = true --> c=blue)) & \
-\ Perm(l,lr @ lw @ lb)"
--- a/src/CCL/ex/list.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/ex/list
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-For list.thy.
-open List;
-val list_defs = [map_def,comp_def,append_def,filter_def,flat_def,
- insert_def,isort_def,partition_def,qsort_def];
-val listBs = map (fn s=>prove_goalw List.thy list_defs s (fn _ => [simp_tac term_ss 1]))
- ["(f o g) = (%a.f(g(a)))",
- "(f o g)(a) = f(g(a))",
- "map(f,[]) = []",
- "map(f,x$xs) = f(x)$map(f,xs)",
- "[] @ m = m",
- "x$xs @ m = x$(xs @ m)",
- "filter(f,[]) = []",
- "filter(f,x$xs) = if f`x then x$filter(f,xs) else filter(f,xs)",
- "flat([]) = []",
- "flat(x$xs) = x @ flat(xs)",
- "insert(f,a,[]) = a$[]",
- "insert(f,a,x$xs) = if f`a`x then a$x$xs else x$insert(f,a,xs)"];
-val list_ss = nat_ss addsimps listBs;
-val [prem] = goal List.thy "n:Nat ==> map(f) ^ n ` [] = []";
-br (prem RS Nat_ind) 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
-val nmapBnil = result();
-val [prem] = goal List.thy "n:Nat ==> map(f)^n`(x$xs) = (f^n`x)$(map(f)^n`xs)";
-br (prem RS Nat_ind) 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac list_ss));
-val nmapBcons = result();
-val prems = goalw List.thy [map_def]
- "[| !!x.x:A==>f(x):B; l : List(A) |] ==> map(f,l) : List(B)";
-by (typechk_tac prems 1);
-val mapT = result();
-val prems = goalw List.thy [append_def]
- "[| l : List(A); m : List(A) |] ==> l @ m : List(A)";
-by (typechk_tac prems 1);
-val appendT = result();
-val prems = goal List.thy
- "[| l : {l:List(A). m : {m:List(A).P(l @ m)}} |] ==> l @ m : {x:List(A). P(x)}";
-by (cut_facts_tac prems 1);
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs [SubtypeI,appendT] addSEs [SubtypeE]) 1);
-val appendTS = result();
-val prems = goalw List.thy [filter_def]
- "[| f:A->Bool; l : List(A) |] ==> filter(f,l) : List(A)";
-by (typechk_tac prems 1);
-val filterT = result();
-val prems = goalw List.thy [flat_def]
- "l : List(List(A)) ==> flat(l) : List(A)";
-by (typechk_tac (appendT::prems) 1);
-val flatT = result();
-val prems = goalw List.thy [insert_def]
- "[| f : A->A->Bool; a:A; l : List(A) |] ==> insert(f,a,l) : List(A)";
-by (typechk_tac prems 1);
-val insertT = result();
-val prems = goal List.thy
- "[| f : {f:A->A->Bool. a : {a:A. l : {l:List(A).P(insert(f,a,l))}}} |] ==> \
-\ insert(f,a,l) : {x:List(A). P(x)}";
-by (cut_facts_tac prems 1);
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs [SubtypeI,insertT] addSEs [SubtypeE]) 1);
-val insertTS = result();
-val prems = goalw List.thy [partition_def]
- "[| f:A->Bool; l : List(A) |] ==> partition(f,l) : List(A)*List(A)";
-by (typechk_tac prems 1);
-by clean_ccs_tac;
-br (ListPRI RS wfstI RS (ListPR_wf RS wmap_wf RS wfI)) 2;
-br (ListPRI RS wfstI RS (ListPR_wf RS wmap_wf RS wfI)) 1;
-by (REPEAT (atac 1));
-val partitionT = result();
-(*** Correctness Conditions for Insertion Sort ***)
-val prems = goalw List.thy [isort_def]
- "f:A->A->Bool ==> isort(f) : PROD l:List(A).{x: List(A). Ord(f,x) & Perm(x,l)}";
-by (gen_ccs_tac ([insertTS,insertT]@prems) 1);
-(*** Correctness Conditions for Quick Sort ***)
-val prems = goalw List.thy [qsort_def]
- "f:A->A->Bool ==> qsort(f) : PROD l:List(A).{x: List(A). Ord(f,x) & Perm(x,l)}";
-by (gen_ccs_tac ([partitionT,appendTS,appendT]@prems) 1);
--- a/src/CCL/ex/list.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/ex/list.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Programs defined over lists.
-List = Nat +
- map :: "[i=>i,i]=>i"
- "o" :: "[i=>i,i=>i]=>i=>i" (infixr 55)
- "@" :: "[i,i]=>i" (infixr 55)
- mem :: "[i,i]=>i" (infixr 55)
- filter :: "[i,i]=>i"
- flat :: "i=>i"
- partition :: "[i,i]=>i"
- insert :: "[i,i,i]=>i"
- isort :: "i=>i"
- qsort :: "i=>i"
- map_def "map(f,l) == lrec(l,[],%x xs g.f(x)$g)"
- comp_def "f o g == (%x.f(g(x)))"
- append_def "l @ m == lrec(l,m,%x xs g.x$g)"
- mem_def "a mem l == lrec(l,false,%h t g.if eq(a,h) then true else g)"
- filter_def "filter(f,l) == lrec(l,[],%x xs g.if f`x then x$g else g)"
- flat_def "flat(l) == lrec(l,[],%h t g.h @ g)"
- insert_def "insert(f,a,l) == lrec(l,a$[],%h t g.if f`a`h then a$h$t else h$g)"
- isort_def "isort(f) == lam l.lrec(l,[],%h t g.insert(f,h,g))"
- partition_def
- "partition(f,l) == letrec part l a b be lcase(l,<a,b>,%x xs.\
-\ if f`x then part(xs,x$a,b) else part(xs,a,x$b)) \
-\ in part(l,[],[])"
- qsort_def "qsort(f) == lam l. letrec qsortx l be lcase(l,[],%h t. \
-\ let p be partition(f`h,t) \
-\ in split(p,%x y.qsortx(x) @ h$qsortx(y))) \
-\ in qsortx(l)"
--- a/src/CCL/ex/nat.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/ex/nat
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-For nat.thy.
-open Nat;
-val nat_defs = [not_def,add_def,mult_def,sub_def,le_def,lt_def,ack_def,napply_def];
-val natBs = map (fn s=>prove_goalw Nat.thy nat_defs s (fn _ => [simp_tac term_ss 1]))
- ["not(true) = false",
- "not(false) = true",
- "zero #+ n = n",
- "succ(n) #+ m = succ(n #+ m)",
- "zero #* n = zero",
- "succ(n) #* m = m #+ (n #* m)",
- "f^zero`a = a",
- "f^succ(n)`a = f(f^n`a)"];
-val nat_ss = term_ss addsimps natBs;
-(*** Lemma for napply ***)
-val [prem] = goal Nat.thy "n:Nat ==> f^n`f(a) = f^succ(n)`a";
-br (prem RS Nat_ind) 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac nat_ss));
-val napply_f = result();
-val prems = goalw Nat.thy [add_def] "[| a:Nat; b:Nat |] ==> a #+ b : Nat";
-by (typechk_tac prems 1);
-val addT = result();
-val prems = goalw Nat.thy [mult_def] "[| a:Nat; b:Nat |] ==> a #* b : Nat";
-by (typechk_tac (addT::prems) 1);
-val multT = result();
-(* Defined to return zero if a<b *)
-val prems = goalw Nat.thy [sub_def] "[| a:Nat; b:Nat |] ==> a #- b : Nat";
-by (typechk_tac (prems) 1);
-by clean_ccs_tac;
-be (NatPRI RS wfstI RS (NatPR_wf RS wmap_wf RS wfI)) 1;
-val subT = result();
-val prems = goalw Nat.thy [le_def] "[| a:Nat; b:Nat |] ==> a #<= b : Bool";
-by (typechk_tac (prems) 1);
-by clean_ccs_tac;
-be (NatPRI RS wfstI RS (NatPR_wf RS wmap_wf RS wfI)) 1;
-val leT = result();
-val prems = goalw Nat.thy [not_def,lt_def] "[| a:Nat; b:Nat |] ==> a #< b : Bool";
-by (typechk_tac (prems@[leT]) 1);
-val ltT = result();
-(* Correctness conditions for subtractive division **)
-val prems = goalw Nat.thy [div_def]
- "[| a:Nat; b:{x:Nat.~x=zero} |] ==> a ## b : {x:Nat. DIV(a,b,x)}";
-by (gen_ccs_tac (prems@[ltT,subT]) 1);
-(* Termination Conditions for Ackermann's Function *)
-val prems = goalw Nat.thy [ack_def]
- "[| a:Nat; b:Nat |] ==> ackermann(a,b) : Nat";
-by (gen_ccs_tac prems 1);
-val relI = NatPR_wf RS (NatPR_wf RS lex_wf RS wfI);
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [NatPRI RS (lexI1 RS relI),NatPRI RS (lexI2 RS relI)] 1));
--- a/src/CCL/ex/nat.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/ex/nat.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Programs defined over the natural numbers
-Nat = Wfd +
- not :: "i=>i"
- "#+","#*","#-",
- "##","#<","#<=" :: "[i,i]=>i" (infixr 60)
- ackermann :: "[i,i]=>i"
- not_def "not(b) == if b then false else true"
- add_def "a #+ b == nrec(a,b,%x g.succ(g))"
- mult_def "a #* b == nrec(a,zero,%x g.b #+ g)"
- sub_def "a #- b == letrec sub x y be ncase(y,x,%yy.ncase(x,zero,%xx.sub(xx,yy))) \
-\ in sub(a,b)"
- le_def "a #<= b == letrec le x y be ncase(x,true,%xx.ncase(y,false,%yy.le(xx,yy))) \
-\ in le(a,b)"
- lt_def "a #< b == not(b #<= a)"
- div_def "a ## b == letrec div x y be if x #< y then zero else succ(div(x#-y,y)) \
-\ in div(a,b)"
- ack_def
- "ackermann(a,b) == letrec ack n m be ncase(n,succ(m),%x. \
-\ ncase(m,ack(x,succ(zero)),%y.ack(x,ack(succ(x),y))))\
-\ in ack(a,b)"
--- a/src/CCL/ex/stream.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/ex/stream
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-For stream.thy.
-Proving properties about infinite lists using coinduction:
- Lists(A) is the set of all finite and infinite lists of elements of A.
- ILists(A) is the set of infinite lists of elements of A.
-open Stream;
-(*** Map of composition is composition of maps ***)
-val prems = goal Stream.thy "l:Lists(A) ==> map(f o g,l) = map(f,map(g,l))";
-by (eq_coinduct3_tac
- "{p. EX x y.p=<x,y> & (EX l:Lists(A).x=map(f o g,l) & y=map(f,map(g,l)))}" 1);
-by (fast_tac (ccl_cs addSIs prems) 1);
-by (safe_tac type_cs);
-be (XH_to_E ListsXH) 1;
-by (EQgen_tac list_ss [] 1);
-by (simp_tac list_ss 1);
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-val map_comp = result();
-(*** Mapping the identity function leaves a list unchanged ***)
-val prems = goal Stream.thy "l:Lists(A) ==> map(%x.x,l) = l";
-by (eq_coinduct3_tac
- "{p. EX x y.p=<x,y> & (EX l:Lists(A).x=map(%x.x,l) & y=l)}" 1);
-by (fast_tac (ccl_cs addSIs prems) 1);
-by (safe_tac type_cs);
-be (XH_to_E ListsXH) 1;
-by (EQgen_tac list_ss [] 1);
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-val map_id = result();
-(*** Mapping distributes over append ***)
-val prems = goal Stream.thy
- "[| l:Lists(A); m:Lists(A) |] ==> map(f,l@m) = map(f,l) @ map(f,m)";
-by (eq_coinduct3_tac "{p. EX x y.p=<x,y> & (EX l:Lists(A).EX m:Lists(A). \
-\ x=map(f,l@m) & y=map(f,l) @ map(f,m))}" 1);
-by (fast_tac (ccl_cs addSIs prems) 1);
-by (safe_tac type_cs);
-be (XH_to_E ListsXH) 1;
-by (EQgen_tac list_ss [] 1);
-be (XH_to_E ListsXH) 1;
-by (EQgen_tac list_ss [] 1);
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-val map_append = result();
-(*** Append is associative ***)
-val prems = goal Stream.thy
- "[| k:Lists(A); l:Lists(A); m:Lists(A) |] ==> k @ l @ m = (k @ l) @ m";
-by (eq_coinduct3_tac "{p. EX x y.p=<x,y> & (EX k:Lists(A).EX l:Lists(A).EX m:Lists(A). \
-\ x=k @ l @ m & y=(k @ l) @ m)}" 1);
-by (fast_tac (ccl_cs addSIs prems) 1);
-by (safe_tac type_cs);
-be (XH_to_E ListsXH) 1;
-by (EQgen_tac list_ss [] 1);
-be (XH_to_E ListsXH) 1;back();
-by (EQgen_tac list_ss [] 1);
-be (XH_to_E ListsXH) 1;
-by (EQgen_tac list_ss [] 1);
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-val append_assoc = result();
-(*** Appending anything to an infinite list doesn't alter it ****)
-val prems = goal Stream.thy "l:ILists(A) ==> l @ m = l";
-by (eq_coinduct3_tac "{p. EX x y.p=<x,y> & (EX l:ILists(A).EX m.x=l@m & y=l)}" 1);
-by (fast_tac (ccl_cs addSIs prems) 1);
-by (safe_tac set_cs);
-be (XH_to_E IListsXH) 1;
-by (EQgen_tac list_ss [] 1);
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-val ilist_append = result();
-(*** The equivalance of two versions of an iteration function ***)
-(* *)
-(* fun iter1(f,a) = a$iter1(f,f(a)) *)
-(* fun iter2(f,a) = a$map(f,iter2(f,a)) *)
-goalw Stream.thy [iter1_def] "iter1(f,a) = a$iter1(f,f(a))";
-br (letrecB RS trans) 1;
-by (simp_tac term_ss 1);
-val iter1B = result();
-goalw Stream.thy [iter2_def] "iter2(f,a) = a $ map(f,iter2(f,a))";
-br (letrecB RS trans) 1;
-br refl 1;
-val iter2B = result();
-val [prem] =goal Stream.thy
- "n:Nat ==> map(f) ^ n ` iter2(f,a) = (f ^ n ` a) $ (map(f) ^ n ` map(f,iter2(f,a)))";
-br (iter2B RS ssubst) 1;back();back();
-by (simp_tac (list_ss addsimps [prem RS nmapBcons]) 1);
-val iter2Blemma = result();
-goal Stream.thy "iter1(f,a) = iter2(f,a)";
-by (eq_coinduct3_tac
- "{p. EX x y.p=<x,y> & (EX n:Nat.x=iter1(f,f^n`a) & y=map(f)^n`iter2(f,a))}"
- 1);
-by (fast_tac (type_cs addSIs [napplyBzero RS sym,
- napplyBzero RS sym RS arg_cong]) 1);
-by (EQgen_tac list_ss [iter1B,iter2Blemma] 1);
-by (rtac (napply_f RS ssubst) 1 THEN atac 1);
-by (res_inst_tac [("f1","f")] (napplyBsucc RS subst) 1);
-by (fast_tac type_cs 1);
-val iter1_iter2_eq = result();
--- a/src/CCL/ex/stream.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/ex/stream.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Programs defined over streams.
-Stream = List +
- iter1,iter2 :: "[i=>i,i]=>i"
- iter1_def "iter1(f,a) == letrec iter x be x$iter(f(x)) in iter(a)"
- iter2_def "iter2(f,a) == letrec iter x be x$map(f,iter(x)) in iter(a)"
--- a/src/CCL/fix.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/fix
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-For fix.thy.
-open Fix;
-(*** Fixed Point Induction ***)
-val [base,step,incl] = goalw Fix.thy [INCL_def]
- "[| P(bot); !!x.P(x) ==> P(f(x)); INCL(P) |] ==> P(fix(f))";
-br (incl RS spec RS mp) 1;
-by (rtac (Nat_ind RS ballI) 1 THEN atac 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (simp_tac term_ss));
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [base,step] 1));
-val fix_ind = result();
-(*** Inclusive Predicates ***)
-val prems = goalw Fix.thy [INCL_def]
- "INCL(P) <-> (ALL f. (ALL n:Nat. P(f ^ n ` bot)) --> P(fix(f)))";
-br iff_refl 1;
-val inclXH = result();
-val prems = goal Fix.thy
- "[| !!f.ALL n:Nat.P(f^n`bot) ==> P(fix(f)) |] ==> INCL(%x.P(x))";
-by (fast_tac (term_cs addIs (prems @ [XH_to_I inclXH])) 1);
-val inclI = result();
-val incl::prems = goal Fix.thy
- "[| INCL(P); !!n.n:Nat ==> P(f^n`bot) |] ==> P(fix(f))";
-by (fast_tac (term_cs addIs ([ballI RS (incl RS (XH_to_D inclXH) RS spec RS mp)]
- @ prems)) 1);
-val inclD = result();
-val incl::prems = goal Fix.thy
- "[| INCL(P); (ALL n:Nat.P(f^n`bot))-->P(fix(f)) ==> R |] ==> R";
-by (fast_tac (term_cs addIs ([incl RS inclD] @ prems)) 1);
-val inclE = result();
-(*** Lemmas for Inclusive Predicates ***)
-goal Fix.thy "INCL(%x.~ a(x) [= t)";
-br inclI 1;
-bd bspec 1;
-br zeroT 1;
-be contrapos 1;
-br po_trans 1;
-ba 2;
-br (napplyBzero RS ssubst) 1;
-by (rtac po_cong 1 THEN rtac po_bot 1);
-val npo_INCL = result();
-val prems = goal Fix.thy "[| INCL(P); INCL(Q) |] ==> INCL(%x.P(x) & Q(x))";
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs ([inclI] @ (prems RL [inclD]))) 1);;
-val conj_INCL = result();
-val prems = goal Fix.thy "[| !!a.INCL(P(a)) |] ==> INCL(%x.ALL a.P(a,x))";
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs ([inclI] @ (prems RL [inclD]))) 1);;
-val all_INCL = result();
-val prems = goal Fix.thy "[| !!a.a:A ==> INCL(P(a)) |] ==> INCL(%x.ALL a:A.P(a,x))";
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs ([inclI] @ (prems RL [inclD]))) 1);;
-val ball_INCL = result();
-goal Fix.thy "INCL(%x.a(x) = b(x)::'a::prog)";
-by (simp_tac (term_ss addsimps [eq_iff]) 1);
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [conj_INCL,po_INCL] 1));
-val eq_INCL = result();
-(*** Derivation of Reachability Condition ***)
-(* Fixed points of idgen *)
-goal Fix.thy "idgen(fix(idgen)) = fix(idgen)";
-br (fixB RS sym) 1;
-val fix_idgenfp = result();
-goalw Fix.thy [idgen_def] "idgen(lam x.x) = lam x.x";
-by (simp_tac term_ss 1);
-br (term_case RS allI) 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (simp_tac term_ss));
-val id_idgenfp = result();
-(* All fixed points are lam-expressions *)
-val [prem] = goal Fix.thy "idgen(d) = d ==> d = lam x.?f(x)";
-br (prem RS subst) 1;
-bw idgen_def;
-br refl 1;
-val idgenfp_lam = result();
-(* Lemmas for rewriting fixed points of idgen *)
-val prems = goalw Fix.thy [idgen_def]
- "[| a = b; a ` t = u |] ==> b ` t = u";
-by (simp_tac (term_ss addsimps (prems RL [sym])) 1);
-val l_lemma= result();
-val idgen_lemmas =
- let fun mk_thm s = prove_goalw Fix.thy [idgen_def] s
- (fn [prem] => [rtac (prem RS l_lemma) 1,simp_tac term_ss 1])
- in map mk_thm
- [ "idgen(d) = d ==> d ` bot = bot",
- "idgen(d) = d ==> d ` true = true",
- "idgen(d) = d ==> d ` false = false",
- "idgen(d) = d ==> d ` <a,b> = <d ` a,d ` b>",
- "idgen(d) = d ==> d ` (lam x.f(x)) = lam x.d ` f(x)"]
- end;
-(* Proof of Reachability law - show that fix and lam x.x both give LEAST fixed points
- of idgen and hence are they same *)
-val [p1,p2,p3] = goal CCL.thy
- "[| ALL x.t ` x [= u ` x; EX f.t=lam x.f(x); EX f.u=lam x.f(x) |] ==> t [= u";
-br (p2 RS cond_eta RS ssubst) 1;
-br (p3 RS cond_eta RS ssubst) 1;
-br (p1 RS (po_lam RS iffD2)) 1;
-val po_eta = result();
-val [prem] = goalw Fix.thy [idgen_def] "idgen(d) = d ==> d = lam x.?f(x)";
-br (prem RS subst) 1;
-br refl 1;
-val po_eta_lemma = result();
-val [prem] = goal Fix.thy
- "idgen(d) = d ==> \
-\ {p.EX a b.p=<a,b> & (EX t.a=fix(idgen) ` t & b = d ` t)} <= \
-\ POgen({p.EX a b.p=<a,b> & (EX t.a=fix(idgen) ` t & b = d ` t)})";
-by (REPEAT (step_tac term_cs 1));
-by (term_case_tac "t" 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (simp_tac (term_ss addsimps (POgenXH::([prem,fix_idgenfp] RL idgen_lemmas)))));
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac set_cs));
-val lemma1 = result();
-val [prem] = goal Fix.thy
- "idgen(d) = d ==> fix(idgen) [= d";
-br (allI RS po_eta) 1;
-br (lemma1 RSN(2,po_coinduct)) 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (term_cs addIs [prem,po_eta_lemma,fix_idgenfp])));
-val fix_least_idgen = result();
-val [prem] = goal Fix.thy
- "idgen(d) = d ==> \
-\ {p.EX a b.p=<a,b> & b = d ` a} <= POgen({p.EX a b.p=<a,b> & b = d ` a})";
-by (REPEAT (step_tac term_cs 1));
-by (term_case_tac "a" 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (simp_tac (term_ss addsimps (POgenXH::([prem] RL idgen_lemmas)))));
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac set_cs));
-val lemma2 = result();
-val [prem] = goal Fix.thy
- "idgen(d) = d ==> lam x.x [= d";
-br (allI RS po_eta) 1;
-br (lemma2 RSN(2,po_coinduct)) 1;
-by (simp_tac term_ss 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (term_cs addIs [prem,po_eta_lemma,fix_idgenfp])));
-val id_least_idgen = result();
-goal Fix.thy "fix(idgen) = lam x.x";
-by (fast_tac (term_cs addIs [eq_iff RS iffD2,
- id_idgenfp RS fix_least_idgen,
- fix_idgenfp RS id_least_idgen]) 1);
-val reachability = result();
-val [prem] = goal Fix.thy "f = lam x.x ==> f`t = t";
-br (prem RS sym RS subst) 1;
-br applyB 1;
-val id_apply = result();
-val prems = goal Fix.thy
- "[| P(bot); P(true); P(false); \
-\ !!x y.[| P(x); P(y) |] ==> P(<x,y>); \
-\ !!u.(!!x.P(u(x))) ==> P(lam x.u(x)); INCL(P) |] ==> \
-\ P(t)";
-br (reachability RS id_apply RS subst) 1;
-by (res_inst_tac [("x","t")] spec 1);
-br fix_ind 1;
-bw idgen_def;
-by (REPEAT_SOME (ares_tac [allI]));
-br (applyBbot RS ssubst) 1;
-brs prems 1;
-br (applyB RS ssubst )1;
-by (res_inst_tac [("t","xa")] term_case 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (simp_tac term_ss));
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (term_cs addIs ([all_INCL,INCL_subst] @ prems))));
-val term_ind = result();
--- a/src/CCL/fix.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/Lazy/fix.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Tentative attempt at including fixed point induction.
-Justified by Smith.
-Fix = Type +
- idgen :: "[i]=>i"
- INCL :: "[i=>o]=>o"
- idgen_def
- "idgen(f) == lam t.case(t,true,false,%x y.<f`x, f`y>,%u.lam x.f ` u(x))"
- INCL_def "INCL(%x.P(x)) == (ALL f.(ALL n:Nat.P(f^n`bot)) --> P(fix(f)))"
- po_INCL "INCL(%x.a(x) [= b(x))"
- INCL_subst "INCL(P) ==> INCL(%x.P((g::i=>i)(x)))"
--- a/src/CCL/gfp.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/gfp
- ID: $Id$
-Modified version of
- Title: HOL/gfp
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-For gfp.thy. The Knaster-Tarski Theorem for greatest fixed points.
-open Gfp;
-(*** Proof of Knaster-Tarski Theorem using gfp ***)
-(* gfp(f) is the least upper bound of {u. u <= f(u)} *)
-val prems = goalw Gfp.thy [gfp_def] "[| A <= f(A) |] ==> A <= gfp(f)";
-by (rtac (CollectI RS Union_upper) 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-val gfp_upperbound = result();
-val prems = goalw Gfp.thy [gfp_def]
- "[| !!u. u <= f(u) ==> u<=A |] ==> gfp(f) <= A";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac ([Union_least]@prems) 1));
-by (etac CollectD 1);
-val gfp_least = result();
-val [mono] = goal Gfp.thy "mono(f) ==> gfp(f) <= f(gfp(f))";
-by (EVERY1 [rtac gfp_least, rtac subset_trans, atac,
- rtac (mono RS monoD), rtac gfp_upperbound, atac]);
-val gfp_lemma2 = result();
-val [mono] = goal Gfp.thy "mono(f) ==> f(gfp(f)) <= gfp(f)";
-by (EVERY1 [rtac gfp_upperbound, rtac (mono RS monoD),
- rtac gfp_lemma2, rtac mono]);
-val gfp_lemma3 = result();
-val [mono] = goal Gfp.thy "mono(f) ==> gfp(f) = f(gfp(f))";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [equalityI,gfp_lemma2,gfp_lemma3,mono] 1));
-val gfp_Tarski = result();
-(*** Coinduction rules for greatest fixed points ***)
-(*weak version*)
-val prems = goal Gfp.thy
- "[| a: A; A <= f(A) |] ==> a : gfp(f)";
-by (rtac (gfp_upperbound RS subsetD) 1);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
-val coinduct = result();
-val [prem,mono] = goal Gfp.thy
- "[| A <= f(A) Un gfp(f); mono(f) |] ==> \
-\ A Un gfp(f) <= f(A Un gfp(f))";
-by (rtac subset_trans 1);
-by (rtac (mono RS mono_Un) 2);
-by (rtac (mono RS gfp_Tarski RS subst) 1);
-by (rtac (prem RS Un_least) 1);
-by (rtac Un_upper2 1);
-val coinduct2_lemma = result();
-(*strong version, thanks to Martin Coen*)
-val prems = goal Gfp.thy
- "[| a: A; A <= f(A) Un gfp(f); mono(f) |] ==> a : gfp(f)";
-by (rtac (coinduct2_lemma RSN (2,coinduct)) 1);
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[UnI1]) 1));
-val coinduct2 = result();
-(*** Even Stronger version of coinduct [by Martin Coen]
- - instead of the condition A <= f(A)
- consider A <= (f(A) Un f(f(A)) ...) Un gfp(A) ***)
-val [prem] = goal Gfp.thy "mono(f) ==> mono(%x.f(x) Un A Un B)";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [subset_refl, monoI, Un_mono, prem RS monoD] 1));
-val coinduct3_mono_lemma= result();
-val [prem,mono] = goal Gfp.thy
- "[| A <= f(lfp(%x.f(x) Un A Un gfp(f))); mono(f) |] ==> \
-\ lfp(%x.f(x) Un A Un gfp(f)) <= f(lfp(%x.f(x) Un A Un gfp(f)))";
-by (rtac subset_trans 1);
-br (mono RS coinduct3_mono_lemma RS lfp_lemma3) 1;
-by (rtac (Un_least RS Un_least) 1);
-br subset_refl 1;
-br prem 1;
-br (mono RS gfp_Tarski RS equalityD1 RS subset_trans) 1;
-by (rtac (mono RS monoD) 1);
-by (rtac (mono RS coinduct3_mono_lemma RS lfp_Tarski RS ssubst) 1);
-by (rtac Un_upper2 1);
-val coinduct3_lemma = result();
-val prems = goal Gfp.thy
- "[| a:A; A <= f(lfp(%x.f(x) Un A Un gfp(f))); mono(f) |] ==> a : gfp(f)";
-by (rtac (coinduct3_lemma RSN (2,coinduct)) 1);
-brs (prems RL [coinduct3_mono_lemma RS lfp_Tarski RS ssubst]) 1;
-br (UnI2 RS UnI1) 1;
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac prems 1));
-val coinduct3 = result();
-(** Definition forms of gfp_Tarski, to control unfolding **)
-val [rew,mono] = goal Gfp.thy "[| h==gfp(f); mono(f) |] ==> h = f(h)";
-by (rewtac rew);
-by (rtac (mono RS gfp_Tarski) 1);
-val def_gfp_Tarski = result();
-val rew::prems = goal Gfp.thy
- "[| h==gfp(f); a:A; A <= f(A) |] ==> a: h";
-by (rewtac rew);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems @ [coinduct]) 1));
-val def_coinduct = result();
-val rew::prems = goal Gfp.thy
- "[| h==gfp(f); a:A; A <= f(A) Un h; mono(f) |] ==> a: h";
-by (rewtac rew);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (map (rewrite_rule [rew]) prems @ [coinduct2]) 1));
-val def_coinduct2 = result();
-val rew::prems = goal Gfp.thy
- "[| h==gfp(f); a:A; A <= f(lfp(%x.f(x) Un A Un h)); mono(f) |] ==> a: h";
-by (rewtac rew);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (map (rewrite_rule [rew]) prems @ [coinduct3]) 1));
-val def_coinduct3 = result();
-(*Monotonicity of gfp!*)
-val prems = goal Gfp.thy
- "[| mono(f); !!Z. f(Z)<=g(Z) |] ==> gfp(f) <= gfp(g)";
-by (rtac gfp_upperbound 1);
-by (rtac subset_trans 1);
-by (rtac gfp_lemma2 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-val gfp_mono = result();
--- a/src/CCL/gfp.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/gfp.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-Greatest fixed points
-Gfp = Lfp +
-consts gfp :: "['a set=>'a set] => 'a set"
- (*greatest fixed point*)
- gfp_def "gfp(f) == Union({u. u <= f(u)})"
--- a/src/CCL/hered.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/hered
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-For hered.thy.
-open Hered;
-fun type_of_terms (Const("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("op =",(Type ("fun", [t,_])))$_$_)) = t;
-(*** Hereditary Termination ***)
-goalw Hered.thy [HTTgen_def] "mono(%X.HTTgen(X))";
-br monoI 1;
-by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
-val HTTgen_mono = result();
-goalw Hered.thy [HTTgen_def]
- "t : HTTgen(A) <-> t=true | t=false | (EX a b.t=<a,b> & a : A & b : A) | \
-\ (EX f.t=lam x.f(x) & (ALL x.f(x) : A))";
-by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
-val HTTgenXH = result();
-goal Hered.thy
- "t : HTT <-> t=true | t=false | (EX a b.t=<a,b> & a : HTT & b : HTT) | \
-\ (EX f.t=lam x.f(x) & (ALL x.f(x) : HTT))";
-br (rewrite_rule [HTTgen_def]
- (HTTgen_mono RS (HTT_def RS def_gfp_Tarski) RS XHlemma1)) 1;
-by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
-val HTTXH = result();
-(*** Introduction Rules for HTT ***)
-goal Hered.thy "~ bot : HTT";
-by (fast_tac (term_cs addDs [XH_to_D HTTXH]) 1);
-val HTT_bot = result();
-goal Hered.thy "true : HTT";
-by (fast_tac (term_cs addIs [XH_to_I HTTXH]) 1);
-val HTT_true = result();
-goal Hered.thy "false : HTT";
-by (fast_tac (term_cs addIs [XH_to_I HTTXH]) 1);
-val HTT_false = result();
-goal Hered.thy "<a,b> : HTT <-> a : HTT & b : HTT";
-br (HTTXH RS iff_trans) 1;
-by (fast_tac term_cs 1);
-val HTT_pair = result();
-goal Hered.thy "lam x.f(x) : HTT <-> (ALL x. f(x) : HTT)";
-br (HTTXH RS iff_trans) 1;
-by (simp_tac term_ss 1);
-by (safe_tac term_cs);
-by (asm_simp_tac term_ss 1);
-by (fast_tac term_cs 1);
-val HTT_lam = result();
- val raw_HTTrews = [HTT_bot,HTT_true,HTT_false,HTT_pair,HTT_lam];
- fun mk_thm s = prove_goalw Hered.thy data_defs s (fn _ =>
- [simp_tac (term_ss addsimps raw_HTTrews) 1]);
- val HTT_rews = raw_HTTrews @
- map mk_thm ["one : HTT",
- "inl(a) : HTT <-> a : HTT",
- "inr(b) : HTT <-> b : HTT",
- "zero : HTT",
- "succ(n) : HTT <-> n : HTT",
- "[] : HTT",
- "x$xs : HTT <-> x : HTT & xs : HTT"];
-val HTT_Is = HTT_rews @ (HTT_rews RL [iffD2]);
-(*** Coinduction for HTT ***)
-val prems = goal Hered.thy "[| t : R; R <= HTTgen(R) |] ==> t : HTT";
-br (HTT_def RS def_coinduct) 1;
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
-val HTT_coinduct = result();
-fun HTT_coinduct_tac s i = res_inst_tac [("R",s)] HTT_coinduct i;
-val prems = goal Hered.thy
- "[| t : R; R <= HTTgen(lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT)) |] ==> t : HTT";
-br (HTTgen_mono RSN(3,HTT_def RS def_coinduct3)) 1;
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
-val HTT_coinduct3 = result();
-val HTT_coinduct3_raw = rewrite_rule [HTTgen_def] HTT_coinduct3;
-fun HTT_coinduct3_tac s i = res_inst_tac [("R",s)] HTT_coinduct3 i;
-val HTTgenIs = map (mk_genIs Hered.thy data_defs HTTgenXH HTTgen_mono)
- ["true : HTTgen(R)",
- "false : HTTgen(R)",
- "[| a : R; b : R |] ==> <a,b> : HTTgen(R)",
- "[| !!x. b(x) : R |] ==> lam x.b(x) : HTTgen(R)",
- "one : HTTgen(R)",
- "a : lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT) ==> \
-\ inl(a) : HTTgen(lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT))",
- "b : lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT) ==> \
-\ inr(b) : HTTgen(lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT))",
- "zero : HTTgen(lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT))",
- "n : lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT) ==> \
-\ succ(n) : HTTgen(lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT))",
- "[] : HTTgen(lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT))",
- "[| h : lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT); t : lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT) |] ==>\
-\ h$t : HTTgen(lfp(%x. HTTgen(x) Un R Un HTT))"];
-(*** Formation Rules for Types ***)
-goal Hered.thy "Unit <= HTT";
-by (simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps ([subsetXH,UnitXH] @ HTT_rews)) 1);
-val UnitF = result();
-goal Hered.thy "Bool <= HTT";
-by (simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps ([subsetXH,BoolXH] @ HTT_rews)) 1);
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs HTT_Is @ (prems RL [subsetD])) 1);
-val BoolF = result();
-val prems = goal Hered.thy "[| A <= HTT; B <= HTT |] ==> A + B <= HTT";
-by (simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps ([subsetXH,PlusXH] @ HTT_rews)) 1);
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs HTT_Is @ (prems RL [subsetD])) 1);
-val PlusF = result();
-val prems = goal Hered.thy
- "[| A <= HTT; !!x.x:A ==> B(x) <= HTT |] ==> SUM x:A.B(x) <= HTT";
-by (simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps ([subsetXH,SgXH] @ HTT_rews)) 1);
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs HTT_Is @ (prems RL [subsetD])) 1);
-val SigmaF = result();
-(*** Formation Rules for Recursive types - using coinduction these only need ***)
-(*** exhaution rule for type-former ***)
-(*Proof by induction - needs induction rule for type*)
-goal Hered.thy "Nat <= HTT";
-by (simp_tac (term_ss addsimps [subsetXH]) 1);
-by (safe_tac set_cs);
-be Nat_ind 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (set_cs addIs HTT_Is @ (prems RL [subsetD]))));
-val NatF = result();
-goal Hered.thy "Nat <= HTT";
-by (safe_tac set_cs);
-be HTT_coinduct3 1;
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs HTTgenIs
- addSEs [HTTgen_mono RS ci3_RI] addEs [XH_to_E NatXH]) 1);
-val NatF = result();
-val [prem] = goal Hered.thy "A <= HTT ==> List(A) <= HTT";
-by (safe_tac set_cs);
-be HTT_coinduct3 1;
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs HTTgenIs
- addSEs [HTTgen_mono RS ci3_RI,prem RS subsetD RS (HTTgen_mono RS ci3_AI)]
- addEs [XH_to_E ListXH]) 1);
-val ListF = result();
-val [prem] = goal Hered.thy "A <= HTT ==> Lists(A) <= HTT";
-by (safe_tac set_cs);
-be HTT_coinduct3 1;
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs HTTgenIs
- addSEs [HTTgen_mono RS ci3_RI,prem RS subsetD RS (HTTgen_mono RS ci3_AI)]
- addEs [XH_to_E ListsXH]) 1);
-val ListsF = result();
-val [prem] = goal Hered.thy "A <= HTT ==> ILists(A) <= HTT";
-by (safe_tac set_cs);
-be HTT_coinduct3 1;
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs HTTgenIs
- addSEs [HTTgen_mono RS ci3_RI,prem RS subsetD RS (HTTgen_mono RS ci3_AI)]
- addEs [XH_to_E IListsXH]) 1);
-val IListsF = result();
-(*** A possible use for this predicate is proving equality from pre-order ***)
-(*** but it seems as easy (and more general) to do this directly by coinduction ***)
-val prems = goal Hered.thy "[| t : HTT; t [= u |] ==> u [= t";
-by (po_coinduct_tac "{p. EX a b.p=<a,b> & b : HTT & b [= a}" 1);
-by (fast_tac (ccl_cs addIs prems) 1);
-by (safe_tac ccl_cs);
-bd (poXH RS iffD1) 1;
-by (safe_tac (set_cs addSEs [HTT_bot RS notE]));
-by (REPEAT_SOME (rtac (POgenXH RS iffD2) ORELSE' etac rev_mp));
-by (ALLGOALS (simp_tac (term_ss addsimps HTT_rews)));
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac ccl_cs));
-val HTT_po_op = result();
-val prems = goal Hered.thy "[| t : HTT; t [= u |] ==> t = u";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems @ [conjI RS (eq_iff RS iffD2),HTT_po_op]) 1));
-val HTT_po_eq = result();
--- a/src/CCL/hered.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/hered.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Hereditary Termination - cf. Martin Lo\"f
-Note that this is based on an untyped equality and so lam x.b(x) is only
-hereditarily terminating if ALL x.b(x) is. Not so useful for functions!
-Hered = Type +
- (*** Predicates ***)
- HTTgen :: "i set => i set"
- HTT :: "i set"
- (*** Definitions of Hereditary Termination ***)
- HTTgen_def
- "HTTgen(R) == {t. t=true | t=false | (EX a b.t=<a,b> & a : R & b : R) | \
-\ (EX f. t=lam x.f(x) & (ALL x.f(x) : R))}"
- HTT_def "HTT == gfp(HTTgen)"
--- a/src/CCL/lfp.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/lfp
- ID: $Id$
-Modified version of
- Title: HOL/lfp.ML
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-For lfp.thy. The Knaster-Tarski Theorem
-open Lfp;
-(*** Proof of Knaster-Tarski Theorem ***)
-(* lfp(f) is the greatest lower bound of {u. f(u) <= u} *)
-val prems = goalw Lfp.thy [lfp_def] "[| f(A) <= A |] ==> lfp(f) <= A";
-by (rtac (CollectI RS Inter_lower) 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-val lfp_lowerbound = result();
-val prems = goalw Lfp.thy [lfp_def]
- "[| !!u. f(u) <= u ==> A<=u |] ==> A <= lfp(f)";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac ([Inter_greatest]@prems) 1));
-by (etac CollectD 1);
-val lfp_greatest = result();
-val [mono] = goal Lfp.thy "mono(f) ==> f(lfp(f)) <= lfp(f)";
-by (EVERY1 [rtac lfp_greatest, rtac subset_trans,
- rtac (mono RS monoD), rtac lfp_lowerbound, atac, atac]);
-val lfp_lemma2 = result();
-val [mono] = goal Lfp.thy "mono(f) ==> lfp(f) <= f(lfp(f))";
-by (EVERY1 [rtac lfp_lowerbound, rtac (mono RS monoD),
- rtac lfp_lemma2, rtac mono]);
-val lfp_lemma3 = result();
-val [mono] = goal Lfp.thy "mono(f) ==> lfp(f) = f(lfp(f))";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [equalityI,lfp_lemma2,lfp_lemma3,mono] 1));
-val lfp_Tarski = result();
-(*** General induction rule for least fixed points ***)
-val [lfp,mono,indhyp] = goal Lfp.thy
- "[| a: lfp(f); mono(f); \
-\ !!x. [| x: f(lfp(f) Int {x.P(x)}) |] ==> P(x) \
-\ |] ==> P(a)";
-by (res_inst_tac [("a","a")] (Int_lower2 RS subsetD RS CollectD) 1);
-by (rtac (lfp RSN (2, lfp_lowerbound RS subsetD)) 1);
-by (EVERY1 [rtac Int_greatest, rtac subset_trans,
- rtac (Int_lower1 RS (mono RS monoD)),
- rtac (mono RS lfp_lemma2),
- rtac (CollectI RS subsetI), rtac indhyp, atac]);
-val induct = result();
-(** Definition forms of lfp_Tarski and induct, to control unfolding **)
-val [rew,mono] = goal Lfp.thy "[| h==lfp(f); mono(f) |] ==> h = f(h)";
-by (rewtac rew);
-by (rtac (mono RS lfp_Tarski) 1);
-val def_lfp_Tarski = result();
-val rew::prems = goal Lfp.thy
- "[| A == lfp(f); a:A; mono(f); \
-\ !!x. [| x: f(A Int {x.P(x)}) |] ==> P(x) \
-\ |] ==> P(a)";
-by (EVERY1 [rtac induct, (*backtracking to force correct induction*)
- REPEAT1 o (ares_tac (map (rewrite_rule [rew]) prems))]);
-val def_induct = result();
-(*Monotonicity of lfp!*)
-val prems = goal Lfp.thy
- "[| mono(g); !!Z. f(Z)<=g(Z) |] ==> lfp(f) <= lfp(g)";
-by (rtac lfp_lowerbound 1);
-by (rtac subset_trans 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-by (rtac lfp_lemma2 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-val lfp_mono = result();
--- a/src/CCL/lfp.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: HOL/lfp.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-The Knaster-Tarski Theorem
-Lfp = Set +
-consts lfp :: "['a set=>'a set] => 'a set"
- (*least fixed point*)
- lfp_def "lfp(f) == Inter({u. f(u) <= u})"
--- a/src/CCL/set.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: set/set
- ID: $Id$
-For set.thy.
-Modified version of
- Title: HOL/set
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-For set.thy. Set theory for higher-order logic. A set is simply a predicate.
-open Set;
-val [prem] = goal Set.thy "[| P(a) |] ==> a : {x.P(x)}";
-by (rtac (mem_Collect_iff RS iffD2) 1);
-by (rtac prem 1);
-val CollectI = result();
-val prems = goal Set.thy "[| a : {x.P(x)} |] ==> P(a)";
-by (resolve_tac (prems RL [mem_Collect_iff RS iffD1]) 1);
-val CollectD = result();
-val CollectE = make_elim CollectD;
-val [prem] = goal Set.thy "[| !!x. x:A <-> x:B |] ==> A = B";
-by (rtac (set_extension RS iffD2) 1);
-by (rtac (prem RS allI) 1);
-val set_ext = result();
-(*** Bounded quantifiers ***)
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [Ball_def]
- "[| !!x. x:A ==> P(x) |] ==> ALL x:A. P(x)";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems @ [allI,impI]) 1));
-val ballI = result();
-val [major,minor] = goalw Set.thy [Ball_def]
- "[| ALL x:A. P(x); x:A |] ==> P(x)";
-by (rtac (minor RS (major RS spec RS mp)) 1);
-val bspec = result();
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [Ball_def]
- "[| ALL x:A. P(x); P(x) ==> Q; ~ x:A ==> Q |] ==> Q";
-by (rtac (major RS spec RS impCE) 1);
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac prems 1));
-val ballE = result();
-(*Takes assumptions ALL x:A.P(x) and a:A; creates assumption P(a)*)
-fun ball_tac i = etac ballE i THEN contr_tac (i+1);
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [Bex_def]
- "[| P(x); x:A |] ==> EX x:A. P(x)";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems @ [exI,conjI]) 1));
-val bexI = result();
-val bexCI = prove_goal Set.thy
- "[| EX x:A. ~P(x) ==> P(a); a:A |] ==> EX x:A.P(x)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rtac classical 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[bexI,ballI,notI,notE]) 1)) ]);
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [Bex_def]
- "[| EX x:A. P(x); !!x. [| x:A; P(x) |] ==> Q |] ==> Q";
-by (rtac (major RS exE) 1);
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac (prems @ [asm_rl,conjE]) 1));
-val bexE = result();
-(*Trival rewrite rule; (! x:A.P)=P holds only if A is nonempty!*)
-val prems = goal Set.thy
- "(ALL x:A. True) <-> True";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [TrueI,ballI,iffI] 1));
-val ball_rew = result();
-(** Congruence rules **)
-val prems = goal Set.thy
- "[| A=A'; !!x. x:A' ==> P(x) <-> P'(x) |] ==> \
-\ (ALL x:A. P(x)) <-> (ALL x:A'. P'(x))";
-by (resolve_tac (prems RL [ssubst,iffD2]) 1);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [ballI,iffI] 1
- ORELSE eresolve_tac ([make_elim bspec, mp] @ (prems RL [iffE])) 1));
-val ball_cong = result();
-val prems = goal Set.thy
- "[| A=A'; !!x. x:A' ==> P(x) <-> P'(x) |] ==> \
-\ (EX x:A. P(x)) <-> (EX x:A'. P'(x))";
-by (resolve_tac (prems RL [ssubst,iffD2]) 1);
-by (REPEAT (etac bexE 1
- ORELSE ares_tac ([bexI,iffI] @ (prems RL [iffD1,iffD2])) 1));
-val bex_cong = result();
-(*** Rules for subsets ***)
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [subset_def] "(!!x.x:A ==> x:B) ==> A <= B";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems @ [ballI]) 1));
-val subsetI = result();
-(*Rule in Modus Ponens style*)
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [subset_def] "[| A <= B; c:A |] ==> c:B";
-by (rtac (major RS bspec) 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-val subsetD = result();
-(*Classical elimination rule*)
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [subset_def]
- "[| A <= B; ~(c:A) ==> P; c:B ==> P |] ==> P";
-by (rtac (major RS ballE) 1);
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac prems 1));
-val subsetCE = result();
-(*Takes assumptions A<=B; c:A and creates the assumption c:B *)
-fun set_mp_tac i = etac subsetCE i THEN mp_tac i;
-val subset_refl = prove_goal Set.thy "A <= A"
- (fn _=> [ (REPEAT (ares_tac [subsetI] 1)) ]);
-goal Set.thy "!!A B C. [| A<=B; B<=C |] ==> A<=C";
-br subsetI 1;
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, subsetD] 1));
-val subset_trans = result();
-(*** Rules for equality ***)
-(*Anti-symmetry of the subset relation*)
-val prems = goal Set.thy "[| A <= B; B <= A |] ==> A = B";
-by (rtac (iffI RS set_ext) 1);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems RL [subsetD]) 1));
-val subset_antisym = result();
-val equalityI = subset_antisym;
-(* Equality rules from ZF set theory -- are they appropriate here? *)
-val prems = goal Set.thy "A = B ==> A<=B";
-by (resolve_tac (prems RL [subst]) 1);
-by (rtac subset_refl 1);
-val equalityD1 = result();
-val prems = goal Set.thy "A = B ==> B<=A";
-by (resolve_tac (prems RL [subst]) 1);
-by (rtac subset_refl 1);
-val equalityD2 = result();
-val prems = goal Set.thy
- "[| A = B; [| A<=B; B<=A |] ==> P |] ==> P";
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems RL [equalityD1,equalityD2]) 1));
-val equalityE = result();
-val major::prems = goal Set.thy
- "[| A = B; [| c:A; c:B |] ==> P; [| ~ c:A; ~ c:B |] ==> P |] ==> P";
-by (rtac (major RS equalityE) 1);
-by (REPEAT (contr_tac 1 ORELSE eresolve_tac ([asm_rl,subsetCE]@prems) 1));
-val equalityCE = result();
-(*Lemma for creating induction formulae -- for "pattern matching" on p
- To make the induction hypotheses usable, apply "spec" or "bspec" to
- put universal quantifiers over the free variables in p. *)
-val prems = goal Set.thy
- "[| p:A; !!z. z:A ==> p=z --> R |] ==> R";
-by (rtac mp 1);
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (refl::prems) 1));
-val setup_induction = result();
-goal Set.thy "{x.x:A} = A";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [equalityI,subsetI,CollectI] 1 ORELSE eresolve_tac [CollectD] 1));
-val trivial_set = result();
-(*** Rules for binary union -- Un ***)
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [Un_def] "c:A ==> c : A Un B";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems @ [CollectI,disjI1]) 1));
-val UnI1 = result();
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [Un_def] "c:B ==> c : A Un B";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems @ [CollectI,disjI2]) 1));
-val UnI2 = result();
-(*Classical introduction rule: no commitment to A vs B*)
-val UnCI = prove_goal Set.thy "(~c:B ==> c:A) ==> c : A Un B"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rtac classical 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[UnI1,notI]) 1)),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[UnI2,notE]) 1)) ]);
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [Un_def]
- "[| c : A Un B; c:A ==> P; c:B ==> P |] ==> P";
-by (rtac (major RS CollectD RS disjE) 1);
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac prems 1));
-val UnE = result();
-(*** Rules for small intersection -- Int ***)
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [Int_def]
- "[| c:A; c:B |] ==> c : A Int B";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems @ [CollectI,conjI]) 1));
-val IntI = result();
-val [major] = goalw Set.thy [Int_def] "c : A Int B ==> c:A";
-by (rtac (major RS CollectD RS conjunct1) 1);
-val IntD1 = result();
-val [major] = goalw Set.thy [Int_def] "c : A Int B ==> c:B";
-by (rtac (major RS CollectD RS conjunct2) 1);
-val IntD2 = result();
-val [major,minor] = goal Set.thy
- "[| c : A Int B; [| c:A; c:B |] ==> P |] ==> P";
-by (rtac minor 1);
-by (rtac (major RS IntD1) 1);
-by (rtac (major RS IntD2) 1);
-val IntE = result();
-(*** Rules for set complement -- Compl ***)
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [Compl_def]
- "[| c:A ==> False |] ==> c : Compl(A)";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems @ [CollectI,notI]) 1));
-val ComplI = result();
-(*This form, with negated conclusion, works well with the Classical prover.
- Negated assumptions behave like formulae on the right side of the notional
- turnstile...*)
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [Compl_def]
- "[| c : Compl(A) |] ==> ~c:A";
-by (rtac (major RS CollectD) 1);
-val ComplD = result();
-val ComplE = make_elim ComplD;
-(*** Empty sets ***)
-goalw Set.thy [empty_def] "{x.False} = {}";
-br refl 1;
-val empty_eq = result();
-val [prem] = goalw Set.thy [empty_def] "a : {} ==> P";
-by (rtac (prem RS CollectD RS FalseE) 1);
-val emptyD = result();
-val emptyE = make_elim emptyD;
-val [prem] = goal Set.thy "~ A={} ==> (EX x.x:A)";
-br (prem RS swap) 1;
-br equalityI 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (FOL_cs addSIs [subsetI] addSEs [emptyD])));
-val not_emptyD = result();
-(*** Singleton sets ***)
-goalw Set.thy [singleton_def] "a : {a}";
-by (rtac CollectI 1);
-by (rtac refl 1);
-val singletonI = result();
-val [major] = goalw Set.thy [singleton_def] "b : {a} ==> b=a";
-by (rtac (major RS CollectD) 1);
-val singletonD = result();
-val singletonE = make_elim singletonD;
-(*** Unions of families ***)
-(*The order of the premises presupposes that A is rigid; b may be flexible*)
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [UNION_def]
- "[| a:A; b: B(a) |] ==> b: (UN x:A. B(x))";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems @ [bexI,CollectI]) 1));
-val UN_I = result();
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [UNION_def]
- "[| b : (UN x:A. B(x)); !!x.[| x:A; b: B(x) |] ==> R |] ==> R";
-by (rtac (major RS CollectD RS bexE) 1);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
-val UN_E = result();
-val prems = goal Set.thy
- "[| A=B; !!x. x:B ==> C(x) = D(x) |] ==> \
-\ (UN x:A. C(x)) = (UN x:B. D(x))";
-by (REPEAT (etac UN_E 1
- ORELSE ares_tac ([UN_I,equalityI,subsetI] @
- (prems RL [equalityD1,equalityD2] RL [subsetD])) 1));
-val UN_cong = result();
-(*** Intersections of families -- INTER x:A. B(x) is Inter(B)``A ) *)
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [INTER_def]
- "(!!x. x:A ==> b: B(x)) ==> b : (INT x:A. B(x))";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac ([CollectI,ballI] @ prems) 1));
-val INT_I = result();
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [INTER_def]
- "[| b : (INT x:A. B(x)); a:A |] ==> b: B(a)";
-by (rtac (major RS CollectD RS bspec) 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-val INT_D = result();
-(*"Classical" elimination rule -- does not require proving X:C *)
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [INTER_def]
- "[| b : (INT x:A. B(x)); b: B(a) ==> R; ~ a:A ==> R |] ==> R";
-by (rtac (major RS CollectD RS ballE) 1);
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac prems 1));
-val INT_E = result();
-val prems = goal Set.thy
- "[| A=B; !!x. x:B ==> C(x) = D(x) |] ==> \
-\ (INT x:A. C(x)) = (INT x:B. D(x))";
-by (REPEAT_FIRST (resolve_tac [INT_I,equalityI,subsetI]));
-by (REPEAT (dtac INT_D 1
- ORELSE ares_tac (prems RL [equalityD1,equalityD2] RL [subsetD]) 1));
-val INT_cong = result();
-(*** Rules for Unions ***)
-(*The order of the premises presupposes that C is rigid; A may be flexible*)
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [Union_def]
- "[| X:C; A:X |] ==> A : Union(C)";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems @ [UN_I]) 1));
-val UnionI = result();
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [Union_def]
- "[| A : Union(C); !!X.[| A:X; X:C |] ==> R |] ==> R";
-by (rtac (major RS UN_E) 1);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1));
-val UnionE = result();
-(*** Rules for Inter ***)
-val prems = goalw Set.thy [Inter_def]
- "[| !!X. X:C ==> A:X |] ==> A : Inter(C)";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac ([INT_I] @ prems) 1));
-val InterI = result();
-(*A "destruct" rule -- every X in C contains A as an element, but
- A:X can hold when X:C does not! This rule is analogous to "spec". *)
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [Inter_def]
- "[| A : Inter(C); X:C |] ==> A:X";
-by (rtac (major RS INT_D) 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-val InterD = result();
-(*"Classical" elimination rule -- does not require proving X:C *)
-val major::prems = goalw Set.thy [Inter_def]
- "[| A : Inter(C); A:X ==> R; ~ X:C ==> R |] ==> R";
-by (rtac (major RS INT_E) 1);
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac prems 1));
-val InterE = result();
--- a/src/CCL/set.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/set.thy
- ID: $Id$
-Modified version of HOL/set.thy that extends FOL
-Set = FOL +
- 'a set
- set :: (term) term
- Collect :: "['a => o] => 'a set" (*comprehension*)
- Compl :: "('a set) => 'a set" (*complement*)
- Int :: "['a set, 'a set] => 'a set" (infixl 70)
- Un :: "['a set, 'a set] => 'a set" (infixl 65)
- Union, Inter :: "(('a set)set) => 'a set" (*...of a set*)
- UNION, INTER :: "['a set, 'a => 'b set] => 'b set" (*general*)
- Ball, Bex :: "['a set, 'a => o] => o" (*bounded quants*)
- mono :: "['a set => 'b set] => o" (*monotonicity*)
- ":" :: "['a, 'a set] => o" (infixl 50) (*membership*)
- "<=" :: "['a set, 'a set] => o" (infixl 50)
- singleton :: "'a => 'a set" ("{_}")
- empty :: "'a set" ("{}")
- "oo" :: "['b => 'c, 'a => 'b, 'a] => 'c" (infixr 50) (*composition*)
- "@Coll" :: "[idt, o] => 'a set" ("(1{_./ _})") (*collection*)
- (* Big Intersection / Union *)
- "@INTER" :: "[idt, 'a set, 'b set] => 'b set" ("(INT _:_./ _)" [0, 0, 0] 10)
- "@UNION" :: "[idt, 'a set, 'b set] => 'b set" ("(UN _:_./ _)" [0, 0, 0] 10)
- (* Bounded Quantifiers *)
- "@Ball" :: "[idt, 'a set, o] => o" ("(ALL _:_./ _)" [0, 0, 0] 10)
- "@Bex" :: "[idt, 'a set, o] => o" ("(EX _:_./ _)" [0, 0, 0] 10)
- "{x. P}" == "Collect(%x. P)"
- "INT x:A. B" == "INTER(A, %x. B)"
- "UN x:A. B" == "UNION(A, %x. B)"
- "ALL x:A. P" == "Ball(A, %x. P)"
- "EX x:A. P" == "Bex(A, %x. P)"
- mem_Collect_iff "(a : {x.P(x)}) <-> P(a)"
- set_extension "A=B <-> (ALL x.x:A <-> x:B)"
- Ball_def "Ball(A, P) == ALL x. x:A --> P(x)"
- Bex_def "Bex(A, P) == EX x. x:A & P(x)"
- mono_def "mono(f) == (ALL A B. A <= B --> f(A) <= f(B))"
- subset_def "A <= B == ALL x:A. x:B"
- singleton_def "{a} == {x.x=a}"
- empty_def "{} == {x.False}"
- Un_def "A Un B == {x.x:A | x:B}"
- Int_def "A Int B == {x.x:A & x:B}"
- Compl_def "Compl(A) == {x. ~x:A}"
- INTER_def "INTER(A, B) == {y. ALL x:A. y: B(x)}"
- UNION_def "UNION(A, B) == {y. EX x:A. y: B(x)}"
- Inter_def "Inter(S) == (INT x:S. x)"
- Union_def "Union(S) == (UN x:S. x)"
--- a/src/CCL/term.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/terms
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-For terms.thy.
-open Term;
-val simp_can_defs = [one_def,inl_def,inr_def];
-val simp_ncan_defs = [if_def,when_def,split_def,fst_def,snd_def,thd_def];
-val simp_defs = simp_can_defs @ simp_ncan_defs;
-val ind_can_defs = [zero_def,succ_def,nil_def,cons_def];
-val ind_ncan_defs = [ncase_def,nrec_def,lcase_def,lrec_def];
-val ind_defs = ind_can_defs @ ind_ncan_defs;
-val data_defs = simp_defs @ ind_defs @ [napply_def];
-val genrec_defs = [letrec_def,letrec2_def,letrec3_def];
-(*** Beta Rules, including strictness ***)
-goalw Term.thy [let_def] "~ t=bot--> let x be t in f(x) = f(t)";
-by (res_inst_tac [("t","t")] term_case 1);
-by (ALLGOALS(simp_tac(CCL_ss addsimps [caseBtrue,caseBfalse,caseBpair,caseBlam])));
-val letB = result() RS mp;
-goalw Term.thy [let_def] "let x be bot in f(x) = bot";
-br caseBbot 1;
-val letBabot = result();
-goalw Term.thy [let_def] "let x be t in bot = bot";
-brs ([caseBbot] RL [term_case]) 1;
-by (ALLGOALS(simp_tac(CCL_ss addsimps [caseBtrue,caseBfalse,caseBpair,caseBlam])));
-val letBbbot = result();
-goalw Term.thy [apply_def] "(lam x.b(x)) ` a = b(a)";
-by (ALLGOALS(simp_tac(CCL_ss addsimps [caseBtrue,caseBfalse,caseBpair,caseBlam])));
-val applyB = result();
-goalw Term.thy [apply_def] "bot ` a = bot";
-br caseBbot 1;
-val applyBbot = result();
-goalw Term.thy [fix_def] "fix(f) = f(fix(f))";
-by (resolve_tac [applyB RS ssubst] 1 THEN resolve_tac [refl] 1);
-val fixB = result();
-goalw Term.thy [letrec_def]
- "letrec g x be h(x,g) in g(a) = h(a,%y.letrec g x be h(x,g) in g(y))";
-by (resolve_tac [fixB RS ssubst] 1 THEN
- resolve_tac [applyB RS ssubst] 1 THEN resolve_tac [refl] 1);
-val letrecB = result();
-val rawBs = caseBs @ [applyB,applyBbot];
-fun raw_mk_beta_rl defs s = prove_goalw Term.thy defs s
- (fn _ => [rtac (letrecB RS ssubst) 1,
- simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps rawBs) 1]);
-fun mk_beta_rl s = raw_mk_beta_rl data_defs s;
-fun raw_mk_beta_rl defs s = prove_goalw Term.thy defs s
- (fn _ => [simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps rawBs
- setloop (rtac (letrecB RS ssubst))) 1]);
-fun mk_beta_rl s = raw_mk_beta_rl data_defs s;
-val ifBtrue = mk_beta_rl "if true then t else u = t";
-val ifBfalse = mk_beta_rl "if false then t else u = u";
-val ifBbot = mk_beta_rl "if bot then t else u = bot";
-val whenBinl = mk_beta_rl "when(inl(a),t,u) = t(a)";
-val whenBinr = mk_beta_rl "when(inr(a),t,u) = u(a)";
-val whenBbot = mk_beta_rl "when(bot,t,u) = bot";
-val splitB = mk_beta_rl "split(<a,b>,h) = h(a,b)";
-val splitBbot = mk_beta_rl "split(bot,h) = bot";
-val fstB = mk_beta_rl "fst(<a,b>) = a";
-val fstBbot = mk_beta_rl "fst(bot) = bot";
-val sndB = mk_beta_rl "snd(<a,b>) = b";
-val sndBbot = mk_beta_rl "snd(bot) = bot";
-val thdB = mk_beta_rl "thd(<a,<b,c>>) = c";
-val thdBbot = mk_beta_rl "thd(bot) = bot";
-val ncaseBzero = mk_beta_rl "ncase(zero,t,u) = t";
-val ncaseBsucc = mk_beta_rl "ncase(succ(n),t,u) = u(n)";
-val ncaseBbot = mk_beta_rl "ncase(bot,t,u) = bot";
-val nrecBzero = mk_beta_rl "nrec(zero,t,u) = t";
-val nrecBsucc = mk_beta_rl "nrec(succ(n),t,u) = u(n,nrec(n,t,u))";
-val nrecBbot = mk_beta_rl "nrec(bot,t,u) = bot";
-val lcaseBnil = mk_beta_rl "lcase([],t,u) = t";
-val lcaseBcons = mk_beta_rl "lcase(x$xs,t,u) = u(x,xs)";
-val lcaseBbot = mk_beta_rl "lcase(bot,t,u) = bot";
-val lrecBnil = mk_beta_rl "lrec([],t,u) = t";
-val lrecBcons = mk_beta_rl "lrec(x$xs,t,u) = u(x,xs,lrec(xs,t,u))";
-val lrecBbot = mk_beta_rl "lrec(bot,t,u) = bot";
-val letrec2B = raw_mk_beta_rl (data_defs @ [letrec2_def])
- "letrec g x y be h(x,y,g) in g(p,q) = \
-\ h(p,q,%u v.letrec g x y be h(x,y,g) in g(u,v))";
-val letrec3B = raw_mk_beta_rl (data_defs @ [letrec3_def])
- "letrec g x y z be h(x,y,z,g) in g(p,q,r) = \
-\ h(p,q,r,%u v w.letrec g x y z be h(x,y,z,g) in g(u,v,w))";
-val napplyBzero = mk_beta_rl "f^zero`a = a";
-val napplyBsucc = mk_beta_rl "f^succ(n)`a = f(f^n`a)";
-val termBs = [letB,applyB,applyBbot,splitB,splitBbot,
- fstB,fstBbot,sndB,sndBbot,thdB,thdBbot,
- ifBtrue,ifBfalse,ifBbot,whenBinl,whenBinr,whenBbot,
- ncaseBzero,ncaseBsucc,ncaseBbot,nrecBzero,nrecBsucc,nrecBbot,
- lcaseBnil,lcaseBcons,lcaseBbot,lrecBnil,lrecBcons,lrecBbot,
- napplyBzero,napplyBsucc];
-(*** Constructors are injective ***)
-val term_injs = map (mk_inj_rl Term.thy
- [applyB,splitB,whenBinl,whenBinr,ncaseBsucc,lcaseBcons])
- ["(inl(a) = inl(a')) <-> (a=a')",
- "(inr(a) = inr(a')) <-> (a=a')",
- "(succ(a) = succ(a')) <-> (a=a')",
- "(a$b = a'$b') <-> (a=a' & b=b')"];
-(*** Constructors are distinct ***)
-val term_dstncts = mkall_dstnct_thms Term.thy data_defs (ccl_injs @ term_injs)
- [["bot","inl","inr"],["bot","zero","succ"],["bot","nil","op $"]];
-(*** Rules for pre-order [= ***)
- fun mk_thm s = prove_goalw Term.thy data_defs s (fn _ =>
- [simp_tac (ccl_ss addsimps (ccl_porews)) 1]);
- val term_porews = map mk_thm ["inl(a) [= inl(a') <-> a [= a'",
- "inr(b) [= inr(b') <-> b [= b'",
- "succ(n) [= succ(n') <-> n [= n'",
- "x$xs [= x'$xs' <-> x [= x' & xs [= xs'"];
-(*** Rewriting and Proving ***)
-val term_rews = termBs @ term_injs @ term_dstncts @ ccl_porews @ term_porews;
-val term_ss = ccl_ss addsimps term_rews;
-val term_cs = ccl_cs addSEs (term_dstncts RL [notE])
- addSDs (XH_to_Ds term_injs);
--- a/src/CCL/term.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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-(* Title: CCL/terms.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Definitions of usual program constructs in CCL.
-Term = CCL +
- one :: "i"
- if :: "[i,i,i]=>i" ("(3if _/ then _/ else _)" [] 60)
- inl,inr :: "i=>i"
- when :: "[i,i=>i,i=>i]=>i"
- split :: "[i,[i,i]=>i]=>i"
- fst,snd,
- thd :: "i=>i"
- zero :: "i"
- succ :: "i=>i"
- ncase :: "[i,i,i=>i]=>i"
- nrec :: "[i,i,[i,i]=>i]=>i"
- nil :: "i" ("([])")
- "$" :: "[i,i]=>i" (infixr 80)
- lcase :: "[i,i,[i,i]=>i]=>i"
- lrec :: "[i,i,[i,i,i]=>i]=>i"
- let :: "[i,i=>i]=>i"
- letrec :: "[[i,i=>i]=>i,(i=>i)=>i]=>i"
- letrec2 :: "[[i,i,i=>i=>i]=>i,(i=>i=>i)=>i]=>i"
- letrec3 :: "[[i,i,i,i=>i=>i=>i]=>i,(i=>i=>i=>i)=>i]=>i"
- "@let" :: "[id,i,i]=>i" ("(3let _ be _/ in _)" [] 60)
- "@letrec" :: "[id,id,i,i]=>i" ("(3letrec _ _ be _/ in _)" [] 60)
- "@letrec2" :: "[id,id,id,i,i]=>i" ("(3letrec _ _ _ be _/ in _)" [] 60)
- "@letrec3" :: "[id,id,id,id,i,i]=>i" ("(3letrec _ _ _ _ be _/ in _)" [] 60)
- napply :: "[i=>i,i,i]=>i" ("(_ ^ _ ` _)")
- one_def "one == true"
- if_def "if b then t else u == case(b,t,u,% x y.bot,%v.bot)"
- inl_def "inl(a) == <true,a>"
- inr_def "inr(b) == <false,b>"
- when_def "when(t,f,g) == split(t,%b x.if b then f(x) else g(x))"
- split_def "split(t,f) == case(t,bot,bot,f,%u.bot)"
- fst_def "fst(t) == split(t,%x y.x)"
- snd_def "snd(t) == split(t,%x y.y)"
- thd_def "thd(t) == split(t,%x p.split(p,%y z.z))"
- zero_def "zero == inl(one)"
- succ_def "succ(n) == inr(n)"
- ncase_def "ncase(n,b,c) == when(n,%x.b,%y.c(y))"
- nrec_def " nrec(n,b,c) == letrec g x be ncase(x,b,%y.c(y,g(y))) in g(n)"
- nil_def "[] == inl(one)"
- cons_def "h$t == inr(<h,t>)"
- lcase_def "lcase(l,b,c) == when(l,%x.b,%y.split(y,c))"
- lrec_def "lrec(l,b,c) == letrec g x be lcase(x,b,%h t.c(h,t,g(t))) in g(l)"
- let_def "let x be t in f(x) == case(t,f(true),f(false),%x y.f(<x,y>),%u.f(lam x.u(x)))"
- letrec_def
- "letrec g x be h(x,g) in b(g) == b(%x.fix(%f.lam x.h(x,%y.f`y))`x)"
- letrec2_def "letrec g x y be h(x,y,g) in f(g)== \
-\ letrec g' p be split(p,%x y.h(x,y,%u v.g'(<u,v>))) \
-\ in f(%x y.g'(<x,y>))"
- letrec3_def "letrec g x y z be h(x,y,z,g) in f(g) == \
-\ letrec g' p be split(p,%x xs.split(xs,%y z.h(x,y,z,%u v w.g'(<u,<v,w>>)))) \
-\ in f(%x y z.g'(<x,<y,z>>))"
- napply_def "f ^n` a == nrec(n,a,%x g.f(g))"
-(** Quantifier translations: variable binding **)
-fun let_tr [Free(id,T),a,b] = Const("let",dummyT) $ a $ absfree(id,T,b);
-fun let_tr' [a,Abs(id,T,b)] =
- let val (id',b') = variant_abs(id,T,b)
- in Const("@let",dummyT) $ Free(id',T) $ a $ b' end;
-fun letrec_tr [Free(f,S),Free(x,T),a,b] =
- Const("letrec",dummyT) $ absfree(x,T,absfree(f,S,a)) $ absfree(f,S,b);
-fun letrec2_tr [Free(f,S),Free(x,T),Free(y,U),a,b] =
- Const("letrec2",dummyT) $ absfree(x,T,absfree(y,U,absfree(f,S,a))) $ absfree(f,S,b);
-fun letrec3_tr [Free(f,S),Free(x,T),Free(y,U),Free(z,V),a,b] =
- Const("letrec3",dummyT) $ absfree(x,T,absfree(y,U,absfree(z,U,absfree(f,S,a)))) $ absfree(f,S,b);
-fun letrec_tr' [Abs(x,T,Abs(f,S,a)),Abs(ff,SS,b)] =
- let val (f',b') = variant_abs(ff,SS,b)
- val (_,a'') = variant_abs(f,S,a)
- val (x',a') = variant_abs(x,T,a'')
- in Const("@letrec",dummyT) $ Free(f',SS) $ Free(x',T) $ a' $ b' end;
-fun letrec2_tr' [Abs(x,T,Abs(y,U,Abs(f,S,a))),Abs(ff,SS,b)] =
- let val (f',b') = variant_abs(ff,SS,b)
- val ( _,a1) = variant_abs(f,S,a)
- val (y',a2) = variant_abs(y,U,a1)
- val (x',a') = variant_abs(x,T,a2)
- in Const("@letrec2",dummyT) $ Free(f',SS) $ Free(x',T) $ Free(y',U) $ a' $ b'
- end;
-fun letrec3_tr' [Abs(x,T,Abs(y,U,Abs(z,V,Abs(f,S,a)))),Abs(ff,SS,b)] =
- let val (f',b') = variant_abs(ff,SS,b)
- val ( _,a1) = variant_abs(f,S,a)
- val (z',a2) = variant_abs(z,V,a1)
- val (y',a3) = variant_abs(y,U,a2)
- val (x',a') = variant_abs(x,T,a3)
- in Const("@letrec3",dummyT) $ Free(f',SS) $ Free(x',T) $ Free(y',U) $ Free(z',V) $ a' $ b'
- end;
-val parse_translation=
- [("@let", let_tr),
- ("@letrec", letrec_tr),
- ("@letrec2", letrec2_tr),
- ("@letrec3", letrec3_tr)
- ];
-val print_translation=
- [("let", let_tr'),
- ("letrec", letrec_tr'),
- ("letrec2", letrec2_tr'),
- ("letrec3", letrec3_tr')
- ];
--- a/src/CCL/terms.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/terms
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-For terms.thy.
-open Term;
-val simp_can_defs = [one_def,inl_def,inr_def];
-val simp_ncan_defs = [if_def,when_def,split_def,fst_def,snd_def,thd_def];
-val simp_defs = simp_can_defs @ simp_ncan_defs;
-val ind_can_defs = [zero_def,succ_def,nil_def,cons_def];
-val ind_ncan_defs = [ncase_def,nrec_def,lcase_def,lrec_def];
-val ind_defs = ind_can_defs @ ind_ncan_defs;
-val data_defs = simp_defs @ ind_defs @ [napply_def];
-val genrec_defs = [letrec_def,letrec2_def,letrec3_def];
-(*** Beta Rules, including strictness ***)
-goalw Term.thy [let_def] "~ t=bot--> let x be t in f(x) = f(t)";
-by (res_inst_tac [("t","t")] term_case 1);
-by (ALLGOALS(simp_tac(CCL_ss addsimps [caseBtrue,caseBfalse,caseBpair,caseBlam])));
-val letB = result() RS mp;
-goalw Term.thy [let_def] "let x be bot in f(x) = bot";
-br caseBbot 1;
-val letBabot = result();
-goalw Term.thy [let_def] "let x be t in bot = bot";
-brs ([caseBbot] RL [term_case]) 1;
-by (ALLGOALS(simp_tac(CCL_ss addsimps [caseBtrue,caseBfalse,caseBpair,caseBlam])));
-val letBbbot = result();
-goalw Term.thy [apply_def] "(lam x.b(x)) ` a = b(a)";
-by (ALLGOALS(simp_tac(CCL_ss addsimps [caseBtrue,caseBfalse,caseBpair,caseBlam])));
-val applyB = result();
-goalw Term.thy [apply_def] "bot ` a = bot";
-br caseBbot 1;
-val applyBbot = result();
-goalw Term.thy [fix_def] "fix(f) = f(fix(f))";
-by (resolve_tac [applyB RS ssubst] 1 THEN resolve_tac [refl] 1);
-val fixB = result();
-goalw Term.thy [letrec_def]
- "letrec g x be h(x,g) in g(a) = h(a,%y.letrec g x be h(x,g) in g(y))";
-by (resolve_tac [fixB RS ssubst] 1 THEN
- resolve_tac [applyB RS ssubst] 1 THEN resolve_tac [refl] 1);
-val letrecB = result();
-val rawBs = caseBs @ [applyB,applyBbot];
-fun raw_mk_beta_rl defs s = prove_goalw Term.thy defs s
- (fn _ => [rtac (letrecB RS ssubst) 1,
- simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps rawBs) 1]);
-fun mk_beta_rl s = raw_mk_beta_rl data_defs s;
-fun raw_mk_beta_rl defs s = prove_goalw Term.thy defs s
- (fn _ => [simp_tac (CCL_ss addsimps rawBs
- setloop (rtac (letrecB RS ssubst))) 1]);
-fun mk_beta_rl s = raw_mk_beta_rl data_defs s;
-val ifBtrue = mk_beta_rl "if true then t else u = t";
-val ifBfalse = mk_beta_rl "if false then t else u = u";
-val ifBbot = mk_beta_rl "if bot then t else u = bot";
-val whenBinl = mk_beta_rl "when(inl(a),t,u) = t(a)";
-val whenBinr = mk_beta_rl "when(inr(a),t,u) = u(a)";
-val whenBbot = mk_beta_rl "when(bot,t,u) = bot";
-val splitB = mk_beta_rl "split(<a,b>,h) = h(a,b)";
-val splitBbot = mk_beta_rl "split(bot,h) = bot";
-val fstB = mk_beta_rl "fst(<a,b>) = a";
-val fstBbot = mk_beta_rl "fst(bot) = bot";
-val sndB = mk_beta_rl "snd(<a,b>) = b";
-val sndBbot = mk_beta_rl "snd(bot) = bot";
-val thdB = mk_beta_rl "thd(<a,<b,c>>) = c";
-val thdBbot = mk_beta_rl "thd(bot) = bot";
-val ncaseBzero = mk_beta_rl "ncase(zero,t,u) = t";
-val ncaseBsucc = mk_beta_rl "ncase(succ(n),t,u) = u(n)";
-val ncaseBbot = mk_beta_rl "ncase(bot,t,u) = bot";
-val nrecBzero = mk_beta_rl "nrec(zero,t,u) = t";
-val nrecBsucc = mk_beta_rl "nrec(succ(n),t,u) = u(n,nrec(n,t,u))";
-val nrecBbot = mk_beta_rl "nrec(bot,t,u) = bot";
-val lcaseBnil = mk_beta_rl "lcase([],t,u) = t";
-val lcaseBcons = mk_beta_rl "lcase(x.xs,t,u) = u(x,xs)";
-val lcaseBbot = mk_beta_rl "lcase(bot,t,u) = bot";
-val lrecBnil = mk_beta_rl "lrec([],t,u) = t";
-val lrecBcons = mk_beta_rl "lrec(x.xs,t,u) = u(x,xs,lrec(xs,t,u))";
-val lrecBbot = mk_beta_rl "lrec(bot,t,u) = bot";
-val letrec2B = raw_mk_beta_rl (data_defs @ [letrec2_def])
- "letrec g x y be h(x,y,g) in g(p,q) = \
-\ h(p,q,%u v.letrec g x y be h(x,y,g) in g(u,v))";
-val letrec3B = raw_mk_beta_rl (data_defs @ [letrec3_def])
- "letrec g x y z be h(x,y,z,g) in g(p,q,r) = \
-\ h(p,q,r,%u v w.letrec g x y z be h(x,y,z,g) in g(u,v,w))";
-val napplyBzero = mk_beta_rl "f^zero`a = a";
-val napplyBsucc = mk_beta_rl "f^succ(n)`a = f(f^n`a)";
-val termBs = [letB,applyB,applyBbot,splitB,splitBbot,
- fstB,fstBbot,sndB,sndBbot,thdB,thdBbot,
- ifBtrue,ifBfalse,ifBbot,whenBinl,whenBinr,whenBbot,
- ncaseBzero,ncaseBsucc,ncaseBbot,nrecBzero,nrecBsucc,nrecBbot,
- lcaseBnil,lcaseBcons,lcaseBbot,lrecBnil,lrecBcons,lrecBbot,
- napplyBzero,napplyBsucc];
-(*** Constructors are injective ***)
-val term_injs = map (mk_inj_rl Term.thy
- [applyB,splitB,whenBinl,whenBinr,ncaseBsucc,lcaseBcons])
- ["(inl(a) = inl(a')) <-> (a=a')",
- "(inr(a) = inr(a')) <-> (a=a')",
- "(succ(a) = succ(a')) <-> (a=a')",
- "(a.b = a'.b') <-> (a=a' & b=b')"];
-(*** Constructors are distinct ***)
-val term_dstncts = mkall_dstnct_thms Term.thy data_defs (ccl_injs @ term_injs)
- [["bot","inl","inr"],["bot","zero","succ"],["bot","nil","op ."]];
-(*** Rules for pre-order [= ***)
- fun mk_thm s = prove_goalw Term.thy data_defs s (fn _ =>
- [simp_tac (ccl_ss addsimps (ccl_porews)) 1]);
- val term_porews = map mk_thm ["inl(a) [= inl(a') <-> a [= a'",
- "inr(b) [= inr(b') <-> b [= b'",
- "succ(n) [= succ(n') <-> n [= n'",
- "x.xs [= x'.xs' <-> x [= x' & xs [= xs'"];
-(*** Rewriting and Proving ***)
-val term_rews = termBs @ term_injs @ term_dstncts @ ccl_porews @ term_porews;
-val term_ss = ccl_ss addsimps term_rews;
-val term_cs = ccl_cs addSEs (term_dstncts RL [notE])
- addSDs (XH_to_Ds term_injs);
--- a/src/CCL/terms.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/terms.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Definitions of usual program constructs in CCL.
-Term = CCL +
- one :: "i"
- if :: "[i,i,i]=>i" ("(3if _/ then _/ else _)" [] 60)
- inl,inr :: "i=>i"
- when :: "[i,i=>i,i=>i]=>i"
- split :: "[i,[i,i]=>i]=>i"
- fst,snd,
- thd :: "i=>i"
- zero :: "i"
- succ :: "i=>i"
- ncase :: "[i,i,i=>i]=>i"
- nrec :: "[i,i,[i,i]=>i]=>i"
- nil :: "i" ("([])")
- "." :: "[i,i]=>i" (infixr 80)
- lcase :: "[i,i,[i,i]=>i]=>i"
- lrec :: "[i,i,[i,i,i]=>i]=>i"
- let :: "[i,i=>i]=>i"
- letrec :: "[[i,i=>i]=>i,(i=>i)=>i]=>i"
- letrec2 :: "[[i,i,i=>i=>i]=>i,(i=>i=>i)=>i]=>i"
- letrec3 :: "[[i,i,i,i=>i=>i=>i]=>i,(i=>i=>i=>i)=>i]=>i"
- "@let" :: "[id,i,i]=>i" ("(3let _ be _/ in _)" [] 60)
- "@letrec" :: "[id,id,i,i]=>i" ("(3letrec _ _ be _/ in _)" [] 60)
- "@letrec2" :: "[id,id,id,i,i]=>i" ("(3letrec _ _ _ be _/ in _)" [] 60)
- "@letrec3" :: "[id,id,id,id,i,i]=>i" ("(3letrec _ _ _ _ be _/ in _)" [] 60)
- napply :: "[i=>i,i,i]=>i" ("(_ ^ _ ` _)")
- one_def "one == true"
- if_def "if b then t else u == case(b,t,u,% x y.bot,%v.bot)"
- inl_def "inl(a) == <true,a>"
- inr_def "inr(b) == <false,b>"
- when_def "when(t,f,g) == split(t,%b x.if b then f(x) else g(x))"
- split_def "split(t,f) == case(t,bot,bot,f,%u.bot)"
- fst_def "fst(t) == split(t,%x y.x)"
- snd_def "snd(t) == split(t,%x y.y)"
- thd_def "thd(t) == split(t,%x p.split(p,%y z.z))"
- zero_def "zero == inl(one)"
- succ_def "succ(n) == inr(n)"
- ncase_def "ncase(n,b,c) == when(n,%x.b,%y.c(y))"
- nrec_def " nrec(n,b,c) == letrec g x be ncase(x,b,%y.c(y,g(y))) in g(n)"
- nil_def "[] == inl(one)"
- cons_def "h.t == inr(<h,t>)"
- lcase_def "lcase(l,b,c) == when(l,%x.b,%y.split(y,c))"
- lrec_def "lrec(l,b,c) == letrec g x be lcase(x,b,%h t.c(h,t,g(t))) in g(l)"
- let_def "let x be t in f(x) == case(t,f(true),f(false),%x y.f(<x,y>),%u.f(lam x.u(x)))"
- letrec_def
- "letrec g x be h(x,g) in b(g) == b(%x.fix(%f.lam x.h(x,%y.f`y))`x)"
- letrec2_def "letrec g x y be h(x,y,g) in f(g)== \
-\ letrec g' p be split(p,%x y.h(x,y,%u v.g'(<u,v>))) \
-\ in f(%x y.g'(<x,y>))"
- letrec3_def "letrec g x y z be h(x,y,z,g) in f(g) == \
-\ letrec g' p be split(p,%x xs.split(xs,%y z.h(x,y,z,%u v w.g'(<u,<v,w>>)))) \
-\ in f(%x y z.g'(<x,<y,z>>))"
- napply_def "f ^n` a == nrec(n,a,%x g.f(g))"
-(** Quantifier translations: variable binding **)
-fun let_tr [Free(id,T),a,b] = Const("let",dummyT) $ a $ absfree(id,T,b);
-fun let_tr' [a,Abs(id,T,b)] =
- let val (id',b') = variant_abs(id,T,b)
- in Const("@let",dummyT) $ Free(id',T) $ a $ b' end;
-fun letrec_tr [Free(f,S),Free(x,T),a,b] =
- Const("letrec",dummyT) $ absfree(x,T,absfree(f,S,a)) $ absfree(f,S,b);
-fun letrec2_tr [Free(f,S),Free(x,T),Free(y,U),a,b] =
- Const("letrec2",dummyT) $ absfree(x,T,absfree(y,U,absfree(f,S,a))) $ absfree(f,S,b);
-fun letrec3_tr [Free(f,S),Free(x,T),Free(y,U),Free(z,V),a,b] =
- Const("letrec3",dummyT) $ absfree(x,T,absfree(y,U,absfree(z,U,absfree(f,S,a)))) $ absfree(f,S,b);
-fun letrec_tr' [Abs(x,T,Abs(f,S,a)),Abs(ff,SS,b)] =
- let val (f',b') = variant_abs(ff,SS,b)
- val (_,a'') = variant_abs(f,S,a)
- val (x',a') = variant_abs(x,T,a'')
- in Const("@letrec",dummyT) $ Free(f',SS) $ Free(x',T) $ a' $ b' end;
-fun letrec2_tr' [Abs(x,T,Abs(y,U,Abs(f,S,a))),Abs(ff,SS,b)] =
- let val (f',b') = variant_abs(ff,SS,b)
- val ( _,a1) = variant_abs(f,S,a)
- val (y',a2) = variant_abs(y,U,a1)
- val (x',a') = variant_abs(x,T,a2)
- in Const("@letrec2",dummyT) $ Free(f',SS) $ Free(x',T) $ Free(y',U) $ a' $ b'
- end;
-fun letrec3_tr' [Abs(x,T,Abs(y,U,Abs(z,V,Abs(f,S,a)))),Abs(ff,SS,b)] =
- let val (f',b') = variant_abs(ff,SS,b)
- val ( _,a1) = variant_abs(f,S,a)
- val (z',a2) = variant_abs(z,V,a1)
- val (y',a3) = variant_abs(y,U,a2)
- val (x',a') = variant_abs(x,T,a3)
- in Const("@letrec3",dummyT) $ Free(f',SS) $ Free(x',T) $ Free(y',U) $ Free(z',V) $ a' $ b'
- end;
-val parse_translation=
- [("@let", let_tr),
- ("@letrec", letrec_tr),
- ("@letrec2", letrec2_tr),
- ("@letrec3", letrec3_tr)
- ];
-val print_translation=
- [("let", let_tr'),
- ("letrec", letrec_tr'),
- ("letrec2", letrec2_tr'),
- ("letrec3", letrec3_tr')
- ];
--- a/src/CCL/trancl.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/trancl
- ID: $Id$
-For trancl.thy.
-Modified version of
- Title: HOL/trancl.ML
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-open Trancl;
-(** Natural deduction for trans(r) **)
-val prems = goalw Trancl.thy [trans_def]
- "(!! x y z. [| <x,y>:r; <y,z>:r |] ==> <x,z>:r) ==> trans(r)";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[allI,impI]) 1));
-val transI = result();
-val major::prems = goalw Trancl.thy [trans_def]
- "[| trans(r); <a,b>:r; <b,c>:r |] ==> <a,c>:r";
-by (cut_facts_tac [major] 1);
-by (fast_tac (FOL_cs addIs prems) 1);
-val transD = result();
-(** Identity relation **)
-goalw Trancl.thy [id_def] "<a,a> : id";
-by (rtac CollectI 1);
-by (rtac exI 1);
-by (rtac refl 1);
-val idI = result();
-val major::prems = goalw Trancl.thy [id_def]
- "[| p: id; !!x.[| p = <x,x> |] ==> P \
-\ |] ==> P";
-by (rtac (major RS CollectE) 1);
-by (etac exE 1);
-by (eresolve_tac prems 1);
-val idE = result();
-(** Composition of two relations **)
-val prems = goalw Trancl.thy [comp_def]
- "[| <a,b>:s; <b,c>:r |] ==> <a,c> : r O s";
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs prems) 1);
-val compI = result();
-(*proof requires higher-level assumptions or a delaying of hyp_subst_tac*)
-val prems = goalw Trancl.thy [comp_def]
- "[| xz : r O s; \
-\ !!x y z. [| xz = <x,z>; <x,y>:s; <y,z>:r |] ==> P \
-\ |] ==> P";
-by (cut_facts_tac prems 1);
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [CollectE, exE, conjE] 1 ORELSE ares_tac prems 1));
-val compE = result();
-val prems = goal Trancl.thy
- "[| <a,c> : r O s; \
-\ !!y. [| <a,y>:s; <y,c>:r |] ==> P \
-\ |] ==> P";
-by (rtac compE 1);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1 ORELSE eresolve_tac [pair_inject,ssubst] 1));
-val compEpair = result();
-val comp_cs = set_cs addIs [compI,idI]
- addEs [compE,idE]
- addSEs [pair_inject];
-val prems = goal Trancl.thy
- "[| r'<=r; s'<=s |] ==> (r' O s') <= (r O s)";
-by (cut_facts_tac prems 1);
-by (fast_tac comp_cs 1);
-val comp_mono = result();
-(** The relation rtrancl **)
-goal Trancl.thy "mono(%s. id Un (r O s))";
-by (rtac monoI 1);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [monoI, subset_refl, comp_mono, Un_mono] 1));
-val rtrancl_fun_mono = result();
-val rtrancl_unfold = rtrancl_fun_mono RS (rtrancl_def RS def_lfp_Tarski);
-(*Reflexivity of rtrancl*)
-goal Trancl.thy "<a,a> : r^*";
-br (rtrancl_unfold RS ssubst) 1;
-by (fast_tac comp_cs 1);
-val rtrancl_refl = result();
-(*Closure under composition with r*)
-val prems = goal Trancl.thy
- "[| <a,b> : r^*; <b,c> : r |] ==> <a,c> : r^*";
-br (rtrancl_unfold RS ssubst) 1;
-by (fast_tac (comp_cs addIs prems) 1);
-val rtrancl_into_rtrancl = result();
-(*rtrancl of r contains r*)
-val [prem] = goal Trancl.thy "[| <a,b> : r |] ==> <a,b> : r^*";
-by (rtac (rtrancl_refl RS rtrancl_into_rtrancl) 1);
-by (rtac prem 1);
-val r_into_rtrancl = result();
-(** standard induction rule **)
-val major::prems = goal Trancl.thy
- "[| <a,b> : r^*; \
-\ !!x. P(<x,x>); \
-\ !!x y z.[| P(<x,y>); <x,y>: r^*; <y,z>: r |] ==> P(<x,z>) |] \
-\ ==> P(<a,b>)";
-by (rtac (major RS (rtrancl_def RS def_induct)) 1);
-by (rtac rtrancl_fun_mono 1);
-by (fast_tac (comp_cs addIs prems) 1);
-val rtrancl_full_induct = result();
-(*nice induction rule*)
-val major::prems = goal Trancl.thy
- "[| <a,b> : r^*; \
-\ P(a); \
-\ !!y z.[| <a,y> : r^*; <y,z> : r; P(y) |] ==> P(z) |] \
-\ ==> P(b)";
-(*by induction on this formula*)
-by (subgoal_tac "ALL y. <a,b> = <a,y> --> P(y)" 1);
-(*now solve first subgoal: this formula is sufficient*)
-by (fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
-(*now do the induction*)
-by (resolve_tac [major RS rtrancl_full_induct] 1);
-by (fast_tac (comp_cs addIs prems) 1);
-by (fast_tac (comp_cs addIs prems) 1);
-val rtrancl_induct = result();
-(*transitivity of transitive closure!! -- by induction.*)
-goal Trancl.thy "trans(r^*)";
-by (rtac transI 1);
-by (res_inst_tac [("b","z")] rtrancl_induct 1);
-by (DEPTH_SOLVE (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, rtrancl_into_rtrancl] 1));
-val trans_rtrancl = result();
-(*elimination of rtrancl -- by induction on a special formula*)
-val major::prems = goal Trancl.thy
- "[| <a,b> : r^*; (a = b) ==> P; \
-\ !!y.[| <a,y> : r^*; <y,b> : r |] ==> P |] \
-\ ==> P";
-by (subgoal_tac "a = b | (EX y. <a,y> : r^* & <y,b> : r)" 1);
-by (rtac (major RS rtrancl_induct) 2);
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs prems) 2);
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addIs prems) 2);
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac ([asm_rl,exE,disjE,conjE]@prems) 1));
-val rtranclE = result();
-(**** The relation trancl ****)
-(** Conversions between trancl and rtrancl **)
-val [major] = goalw Trancl.thy [trancl_def]
- "[| <a,b> : r^+ |] ==> <a,b> : r^*";
-by (resolve_tac [major RS compEpair] 1);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [rtrancl_into_rtrancl] 1));
-val trancl_into_rtrancl = result();
-(*r^+ contains r*)
-val [prem] = goalw Trancl.thy [trancl_def]
- "[| <a,b> : r |] ==> <a,b> : r^+";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [prem,compI,rtrancl_refl] 1));
-val r_into_trancl = result();
-(*intro rule by definition: from rtrancl and r*)
-val prems = goalw Trancl.thy [trancl_def]
- "[| <a,b> : r^*; <b,c> : r |] ==> <a,c> : r^+";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac ([compI]@prems) 1));
-val rtrancl_into_trancl1 = result();
-(*intro rule from r and rtrancl*)
-val prems = goal Trancl.thy
- "[| <a,b> : r; <b,c> : r^* |] ==> <a,c> : r^+";
-by (resolve_tac (prems RL [rtranclE]) 1);
-by (etac subst 1);
-by (resolve_tac (prems RL [r_into_trancl]) 1);
-by (rtac (trans_rtrancl RS transD RS rtrancl_into_trancl1) 1);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[r_into_rtrancl]) 1));
-val rtrancl_into_trancl2 = result();
-(*elimination of r^+ -- NOT an induction rule*)
-val major::prems = goal Trancl.thy
- "[| <a,b> : r^+; \
-\ <a,b> : r ==> P; \
-\ !!y.[| <a,y> : r^+; <y,b> : r |] ==> P \
-\ |] ==> P";
-by (subgoal_tac "<a,b> : r | (EX y. <a,y> : r^+ & <y,b> : r)" 1);
-by (REPEAT (eresolve_tac ([asm_rl,disjE,exE,conjE]@prems) 1));
-by (rtac (rewrite_rule [trancl_def] major RS compEpair) 1);
-by (etac rtranclE 1);
-by (fast_tac comp_cs 1);
-by (fast_tac (comp_cs addSIs [rtrancl_into_trancl1]) 1);
-val tranclE = result();
-(*Transitivity of r^+.
- Proved by unfolding since it uses transitivity of rtrancl. *)
-goalw Trancl.thy [trancl_def] "trans(r^+)";
-by (rtac transI 1);
-by (REPEAT (etac compEpair 1));
-by (rtac (rtrancl_into_rtrancl RS (trans_rtrancl RS transD RS compI)) 1);
-by (REPEAT (assume_tac 1));
-val trans_trancl = result();
-val prems = goal Trancl.thy
- "[| <a,b> : r; <b,c> : r^+ |] ==> <a,c> : r^+";
-by (rtac (r_into_trancl RS (trans_trancl RS transD)) 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-by (resolve_tac prems 1);
-val trancl_into_trancl2 = result();
--- a/src/CCL/trancl.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/trancl.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Transitive closure of a relation
-Trancl = CCL +
- trans :: "i set => o" (*transitivity predicate*)
- id :: "i set"
- rtrancl :: "i set => i set" ("(_^*)" [100] 100)
- trancl :: "i set => i set" ("(_^+)" [100] 100)
- O :: "[i set,i set] => i set" (infixr 60)
-trans_def "trans(r) == (ALL x y z. <x,y>:r --> <y,z>:r --> <x,z>:r)"
-comp_def (*composition of relations*)
- "r O s == {xz. EX x y z. xz = <x,z> & <x,y>:s & <y,z>:r}"
-id_def (*the identity relation*)
- "id == {p. EX x. p = <x,x>}"
-rtrancl_def "r^* == lfp(%s. id Un (r O s))"
-trancl_def "r^+ == r O rtrancl(r)"
--- a/src/CCL/type.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
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@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/types
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-For types.thy.
-open Type;
-val simp_type_defs = [Subtype_def,Unit_def,Bool_def,Plus_def,Sigma_def,Pi_def,
- Lift_def,Tall_def,Tex_def];
-val ind_type_defs = [Nat_def,List_def];
-val simp_data_defs = [one_def,inl_def,inr_def];
-val ind_data_defs = [zero_def,succ_def,nil_def,cons_def];
-goal Set.thy "A <= B <-> (ALL x.x:A --> x:B)";
-by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
-val subsetXH = result();
-(*** Exhaustion Rules ***)
-fun mk_XH_tac thy defs rls s = prove_goalw thy defs s (fn _ => [cfast_tac rls 1]);
-val XH_tac = mk_XH_tac Type.thy simp_type_defs [];
-val EmptyXH = XH_tac "a : {} <-> False";
-val SubtypeXH = XH_tac "a : {x:A.P(x)} <-> (a:A & P(a))";
-val UnitXH = XH_tac "a : Unit <-> a=one";
-val BoolXH = XH_tac "a : Bool <-> a=true | a=false";
-val PlusXH = XH_tac "a : A+B <-> (EX x:A.a=inl(x)) | (EX x:B.a=inr(x))";
-val PiXH = XH_tac "a : PROD x:A.B(x) <-> (EX b.a=lam x.b(x) & (ALL x:A.b(x):B(x)))";
-val SgXH = XH_tac "a : SUM x:A.B(x) <-> (EX x:A.EX y:B(x).a=<x,y>)";
-val XHs = [EmptyXH,SubtypeXH,UnitXH,BoolXH,PlusXH,PiXH,SgXH];
-val LiftXH = XH_tac "a : [A] <-> (a=bot | a:A)";
-val TallXH = XH_tac "a : TALL X.B(X) <-> (ALL X. a:B(X))";
-val TexXH = XH_tac "a : TEX X.B(X) <-> (EX X. a:B(X))";
-val case_rls = XH_to_Es XHs;
-(*** Canonical Type Rules ***)
-fun mk_canT_tac thy xhs s = prove_goal thy s
- (fn prems => [fast_tac (set_cs addIs (prems @ (xhs RL [iffD2]))) 1]);
-val canT_tac = mk_canT_tac Type.thy XHs;
-val oneT = canT_tac "one : Unit";
-val trueT = canT_tac "true : Bool";
-val falseT = canT_tac "false : Bool";
-val lamT = canT_tac "[| !!x.x:A ==> b(x):B(x) |] ==> lam x.b(x) : Pi(A,B)";
-val pairT = canT_tac "[| a:A; b:B(a) |] ==> <a,b>:Sigma(A,B)";
-val inlT = canT_tac "a:A ==> inl(a) : A+B";
-val inrT = canT_tac "b:B ==> inr(b) : A+B";
-val canTs = [oneT,trueT,falseT,pairT,lamT,inlT,inrT];
-(*** Non-Canonical Type Rules ***)
-val lemma = prove_goal Type.thy "[| a:B(u); u=v |] ==> a : B(v)"
- (fn prems => [cfast_tac prems 1]);
-fun mk_ncanT_tac thy defs top_crls crls s = prove_goalw thy defs s
- (fn major::prems => [(resolve_tac ([major] RL top_crls) 1),
- (REPEAT_SOME (eresolve_tac (crls @ [exE,bexE,conjE,disjE]))),
- (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac term_ss)),
- (ALLGOALS (ares_tac (prems RL [lemma]) ORELSE'
- eresolve_tac [bspec])),
- (safe_tac (ccl_cs addSIs prems))]);
-val ncanT_tac = mk_ncanT_tac Type.thy [] case_rls case_rls;
-val ifT = ncanT_tac
- "[| b:Bool; b=true ==> t:A(true); b=false ==> u:A(false) |] ==> \
-\ if b then t else u : A(b)";
-val applyT = ncanT_tac
- "[| f : Pi(A,B); a:A |] ==> f ` a : B(a)";
-val splitT = ncanT_tac
- "[| p:Sigma(A,B); !!x y. [| x:A; y:B(x); p=<x,y> |] ==> c(x,y):C(<x,y>) |] ==> \
-\ split(p,c):C(p)";
-val whenT = ncanT_tac
- "[| p:A+B; !!x.[| x:A; p=inl(x) |] ==> a(x):C(inl(x)); \
-\ !!y.[| y:B; p=inr(y) |] ==> b(y):C(inr(y)) |] ==> \
-\ when(p,a,b) : C(p)";
-val ncanTs = [ifT,applyT,splitT,whenT];
-(*** Subtypes ***)
-val SubtypeD1 = standard ((SubtypeXH RS iffD1) RS conjunct1);
-val SubtypeD2 = standard ((SubtypeXH RS iffD1) RS conjunct2);
-val prems = goal Type.thy
- "[| a:A; P(a) |] ==> a : {x:A. P(x)}";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[SubtypeXH RS iffD2,conjI]) 1));
-val SubtypeI = result();
-val prems = goal Type.thy
- "[| a : {x:A. P(x)}; [| a:A; P(a) |] ==> Q |] ==> Q";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[SubtypeD1,SubtypeD2]) 1));
-val SubtypeE = result();
-(*** Monotonicity ***)
-goal Type.thy "mono (%X.X)";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [monoI] 1));
-val idM = result();
-goal Type.thy "mono(%X.A)";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [monoI,subset_refl] 1));
-val constM = result();
-val major::prems = goal Type.thy
- "mono(%X.A(X)) ==> mono(%X.[A(X)])";
-br (subsetI RS monoI) 1;
-bd (LiftXH RS iffD1) 1;
-be disjE 1;
-be (disjI1 RS (LiftXH RS iffD2)) 1;
-br (disjI2 RS (LiftXH RS iffD2)) 1;
-be (major RS monoD RS subsetD) 1;
-ba 1;
-val LiftM = result();
-val prems = goal Type.thy
- "[| mono(%X.A(X)); !!x X. x:A(X) ==> mono(%X.B(X,x)) |] ==> \
-\ mono(%X.Sigma(A(X),B(X)))";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac ([subsetI RS monoI] @ canTs) 1 ORELSE
- eresolve_tac ([bspec,exE,conjE,disjE,bexE] @ case_rls) 1 ORELSE
- (resolve_tac (prems RL [monoD RS subsetD]) 1 THEN assume_tac 1) ORELSE
- hyp_subst_tac 1));
-val SgM = result();
-val prems = goal Type.thy
- "[| !!x. x:A ==> mono(%X.B(X,x)) |] ==> mono(%X.Pi(A,B(X)))";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac ([subsetI RS monoI] @ canTs) 1 ORELSE
- eresolve_tac ([bspec,exE,conjE,disjE,bexE] @ case_rls) 1 ORELSE
- (resolve_tac (prems RL [monoD RS subsetD]) 1 THEN assume_tac 1) ORELSE
- hyp_subst_tac 1));
-val PiM = result();
-val prems = goal Type.thy
- "[| mono(%X.A(X)); mono(%X.B(X)) |] ==> mono(%X.A(X)+B(X))";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac ([subsetI RS monoI] @ canTs) 1 ORELSE
- eresolve_tac ([bspec,exE,conjE,disjE,bexE] @ case_rls) 1 ORELSE
- (resolve_tac (prems RL [monoD RS subsetD]) 1 THEN assume_tac 1) ORELSE
- hyp_subst_tac 1));
-val PlusM = result();
-(**************** RECURSIVE TYPES ******************)
-(*** Conversion Rules for Fixed Points via monotonicity and Tarski ***)
-goal Type.thy "mono(%X.Unit+X)";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [PlusM,constM,idM] 1));
-val NatM = result();
-val def_NatB = result() RS (Nat_def RS def_lfp_Tarski);
-goal Type.thy "mono(%X.(Unit+Sigma(A,%y.X)))";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [PlusM,SgM,constM,idM] 1));
-val ListM = result();
-val def_ListB = result() RS (List_def RS def_lfp_Tarski);
-val def_ListsB = result() RS (Lists_def RS def_gfp_Tarski);
-goal Type.thy "mono(%X.({} + Sigma(A,%y.X)))";
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [PlusM,SgM,constM,idM] 1));
-val IListsM = result();
-val def_IListsB = result() RS (ILists_def RS def_gfp_Tarski);
-val ind_type_eqs = [def_NatB,def_ListB,def_ListsB,def_IListsB];
-(*** Exhaustion Rules ***)
-fun mk_iXH_tac teqs ddefs rls s = prove_goalw Type.thy ddefs s
- (fn _ => [resolve_tac (teqs RL [XHlemma1]) 1,
- fast_tac (set_cs addSIs canTs addSEs case_rls) 1]);
-val iXH_tac = mk_iXH_tac ind_type_eqs ind_data_defs [];
-val NatXH = iXH_tac "a : Nat <-> (a=zero | (EX x:Nat.a=succ(x)))";
-val ListXH = iXH_tac "a : List(A) <-> (a=[] | (EX x:A.EX xs:List(A).a=x$xs))";
-val ListsXH = iXH_tac "a : Lists(A) <-> (a=[] | (EX x:A.EX xs:Lists(A).a=x$xs))";
-val IListsXH = iXH_tac "a : ILists(A) <-> (EX x:A.EX xs:ILists(A).a=x$xs)";
-val iXHs = [NatXH,ListXH];
-val icase_rls = XH_to_Es iXHs;
-(*** Type Rules ***)
-val icanT_tac = mk_canT_tac Type.thy iXHs;
-val incanT_tac = mk_ncanT_tac Type.thy [] icase_rls case_rls;
-val zeroT = icanT_tac "zero : Nat";
-val succT = icanT_tac "n:Nat ==> succ(n) : Nat";
-val nilT = icanT_tac "[] : List(A)";
-val consT = icanT_tac "[| h:A; t:List(A) |] ==> h$t : List(A)";
-val icanTs = [zeroT,succT,nilT,consT];
-val ncaseT = incanT_tac
- "[| n:Nat; n=zero ==> b:C(zero); \
-\ !!x.[| x:Nat; n=succ(x) |] ==> c(x):C(succ(x)) |] ==> \
-\ ncase(n,b,c) : C(n)";
-val lcaseT = incanT_tac
- "[| l:List(A); l=[] ==> b:C([]); \
-\ !!h t.[| h:A; t:List(A); l=h$t |] ==> c(h,t):C(h$t) |] ==> \
-\ lcase(l,b,c) : C(l)";
-val incanTs = [ncaseT,lcaseT];
-(*** Induction Rules ***)
-val ind_Ms = [NatM,ListM];
-fun mk_ind_tac ddefs tdefs Ms canTs case_rls s = prove_goalw Type.thy ddefs s
- (fn major::prems => [resolve_tac (Ms RL ([major] RL (tdefs RL [def_induct]))) 1,
- fast_tac (set_cs addSIs (prems @ canTs) addSEs case_rls) 1]);
-val ind_tac = mk_ind_tac ind_data_defs ind_type_defs ind_Ms canTs case_rls;
-val Nat_ind = ind_tac
- "[| n:Nat; P(zero); !!x.[| x:Nat; P(x) |] ==> P(succ(x)) |] ==> \
-\ P(n)";
-val List_ind = ind_tac
- "[| l:List(A); P([]); \
-\ !!x xs.[| x:A; xs:List(A); P(xs) |] ==> P(x$xs) |] ==> \
-\ P(l)";
-val inds = [Nat_ind,List_ind];
-(*** Primitive Recursive Rules ***)
-fun mk_prec_tac inds s = prove_goal Type.thy s
- (fn major::prems => [resolve_tac ([major] RL inds) 1,
- ALLGOALS (simp_tac term_ss THEN'
- fast_tac (set_cs addSIs prems))]);
-val prec_tac = mk_prec_tac inds;
-val nrecT = prec_tac
- "[| n:Nat; b:C(zero); \
-\ !!x g.[| x:Nat; g:C(x) |] ==> c(x,g):C(succ(x)) |] ==> \
-\ nrec(n,b,c) : C(n)";
-val lrecT = prec_tac
- "[| l:List(A); b:C([]); \
-\ !!x xs g.[| x:A; xs:List(A); g:C(xs) |] ==> c(x,xs,g):C(x$xs) |] ==> \
-\ lrec(l,b,c) : C(l)";
-val precTs = [nrecT,lrecT];
-(*** Theorem proving ***)
-val [major,minor] = goal Type.thy
- "[| <a,b> : Sigma(A,B); [| a:A; b:B(a) |] ==> P \
-\ |] ==> P";
-br (major RS (XH_to_E SgXH)) 1;
-br minor 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac term_cs));
-val SgE2 = result();
-(* General theorem proving ignores non-canonical term-formers, *)
-(* - intro rules are type rules for canonical terms *)
-(* - elim rules are case rules (no non-canonical terms appear) *)
-val type_cs = term_cs addSIs (SubtypeI::(canTs @ icanTs))
- addSEs (SubtypeE::(XH_to_Es XHs));
-(*** Infinite Data Types ***)
-val [mono] = goal Type.thy "mono(f) ==> lfp(f) <= gfp(f)";
-br (lfp_lowerbound RS subset_trans) 1;
-br (mono RS gfp_lemma3) 1;
-br subset_refl 1;
-val lfp_subset_gfp = result();
-val prems = goal Type.thy
- "[| a:A; !!x X.[| x:A; ALL y:A.t(y):X |] ==> t(x) : B(X) |] ==> \
-\ t(a) : gfp(B)";
-br coinduct 1;
-by (res_inst_tac [("P","%x.EX y:A.x=t(y)")] CollectI 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (ccl_cs addSIs prems)));
-val gfpI = result();
-val rew::prem::prems = goal Type.thy
- "[| C==gfp(B); a:A; !!x X.[| x:A; ALL y:A.t(y):X |] ==> t(x) : B(X) |] ==> \
-\ t(a) : C";
-by (rewtac rew);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac ((prem RS gfpI)::prems) 1));
-val def_gfpI = result();
-(* EG *)
-val prems = goal Type.thy
- "letrec g x be zero$g(x) in g(bot) : Lists(Nat)";
-by (rtac (refl RS (XH_to_I UnitXH) RS (Lists_def RS def_gfpI)) 1);
-br (letrecB RS ssubst) 1;
-bw cons_def;
-by (fast_tac type_cs 1);
--- a/src/CCL/type.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/types.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Types in CCL are defined as sets of terms.
-Type = Term +
- Subtype :: "['a set, 'a => o] => 'a set"
- Bool :: "i set"
- Unit :: "i set"
- "+" :: "[i set, i set] => i set" (infixr 55)
- Pi :: "[i set, i => i set] => i set"
- Sigma :: "[i set, i => i set] => i set"
- Nat :: "i set"
- List :: "i set => i set"
- Lists :: "i set => i set"
- ILists :: "i set => i set"
- TAll :: "(i set => i set) => i set" (binder "TALL " 55)
- TEx :: "(i set => i set) => i set" (binder "TEX " 55)
- Lift :: "i set => i set" ("(3[_])")
- SPLIT :: "[i, [i, i] => i set] => i set"
- "@Pi" :: "[idt, i set, i set] => i set" ("(3PROD _:_./ _)" [] 60)
- "@Sigma" :: "[idt, i set, i set] => i set" ("(3SUM _:_./ _)" [] 60)
- "@->" :: "[i set, i set] => i set" ("(_ ->/ _)" [54, 53] 53)
- "@*" :: "[i set, i set] => i set" ("(_ */ _)" [56, 55] 55)
- "@Subtype" :: "[idt, 'a set, o] => 'a set" ("(1{_: _ ./ _})")
- "PROD x:A. B" => "Pi(A, %x. B)"
- "A -> B" => "Pi(A, _K(B))"
- "SUM x:A. B" => "Sigma(A, %x. B)"
- "A * B" => "Sigma(A, _K(B))"
- "{x: A. B}" == "Subtype(A, %x. B)"
- Subtype_def "{x:A.P(x)} == {x.x:A & P(x)}"
- Unit_def "Unit == {x.x=one}"
- Bool_def "Bool == {x.x=true | x=false}"
- Plus_def "A+B == {x. (EX a:A.x=inl(a)) | (EX b:B.x=inr(b))}"
- Pi_def "Pi(A,B) == {x.EX b.x=lam x.b(x) & (ALL x:A.b(x):B(x))}"
- Sigma_def "Sigma(A,B) == {x.EX a:A.EX b:B(a).x=<a,b>}"
- Nat_def "Nat == lfp(% X.Unit + X)"
- List_def "List(A) == lfp(% X.Unit + A*X)"
- Lists_def "Lists(A) == gfp(% X.Unit + A*X)"
- ILists_def "ILists(A) == gfp(% X.{} + A*X)"
- Tall_def "TALL X.B(X) == Inter({X.EX Y.X=B(Y)})"
- Tex_def "TEX X.B(X) == Union({X.EX Y.X=B(Y)})"
- Lift_def "[A] == A Un {bot}"
- SPLIT_def "SPLIT(p,B) == Union({A.EX x y.p=<x,y> & A=B(x,y)})"
-val print_translation =
- [("Pi", dependent_tr' ("@Pi", "@->")),
- ("Sigma", dependent_tr' ("@Sigma", "@*"))];
--- a/src/CCL/wfd.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/wfd.ML
- ID: $Id$
-For wfd.thy.
-Based on
- Titles: ZF/wf.ML and HOL/ex/lex-prod
- Authors: Lawrence C Paulson and Tobias Nipkow
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-open Wfd;
-val [major,prem] = goalw Wfd.thy [Wfd_def]
- "[| Wfd(R); \
-\ !!x.[| ALL y. <y,x>: R --> P(y) |] ==> P(x) |] ==> \
-\ P(a)";
-by (rtac (major RS spec RS mp RS spec RS CollectD) 1);
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs [prem RS CollectI]) 1);
-val wfd_induct = result();
-val [p1,p2,p3] = goal Wfd.thy
- "[| !!x y.<x,y> : R ==> Q(x); \
-\ ALL x. (ALL y. <y,x> : R --> y : P) --> x : P; \
-\ !!x.Q(x) ==> x:P |] ==> a:P";
-br (p2 RS spec RS mp) 1;
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs [p1 RS p3]) 1);
-val wfd_strengthen_lemma = result();
-fun wfd_strengthen_tac s i = res_inst_tac [("Q",s)] wfd_strengthen_lemma i THEN
- assume_tac (i+1);
-val wfd::prems = goal Wfd.thy "[| Wfd(r); <a,x>:r; <x,a>:r |] ==> P";
-by (subgoal_tac "ALL x. <a,x>:r --> <x,a>:r --> P" 1);
-by (fast_tac (FOL_cs addIs prems) 1);
-br (wfd RS wfd_induct) 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (ccl_cs addSIs prems)));
-val wf_anti_sym = result();
-val prems = goal Wfd.thy "[| Wfd(r); <a,a>: r |] ==> P";
-by (rtac wf_anti_sym 1);
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac prems 1));
-val wf_anti_refl = result();
-(*** Irreflexive transitive closure ***)
-val [prem] = goal Wfd.thy "Wfd(R) ==> Wfd(R^+)";
-by (rewtac Wfd_def);
-by (REPEAT (ares_tac [allI,ballI,impI] 1));
-(*must retain the universal formula for later use!*)
-by (rtac allE 1 THEN assume_tac 1);
-by (etac mp 1);
-br (prem RS wfd_induct) 1;
-by (rtac (impI RS allI) 1);
-by (etac tranclE 1);
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-be (spec RS mp RS spec RS mp) 1;
-by (REPEAT (atac 1));
-val trancl_wf = result();
-(*** Lexicographic Ordering ***)
-goalw Wfd.thy [lex_def]
- "p : ra**rb <-> (EX a a' b b'.p = <<a,b>,<a',b'>> & (<a,a'> : ra | a=a' & <b,b'> : rb))";
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-val lexXH = result();
-val prems = goal Wfd.thy
- "<a,a'> : ra ==> <<a,b>,<a',b'>> : ra**rb";
-by (fast_tac (ccl_cs addSIs (prems @ [lexXH RS iffD2])) 1);
-val lexI1 = result();
-val prems = goal Wfd.thy
- "<b,b'> : rb ==> <<a,b>,<a,b'>> : ra**rb";
-by (fast_tac (ccl_cs addSIs (prems @ [lexXH RS iffD2])) 1);
-val lexI2 = result();
-val major::prems = goal Wfd.thy
- "[| p : ra**rb; \
-\ !!a a' b b'.[| <a,a'> : ra; p=<<a,b>,<a',b'>> |] ==> R; \
-\ !!a b b'.[| <b,b'> : rb; p = <<a,b>,<a,b'>> |] ==> R |] ==> \
-\ R";
-br (major RS (lexXH RS iffD1) RS exE) 1;
-by (REPEAT_SOME (eresolve_tac ([exE,conjE,disjE]@prems)));
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac ccl_cs));
-val lexE = result();
-val [major,minor] = goal Wfd.thy
- "[| p : r**s; !!a a' b b'. p = <<a,b>,<a',b'>> ==> P |] ==>P";
-br (major RS lexE) 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (set_cs addSEs [minor])));
-val lex_pair = result();
-val [wfa,wfb] = goal Wfd.thy
- "[| Wfd(R); Wfd(S) |] ==> Wfd(R**S)";
-bw Wfd_def;
-by (safe_tac ccl_cs);
-by (wfd_strengthen_tac "%x.EX a b.x=<a,b>" 1);
-by (fast_tac (term_cs addSEs [lex_pair]) 1);
-by (subgoal_tac "ALL a b.<a,b>:P" 1);
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-br (wfa RS wfd_induct RS allI) 1;
-br (wfb RS wfd_induct RS allI) 1;back();
-by (fast_tac (type_cs addSEs [lexE]) 1);
-val lex_wf = result();
-(*** Mapping ***)
-goalw Wfd.thy [wmap_def]
- "p : wmap(f,r) <-> (EX x y. p=<x,y> & <f(x),f(y)> : r)";
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-val wmapXH = result();
-val prems = goal Wfd.thy
- "<f(a),f(b)> : r ==> <a,b> : wmap(f,r)";
-by (fast_tac (ccl_cs addSIs (prems @ [wmapXH RS iffD2])) 1);
-val wmapI = result();
-val major::prems = goal Wfd.thy
- "[| p : wmap(f,r); !!a b.[| <f(a),f(b)> : r; p=<a,b> |] ==> R |] ==> R";
-br (major RS (wmapXH RS iffD1) RS exE) 1;
-by (REPEAT_SOME (eresolve_tac ([exE,conjE,disjE]@prems)));
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac ccl_cs));
-val wmapE = result();
-val [wf] = goal Wfd.thy
- "Wfd(r) ==> Wfd(wmap(f,r))";
-bw Wfd_def;
-by (safe_tac ccl_cs);
-by (subgoal_tac "ALL b.ALL a.f(a)=b-->a:P" 1);
-by (fast_tac ccl_cs 1);
-br (wf RS wfd_induct RS allI) 1;
-by (safe_tac ccl_cs);
-be (spec RS mp) 1;
-by (safe_tac (ccl_cs addSEs [wmapE]));
-be (spec RS mp RS spec RS mp) 1;
-ba 1;
-br refl 1;
-val wmap_wf = result();
-(* Projections *)
-val prems = goal Wfd.thy "<xa,ya> : r ==> <<xa,xb>,<ya,yb>> : wmap(fst,r)";
-br wmapI 1;
-by (simp_tac (term_ss addsimps prems) 1);
-val wfstI = result();
-val prems = goal Wfd.thy "<xb,yb> : r ==> <<xa,xb>,<ya,yb>> : wmap(snd,r)";
-br wmapI 1;
-by (simp_tac (term_ss addsimps prems) 1);
-val wsndI = result();
-val prems = goal Wfd.thy "<xc,yc> : r ==> <<xa,<xb,xc>>,<ya,<yb,yc>>> : wmap(thd,r)";
-br wmapI 1;
-by (simp_tac (term_ss addsimps prems) 1);
-val wthdI = result();
-(*** Ground well-founded relations ***)
-val prems = goalw Wfd.thy [wf_def]
- "[| Wfd(r); a : r |] ==> a : wf(r)";
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addSIs prems) 1);
-val wfI = result();
-val prems = goalw Wfd.thy [Wfd_def] "Wfd({})";
-by (fast_tac (set_cs addEs [EmptyXH RS iffD1 RS FalseE]) 1);
-val Empty_wf = result();
-val prems = goalw Wfd.thy [wf_def] "Wfd(wf(R))";
-by (res_inst_tac [("Q","Wfd(R)")] (excluded_middle RS disjE) 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac CCL_ss));
-br Empty_wf 1;
-val wf_wf = result();
-goalw Wfd.thy [NatPR_def] "p : NatPR <-> (EX x:Nat.p=<x,succ(x)>)";
-by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
-val NatPRXH = result();
-goalw Wfd.thy [ListPR_def] "p : ListPR(A) <-> (EX h:A.EX t:List(A).p=<t,h$t>)";
-by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
-val ListPRXH = result();
-val NatPRI = refl RS (bexI RS (NatPRXH RS iffD2));
-val ListPRI = refl RS (bexI RS (bexI RS (ListPRXH RS iffD2)));
-goalw Wfd.thy [Wfd_def] "Wfd(NatPR)";
-by (safe_tac set_cs);
-by (wfd_strengthen_tac "%x.x:Nat" 1);
-by (fast_tac (type_cs addSEs [XH_to_E NatPRXH]) 1);
-be Nat_ind 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (type_cs addEs [XH_to_E NatPRXH])));
-val NatPR_wf = result();
-goalw Wfd.thy [Wfd_def] "Wfd(ListPR(A))";
-by (safe_tac set_cs);
-by (wfd_strengthen_tac "%x.x:List(A)" 1);
-by (fast_tac (type_cs addSEs [XH_to_E ListPRXH]) 1);
-be List_ind 1;
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (type_cs addEs [XH_to_E ListPRXH])));
-val ListPR_wf = result();
--- a/src/CCL/wfd.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CCL/wfd.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Martin Coen, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Well-founded relations in CCL.
-Wfd = Trancl + Type +
- (*** Predicates ***)
- Wfd :: "[i set] => o"
- (*** Relations ***)
- wf :: "[i set] => i set"
- wmap :: "[i=>i,i set] => i set"
- "**" :: "[i set,i set] => i set" (infixl 70)
- NatPR :: "i set"
- ListPR :: "i set => i set"
- Wfd_def
- "Wfd(R) == ALL P.(ALL x.(ALL y.<y,x> : R --> y:P) --> x:P) --> (ALL a.a:P)"
- wf_def "wf(R) == {x.x:R & Wfd(R)}"
- wmap_def "wmap(f,R) == {p. EX x y. p=<x,y> & <f(x),f(y)> : R}"
- lex_def
- "ra**rb == {p. EX a a' b b'.p = <<a,b>,<a',b'>> & (<a,a'> : ra | (a=a' & <b,b'> : rb))}"
- NatPR_def "NatPR == {p.EX x:Nat. p=<x,succ(x)>}"
- ListPR_def "ListPR(A) == {p.EX h:A.EX t:List(A). p=<t,h$t>}"
--- a/src/CTT/arith.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CTT/arith
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-Theorems for arith.thy (Arithmetic operators)
-Proofs about elementary arithmetic: addition, multiplication, etc.
-Tests definitions and simplifier.
-open Arith;
-val arith_defs = [add_def, diff_def, absdiff_def, mult_def, mod_def, div_def];
-(** Addition *)
-(*typing of add: short and long versions*)
-val add_typing = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a #+ b : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (typechk_tac prems) ]);
-val add_typingL = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a=c:N; b=d:N |] ==> a #+ b = c #+ d : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (equal_tac prems) ]);
-(*computation for add: 0 and successor cases*)
-val addC0 = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "b:N ==> 0 #+ b = b : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (rew_tac prems) ]);
-val addC_succ = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> succ(a) #+ b = succ(a #+ b) : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (rew_tac prems) ]);
-(** Multiplication *)
-(*typing of mult: short and long versions*)
-val mult_typing = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a #* b : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (typechk_tac([add_typing]@prems)) ]);
-val mult_typingL = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a=c:N; b=d:N |] ==> a #* b = c #* d : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (equal_tac (prems@[add_typingL])) ]);
-(*computation for mult: 0 and successor cases*)
-val multC0 = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "b:N ==> 0 #* b = 0 : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (rew_tac prems) ]);
-val multC_succ = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> succ(a) #* b = b #+ (a #* b) : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (rew_tac prems) ]);
-(** Difference *)
-(*typing of difference*)
-val diff_typing = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a - b : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (typechk_tac prems) ]);
-val diff_typingL = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a=c:N; b=d:N |] ==> a - b = c - d : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (equal_tac prems) ]);
-(*computation for difference: 0 and successor cases*)
-val diffC0 = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "a:N ==> a - 0 = a : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (rew_tac prems) ]);
-(*Note: rec(a, 0, %z w.z) is pred(a). *)
-val diff_0_eq_0 = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "b:N ==> 0 - b = 0 : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "b" 1),
- (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (hyp_rew_tac prems) ]);
-(*Essential to simplify FIRST!! (Else we get a critical pair)
- succ(a) - succ(b) rewrites to pred(succ(a) - b) *)
-val diff_succ_succ = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> succ(a) - succ(b) = a - b : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (hyp_rew_tac prems),
- (NE_tac "b" 1),
- (hyp_rew_tac prems) ]);
-(*** Simplification *)
-val arith_typing_rls =
- [add_typing, mult_typing, diff_typing];
-val arith_congr_rls =
- [add_typingL, mult_typingL, diff_typingL];
-val congr_rls = arith_congr_rls@standard_congr_rls;
-val arithC_rls =
- [addC0, addC_succ,
- multC0, multC_succ,
- diffC0, diff_0_eq_0, diff_succ_succ];
-structure Arith_simp_data: TSIMP_DATA =
- struct
- val refl = refl_elem
- val sym = sym_elem
- val trans = trans_elem
- val refl_red = refl_red
- val trans_red = trans_red
- val red_if_equal = red_if_equal
- val default_rls = arithC_rls @ comp_rls
- val routine_tac = routine_tac (arith_typing_rls @ routine_rls)
- end;
-structure Arith_simp = TSimpFun (Arith_simp_data);
-fun arith_rew_tac prems = make_rew_tac
- (Arith_simp.norm_tac(congr_rls, prems));
-fun hyp_arith_rew_tac prems = make_rew_tac
- (Arith_simp.cond_norm_tac(prove_cond_tac, congr_rls, prems));
- Addition
- **********)
-(*Associative law for addition*)
-val add_assoc = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N; c:N |] ==> (a #+ b) #+ c = a #+ (b #+ c) : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "a" 1),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac prems) ]);
-(*Commutative law for addition. Can be proved using three inductions.
- Must simplify after first induction! Orientation of rewrites is delicate*)
-val add_commute = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a #+ b = b #+ a : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "a" 1),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac prems),
- (NE_tac "b" 2),
- (resolve_tac [sym_elem] 1),
- (NE_tac "b" 1),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac prems) ]);
- Multiplication
- ****************)
-(*Commutative law for multiplication
-val mult_commute = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a #* b = b #* a : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "a" 1),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac prems),
- (NE_tac "b" 2),
- (resolve_tac [sym_elem] 1),
- (NE_tac "b" 1),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac prems) ]); NEEDS COMMUTATIVE MATCHING
-(*right annihilation in product*)
-val mult_0_right = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "a:N ==> a #* 0 = 0 : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "a" 1),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac prems) ]);
-(*right successor law for multiplication*)
-val mult_succ_right = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a #* succ(b) = a #+ (a #* b) : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "a" 1),
-(*swap round the associative law of addition*)
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac (prems @ [add_assoc RS sym_elem])),
-(*leaves a goal involving a commutative law*)
- (REPEAT (assume_tac 1 ORELSE
- resolve_tac
- (prems@[add_commute,mult_typingL,add_typingL]@
- intrL_rls@[refl_elem]) 1)) ]);
-(*Commutative law for multiplication*)
-val mult_commute = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a #* b = b #* a : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "a" 1),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac (prems @ [mult_0_right, mult_succ_right])) ]);
-(*addition distributes over multiplication*)
-val add_mult_distrib = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N; c:N |] ==> (a #+ b) #* c = (a #* c) #+ (b #* c) : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "a" 1),
-(*swap round the associative law of addition*)
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac (prems @ [add_assoc RS sym_elem])) ]);
-(*Associative law for multiplication*)
-val mult_assoc = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N; c:N |] ==> (a #* b) #* c = a #* (b #* c) : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "a" 1),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac (prems @ [add_mult_distrib])) ]);
- Difference
- ************
-Difference on natural numbers, without negative numbers
- a - b = 0 iff a<=b a - b = succ(c) iff a>b *)
-val diff_self_eq_0 = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "a:N ==> a - a = 0 : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "a" 1),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac prems) ]);
-(* [| c : N; 0 : N; c : N |] ==> c #+ 0 = c : N *)
-val add_0_right = addC0 RSN (3, add_commute RS trans_elem);
-(*Addition is the inverse of subtraction: if b<=x then b#+(x-b) = x.
- An example of induction over a quantified formula (a product).
- Uses rewriting with a quantified, implicative inductive hypothesis.*)
-val prems =
-goal Arith.thy
- "b:N ==> ?a : PROD x:N. Eq(N, b-x, 0) --> Eq(N, b #+ (x-b), x)";
-by (NE_tac "b" 1);
-(*strip one "universal quantifier" but not the "implication"*)
-by (resolve_tac intr_rls 3);
-(*case analysis on x in
- (succ(u) <= x) --> (succ(u)#+(x-succ(u)) = x) *)
-by (NE_tac "x" 4 THEN assume_tac 4);
-(*Prepare for simplification of types -- the antecedent succ(u)<=x *)
-by (resolve_tac [replace_type] 5);
-by (resolve_tac [replace_type] 4);
-by (arith_rew_tac prems);
-(*Solves first 0 goal, simplifies others. Two sugbgoals remain.
- Both follow by rewriting, (2) using quantified induction hyp*)
-by (intr_tac[]); (*strips remaining PRODs*)
-by (hyp_arith_rew_tac (prems@[add_0_right]));
-by (assume_tac 1);
-val add_diff_inverse_lemma = result();
-(*Version of above with premise b-a=0 i.e. a >= b.
- Using ProdE does not work -- for ?B(?a) is ambiguous.
- Instead, add_diff_inverse_lemma states the desired induction scheme;
- the use of RS below instantiates Vars in ProdE automatically. *)
-val prems =
-goal Arith.thy "[| a:N; b:N; b-a = 0 : N |] ==> b #+ (a-b) = a : N";
-by (resolve_tac [EqE] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [ add_diff_inverse_lemma RS ProdE RS ProdE ] 1);
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[EqI]) 1));
-val add_diff_inverse = result();
- Absolute difference
- ********************)
-(*typing of absolute difference: short and long versions*)
-val absdiff_typing = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a |-| b : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (typechk_tac prems) ]);
-val absdiff_typingL = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a=c:N; b=d:N |] ==> a |-| b = c |-| d : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac arith_defs),
- (equal_tac prems) ]);
-val absdiff_self_eq_0 = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "a:N ==> a |-| a = 0 : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [absdiff_def]),
- (arith_rew_tac (prems@[diff_self_eq_0])) ]);
-val absdiffC0 = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "a:N ==> 0 |-| a = a : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [absdiff_def]),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac prems) ]);
-val absdiff_succ_succ = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> succ(a) |-| succ(b) = a |-| b : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [absdiff_def]),
- (hyp_arith_rew_tac prems) ]);
-(*Note how easy using commutative laws can be? ...not always... *)
-val prems = goal Arith.thy "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a |-| b = b |-| a : N";
-by (rewrite_goals_tac [absdiff_def]);
-by (resolve_tac [add_commute] 1);
-by (typechk_tac ([diff_typing]@prems));
-val absdiff_commute = result();
-(*If a+b=0 then a=0. Surprisingly tedious*)
-val prems =
-goal Arith.thy "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> ?c : PROD u: Eq(N,a#+b,0) . Eq(N,a,0)";
-by (NE_tac "a" 1);
-by (resolve_tac [replace_type] 3);
-by (arith_rew_tac prems);
-by (intr_tac[]); (*strips remaining PRODs*)
-by (resolve_tac [ zero_ne_succ RS FE ] 2);
-by (etac (EqE RS sym_elem) 3);
-by (typechk_tac ([add_typing] @prems));
-val add_eq0_lemma = result();
-(*Version of above with the premise a+b=0.
- Again, resolution instantiates variables in ProdE *)
-val prems =
-goal Arith.thy "[| a:N; b:N; a #+ b = 0 : N |] ==> a = 0 : N";
-by (resolve_tac [EqE] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [add_eq0_lemma RS ProdE] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [EqI] 3);
-by (ALLGOALS (resolve_tac prems));
-val add_eq0 = result();
-(*Here is a lemma to infer a-b=0 and b-a=0 from a|-|b=0, below. *)
-val prems = goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N; a |-| b = 0 : N |] ==> \
-\ ?a : SUM v: Eq(N, a-b, 0) . Eq(N, b-a, 0)";
-by (intr_tac[]);
-by eqintr_tac;
-by (resolve_tac [add_eq0] 2);
-by (resolve_tac [add_eq0] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [add_commute RS trans_elem] 6);
-by (typechk_tac (diff_typing:: map (rewrite_rule [absdiff_def]) prems));
-val absdiff_eq0_lem = result();
-(*if a |-| b = 0 then a = b
- proof: a-b=0 and b-a=0, so b = a+(b-a) = a+0 = a*)
-val prems =
-goal Arith.thy "[| a |-| b = 0 : N; a:N; b:N |] ==> a = b : N";
-by (resolve_tac [EqE] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [absdiff_eq0_lem RS SumE] 1);
-by (TRYALL (resolve_tac prems));
-by eqintr_tac;
-by (resolve_tac [add_diff_inverse RS sym_elem RS trans_elem] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [EqE] 3 THEN assume_tac 3);
-by (hyp_arith_rew_tac (prems@[add_0_right]));
-val absdiff_eq0 = result();
- Remainder and Quotient
- ***********************)
-(*typing of remainder: short and long versions*)
-val mod_typing = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a mod b : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [mod_def]),
- (typechk_tac (absdiff_typing::prems)) ]);
-val mod_typingL = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a=c:N; b=d:N |] ==> a mod b = c mod d : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [mod_def]),
- (equal_tac (prems@[absdiff_typingL])) ]);
-(*computation for mod : 0 and successor cases*)
-val modC0 = prove_goal Arith.thy "b:N ==> 0 mod b = 0 : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [mod_def]),
- (rew_tac(absdiff_typing::prems)) ]);
-val modC_succ = prove_goal Arith.thy
-"[| a:N; b:N |] ==> succ(a) mod b = rec(succ(a mod b) |-| b, 0, %x y.succ(a mod b)) : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [mod_def]),
- (rew_tac(absdiff_typing::prems)) ]);
-(*typing of quotient: short and long versions*)
-val div_typing = prove_goal Arith.thy "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a div b : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [div_def]),
- (typechk_tac ([absdiff_typing,mod_typing]@prems)) ]);
-val div_typingL = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a=c:N; b=d:N |] ==> a div b = c div d : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [div_def]),
- (equal_tac (prems @ [absdiff_typingL, mod_typingL])) ]);
-val div_typing_rls = [mod_typing, div_typing, absdiff_typing];
-(*computation for quotient: 0 and successor cases*)
-val divC0 = prove_goal Arith.thy "b:N ==> 0 div b = 0 : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [div_def]),
- (rew_tac([mod_typing, absdiff_typing] @ prems)) ]);
-val divC_succ =
-prove_goal Arith.thy "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> succ(a) div b = \
-\ rec(succ(a) mod b, succ(a div b), %x y. a div b) : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac [div_def]),
- (rew_tac([mod_typing]@prems)) ]);
-(*Version of above with same condition as the mod one*)
-val divC_succ2 = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> \
-\ succ(a) div b =rec(succ(a mod b) |-| b, succ(a div b), %x y. a div b) : N"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [ divC_succ RS trans_elem ] 1),
- (rew_tac(div_typing_rls @ prems @ [modC_succ])),
- (NE_tac "succ(a mod b)|-|b" 1),
- (rew_tac ([mod_typing, div_typing, absdiff_typing] @prems)) ]);
-(*for case analysis on whether a number is 0 or a successor*)
-val iszero_decidable = prove_goal Arith.thy
- "a:N ==> rec(a, inl(eq), %ka kb.inr(<ka, eq>)) : \
-\ Eq(N,a,0) + (SUM x:N. Eq(N,a, succ(x)))"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (NE_tac "a" 1),
- (resolve_tac [PlusI_inr] 3),
- (resolve_tac [PlusI_inl] 2),
- eqintr_tac,
- (equal_tac prems) ]);
-(*Main Result. Holds when b is 0 since a mod 0 = a and a div 0 = 0 *)
-val prems =
-goal Arith.thy "[| a:N; b:N |] ==> a mod b #+ (a div b) #* b = a : N";
-by (NE_tac "a" 1);
-by (arith_rew_tac (div_typing_rls@prems@[modC0,modC_succ,divC0,divC_succ2]));
-by (resolve_tac [EqE] 1);
-(*case analysis on succ(u mod b)|-|b *)
-by (res_inst_tac [("a1", "succ(u mod b) |-| b")]
- (iszero_decidable RS PlusE) 1);
-by (etac SumE 3);
-by (hyp_arith_rew_tac (prems @ div_typing_rls @
- [modC0,modC_succ, divC0, divC_succ2]));
-(*Replace one occurence of b by succ(u mod b). Clumsy!*)
-by (resolve_tac [ add_typingL RS trans_elem ] 1);
-by (eresolve_tac [EqE RS absdiff_eq0 RS sym_elem] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [refl_elem] 3);
-by (hyp_arith_rew_tac (prems @ div_typing_rls));
-val mod_div_equality = result();
-writeln"Reached end of file.";
--- a/src/CTT/arith.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CTT/arith
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-Arithmetic operators and their definitions
-Proves about elementary arithmetic: addition, multiplication, etc.
-Tests definitions and simplifier.
-Arith = CTT +
-consts "#+","-","|-|" :: "[i,i]=>i" (infixr 65)
- "#*",div,mod :: "[i,i]=>i" (infixr 70)
- add_def "a#+b == rec(a, b, %u v.succ(v))"
- diff_def "a-b == rec(b, a, %u v.rec(v, 0, %x y.x))"
- absdiff_def "a|-|b == (a-b) #+ (b-a)"
- mult_def "a#*b == rec(a, 0, %u v. b #+ v)"
- mod_def "a mod b == rec(a, 0, %u v. rec(succ(v) |-| b, 0, %x y.succ(v)))"
- div_def "a div b == rec(a, 0, %u v. rec(succ(u) mod b, succ(v), %x y.v))"
--- a/src/CTT/bool.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CTT/bool
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-Theorems for bool.thy (booleans and conditionals)
-open Bool;
-val bool_defs = [Bool_def,true_def,false_def,cond_def];
-(*Derivation of rules for the type Bool*)
-(*formation rule*)
-val boolF = prove_goal Bool.thy
- "Bool type"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac bool_defs),
- (typechk_tac[]) ]);
-(*introduction rules for true, false*)
-val boolI_true = prove_goal Bool.thy
- "true : Bool"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac bool_defs),
- (typechk_tac[]) ]);
-val boolI_false = prove_goal Bool.thy
- "false : Bool"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac bool_defs),
- (typechk_tac[]) ]);
-(*elimination rule: typing of cond*)
-val boolE = prove_goal Bool.thy
- "[| p:Bool; a : C(true); b : C(false) |] ==> cond(p,a,b) : C(p)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rewrite_goals_tac bool_defs),
- (typechk_tac prems),
- (ALLGOALS (etac TE)),
- (typechk_tac prems) ]);
-val boolEL = prove_goal Bool.thy
- "[| p = q : Bool; a = c : C(true); b = d : C(false) |] ==> \
-\ cond(p,a,b) = cond(q,c,d) : C(p)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rewrite_goals_tac bool_defs),
- (resolve_tac [PlusEL] 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, refl_elem RS TEL] 1)) ]);
-(*computation rules for true, false*)
-val boolC_true = prove_goal Bool.thy
- "[| a : C(true); b : C(false) |] ==> cond(true,a,b) = a : C(true)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rewrite_goals_tac bool_defs),
- (resolve_tac comp_rls 1),
- (typechk_tac[]),
- (ALLGOALS (etac TE)),
- (typechk_tac prems) ]);
-val boolC_false = prove_goal Bool.thy
- "[| a : C(true); b : C(false) |] ==> cond(false,a,b) = b : C(false)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rewrite_goals_tac bool_defs),
- (resolve_tac comp_rls 1),
- (typechk_tac[]),
- (ALLGOALS (etac TE)),
- (typechk_tac prems) ]);
-writeln"Reached end of file.";
--- a/src/CTT/bool.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CTT/bool
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-The two-element type (booleans and conditionals)
-Bool = CTT +
-consts Bool :: "t"
- true,false :: "i"
- cond :: "[i,i,i]=>i"
- Bool_def "Bool == T+T"
- true_def "true == inl(tt)"
- false_def "false == inr(tt)"
- cond_def "cond(a,b,c) == when(a, %u.b, %u.c)"
--- a/src/CTT/ctt.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CTT/ctt.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-Tactics and lemmas for ctt.thy (Constructive Type Theory)
-open CTT;
-signature CTT_RESOLVE =
- sig
- val add_mp_tac: int -> tactic
- val ASSUME: (int -> tactic) -> int -> tactic
- val basic_defs: thm list
- val comp_rls: thm list
- val element_rls: thm list
- val elimL_rls: thm list
- val elim_rls: thm list
- val eqintr_tac: tactic
- val equal_tac: thm list -> tactic
- val formL_rls: thm list
- val form_rls: thm list
- val form_tac: tactic
- val intrL2_rls: thm list
- val intrL_rls: thm list
- val intr_rls: thm list
- val intr_tac: thm list -> tactic
- val mp_tac: int -> tactic
- val NE_tac: string -> int -> tactic
- val pc_tac: thm list -> int -> tactic
- val PlusE_tac: string -> int -> tactic
- val reduction_rls: thm list
- val replace_type: thm
- val routine_rls: thm list
- val routine_tac: thm list -> thm list -> int -> tactic
- val safe_brls: (bool * thm) list
- val safestep_tac: thm list -> int -> tactic
- val safe_tac: thm list -> int -> tactic
- val step_tac: thm list -> int -> tactic
- val subst_eqtyparg: thm
- val subst_prodE: thm
- val SumE_fst: thm
- val SumE_snd: thm
- val SumE_tac: string -> int -> tactic
- val SumIL2: thm
- val test_assume_tac: int -> tactic
- val typechk_tac: thm list -> tactic
- val unsafe_brls: (bool * thm) list
- end;
-structure CTT_Resolve : CTT_RESOLVE =
-(*Formation rules*)
-val form_rls = [NF, ProdF, SumF, PlusF, EqF, FF, TF]
-and formL_rls = [ProdFL, SumFL, PlusFL, EqFL];
-(*Introduction rules
- OMITTED: EqI, because its premise is an eqelem, not an elem*)
-val intr_rls = [NI0, NI_succ, ProdI, SumI, PlusI_inl, PlusI_inr, TI]
-and intrL_rls = [NI_succL, ProdIL, SumIL, PlusI_inlL, PlusI_inrL];
-(*Elimination rules
- OMITTED: EqE, because its conclusion is an eqelem, not an elem
- TE, because it does not involve a constructor *)
-val elim_rls = [NE, ProdE, SumE, PlusE, FE]
-and elimL_rls = [NEL, ProdEL, SumEL, PlusEL, FEL];
-(*OMITTED: eqC are TC because they make rewriting loop: p = un = un = ... *)
-val comp_rls = [NC0, NC_succ, ProdC, SumC, PlusC_inl, PlusC_inr];
-(*rules with conclusion a:A, an elem judgement*)
-val element_rls = intr_rls @ elim_rls;
-(*Definitions are (meta)equality axioms*)
-val basic_defs = [fst_def,snd_def];
-(*Compare with standard version: B is applied to UNSIMPLIFIED expression! *)
-val SumIL2 = prove_goal CTT.thy
- "[| c=a : A; d=b : B(a) |] ==> <c,d> = <a,b> : Sum(A,B)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [sym_elem] 1),
- (resolve_tac [SumIL] 1),
- (ALLGOALS (resolve_tac [sym_elem])),
- (ALLGOALS (resolve_tac prems)) ]);
-val intrL2_rls = [NI_succL, ProdIL, SumIL2, PlusI_inlL, PlusI_inrL];
-(*Exploit p:Prod(A,B) to create the assumption z:B(a).
- A more natural form of product elimination. *)
-val subst_prodE = prove_goal CTT.thy
- "[| p: Prod(A,B); a: A; !!z. z: B(a) ==> c(z): C(z) \
-\ |] ==> c(p`a): C(p`a)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[ProdE]) 1)) ]);
-(** Tactics for type checking **)
-fun is_rigid_elem (Const("Elem",_) $ a $ _) = not (is_Var (head_of a))
- | is_rigid_elem _ = false;
-(*Try solving a:A by assumption provided a is rigid!*)
-val test_assume_tac = SUBGOAL(fn (prem,i) =>
- if is_rigid_elem (Logic.strip_assums_concl prem)
- then assume_tac i else no_tac);
-fun ASSUME tf i = test_assume_tac i ORELSE tf i;
-(*For simplification: type formation and checking,
- but no equalities between terms*)
-val routine_rls = form_rls @ formL_rls @ [refl_type] @ element_rls;
-fun routine_tac rls prems = ASSUME (filt_resolve_tac (prems @ rls) 4);
-(*Solve all subgoals "A type" using formation rules. *)
-val form_tac = REPEAT_FIRST (filt_resolve_tac(form_rls) 1);
-(*Type checking: solve a:A (a rigid, A flexible) by intro and elim rules. *)
-fun typechk_tac thms =
- let val tac = filt_resolve_tac (thms @ form_rls @ element_rls) 3
- in REPEAT_FIRST (ASSUME tac) end;
-(*Solve a:A (a flexible, A rigid) by introduction rules.
- Cannot use stringtrees (filt_resolve_tac) since
- goals like ?a:SUM(A,B) have a trivial head-string *)
-fun intr_tac thms =
- let val tac = filt_resolve_tac(thms@form_rls@intr_rls) 1
- in REPEAT_FIRST (ASSUME tac) end;
-(*Equality proving: solve a=b:A (where a is rigid) by long rules. *)
-fun equal_tac thms =
- let val rls = thms @ form_rls @ element_rls @ intrL_rls @
- elimL_rls @ [refl_elem]
- in REPEAT_FIRST (ASSUME (filt_resolve_tac rls 3)) end;
-(*** Simplification ***)
-(*To simplify the type in a goal*)
-val replace_type = prove_goal CTT.thy
- "[| B = A; a : A |] ==> a : B"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [equal_types] 1),
- (resolve_tac [sym_type] 2),
- (ALLGOALS (resolve_tac prems)) ]);
-(*Simplify the parameter of a unary type operator.*)
-val subst_eqtyparg = prove_goal CTT.thy
- "a=c : A ==> (!!z.z:A ==> B(z) type) ==> B(a)=B(c)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [subst_typeL] 1),
- (resolve_tac [refl_type] 2),
- (ALLGOALS (resolve_tac prems)),
- (assume_tac 1) ]);
-(*Make a reduction rule for simplification.
- A goal a=c becomes b=c, by virtue of a=b *)
-fun resolve_trans rl = rl RS trans_elem;
-(*Simplification rules for Constructive Type Theory*)
-val reduction_rls = map resolve_trans comp_rls;
-(*Converts each goal "e : Eq(A,a,b)" into "a=b:A" for simplification.
- Uses other intro rules to avoid changing flexible goals.*)
-val eqintr_tac = REPEAT_FIRST (ASSUME (filt_resolve_tac(EqI::intr_rls) 1));
-(** Tactics that instantiate CTT-rules.
- Vars in the given terms will be incremented!
- The (resolve_tac [EqE] i) lets them apply to equality judgements. **)
-fun NE_tac (sp: string) i =
- TRY (resolve_tac [EqE] i) THEN res_inst_tac [ ("p",sp) ] NE i;
-fun SumE_tac (sp: string) i =
- TRY (resolve_tac [EqE] i) THEN res_inst_tac [ ("p",sp) ] SumE i;
-fun PlusE_tac (sp: string) i =
- TRY (resolve_tac [EqE] i) THEN res_inst_tac [ ("p",sp) ] PlusE i;
-(** Predicate logic reasoning, WITH THINNING!! Procedures adapted from NJ. **)
-(*Finds f:Prod(A,B) and a:A in the assumptions, concludes there is z:B(a) *)
-fun add_mp_tac i =
- resolve_tac [subst_prodE] i THEN assume_tac i THEN assume_tac i;
-(*Finds P-->Q and P in the assumptions, replaces implication by Q *)
-fun mp_tac i = eresolve_tac [subst_prodE] i THEN assume_tac i;
-(*"safe" when regarded as predicate calculus rules*)
-val safe_brls = sort lessb
- [ (true,FE), (true,asm_rl),
- (false,ProdI), (true,SumE), (true,PlusE) ];
-val unsafe_brls =
- [ (false,PlusI_inl), (false,PlusI_inr), (false,SumI),
- (true,subst_prodE) ];
-(*0 subgoals vs 1 or more*)
-val (safe0_brls, safep_brls) =
- partition (apl(0,op=) o subgoals_of_brl) safe_brls;
-fun safestep_tac thms i =
- form_tac ORELSE
- resolve_tac thms i ORELSE
- biresolve_tac safe0_brls i ORELSE mp_tac i ORELSE
- DETERM (biresolve_tac safep_brls i);
-fun safe_tac thms i = DEPTH_SOLVE_1 (safestep_tac thms i);
-fun step_tac thms = safestep_tac thms ORELSE' biresolve_tac unsafe_brls;
-(*Fails unless it solves the goal!*)
-fun pc_tac thms = DEPTH_SOLVE_1 o (step_tac thms);
-(** The elimination rules for fst/snd **)
-val SumE_fst = prove_goal CTT.thy
- "p : Sum(A,B) ==> fst(p) : A"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac basic_defs),
- (resolve_tac elim_rls 1),
- (REPEAT (pc_tac prems 1)),
- (fold_tac basic_defs) ]);
-(*The first premise must be p:Sum(A,B) !!*)
-val SumE_snd = prove_goal CTT.thy
- "[| p: Sum(A,B); A type; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type \
-\ |] ==> snd(p) : B(fst(p))"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rewrite_goals_tac basic_defs),
- (resolve_tac elim_rls 1),
- (resolve_tac prems 1),
- (resolve_tac [replace_type] 1),
- (resolve_tac [subst_eqtyparg] 1), (*like B(x) equality formation?*)
- (resolve_tac comp_rls 1),
- (typechk_tac prems),
- (fold_tac basic_defs) ]);
-open CTT_Resolve;
--- a/src/CTT/ctt.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: CTT/ctt.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Constructive Type Theory
-CTT = Pure +
- i
- t
- o
- i,t,o :: logic
- (*Types*)
- F,T :: "t" (*F is empty, T contains one element*)
- contr :: "i=>i"
- tt :: "i"
- (*Natural numbers*)
- N :: "t"
- succ :: "i=>i"
- rec :: "[i, i, [i,i]=>i] => i"
- (*Unions*)
- inl,inr :: "i=>i"
- when :: "[i, i=>i, i=>i]=>i"
- (*General Sum and Binary Product*)
- Sum :: "[t, i=>t]=>t"
- fst,snd :: "i=>i"
- split :: "[i, [i,i]=>i] =>i"
- (*General Product and Function Space*)
- Prod :: "[t, i=>t]=>t"
- (*Equality type*)
- Eq :: "[t,i,i]=>t"
- eq :: "i"
- (*Judgements*)
- Type :: "t => prop" ("(_ type)" [10] 5)
- Eqtype :: "[t,t]=>prop" ("(3_ =/ _)" [10,10] 5)
- Elem :: "[i, t]=>prop" ("(_ /: _)" [10,10] 5)
- Eqelem :: "[i,i,t]=>prop" ("(3_ =/ _ :/ _)" [10,10,10] 5)
- Reduce :: "[i,i]=>prop" ("Reduce[_,_]")
- (*Types*)
- "@PROD" :: "[idt,t,t]=>t" ("(3PROD _:_./ _)" 10)
- "@SUM" :: "[idt,t,t]=>t" ("(3SUM _:_./ _)" 10)
- "+" :: "[t,t]=>t" (infixr 40)
- (*Invisible infixes!*)
- "@-->" :: "[t,t]=>t" ("(_ -->/ _)" [31,30] 30)
- "@*" :: "[t,t]=>t" ("(_ */ _)" [51,50] 50)
- (*Functions*)
- lambda :: "(i => i) => i" (binder "lam " 10)
- "`" :: "[i,i]=>i" (infixl 60)
- (*Natural numbers*)
- "0" :: "i" ("0")
- (*Pairing*)
- pair :: "[i,i]=>i" ("(1<_,/_>)")
- "PROD x:A. B" => "Prod(A, %x. B)"
- "A --> B" => "Prod(A, _K(B))"
- "SUM x:A. B" => "Sum(A, %x. B)"
- "A * B" => "Sum(A, _K(B))"
- (*Reduction: a weaker notion than equality; a hack for simplification.
- Reduce[a,b] means either that a=b:A for some A or else that "a" and "b"
- are textually identical.*)
- (*does not verify a:A! Sound because only trans_red uses a Reduce premise
- No new theorems can be proved about the standard judgements.*)
- refl_red "Reduce[a,a]"
- red_if_equal "a = b : A ==> Reduce[a,b]"
- trans_red "[| a = b : A; Reduce[b,c] |] ==> a = c : A"
- (*Reflexivity*)
- refl_type "A type ==> A = A"
- refl_elem "a : A ==> a = a : A"
- (*Symmetry*)
- sym_type "A = B ==> B = A"
- sym_elem "a = b : A ==> b = a : A"
- (*Transitivity*)
- trans_type "[| A = B; B = C |] ==> A = C"
- trans_elem "[| a = b : A; b = c : A |] ==> a = c : A"
- equal_types "[| a : A; A = B |] ==> a : B"
- equal_typesL "[| a = b : A; A = B |] ==> a = b : B"
- (*Substitution*)
- subst_type "[| a : A; !!z. z:A ==> B(z) type |] ==> B(a) type"
- subst_typeL "[| a = c : A; !!z. z:A ==> B(z) = D(z) |] ==> B(a) = D(c)"
- subst_elem "[| a : A; !!z. z:A ==> b(z):B(z) |] ==> b(a):B(a)"
- subst_elemL
- "[| a=c : A; !!z. z:A ==> b(z)=d(z) : B(z) |] ==> b(a)=d(c) : B(a)"
- (*The type N -- natural numbers*)
- NF "N type"
- NI0 "0 : N"
- NI_succ "a : N ==> succ(a) : N"
- NI_succL "a = b : N ==> succ(a) = succ(b) : N"
- NE
- "[| p: N; a: C(0); !!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v): C(succ(u)) |] \
-\ ==> rec(p, a, %u v.b(u,v)) : C(p)"
- "[| p = q : N; a = c : C(0); \
-\ !!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v) = d(u,v): C(succ(u)) |] \
-\ ==> rec(p, a, %u v.b(u,v)) = rec(q,c,d) : C(p)"
- NC0
- "[| a: C(0); !!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v): C(succ(u)) |] \
-\ ==> rec(0, a, %u v.b(u,v)) = a : C(0)"
- NC_succ
- "[| p: N; a: C(0); \
-\ !!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v): C(succ(u)) |] ==> \
-\ rec(succ(p), a, %u v.b(u,v)) = b(p, rec(p, a, %u v.b(u,v))) : C(succ(p))"
- (*The fourth Peano axiom. See page 91 of Martin-Lof's book*)
- zero_ne_succ
- "[| a: N; 0 = succ(a) : N |] ==> 0: F"
- (*The Product of a family of types*)
- ProdF "[| A type; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type |] ==> PROD x:A.B(x) type"
- ProdFL
- "[| A = C; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) = D(x) |] ==> \
-\ PROD x:A.B(x) = PROD x:C.D(x)"
- ProdI
- "[| A type; !!x. x:A ==> b(x):B(x)|] ==> lam x.b(x) : PROD x:A.B(x)"
- ProdIL
- "[| A type; !!x. x:A ==> b(x) = c(x) : B(x)|] ==> \
-\ lam x.b(x) = lam x.c(x) : PROD x:A.B(x)"
- ProdE "[| p : PROD x:A.B(x); a : A |] ==> p`a : B(a)"
- ProdEL "[| p=q: PROD x:A.B(x); a=b : A |] ==> p`a = q`b : B(a)"
- ProdC
- "[| a : A; !!x. x:A ==> b(x) : B(x)|] ==> \
-\ (lam x.b(x)) ` a = b(a) : B(a)"
- ProdC2
- "p : PROD x:A.B(x) ==> (lam x. p`x) = p : PROD x:A.B(x)"
- (*The Sum of a family of types*)
- SumF "[| A type; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type |] ==> SUM x:A.B(x) type"
- SumFL
- "[| A = C; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) = D(x) |] ==> SUM x:A.B(x) = SUM x:C.D(x)"
- SumI "[| a : A; b : B(a) |] ==> <a,b> : SUM x:A.B(x)"
- SumIL "[| a=c:A; b=d:B(a) |] ==> <a,b> = <c,d> : SUM x:A.B(x)"
- SumE
- "[| p: SUM x:A.B(x); !!x y. [| x:A; y:B(x) |] ==> c(x,y): C(<x,y>) |] \
-\ ==> split(p, %x y.c(x,y)) : C(p)"
- SumEL
- "[| p=q : SUM x:A.B(x); \
-\ !!x y. [| x:A; y:B(x) |] ==> c(x,y)=d(x,y): C(<x,y>)|] \
-\ ==> split(p, %x y.c(x,y)) = split(q, % x y.d(x,y)) : C(p)"
- SumC
- "[| a: A; b: B(a); !!x y. [| x:A; y:B(x) |] ==> c(x,y): C(<x,y>) |] \
-\ ==> split(<a,b>, %x y.c(x,y)) = c(a,b) : C(<a,b>)"
- fst_def "fst(a) == split(a, %x y.x)"
- snd_def "snd(a) == split(a, %x y.y)"
- (*The sum of two types*)
- PlusF "[| A type; B type |] ==> A+B type"
- PlusFL "[| A = C; B = D |] ==> A+B = C+D"
- PlusI_inl "[| a : A; B type |] ==> inl(a) : A+B"
- PlusI_inlL "[| a = c : A; B type |] ==> inl(a) = inl(c) : A+B"
- PlusI_inr "[| A type; b : B |] ==> inr(b) : A+B"
- PlusI_inrL "[| A type; b = d : B |] ==> inr(b) = inr(d) : A+B"
- PlusE
- "[| p: A+B; !!x. x:A ==> c(x): C(inl(x)); \
-\ !!y. y:B ==> d(y): C(inr(y)) |] \
-\ ==> when(p, %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) : C(p)"
- PlusEL
- "[| p = q : A+B; !!x. x: A ==> c(x) = e(x) : C(inl(x)); \
-\ !!y. y: B ==> d(y) = f(y) : C(inr(y)) |] \
-\ ==> when(p, %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) = when(q, %x.e(x), %y.f(y)) : C(p)"
- PlusC_inl
- "[| a: A; !!x. x:A ==> c(x): C(inl(x)); \
-\ !!y. y:B ==> d(y): C(inr(y)) |] \
-\ ==> when(inl(a), %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) = c(a) : C(inl(a))"
- PlusC_inr
- "[| b: B; !!x. x:A ==> c(x): C(inl(x)); \
-\ !!y. y:B ==> d(y): C(inr(y)) |] \
-\ ==> when(inr(b), %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) = d(b) : C(inr(b))"
- (*The type Eq*)
- EqF "[| A type; a : A; b : A |] ==> Eq(A,a,b) type"
- EqFL "[| A=B; a=c: A; b=d : A |] ==> Eq(A,a,b) = Eq(B,c,d)"
- EqI "a = b : A ==> eq : Eq(A,a,b)"
- EqE "p : Eq(A,a,b) ==> a = b : A"
- (*By equality of types, can prove C(p) from C(eq), an elimination rule*)
- EqC "p : Eq(A,a,b) ==> p = eq : Eq(A,a,b)"
- (*The type F*)
- FF "F type"
- FE "[| p: F; C type |] ==> contr(p) : C"
- FEL "[| p = q : F; C type |] ==> contr(p) = contr(q) : C"
- (*The type T
- Martin-Lof's book (page 68) discusses elimination and computation.
- Elimination can be derived by computation and equality of types,
- but with an extra premise C(x) type x:T.
- Also computation can be derived from elimination. *)
- TF "T type"
- TI "tt : T"
- TE "[| p : T; c : C(tt) |] ==> c : C(p)"
- TEL "[| p = q : T; c = d : C(tt) |] ==> c = d : C(p)"
- TC "p : T ==> p = tt : T"
-val print_translation =
- [("Prod", dependent_tr' ("@PROD", "@-->")),
- ("Sum", dependent_tr' ("@SUM", "@*"))];
--- a/src/Cube/cube.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: Cube/cube
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Tobias Nipkow
- Copyright 1990 University of Cambridge
-For cube.thy. The systems of the Lambda-cube that extend simple types
-open Cube;
-val simple = [s_b,strip_s,strip_b,app,lam_ss,pi_ss];
-val L2_thy = extend_theory Cube.thy "L2" ([],[],[],[],[],[],None)
- ("pi_bs", "[| A:[]; !!x. x:A ==> B(x):* |] ==> Prod(A,B):*"),
- ("lam_bs", "[| A:[]; !!x. x:A ==> f(x):B(x); !!x. x:A ==> B(x):* |] \
-\ ==> Abs(A,f) : Prod(A,B)")
-val lam_bs = get_axiom L2_thy "lam_bs";
-val pi_bs = get_axiom L2_thy "pi_bs";
-val L2 = simple @ [lam_bs,pi_bs];
-val Lomega_thy = extend_theory Cube.thy "Lomega" ([],[],[],[],[],[],None)
- ("pi_bb", "[| A:[]; !!x. x:A ==> B(x):[] |] ==> Prod(A,B):[]"),
- ("lam_bb", "[| A:[]; !!x. x:A ==> f(x):B(x); !!x. x:A ==> B(x):[] |] \
-\ ==> Abs(A,f) : Prod(A,B)")
-val lam_bb = get_axiom Lomega_thy "lam_bb";
-val pi_bb = get_axiom Lomega_thy "pi_bb";
-val Lomega = simple @ [lam_bb,pi_bb];
-val LOmega_thy = merge_theories(L2_thy,Lomega_thy);
-val LOmega = simple @ [lam_bs,pi_bs,lam_bb,pi_bb];
-val LP_thy = extend_theory Cube.thy "LP" ([],[],[],[],[],[],None)
- ("pi_sb", "[| A:*; !!x. x:A ==> B(x):[] |] ==> Prod(A,B):[]"),
- ("lam_sb", "[| A:*; !!x. x:A ==> f(x):B(x); !!x. x:A ==> B(x):[] |] \
-\ ==> Abs(A,f) : Prod(A,B)")
-val lam_sb = get_axiom LP_thy "lam_sb";
-val pi_sb = get_axiom LP_thy "pi_sb";
-val LP = simple @ [lam_sb,pi_sb];
-val LP2_thy = merge_theories(L2_thy,LP_thy);
-val LP2 = simple @ [lam_bs,pi_bs,lam_sb,pi_sb];
-val LPomega_thy = merge_theories(LP_thy,Lomega_thy);
-val LPomega = simple @ [lam_bb,pi_bb,lam_sb,pi_sb];
-val CC_thy = merge_theories(L2_thy,LPomega_thy);
-val CC = simple @ [lam_bs,pi_bs,lam_bb,pi_bb,lam_sb,pi_sb];
--- a/src/Cube/cube.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: Cube/cube.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Tobias Nipkow
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Barendregt's Lambda-Cube
-Cube = Pure +
- term, context, typing 0
- term :: logic
- Abs, Prod :: "[term, term => term] => term"
- Trueprop :: "[context, typing] => prop" ("(_/ |- _)")
- Trueprop1 :: "typing => prop" ("(_)")
- MT_context :: "context" ("")
- "" :: "id => context" ("_ ")
- "" :: "var => context" ("_ ")
- Context :: "[typing, context] => context" ("_ _")
- star :: "term" ("*")
- box :: "term" ("[]")
- "^" :: "[term, term] => term" (infixl 20)
- Lam :: "[idt, term, term] => term" ("(3Lam _:_./ _)" [0, 0, 0] 10)
- Pi :: "[idt, term, term] => term" ("(3Pi _:_./ _)" [0, 0] 10)
- "->" :: "[term, term] => term" (infixr 10)
- Has_type :: "[term, term] => typing" ("(_:/ _)" [0, 0] 5)
- (prop) "x:X" == (prop) "|- x:X"
- "Lam x:A. B" == "Abs(A, %x. B)"
- "Pi x:A. B" => "Prod(A, %x. B)"
- "A -> B" => "Prod(A, _K(B))"
- s_b "*: []"
- strip_s "[| A:*; a:A ==> G |- x:X |] ==> a:A G |- x:X"
- strip_b "[| A:[]; a:A ==> G |- x:X |] ==> a:A G |- x:X"
- app "[| F:Prod(A, B); C:A |] ==> F^C: B(C)"
- pi_ss "[| A:*; !!x. x:A ==> B(x):* |] ==> Prod(A, B):*"
- lam_ss "[| A:*; !!x. x:A ==> f(x):B(x); !!x. x:A ==> B(x):* |] \
-\ ==> Abs(A, f) : Prod(A, B)"
- beta "Abs(A, f)^a == f(a)"
-val print_translation = [("Prod", dependent_tr' ("Pi", "op ->"))];
--- a/src/FOL/.fol.thy.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-structure FOL =
- val parse_ast_translation = []
- val parse_preproc = None
- val parse_postproc = None
- val parse_translation = []
- val print_translation = []
- val print_preproc = None
- val print_postproc = None
- val print_ast_translation = []
-(**** begin of user section ****)
-(**** end of user section ****)
-val thy = extend_theory (IFOL.thy)
- "FOL"
- ([],
- [],
- [],
- [],
- [],
- None)
- [("classical", "(~P ==> P) ==> P")]
-val ax = get_axiom thy
-val classical = ax "classical"
--- a/src/FOL/.ifol.thy.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-structure IFOL =
- val parse_ast_translation = []
- val parse_preproc = None
- val parse_postproc = None
- val parse_translation = []
- val print_translation = []
- val print_preproc = None
- val print_postproc = None
- val print_ast_translation = []
-(**** begin of user section ****)
-(**** end of user section ****)
-val thy = extend_theory (Pure.thy)
- "IFOL"
- ([("term", ["logic"])],
- ["term"],
- [(["o"], 0)],
- [(["o"], ([], "logic"))],
- [(["True", "False"], "o")],
- Some (NewSext {
- mixfix =
- [Mixfix("(_)", "o => prop", "Trueprop", [0], 5),
- Infixl("=", "['a,'a] => o", 50),
- Mixfix("~ _", "o => o", "Not", [40], 40),
- Infixr("&", "[o,o] => o", 35),
- Infixr("|", "[o,o] => o", 30),
- Infixr("-->", "[o,o] => o", 25),
- Infixr("<->", "[o,o] => o", 25),
- Binder("ALL ", "('a => o) => o", "All", 0, 10),
- Binder("EX ", "('a => o) => o", "Ex", 0, 10),
- Binder("EX! ", "('a => o) => o", "Ex1", 0, 10)],
- xrules =
- [],
- parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation,
- parse_preproc = parse_preproc,
- parse_postproc = parse_postproc,
- parse_translation = parse_translation,
- print_translation = print_translation,
- print_preproc = print_preproc,
- print_postproc = print_postproc,
- print_ast_translation = print_ast_translation}))
- [("refl", "a=a"),
- ("subst", "[| a=b; P(a) |] ==> P(b)"),
- ("conjI", "[| P; Q |] ==> P&Q"),
- ("conjunct1", "P&Q ==> P"),
- ("conjunct2", "P&Q ==> Q"),
- ("disjI1", "P ==> P|Q"),
- ("disjI2", "Q ==> P|Q"),
- ("disjE", "[| P|Q; P ==> R; Q ==> R |] ==> R"),
- ("impI", "(P ==> Q) ==> P-->Q"),
- ("mp", "[| P-->Q; P |] ==> Q"),
- ("FalseE", "False ==> P"),
- ("True_def", "True == False-->False"),
- ("not_def", "~P == P-->False"),
- ("iff_def", "P<->Q == (P-->Q) & (Q-->P)"),
- ("ex1_def", "EX! x. P(x) == EX x. P(x) & (ALL y. P(y) --> y=x)"),
- ("allI", "(!!x. P(x)) ==> (ALL x.P(x))"),
- ("spec", "(ALL x.P(x)) ==> P(x)"),
- ("exI", "P(x) ==> (EX x.P(x))"),
- ("exE", "[| EX x.P(x); !!x. P(x) ==> R |] ==> R"),
- ("eq_reflection", "(x=y) ==> (x==y)"),
- ("iff_reflection", "(P<->Q) ==> (P==Q)")]
-val ax = get_axiom thy
-val refl = ax "refl"
-val subst = ax "subst"
-val conjI = ax "conjI"
-val conjunct1 = ax "conjunct1"
-val conjunct2 = ax "conjunct2"
-val disjI1 = ax "disjI1"
-val disjI2 = ax "disjI2"
-val disjE = ax "disjE"
-val impI = ax "impI"
-val mp = ax "mp"
-val FalseE = ax "FalseE"
-val True_def = ax "True_def"
-val not_def = ax "not_def"
-val iff_def = ax "iff_def"
-val ex1_def = ax "ex1_def"
-val allI = ax "allI"
-val spec = ax "spec"
-val exI = ax "exI"
-val exE = ax "exE"
-val eq_reflection = ax "eq_reflection"
-val iff_reflection = ax "iff_reflection"
--- a/src/FOL/ex/.if.thy.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-structure If =
- val parse_ast_translation = []
- val parse_preproc = None
- val parse_postproc = None
- val parse_translation = []
- val print_translation = []
- val print_preproc = None
- val print_postproc = None
- val print_ast_translation = []
-(**** begin of user section ****)
-(**** end of user section ****)
-val thy = extend_theory (FOL.thy)
- "If"
- ([],
- [],
- [],
- [],
- [(["if"], "[o,o,o]=>o")],
- None)
- [("if_def", "if(P,Q,R) == P&Q | ~P&R")]
-val ax = get_axiom thy
-val if_def = ax "if_def"
--- a/src/FOL/ex/.list.thy.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-structure List =
- val parse_ast_translation = []
- val parse_preproc = None
- val parse_postproc = None
- val parse_translation = []
- val print_translation = []
- val print_preproc = None
- val print_postproc = None
- val print_ast_translation = []
-(**** begin of user section ****)
-(**** end of user section ****)
-val thy = extend_theory (Nat2.thy)
- "List"
- ([],
- [],
- [(["list"], 1)],
- [(["list"], ([["term"]], "term"))],
- [(["hd"], "'a list => 'a"),
- (["tl"], "'a list => 'a list"),
- (["forall"], "['a list, 'a => o] => o"),
- (["len"], "'a list => nat"),
- (["at"], "['a list, nat] => 'a")],
- Some (NewSext {
- mixfix =
- [Delimfix("[]", "'a list", "[]"),
- Infixr(".", "['a, 'a list] => 'a list", 80),
- Infixr("++", "['a list, 'a list] => 'a list", 70)],
- xrules =
- [],
- parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation,
- parse_preproc = parse_preproc,
- parse_postproc = parse_postproc,
- parse_translation = parse_translation,
- print_translation = print_translation,
- print_preproc = print_preproc,
- print_postproc = print_postproc,
- print_ast_translation = print_ast_translation}))
- [("list_ind", "[| P([]); ALL x l. P(l)-->P(x.l) |] ==> All(P)"),
- ("forall_cong", "[| l = l'; !!x. P(x)<->P'(x) |] ==> forall(l,P) <-> forall(l',P')"),
- ("list_distinct1", "~[] = x.l"),
- ("list_distinct2", "~x.l = []"),
- ("list_free", "x.l = x'.l' <-> x=x' & l=l'"),
- ("app_nil", "[]++l = l"),
- ("app_cons", "(x.l)++l' = x.(l++l')"),
- ("tl_eq", "tl(m.q) = q"),
- ("hd_eq", "hd(m.q) = m"),
- ("forall_nil", "forall([],P)"),
- ("forall_cons", "forall(x.l,P) <-> P(x) & forall(l,P)"),
- ("len_nil", "len([]) = 0"),
- ("len_cons", "len(m.q) = succ(len(q))"),
- ("at_0", "at(m.q,0) = m"),
- ("at_succ", "at(m.q,succ(n)) = at(q,n)")]
-val ax = get_axiom thy
-val list_ind = ax "list_ind"
-val forall_cong = ax "forall_cong"
-val list_distinct1 = ax "list_distinct1"
-val list_distinct2 = ax "list_distinct2"
-val list_free = ax "list_free"
-val app_nil = ax "app_nil"
-val app_cons = ax "app_cons"
-val tl_eq = ax "tl_eq"
-val hd_eq = ax "hd_eq"
-val forall_nil = ax "forall_nil"
-val forall_cons = ax "forall_cons"
-val len_nil = ax "len_nil"
-val len_cons = ax "len_cons"
-val at_0 = ax "at_0"
-val at_succ = ax "at_succ"
--- a/src/FOL/ex/.nat.thy.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-structure Nat =
- val parse_ast_translation = []
- val parse_preproc = None
- val parse_postproc = None
- val parse_translation = []
- val print_translation = []
- val print_preproc = None
- val print_postproc = None
- val print_ast_translation = []
-(**** begin of user section ****)
-(**** end of user section ****)
-val thy = extend_theory (FOL.thy)
- "Nat"
- ([],
- [],
- [(["nat"], 0)],
- [(["nat"], ([], "term"))],
- [(["Suc"], "nat=>nat"),
- (["rec"], "[nat, 'a, [nat,'a]=>'a] => 'a")],
- Some (NewSext {
- mixfix =
- [Delimfix("0", "nat", "0"),
- Infixl("+", "[nat, nat] => nat", 60)],
- xrules =
- [],
- parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation,
- parse_preproc = parse_preproc,
- parse_postproc = parse_postproc,
- parse_translation = parse_translation,
- print_translation = print_translation,
- print_preproc = print_preproc,
- print_postproc = print_postproc,
- print_ast_translation = print_ast_translation}))
- [("induct", "[| P(0); !!x. P(x) ==> P(Suc(x)) |] ==> P(n)"),
- ("Suc_inject", "Suc(m)=Suc(n) ==> m=n"),
- ("Suc_neq_0", "Suc(m)=0 ==> R"),
- ("rec_0", "rec(0,a,f) = a"),
- ("rec_Suc", "rec(Suc(m), a, f) = f(m, rec(m,a,f))"),
- ("add_def", "m+n == rec(m, n, %x y. Suc(y))")]
-val ax = get_axiom thy
-val induct = ax "induct"
-val Suc_inject = ax "Suc_inject"
-val Suc_neq_0 = ax "Suc_neq_0"
-val rec_0 = ax "rec_0"
-val rec_Suc = ax "rec_Suc"
-val add_def = ax "add_def"
--- a/src/FOL/ex/.nat2.thy.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-structure Nat2 =
- val parse_ast_translation = []
- val parse_preproc = None
- val parse_postproc = None
- val parse_translation = []
- val print_translation = []
- val print_preproc = None
- val print_postproc = None
- val print_ast_translation = []
-(**** begin of user section ****)
-(**** end of user section ****)
-val thy = extend_theory (FOL.thy)
- "Nat2"
- ([],
- [],
- [(["nat"], 0)],
- [(["nat"], ([], "term"))],
- [(["succ", "pred"], "nat => nat")],
- Some (NewSext {
- mixfix =
- [Delimfix("0", "nat", "0"),
- Infixr("+", "[nat,nat] => nat", 90),
- Infixr("<", "[nat,nat] => o", 70),
- Infixr("<=", "[nat,nat] => o", 70)],
- xrules =
- [],
- parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation,
- parse_preproc = parse_preproc,
- parse_postproc = parse_postproc,
- parse_translation = parse_translation,
- print_translation = print_translation,
- print_preproc = print_preproc,
- print_postproc = print_postproc,
- print_ast_translation = print_ast_translation}))
- [("pred_0", "pred(0) = 0"),
- ("pred_succ", "pred(succ(m)) = m"),
- ("plus_0", "0+n = n"),
- ("plus_succ", "succ(m)+n = succ(m+n)"),
- ("nat_distinct1", "~ 0=succ(n)"),
- ("nat_distinct2", "~ succ(m)=0"),
- ("succ_inject", "succ(m)=succ(n) <-> m=n"),
- ("leq_0", "0 <= n"),
- ("leq_succ_succ", "succ(m)<=succ(n) <-> m<=n"),
- ("leq_succ_0", "~ succ(m) <= 0"),
- ("lt_0_succ", "0 < succ(n)"),
- ("lt_succ_succ", "succ(m)<succ(n) <-> m<n"),
- ("lt_0", "~ m < 0"),
- ("nat_ind", "[| P(0); ALL n. P(n)-->P(succ(n)) |] ==> All(P)")]
-val ax = get_axiom thy
-val pred_0 = ax "pred_0"
-val pred_succ = ax "pred_succ"
-val plus_0 = ax "plus_0"
-val plus_succ = ax "plus_succ"
-val nat_distinct1 = ax "nat_distinct1"
-val nat_distinct2 = ax "nat_distinct2"
-val succ_inject = ax "succ_inject"
-val leq_0 = ax "leq_0"
-val leq_succ_succ = ax "leq_succ_succ"
-val leq_succ_0 = ax "leq_succ_0"
-val lt_0_succ = ax "lt_0_succ"
-val lt_succ_succ = ax "lt_succ_succ"
-val lt_0 = ax "lt_0"
-val nat_ind = ax "nat_ind"
--- a/src/FOL/ex/.prolog.thy.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-structure Prolog =
- val parse_ast_translation = []
- val parse_preproc = None
- val parse_postproc = None
- val parse_translation = []
- val print_translation = []
- val print_preproc = None
- val print_postproc = None
- val print_ast_translation = []
-(**** begin of user section ****)
-(**** end of user section ****)
-val thy = extend_theory (FOL.thy)
- "Prolog"
- ([],
- [],
- [(["list"], 1)],
- [(["list"], ([["term"]], "term"))],
- [(["Nil"], "'a list"),
- (["app"], "['a list, 'a list, 'a list] => o"),
- (["rev"], "['a list, 'a list] => o")],
- Some (NewSext {
- mixfix =
- [Infixr(":", "['a, 'a list]=> 'a list", 60)],
- xrules =
- [],
- parse_ast_translation = parse_ast_translation,
- parse_preproc = parse_preproc,
- parse_postproc = parse_postproc,
- parse_translation = parse_translation,
- print_translation = print_translation,
- print_preproc = print_preproc,
- print_postproc = print_postproc,
- print_ast_translation = print_ast_translation}))
- [("appNil", "app(Nil,ys,ys)"),
- ("appCons", "app(xs,ys,zs) ==> app(x:xs, ys, x:zs)"),
- ("revNil", "rev(Nil,Nil)"),
- ("revCons", "[| rev(xs,ys); app(ys, x:Nil, zs) |] ==> rev(x:xs, zs)")]
-val ax = get_axiom thy
-val appNil = ax "appNil"
-val appCons = ax "appCons"
-val revNil = ax "revNil"
-val revCons = ax "revCons"
--- a/src/FOL/ex/if.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/if
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-For ex/if.thy. First-Order Logic: the 'if' example
-open If;
-open Cla; (*in case structure Int is open!*)
-val prems = goalw If.thy [if_def]
- "[| P ==> Q; ~P ==> R |] ==> if(P,Q,R)";
-by (fast_tac (FOL_cs addIs prems) 1);
-val ifI = result();
-val major::prems = goalw If.thy [if_def]
- "[| if(P,Q,R); [| P; Q |] ==> S; [| ~P; R |] ==> S |] ==> S";
-by (cut_facts_tac [major] 1);
-by (fast_tac (FOL_cs addIs prems) 1);
-val ifE = result();
-goal If.thy
- "if(P, if(Q,A,B), if(Q,C,D)) <-> if(Q, if(P,A,C), if(P,B,D))";
-by (resolve_tac [iffI] 1);
-by (eresolve_tac [ifE] 1);
-by (eresolve_tac [ifE] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [ifI] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [ifI] 1);
-choplev 0;
-val if_cs = FOL_cs addSIs [ifI] addSEs[ifE];
-by (fast_tac if_cs 1);
-val if_commute = result();
-goal If.thy "if(if(P,Q,R), A, B) <-> if(P, if(Q,A,B), if(R,A,B))";
-by (fast_tac if_cs 1);
-val nested_ifs = result();
-choplev 0;
-by (rewrite_goals_tac [if_def]);
-by (fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
-(*An invalid formula. High-level rules permit a simpler diagnosis*)
-goal If.thy "if(if(P,Q,R), A, B) <-> if(P, if(Q,A,B), if(R,B,A))";
-by (fast_tac if_cs 1) handle ERROR => writeln"Failed, as expected";
-(*Check that subgoals remain: proof failed.*)
-getgoal 1;
-by (REPEAT (step_tac if_cs 1));
-choplev 0;
-by (rewrite_goals_tac [if_def]);
-by (fast_tac FOL_cs 1) handle ERROR => writeln"Failed, as expected";
-(*Check that subgoals remain: proof failed.*)
-getgoal 1;
-by (REPEAT (step_tac FOL_cs 1));
-writeln"Reached end of file.";
--- a/src/FOL/ex/if.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-If = FOL +
-consts if :: "[o,o,o]=>o"
- if_def "if(P,Q,R) == P&Q | ~P&R"
--- a/src/FOL/ex/list.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/list
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Tobias Nipkow
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-For ex/list.thy. Examples of simplification and induction on lists
-open List;
-val prems = goal List.thy "[| P([]); !!x l. P(x.l) |] ==> All(P)";
-by (rtac list_ind 1);
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[allI,impI]) 1));
-val list_exh = result();
-val list_rew_thms = [list_distinct1,list_distinct2,app_nil,app_cons,
- hd_eq,tl_eq,forall_nil,forall_cons,list_free,
- len_nil,len_cons,at_0,at_succ];
-val list_ss = nat_ss addsimps list_rew_thms;
-goal List.thy "~l=[] --> hd(l).tl(l) = l";
-by(IND_TAC list_exh (simp_tac list_ss) "l" 1);
-goal List.thy "(l1++l2)++l3 = l1++(l2++l3)";
-by(IND_TAC list_ind (simp_tac list_ss) "l1" 1);
-val append_assoc = result();
-goal List.thy "l++[] = l";
-by(IND_TAC list_ind (simp_tac list_ss) "l" 1);
-val app_nil_right = result();
-goal List.thy "l1++l2=[] <-> l1=[] & l2=[]";
-by(IND_TAC list_exh (simp_tac list_ss) "l1" 1);
-val app_eq_nil_iff = result();
-goal List.thy "forall(l++l',P) <-> forall(l,P) & forall(l',P)";
-by(IND_TAC list_ind (simp_tac list_ss) "l" 1);
-val forall_app = result();
-goal List.thy "forall(l,%x.P(x)&Q(x)) <-> forall(l,P) & forall(l,Q)";
-by(IND_TAC list_ind (simp_tac list_ss) "l" 1);
-by(fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
-val forall_conj = result();
-goal List.thy "~l=[] --> forall(l,P) <-> P(hd(l)) & forall(tl(l),P)";
-by(IND_TAC list_ind (simp_tac list_ss) "l" 1);
-val forall_ne = result();
-(*** Lists with natural numbers ***)
-goal List.thy "len(l1++l2) = len(l1)+len(l2)";
-by (IND_TAC list_ind (simp_tac list_ss) "l1" 1);
-val len_app = result();
-goal List.thy "i<len(l1) --> at(l1++l2,i) = at(l1,i)";
-by (IND_TAC list_ind (simp_tac list_ss) "l1" 1);
-by (REPEAT (rtac allI 1));
-by (rtac impI 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (asm_simp_tac list_ss) 1);
-val at_app1 = result();
-goal List.thy "at(l1++(x.l2), len(l1)) = x";
-by (IND_TAC list_ind (simp_tac list_ss) "l1" 1);
-val at_app_hd2 = result();
--- a/src/FOL/ex/list.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/list
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Tobias Nipkow
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-Examples of simplification and induction on lists
-List = Nat2 +
-types list 1
-arities list :: (term)term
- hd :: "'a list => 'a"
- tl :: "'a list => 'a list"
- forall :: "['a list, 'a => o] => o"
- len :: "'a list => nat"
- at :: "['a list, nat] => 'a"
- "[]" :: "'a list" ("[]")
- "." :: "['a, 'a list] => 'a list" (infixr 80)
- "++" :: "['a list, 'a list] => 'a list" (infixr 70)
- list_ind "[| P([]); ALL x l. P(l)-->P(x.l) |] ==> All(P)"
- forall_cong
- "[| l = l'; !!x. P(x)<->P'(x) |] ==> forall(l,P) <-> forall(l',P')"
- list_distinct1 "~[] = x.l"
- list_distinct2 "~x.l = []"
- list_free "x.l = x'.l' <-> x=x' & l=l'"
- app_nil "[]++l = l"
- app_cons "(x.l)++l' = x.(l++l')"
- tl_eq "tl(m.q) = q"
- hd_eq "hd(m.q) = m"
- forall_nil "forall([],P)"
- forall_cons "forall(x.l,P) <-> P(x) & forall(l,P)"
- len_nil "len([]) = 0"
- len_cons "len(m.q) = succ(len(q))"
- at_0 "at(m.q,0) = m"
- at_succ "at(m.q,succ(n)) = at(q,n)"
--- a/src/FOL/ex/nat.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/nat.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-Examples for the manual "Introduction to Isabelle"
-Proofs about the natural numbers
-INCOMPATIBLE with nat2.ML, Nipkow's examples
-To generate similar output to manual, execute these commands:
- Pretty.setmargin 72; print_depth 0;
-open Nat;
-goal Nat.thy "Suc(k) ~= k";
-by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] induct 1);
-by (resolve_tac [notI] 1);
-by (eresolve_tac [Suc_neq_0] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [notI] 1);
-by (eresolve_tac [notE] 1);
-by (eresolve_tac [Suc_inject] 1);
-val Suc_n_not_n = result();
-goal Nat.thy "(k+m)+n = k+(m+n)";
-prths ([induct] RL [topthm()]); (*prints all 14 next states!*)
-by (resolve_tac [induct] 1);
-goalw Nat.thy [add_def] "0+n = n";
-by (resolve_tac [rec_0] 1);
-val add_0 = result();
-goalw Nat.thy [add_def] "Suc(m)+n = Suc(m+n)";
-by (resolve_tac [rec_Suc] 1);
-val add_Suc = result();
-val add_ss = FOL_ss addsimps [add_0, add_Suc];
-goal Nat.thy "(k+m)+n = k+(m+n)";
-by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] induct 1);
-by (simp_tac add_ss 1);
-by (asm_simp_tac add_ss 1);
-val add_assoc = result();
-goal Nat.thy "m+0 = m";
-by (res_inst_tac [("n","m")] induct 1);
-by (simp_tac add_ss 1);
-by (asm_simp_tac add_ss 1);
-val add_0_right = result();
-goal Nat.thy "m+Suc(n) = Suc(m+n)";
-by (res_inst_tac [("n","m")] induct 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac add_ss));
-val add_Suc_right = result();
-val [prem] = goal Nat.thy "(!!n. f(Suc(n)) = Suc(f(n))) ==> f(i+j) = i+f(j)";
-by (res_inst_tac [("n","i")] induct 1);
-by (simp_tac add_ss 1);
-by (asm_simp_tac (add_ss addsimps [prem]) 1);
--- a/src/FOL/ex/nat.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/nat.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-Examples for the manual "Introduction to Isabelle"
-Theory of the natural numbers: Peano's axioms, primitive recursion
-INCOMPATIBLE with nat2.thy, Nipkow's example
-Nat = FOL +
-types nat 0
-arities nat :: term
-consts "0" :: "nat" ("0")
- Suc :: "nat=>nat"
- rec :: "[nat, 'a, [nat,'a]=>'a] => 'a"
- "+" :: "[nat, nat] => nat" (infixl 60)
-rules induct "[| P(0); !!x. P(x) ==> P(Suc(x)) |] ==> P(n)"
- Suc_inject "Suc(m)=Suc(n) ==> m=n"
- Suc_neq_0 "Suc(m)=0 ==> R"
- rec_0 "rec(0,a,f) = a"
- rec_Suc "rec(Suc(m), a, f) = f(m, rec(m,a,f))"
- add_def "m+n == rec(m, n, %x y. Suc(y))"
--- a/src/FOL/ex/nat2.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/nat2.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Tobias Nipkow
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-For ex/nat.thy.
-Examples of simplification and induction on the natural numbers
-open Nat2;
-val nat_rews = [pred_0, pred_succ, plus_0, plus_succ,
- nat_distinct1, nat_distinct2, succ_inject,
- leq_0,leq_succ_succ,leq_succ_0,
- lt_0_succ,lt_succ_succ,lt_0];
-val nat_ss = FOL_ss addsimps nat_rews;
-val prems = goal Nat2.thy
- "[| P(0); !!x. P(succ(x)) |] ==> All(P)";
-by (rtac nat_ind 1);
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[allI,impI]) 1));
-val nat_exh = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "~ n=succ(n)";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "n" 1);
-goal Nat2.thy "~ succ(n)=n";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "n" 1);
-goal Nat2.thy "~ succ(succ(n))=n";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "n" 1);
-goal Nat2.thy "~ n=succ(succ(n))";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "n" 1);
-goal Nat2.thy "m+0 = m";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "m" 1);
-val plus_0_right = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "m+succ(n) = succ(m+n)";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "m" 1);
-val plus_succ_right = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "~n=0 --> m+pred(n) = pred(m+n)";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [plus_succ_right])) "n" 1);
-goal Nat2.thy "~n=0 --> succ(pred(n))=n";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "n" 1);
-goal Nat2.thy "m+n=0 <-> m=0 & n=0";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "m" 1);
-goal Nat2.thy "m <= n --> m <= succ(n)";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "m" 1);
-by (rtac (impI RS allI) 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-by (fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
-val le_imp_le_succ = result() RS mp;
-goal Nat2.thy "n<succ(n)";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "n" 1);
-goal Nat2.thy "~ n<n";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "n" 1);
-goal Nat2.thy "m < n --> m < succ(n)";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "m" 1);
-by (rtac (impI RS allI) 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-by (fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
-goal Nat2.thy "m <= n --> m <= n+k";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind
- (simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [plus_0_right, plus_succ_right, le_imp_le_succ]))
- "k" 1);
-val le_plus = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "succ(m) <= n --> m <= n";
-by (res_inst_tac [("x","n")]spec 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [le_imp_le_succ])) 1);
-val succ_le = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "~m<n <-> n<=m";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "n" 1);
-by (rtac (impI RS allI) 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_ind (asm_simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-val not_less = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "n<=m --> ~m<n";
-by (simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [not_less]) 1);
-val le_imp_not_less = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "m<n --> ~n<=m";
-by (cut_facts_tac [not_less] 1 THEN fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
-val not_le = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "m+k<=n --> m<=n";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (K all_tac) "k" 1);
-by (simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [plus_0_right]) 1);
-by (rtac (impI RS allI) 1);
-by (simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [plus_succ_right]) 1);
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [allI,impI] 1));
-by (cut_facts_tac [succ_le] 1);
-by (fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
-val plus_le = result();
-val prems = goal Nat2.thy "[| ~m=0; m <= n |] ==> ~n=0";
-by (cut_facts_tac prems 1);
-by (REPEAT (etac rev_mp 1));
-by (IND_TAC nat_exh (simp_tac nat_ss) "m" 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-val not0 = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "a<=a' & b<=b' --> a+b<=a'+b'";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [plus_0_right,le_plus])) "b" 1);
-by (resolve_tac [impI RS allI] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [allI RS allI] 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (asm_simp_tac (nat_ss addsimps [plus_succ_right])) 1);
-val plus_le_plus = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "i<=j --> j<=k --> i<=k";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (K all_tac) "i" 1);
-by (simp_tac nat_ss 1);
-by (resolve_tac [impI RS allI] 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-by (fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
-val le_trans = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "i < j --> j <=k --> i < k";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (K all_tac) "j" 1);
-by (simp_tac nat_ss 1);
-by (resolve_tac [impI RS allI] 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-by (fast_tac FOL_cs 1);
-val less_le_trans = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "succ(i) <= j <-> i < j";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "j" 1);
-by (resolve_tac [impI RS allI] 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (asm_simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-val succ_le = result();
-goal Nat2.thy "i<succ(j) <-> i=j | i<j";
-by (IND_TAC nat_ind (simp_tac nat_ss) "j" 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-by (resolve_tac [impI RS allI] 1);
-by (ALL_IND_TAC nat_exh (asm_simp_tac nat_ss) 1);
-val less_succ = result();
--- a/src/FOL/ex/nat2.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/nat2.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Tobias Nipkow
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-Theory for examples of simplification and induction on the natural numbers
-Nat2 = FOL +
-types nat 0
-arities nat :: term
-consts succ,pred :: "nat => nat"
- "0" :: "nat" ("0")
- "+" :: "[nat,nat] => nat" (infixr 90)
- "<","<=" :: "[nat,nat] => o" (infixr 70)
- pred_0 "pred(0) = 0"
- pred_succ "pred(succ(m)) = m"
- plus_0 "0+n = n"
- plus_succ "succ(m)+n = succ(m+n)"
- nat_distinct1 "~ 0=succ(n)"
- nat_distinct2 "~ succ(m)=0"
- succ_inject "succ(m)=succ(n) <-> m=n"
- leq_0 "0 <= n"
- leq_succ_succ "succ(m)<=succ(n) <-> m<=n"
- leq_succ_0 "~ succ(m) <= 0"
- lt_0_succ "0 < succ(n)"
- lt_succ_succ "succ(m)<succ(n) <-> m<n"
- lt_0 "~ m < 0"
- nat_ind "[| P(0); ALL n. P(n)-->P(succ(n)) |] ==> All(P)"
--- a/src/FOL/ex/prolog.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/prolog.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-For ex/prolog.thy. First-Order Logic: PROLOG examples
-open Prolog;
-goal Prolog.thy "app(a:b:c:Nil, d:e:Nil, ?x)";
-by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
-prth (result());
-goal Prolog.thy "app(?x, c:d:Nil, a:b:c:d:Nil)";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1));
-goal Prolog.thy "app(?x, ?y, a:b:c:d:Nil)";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1));
-(*app([x1,...,xn], y, ?z) requires (n+1) inferences*)
-(*rev([x1,...,xn], ?y) requires (n+1)(n+2)/2 inferences*)
-goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:b:c:d:Nil, ?x)";
-val rules = [appNil,appCons,revNil,revCons];
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac rules 1));
-goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l:m:n:Nil, ?w)";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac rules 1));
-goal Prolog.thy "rev(?x, a:b:c:Nil)";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac rules 1)); (*does not solve it directly!*)
-(*backtracking version*)
-val prolog_tac = DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems 1) (resolve_tac rules 1);
-choplev 0;
-by prolog_tac;
-goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:?x:c:?y:Nil, d:?z:b:?u)";
-by prolog_tac;
-(*rev([a..p], ?w) requires 153 inferences *)
-goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l:m:n:o:p:Nil, ?w)";
-by (DEPTH_SOLVE (resolve_tac ([refl,conjI]@rules) 1));
-(*Poly/ML: 4 secs >> 38 lips*)
-(*?x has 16, ?y has 32; rev(?y,?w) requires 561 (rather large) inferences;
- total inferences = 2 + 1 + 17 + 561 = 581*)
-goal Prolog.thy
- "a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l:m:n:o:p:Nil = ?x & app(?x,?x,?y) & rev(?y,?w)";
-by (DEPTH_SOLVE (resolve_tac ([refl,conjI]@rules) 1));
-(*Poly/ML: 29 secs >> 20 lips*)
-writeln"Reached end of file.";
--- a/src/FOL/ex/prolog.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/prolog.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-First-Order Logic: PROLOG examples
-Inherits from FOL the class term, the type o, and the coercion Trueprop
-Prolog = FOL +
-types list 1
-arities list :: (term)term
-consts Nil :: "'a list"
- ":" :: "['a, 'a list]=> 'a list" (infixr 60)
- app :: "['a list, 'a list, 'a list] => o"
- rev :: "['a list, 'a list] => o"
-rules appNil "app(Nil,ys,ys)"
- appCons "app(xs,ys,zs) ==> app(x:xs, ys, x:zs)"
- revNil "rev(Nil,Nil)"
- revCons "[| rev(xs,ys); app(ys, x:Nil, zs) |] ==> rev(x:xs, zs)"
--- a/src/FOL/fol.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/fol.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-Tactics and lemmas for fol.thy (classical First-Order Logic)
-open FOL;
-signature FOL_LEMMAS =
- sig
- val disjCI : thm
- val excluded_middle : thm
- val exCI : thm
- val ex_classical : thm
- val iffCE : thm
- val impCE : thm
- val notnotD : thm
- val swap : thm
- end;
-structure FOL_Lemmas : FOL_LEMMAS =
-(*** Classical introduction rules for | and EX ***)
-val disjCI = prove_goal FOL.thy
- "(~Q ==> P) ==> P|Q"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [classical] 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[disjI1,notI]) 1)),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[disjI2,notE]) 1)) ]);
-(*introduction rule involving only EX*)
-val ex_classical = prove_goal FOL.thy
- "( ~(EX x. P(x)) ==> P(a)) ==> EX x.P(x)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [classical] 1),
- (eresolve_tac (prems RL [exI]) 1) ]);
-(*version of above, simplifying ~EX to ALL~ *)
-val exCI = prove_goal FOL.thy
- "(ALL x. ~P(x) ==> P(a)) ==> EX x.P(x)"
- (fn [prem]=>
- [ (resolve_tac [ex_classical] 1),
- (resolve_tac [notI RS allI RS prem] 1),
- (eresolve_tac [notE] 1),
- (eresolve_tac [exI] 1) ]);
-val excluded_middle = prove_goal FOL.thy "~P | P"
- (fn _=> [ rtac disjCI 1, assume_tac 1 ]);
-(*** Special elimination rules *)
-(*Classical implies (-->) elimination. *)
-val impCE = prove_goal FOL.thy
- "[| P-->Q; ~P ==> R; Q ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [excluded_middle RS disjE] 1),
- (DEPTH_SOLVE (ares_tac (prems@[major RS mp]) 1)) ]);
-(*Double negation law*)
-val notnotD = prove_goal FOL.thy "~~P ==> P"
- (fn [major]=>
- [ (resolve_tac [classical] 1), (eresolve_tac [major RS notE] 1) ]);
-(*** Tactics for implication and contradiction ***)
-(*Classical <-> elimination. Proof substitutes P=Q in
- ~P ==> ~Q and P ==> Q *)
-val iffCE = prove_goalw FOL.thy [iff_def]
- "[| P<->Q; [| P; Q |] ==> R; [| ~P; ~Q |] ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (resolve_tac [conjE] 1),
- (etac impCE 1 ORELSE mp_tac 1 ORELSE ares_tac prems 1))) ]);
-(*Should be used as swap since ~P becomes redundant*)
-val swap = prove_goal FOL.thy
- "~P ==> (~Q ==> P) ==> Q"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [classical] 1),
- (rtac (major RS notE) 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-open FOL_Lemmas;
--- a/src/FOL/fol.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-classical "(~P ==> P) ==> P"
--- a/src/FOL/ifol.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ifol.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-Tactics and lemmas for ifol.thy (intuitionistic first-order logic)
-open IFOL;
-signature IFOL_LEMMAS =
- sig
- val allE: thm
- val all_cong: thm
- val all_dupE: thm
- val all_impE: thm
- val box_equals: thm
- val conjE: thm
- val conj_cong: thm
- val conj_impE: thm
- val contrapos: thm
- val disj_cong: thm
- val disj_impE: thm
- val eq_cong: thm
- val eq_mp_tac: int -> tactic
- val ex1I: thm
- val ex_ex1I: thm
- val ex1E: thm
- val ex1_equalsE: thm
- val ex1_cong: thm
- val ex_cong: thm
- val ex_impE: thm
- val iffD1: thm
- val iffD2: thm
- val iffE: thm
- val iffI: thm
- val iff_cong: thm
- val iff_impE: thm
- val iff_refl: thm
- val iff_sym: thm
- val iff_trans: thm
- val impE: thm
- val imp_cong: thm
- val imp_impE: thm
- val mp_tac: int -> tactic
- val notE: thm
- val notI: thm
- val not_cong: thm
- val not_impE: thm
- val not_sym: thm
- val not_to_imp: thm
- val pred1_cong: thm
- val pred2_cong: thm
- val pred3_cong: thm
- val pred_congs: thm list
- val rev_mp: thm
- val simp_equals: thm
- val ssubst: thm
- val subst_context: thm
- val subst_context2: thm
- val subst_context3: thm
- val sym: thm
- val trans: thm
- val TrueI: thm
- end;
-structure IFOL_Lemmas : IFOL_LEMMAS =
-val TrueI = prove_goalw IFOL.thy [True_def] "True"
- (fn _ => [ (REPEAT (ares_tac [impI] 1)) ]);
-(*** Sequent-style elimination rules for & --> and ALL ***)
-val conjE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| P&Q; [| P; Q |] ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac prems 1
- ORELSE (resolve_tac [conjunct1, conjunct2] 1 THEN
- resolve_tac prems 1))) ]);
-val impE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| P-->Q; P; Q ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[mp]) 1)) ]);
-val allE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| ALL x.P(x); P(x) ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[spec]) 1)) ]);
-(*Duplicates the quantifier; for use with eresolve_tac*)
-val all_dupE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| ALL x.P(x); [| P(x); ALL x.P(x) |] ==> R \
-\ |] ==> R"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[spec]) 1)) ]);
-(*** Negation rules, which translate between ~P and P-->False ***)
-val notI = prove_goalw IFOL.thy [not_def] "(P ==> False) ==> ~P"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[impI]) 1)) ]);
-val notE = prove_goalw IFOL.thy [not_def] "[| ~P; P |] ==> R"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [mp RS FalseE] 1),
- (REPEAT (resolve_tac prems 1)) ]);
-(*This is useful with the special implication rules for each kind of P. *)
-val not_to_imp = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| ~P; (P-->False) ==> Q |] ==> Q"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[impI,notE]) 1)) ]);
-(* For substitution int an assumption P, reduce Q to P-->Q, substitute into
- this implication, then apply impI to move P back into the assumptions.
- To specify P use something like
- eres_inst_tac [ ("P","ALL y. ?S(x,y)") ] rev_mp 1 *)
-val rev_mp = prove_goal IFOL.thy "[| P; P --> Q |] ==> Q"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[mp]) 1)) ]);
-(*Contrapositive of an inference rule*)
-val contrapos = prove_goal IFOL.thy "[| ~Q; P==>Q |] ==> ~P"
- (fn [major,minor]=>
- [ (rtac (major RS notE RS notI) 1),
- (etac minor 1) ]);
-(*** Modus Ponens Tactics ***)
-(*Finds P-->Q and P in the assumptions, replaces implication by Q *)
-fun mp_tac i = eresolve_tac [notE,impE] i THEN assume_tac i;
-(*Like mp_tac but instantiates no variables*)
-fun eq_mp_tac i = eresolve_tac [notE,impE] i THEN eq_assume_tac i;
-(*** If-and-only-if ***)
-val iffI = prove_goalw IFOL.thy [iff_def]
- "[| P ==> Q; Q ==> P |] ==> P<->Q"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[conjI, impI]) 1)) ]);
-(*Observe use of rewrite_rule to unfold "<->" in meta-assumptions (prems) *)
-val iffE = prove_goalw IFOL.thy [iff_def]
- "[| P <-> Q; [| P-->Q; Q-->P |] ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn prems => [ (resolve_tac [conjE] 1), (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-(* Destruct rules for <-> similar to Modus Ponens *)
-val iffD1 = prove_goalw IFOL.thy [iff_def] "[| P <-> Q; P |] ==> Q"
- (fn prems => [ (rtac (conjunct1 RS mp) 1), (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val iffD2 = prove_goalw IFOL.thy [iff_def] "[| P <-> Q; Q |] ==> P"
- (fn prems => [ (rtac (conjunct2 RS mp) 1), (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val iff_refl = prove_goal IFOL.thy "P <-> P"
- (fn _ => [ (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI] 1)) ]);
-val iff_sym = prove_goal IFOL.thy "Q <-> P ==> P <-> Q"
- (fn [major] =>
- [ (rtac (major RS iffE) 1),
- (rtac iffI 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,mp] 1)) ]);
-val iff_trans = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "!!P Q R. [| P <-> Q; Q<-> R |] ==> P <-> R"
- (fn _ =>
- [ (rtac iffI 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,iffE] 1 ORELSE mp_tac 1)) ]);
-(*** Unique existence. NOTE THAT the following 2 quantifications
- EX!x such that [EX!y such that P(x,y)] (sequential)
- EX!x,y such that P(x,y) (simultaneous)
- do NOT mean the same thing. The parser treats EX!x y.P(x,y) as sequential.
-val ex1I = prove_goalw IFOL.thy [ex1_def]
- "[| P(a); !!x. P(x) ==> x=a |] ==> EX! x. P(x)"
- (fn prems => [ (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[exI,conjI,allI,impI]) 1)) ]);
-(*Sometimes easier to use: the premises have no shared variables*)
-val ex_ex1I = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| EX x.P(x); !!x y. [| P(x); P(y) |] ==> x=y |] ==> EX! x. P(x)"
- (fn [ex,eq] => [ (rtac (ex RS exE) 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac [ex1I,eq] 1)) ]);
-val ex1E = prove_goalw IFOL.thy [ex1_def]
- "[| EX! x.P(x); !!x. [| P(x); ALL y. P(y) --> y=x |] ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [exE,conjE] 1 ORELSE ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-(*** <-> congruence rules for simplification ***)
-(*Use iffE on a premise. For conj_cong, imp_cong, all_cong, ex_cong*)
-fun iff_tac prems i =
- resolve_tac (prems RL [iffE]) i THEN
- REPEAT1 (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,mp] i);
-val conj_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| P <-> P'; P' ==> Q <-> Q' |] ==> (P&Q) <-> (P'&Q')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI,conjI] 1
- ORELSE eresolve_tac [iffE,conjE,mp] 1
- ORELSE iff_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val disj_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| P <-> P'; Q <-> Q' |] ==> (P|Q) <-> (P'|Q')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [iffE,disjE,disjI1,disjI2] 1
- ORELSE ares_tac [iffI] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1)) ]);
-val imp_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| P <-> P'; P' ==> Q <-> Q' |] ==> (P-->Q) <-> (P'-->Q')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI,impI] 1
- ORELSE eresolve_tac [iffE] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1 ORELSE iff_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val iff_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| P <-> P'; Q <-> Q' |] ==> (P<->Q) <-> (P'<->Q')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [iffE] 1
- ORELSE ares_tac [iffI] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1)) ]);
-val not_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "P <-> P' ==> ~P <-> ~P'"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI,notI] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1
- ORELSE eresolve_tac [iffE,notE] 1)) ]);
-val all_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "(!!x.P(x) <-> Q(x)) ==> (ALL x.P(x)) <-> (ALL x.Q(x))"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI,allI] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1
- ORELSE eresolve_tac [allE] 1 ORELSE iff_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val ex_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "(!!x.P(x) <-> Q(x)) ==> (EX x.P(x)) <-> (EX x.Q(x))"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [exE] 1 ORELSE ares_tac [iffI,exI] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1
- ORELSE iff_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val ex1_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "(!!x.P(x) <-> Q(x)) ==> (EX! x.P(x)) <-> (EX! x.Q(x))"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [ex1E, spec RS mp] 1 ORELSE ares_tac [iffI,ex1I] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1
- ORELSE iff_tac prems 1)) ]);
-(*** Equality rules ***)
-val sym = prove_goal IFOL.thy "a=b ==> b=a"
- (fn [major] => [ (rtac (major RS subst) 1), (rtac refl 1) ]);
-val trans = prove_goal IFOL.thy "[| a=b; b=c |] ==> a=c"
- (fn [prem1,prem2] => [ (rtac (prem2 RS subst) 1), (rtac prem1 1) ]);
-(** ~ b=a ==> ~ a=b **)
-val [not_sym] = compose(sym,2,contrapos);
-(*calling "standard" reduces maxidx to 0*)
-val ssubst = standard (sym RS subst);
-(*A special case of ex1E that would otherwise need quantifier expansion*)
-val ex1_equalsE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| EX! x.P(x); P(a); P(b) |] ==> a=b"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (etac ex1E 1),
- (rtac trans 1),
- (rtac sym 2),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, spec RS mp] 1)) ]);
-(** Polymorphic congruence rules **)
-val subst_context = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| a=b |] ==> t(a)=t(b)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac (prems RL [ssubst]) 1),
- (resolve_tac [refl] 1) ]);
-val subst_context2 = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| a=b; c=d |] ==> t(a,c)=t(b,d)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (EVERY1 (map rtac ((prems RL [ssubst]) @ [refl]))) ]);
-val subst_context3 = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| a=b; c=d; e=f |] ==> t(a,c,e)=t(b,d,f)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (EVERY1 (map rtac ((prems RL [ssubst]) @ [refl]))) ]);
-(*Useful with eresolve_tac for proving equalties from known equalities.
- a = b
- | |
- c = d *)
-val box_equals = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| a=b; a=c; b=d |] ==> c=d"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [trans] 1),
- (resolve_tac [trans] 1),
- (resolve_tac [sym] 1),
- (REPEAT (resolve_tac prems 1)) ]);
-(*Dual of box_equals: for proving equalities backwards*)
-val simp_equals = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| a=c; b=d; c=d |] ==> a=b"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [trans] 1),
- (resolve_tac [trans] 1),
- (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems @ (prems RL [sym])) 1)) ]);
-(** Congruence rules for predicate letters **)
-val pred1_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "a=a' ==> P(a) <-> P(a')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rtac iffI 1),
- (DEPTH_SOLVE (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, subst, ssubst] 1)) ]);
-val pred2_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| a=a'; b=b' |] ==> P(a,b) <-> P(a',b')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rtac iffI 1),
- (DEPTH_SOLVE (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, subst, ssubst] 1)) ]);
-val pred3_cong = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| a=a'; b=b'; c=c' |] ==> P(a,b,c) <-> P(a',b',c')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rtac iffI 1),
- (DEPTH_SOLVE (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, subst, ssubst] 1)) ]);
-(*special cases for free variables P, Q, R, S -- up to 3 arguments*)
-val pred_congs =
- flat (map (fn c =>
- map (fn th => read_instantiate [("P",c)] th)
- [pred1_cong,pred2_cong,pred3_cong])
- (explode"PQRS"));
-(*special case for the equality predicate!*)
-val eq_cong = read_instantiate [("P","op =")] pred2_cong;
-(*** Simplifications of assumed implications.
- Roy Dyckhoff has proved that conj_impE, disj_impE, and imp_impE
- used with mp_tac (restricted to atomic formulae) is COMPLETE for
- intuitionistic propositional logic. See
- R. Dyckhoff, Contraction-free sequent calculi for intuitionistic logic
- (preprint, University of St Andrews, 1991) ***)
-val conj_impE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| (P&Q)-->S; P-->(Q-->S) ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([conjI, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-val disj_impE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| (P|Q)-->S; [| P-->S; Q-->S |] ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (DEPTH_SOLVE (ares_tac ([disjI1, disjI2, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-(*Simplifies the implication. Classical version is stronger.
- Still UNSAFE since Q must be provable -- backtracking needed. *)
-val imp_impE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| (P-->Q)-->S; [| P; Q-->S |] ==> Q; S ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-(*Simplifies the implication. Classical version is stronger.
- Still UNSAFE since ~P must be provable -- backtracking needed. *)
-val not_impE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| ~P --> S; P ==> False; S ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([notI, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-(*Simplifies the implication. UNSAFE. *)
-val iff_impE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| (P<->Q)-->S; [| P; Q-->S |] ==> Q; [| Q; P-->S |] ==> P; \
-\ S ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([iffI, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-(*What if (ALL x.~~P(x)) --> ~~(ALL x.P(x)) is an assumption? UNSAFE*)
-val all_impE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| (ALL x.P(x))-->S; !!x.P(x); S ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([allI, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-(*Unsafe: (EX x.P(x))-->S is equivalent to ALL x.P(x)-->S. *)
-val ex_impE = prove_goal IFOL.thy
- "[| (EX x.P(x))-->S; P(x)-->S ==> R |] ==> R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([exI, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-open IFOL_Lemmas;
--- a/src/FOL/ifol.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ifol.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Intuitionistic first-order logic
-IFOL = Pure +
- term < logic
- term
- o
- o :: logic
- Trueprop :: "o => prop" ("(_)" 5)
- True, False :: "o"
- (* Connectives *)
- "=" :: "['a, 'a] => o" (infixl 50)
- "~=" :: "['a, 'a] => o" ("(_ ~=/ _)" [50, 51] 50)
- Not :: "o => o" ("~ _" [40] 40)
- "&" :: "[o, o] => o" (infixr 35)
- "|" :: "[o, o] => o" (infixr 30)
- "-->" :: "[o, o] => o" (infixr 25)
- "<->" :: "[o, o] => o" (infixr 25)
- (* Quantifiers *)
- All :: "('a => o) => o" (binder "ALL " 10)
- Ex :: "('a => o) => o" (binder "EX " 10)
- Ex1 :: "('a => o) => o" (binder "EX! " 10)
- "x ~= y" == "~ (x = y)"
- (* Equality *)
- refl "a=a"
- subst "[| a=b; P(a) |] ==> P(b)"
- (* Propositional logic *)
- conjI "[| P; Q |] ==> P&Q"
- conjunct1 "P&Q ==> P"
- conjunct2 "P&Q ==> Q"
- disjI1 "P ==> P|Q"
- disjI2 "Q ==> P|Q"
- disjE "[| P|Q; P ==> R; Q ==> R |] ==> R"
- impI "(P ==> Q) ==> P-->Q"
- mp "[| P-->Q; P |] ==> Q"
- FalseE "False ==> P"
- (* Definitions *)
- True_def "True == False-->False"
- not_def "~P == P-->False"
- iff_def "P<->Q == (P-->Q) & (Q-->P)"
- (* Unique existence *)
- ex1_def "EX! x. P(x) == EX x. P(x) & (ALL y. P(y) --> y=x)"
- (* Quantifiers *)
- allI "(!!x. P(x)) ==> (ALL x.P(x))"
- spec "(ALL x.P(x)) ==> P(x)"
- exI "P(x) ==> (EX x.P(x))"
- exE "[| EX x.P(x); !!x. P(x) ==> R |] ==> R"
- (* Reflection *)
- eq_reflection "(x=y) ==> (x==y)"
- iff_reflection "(P<->Q) ==> (P==Q)"
--- a/src/FOL/int-prover.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/int-prover
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-A naive prover for intuitionistic logic
-Completeness (for propositional logic) is proved in
-Roy Dyckhoff.
-Contraction-Free Sequent Calculi for Intuitionistic Logic.
-J. Symbolic Logic (in press)
-signature INT_PROVER =
- sig
- val best_tac: int -> tactic
- val fast_tac: int -> tactic
- val inst_step_tac: int -> tactic
- val safe_step_tac: int -> tactic
- val safe_brls: (bool * thm) list
- val safe_tac: tactic
- val step_tac: int -> tactic
- val haz_brls: (bool * thm) list
- end;
-structure Int : INT_PROVER =
-(*Negation is treated as a primitive symbol, with rules notI (introduction),
- not_to_imp (converts the assumption ~P to P-->False), and not_impE
- (handles double negations). Could instead rewrite by not_def as the first
- step of an intuitionistic proof.
-val safe_brls = sort lessb
- [ (true,FalseE), (false,TrueI), (false,refl),
- (false,impI), (false,notI), (false,allI),
- (true,conjE), (true,exE),
- (false,conjI), (true,conj_impE),
- (true,disj_impE), (true,ex_impE),
- (true,disjE), (false,iffI), (true,iffE), (true,not_to_imp) ];
-val haz_brls =
- [ (false,disjI1), (false,disjI2), (false,exI),
- (true,allE), (true,not_impE), (true,imp_impE), (true,iff_impE),
- (true,all_impE), (true,impE) ];
-(*0 subgoals vs 1 or more: the p in safep is for positive*)
-val (safe0_brls, safep_brls) =
- partition (apl(0,op=) o subgoals_of_brl) safe_brls;
-(*Attack subgoals using safe inferences -- matching, not resolution*)
-val safe_step_tac = FIRST' [eq_assume_tac,
- eq_mp_tac,
- bimatch_tac safe0_brls,
- hyp_subst_tac,
- bimatch_tac safep_brls] ;
-(*Repeatedly attack subgoals using safe inferences -- it's deterministic!*)
-val safe_tac = DETERM (REPEAT_FIRST safe_step_tac);
-(*These steps could instantiate variables and are therefore unsafe.*)
-val inst_step_tac =
- assume_tac APPEND' mp_tac APPEND'
- biresolve_tac (safe0_brls @ safep_brls);
-(*One safe or unsafe step. *)
-fun step_tac i = FIRST [safe_tac, inst_step_tac i, biresolve_tac haz_brls i];
-(*Dumb but fast*)
-val fast_tac = SELECT_GOAL (DEPTH_SOLVE (step_tac 1));
-(*Slower but smarter than fast_tac*)
-val best_tac =
- SELECT_GOAL (BEST_FIRST (has_fewer_prems 1, size_of_thm) (step_tac 1));
--- a/src/FOLP/change Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Usage:
-# expandshort FILE1 ... FILEn
-# leaves previous versions as XXX~~
-for f in $*
-echo Expanding shorthands in $f. \ Backup file is $f~~
-mv $f $f~~; sed -e '
-' $f~~ > $f
-echo Finished.
--- a/src/FOLP/ex/if.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOLP/ex/if
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-For ex/if.thy. First-Order Logic: the 'if' example
-open If;
-open Cla; (*in case structure Int is open!*)
-val prems = goalw If.thy [if_def]
- "[| !!x.x:P ==> f(x):Q; !!x.x:~P ==> g(x):R |] ==> ?p:if(P,Q,R)";
-by (fast_tac (FOLP_cs addIs prems) 1);
-val ifI = result();
-val major::prems = goalw If.thy [if_def]
- "[| p:if(P,Q,R); !!x y.[| x:P; y:Q |] ==> f(x,y):S; \
-\ !!x y.[| x:~P; y:R |] ==> g(x,y):S |] ==> ?p:S";
-by (cut_facts_tac [major] 1);
-by (fast_tac (FOLP_cs addIs prems) 1);
-val ifE = result();
-goal If.thy
- "?p : if(P, if(Q,A,B), if(Q,C,D)) <-> if(Q, if(P,A,C), if(P,B,D))";
-by (resolve_tac [iffI] 1);
-by (eresolve_tac [ifE] 1);
-by (eresolve_tac [ifE] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [ifI] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [ifI] 1);
-choplev 0;
-val if_cs = FOLP_cs addSIs [ifI] addSEs[ifE];
-by (fast_tac if_cs 1);
-val if_commute = result();
-goal If.thy "?p : if(if(P,Q,R), A, B) <-> if(P, if(Q,A,B), if(R,A,B))";
-by (fast_tac if_cs 1);
-val nested_ifs = result();
-writeln"Reached end of file.";
--- a/src/FOLP/ex/if.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-If = FOLP +
-consts if :: "[o,o,o]=>o"
- if_def "if(P,Q,R) == P&Q | ~P&R"
--- a/src/FOLP/ex/nat.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOLP/ex/nat.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-Examples for the manual "Introduction to Isabelle"
-Proofs about the natural numbers
-To generate similar output to manual, execute these commands:
- Pretty.setmargin 72; print_depth 0;
-open Nat;
-goal Nat.thy "?p : ~ (Suc(k) = k)";
-by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] induct 1);
-by (rtac notI 1);
-by (etac Suc_neq_0 1);
-by (rtac notI 1);
-by (etac notE 1);
-by (etac Suc_inject 1);
-val Suc_n_not_n = result();
-goal Nat.thy "?p : (k+m)+n = k+(m+n)";
-prths ([induct] RL [topthm()]); (*prints all 14 next states!*)
-by (rtac induct 1);
-goalw Nat.thy [add_def] "?p : 0+n = n";
-by (rtac rec_0 1);
-val add_0 = result();
-goalw Nat.thy [add_def] "?p : Suc(m)+n = Suc(m+n)";
-by (rtac rec_Suc 1);
-val add_Suc = result();
-val nat_congs = mk_congs Nat.thy ["Suc", "op +"];
-prths nat_congs;
-val prems = goal Nat.thy "p: x=y ==> ?p : Suc(x) = Suc(y)";
-by (resolve_tac (prems RL [subst]) 1);
-by (rtac refl 1);
-val Suc_cong = result();
-val prems = goal Nat.thy "[| p : a=x; q: b=y |] ==> ?p : a+b=x+y";
-by (resolve_tac (prems RL [subst]) 1 THEN resolve_tac (prems RL [subst]) 1 THEN
- rtac refl 1);
-val Plus_cong = result();
-val nat_congs = [Suc_cong,Plus_cong];
-val add_ss = FOLP_ss addcongs nat_congs
- addrews [add_0, add_Suc];
-goal Nat.thy "?p : (k+m)+n = k+(m+n)";
-by (res_inst_tac [("n","k")] induct 1);
-by (SIMP_TAC add_ss 1);
-by (ASM_SIMP_TAC add_ss 1);
-val add_assoc = result();
-goal Nat.thy "?p : m+0 = m";
-by (res_inst_tac [("n","m")] induct 1);
-by (SIMP_TAC add_ss 1);
-by (ASM_SIMP_TAC add_ss 1);
-val add_0_right = result();
-goal Nat.thy "?p : m+Suc(n) = Suc(m+n)";
-by (res_inst_tac [("n","m")] induct 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (ASM_SIMP_TAC add_ss));
-val add_Suc_right = result();
-(*mk_typed_congs appears not to work with FOLP's version of subst*)
--- a/src/FOLP/ex/nat.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOLP/ex/nat.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-Examples for the manual "Introduction to Isabelle"
-Theory of the natural numbers: Peano's axioms, primitive recursion
-Nat = IFOLP +
-types nat 0
-arities nat :: term
-consts "0" :: "nat" ("0")
- Suc :: "nat=>nat"
- rec :: "[nat, 'a, [nat,'a]=>'a] => 'a"
- "+" :: "[nat, nat] => nat" (infixl 60)
- (*Proof terms*)
- nrec :: "[nat,p,[nat,p]=>p]=>p"
- ninj,nneq :: "p=>p"
- rec0, recSuc :: "p"
- induct "[| b:P(0); !!x u. u:P(x) ==> c(x,u):P(Suc(x)) \
-\ |] ==> nrec(n,b,c):P(n)"
- Suc_inject "p:Suc(m)=Suc(n) ==> ninj(p) : m=n"
- Suc_neq_0 "p:Suc(m)=0 ==> nneq(p) : R"
- rec_0 "rec0 : rec(0,a,f) = a"
- rec_Suc "recSuc : rec(Suc(m), a, f) = f(m, rec(m,a,f))"
- add_def "m+n == rec(m, n, %x y. Suc(y))"
- nrecB0 "b: A ==> nrec(0,b,c) = b : A"
- nrecBSuc "c(n,nrec(n,b,c)) : A ==> nrec(Suc(n),b,c) = c(n,nrec(n,b,c)) : A"
--- a/src/FOLP/ex/prolog.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/prolog.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-For ex/prolog.thy. First-Order Logic: PROLOG examples
-open Prolog;
-goal Prolog.thy "app(a:b:c:Nil, d:e:Nil, ?x)";
-by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
-by (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1);
-prth (result());
-goal Prolog.thy "app(?x, c:d:Nil, a:b:c:d:Nil)";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1));
-goal Prolog.thy "app(?x, ?y, a:b:c:d:Nil)";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac [appNil,appCons] 1));
-(*app([x1,...,xn], y, ?z) requires (n+1) inferences*)
-(*rev([x1,...,xn], ?y) requires (n+1)(n+2)/2 inferences*)
-goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:b:c:d:Nil, ?x)";
-val rules = [appNil,appCons,revNil,revCons];
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac rules 1));
-goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l:m:n:Nil, ?w)";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac rules 1));
-goal Prolog.thy "rev(?x, a:b:c:Nil)";
-by (REPEAT (resolve_tac rules 1)); (*does not solve it directly!*)
-(*backtracking version*)
-val prolog_tac = DEPTH_FIRST (has_fewer_prems 1) (resolve_tac rules 1);
-choplev 0;
-by prolog_tac;
-goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:?x:c:?y:Nil, d:?z:b:?u)";
-by prolog_tac;
-(*rev([a..p], ?w) requires 153 inferences *)
-goal Prolog.thy "rev(a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l:m:n:o:p:Nil, ?w)";
-by (DEPTH_SOLVE (resolve_tac ([refl,conjI]@rules) 1));
-(*Poly/ML: 4 secs >> 38 lips*)
-(*?x has 16, ?y has 32; rev(?y,?w) requires 561 (rather large) inferences;
- total inferences = 2 + 1 + 17 + 561 = 581*)
-goal Prolog.thy
- "a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:j:k:l:m:n:o:p:Nil = ?x & app(?x,?x,?y) & rev(?y,?w)";
-by (DEPTH_SOLVE (resolve_tac ([refl,conjI]@rules) 1));
-(*Poly/ML: 29 secs >> 20 lips*)
-writeln"Reached end of file.";
--- a/src/FOLP/ex/prolog.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/ex/prolog.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-First-Order Logic: PROLOG examples
-Inherits from FOL the class term, the type o, and the coercion Trueprop
-Prolog = FOL +
-types list 1
-arities list :: (term)term
-consts Nil :: "'a list"
- ":" :: "['a, 'a list]=> 'a list" (infixr 60)
- app :: "['a list, 'a list, 'a list] => o"
- rev :: "['a list, 'a list] => o"
-rules appNil "app(Nil,ys,ys)"
- appCons "app(xs,ys,zs) ==> app(x:xs, ys, x:zs)"
- revNil "rev(Nil,Nil)"
- revCons "[| rev(xs,ys); app(ys, x:Nil, zs) |] ==> rev(x:xs, zs)"
--- a/src/FOLP/folp.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/fol.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1991 University of Cambridge
-Tactics and lemmas for fol.thy (classical First-Order Logic)
-open FOLP;
-signature FOLP_LEMMAS =
- sig
- val disjCI : thm
- val excluded_middle : thm
- val exCI : thm
- val ex_classical : thm
- val iffCE : thm
- val impCE : thm
- val notnotD : thm
- val swap : thm
- end;
-structure FOLP_Lemmas : FOLP_LEMMAS =
-(*** Classical introduction rules for | and EX ***)
-val disjCI = prove_goal FOLP.thy
- "(!!x.x:~Q ==> f(x):P) ==> ?p : P|Q"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [classical] 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[disjI1,notI]) 1)),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[disjI2,notE]) 1)) ]);
-(*introduction rule involving only EX*)
-val ex_classical = prove_goal FOLP.thy
- "( !!u.u:~(EX x. P(x)) ==> f(u):P(a)) ==> ?p : EX x.P(x)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [classical] 1),
- (eresolve_tac (prems RL [exI]) 1) ]);
-(*version of above, simplifying ~EX to ALL~ *)
-val exCI = prove_goal FOLP.thy
- "(!!u.u:ALL x. ~P(x) ==> f(u):P(a)) ==> ?p : EX x.P(x)"
- (fn [prem]=>
- [ (resolve_tac [ex_classical] 1),
- (resolve_tac [notI RS allI RS prem] 1),
- (eresolve_tac [notE] 1),
- (eresolve_tac [exI] 1) ]);
-val excluded_middle = prove_goal FOLP.thy "?p : ~P | P"
- (fn _=> [ rtac disjCI 1, assume_tac 1 ]);
-(*** Special elimination rules *)
-(*Classical implies (-->) elimination. *)
-val impCE = prove_goal FOLP.thy
- "[| p:P-->Q; !!x.x:~P ==> f(x):R; !!y.y:Q ==> g(y):R |] ==> ?p : R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [excluded_middle RS disjE] 1),
- (DEPTH_SOLVE (ares_tac (prems@[major RS mp]) 1)) ]);
-(*Double negation law*)
-val notnotD = prove_goal FOLP.thy "p:~~P ==> ?p : P"
- (fn [major]=>
- [ (resolve_tac [classical] 1), (eresolve_tac [major RS notE] 1) ]);
-(*** Tactics for implication and contradiction ***)
-(*Classical <-> elimination. Proof substitutes P=Q in
- ~P ==> ~Q and P ==> Q *)
-val iffCE = prove_goalw FOLP.thy [iff_def]
- "[| p:P<->Q; !!x y.[| x:P; y:Q |] ==> f(x,y):R; \
-\ !!x y.[| x:~P; y:~Q |] ==> g(x,y):R |] ==> ?p : R"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (resolve_tac [conjE] 1),
- (etac impCE 1 ORELSE mp_tac 1 ORELSE ares_tac prems 1))) ]);
-(*Should be used as swap since ~P becomes redundant*)
-val swap = prove_goal FOLP.thy
- "p:~P ==> (!!x.x:~Q ==> f(x):P) ==> ?p : Q"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [classical] 1),
- (rtac (major RS notE) 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-open FOLP_Lemmas;
--- a/src/FOLP/folp.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- cla :: "[p=>p]=>p"
- classical "(!!x.x:~P ==> f(x):P) ==> cla(f):P"
--- a/src/FOLP/ifolp.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOLP/ifol.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-Tactics and lemmas for ifol.thy (intuitionistic first-order logic)
-open IFOLP;
-signature IFOLP_LEMMAS =
- sig
- val allE: thm
- val all_cong: thm
- val all_dupE: thm
- val all_impE: thm
- val box_equals: thm
- val conjE: thm
- val conj_cong: thm
- val conj_impE: thm
- val contrapos: thm
- val disj_cong: thm
- val disj_impE: thm
- val eq_cong: thm
- val ex1I: thm
- val ex1E: thm
- val ex1_equalsE: thm
-(* val ex1_cong: thm****)
- val ex_cong: thm
- val ex_impE: thm
- val iffD1: thm
- val iffD2: thm
- val iffE: thm
- val iffI: thm
- val iff_cong: thm
- val iff_impE: thm
- val iff_refl: thm
- val iff_sym: thm
- val iff_trans: thm
- val impE: thm
- val imp_cong: thm
- val imp_impE: thm
- val mp_tac: int -> tactic
- val notE: thm
- val notI: thm
- val not_cong: thm
- val not_impE: thm
- val not_sym: thm
- val not_to_imp: thm
- val pred1_cong: thm
- val pred2_cong: thm
- val pred3_cong: thm
- val pred_congs: thm list
- val refl: thm
- val rev_mp: thm
- val simp_equals: thm
- val subst: thm
- val ssubst: thm
- val subst_context: thm
- val subst_context2: thm
- val subst_context3: thm
- val sym: thm
- val trans: thm
- val TrueI: thm
- val uniq_assume_tac: int -> tactic
- val uniq_mp_tac: int -> tactic
- end;
-structure IFOLP_Lemmas : IFOLP_LEMMAS =
-val TrueI = TrueI;
-(*** Sequent-style elimination rules for & --> and ALL ***)
-val conjE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:P&Q; !!x y.[| x:P; y:Q |] ==> f(x,y):R |] ==> ?a:R"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac prems 1
- ORELSE (resolve_tac [conjunct1, conjunct2] 1 THEN
- resolve_tac prems 1))) ]);
-val impE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:P-->Q; q:P; !!x.x:Q ==> r(x):R |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[mp]) 1)) ]);
-val allE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:ALL x.P(x); !!y.y:P(x) ==> q(y):R |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[spec]) 1)) ]);
-(*Duplicates the quantifier; for use with eresolve_tac*)
-val all_dupE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:ALL x.P(x); !!y z.[| y:P(x); z:ALL x.P(x) |] ==> q(y,z):R \
-\ |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[spec]) 1)) ]);
-(*** Negation rules, which translate between ~P and P-->False ***)
-val notI = prove_goalw IFOLP.thy [not_def] "(!!x.x:P ==> q(x):False) ==> ?p:~P"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[impI]) 1)) ]);
-val notE = prove_goalw IFOLP.thy [not_def] "[| p:~P; q:P |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [mp RS FalseE] 1),
- (REPEAT (resolve_tac prems 1)) ]);
-(*This is useful with the special implication rules for each kind of P. *)
-val not_to_imp = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:~P; !!x.x:(P-->False) ==> q(x):Q |] ==> ?p:Q"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[impI,notE]) 1)) ]);
-(* For substitution int an assumption P, reduce Q to P-->Q, substitute into
- this implication, then apply impI to move P back into the assumptions.
- To specify P use something like
- eres_inst_tac [ ("P","ALL y. ?S(x,y)") ] rev_mp 1 *)
-val rev_mp = prove_goal IFOLP.thy "[| p:P; q:P --> Q |] ==> ?p:Q"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems@[mp]) 1)) ]);
-(*Contrapositive of an inference rule*)
-val contrapos = prove_goal IFOLP.thy "[| p:~Q; !!y.y:P==>q(y):Q |] ==> ?a:~P"
- (fn [major,minor]=>
- [ (rtac (major RS notE RS notI) 1),
- (etac minor 1) ]);
-(** Unique assumption tactic.
- Ignores proof objects.
- Fails unless one assumption is equal and exactly one is unifiable
- fun discard_proof (Const("Proof",_) $ P $ _) = P;
-val uniq_assume_tac =
- (fn (prem,i) =>
- let val hyps = map discard_proof (Logic.strip_assums_hyp prem)
- and concl = discard_proof (Logic.strip_assums_concl prem)
- in
- if exists (fn hyp => hyp aconv concl) hyps
- then case distinct (filter (fn hyp=> could_unify(hyp,concl)) hyps) of
- [_] => assume_tac i
- | _ => no_tac
- else no_tac
- end);
-(*** Modus Ponens Tactics ***)
-(*Finds P-->Q and P in the assumptions, replaces implication by Q *)
-fun mp_tac i = eresolve_tac [notE,make_elim mp] i THEN assume_tac i;
-(*Like mp_tac but instantiates no variables*)
-fun uniq_mp_tac i = eresolve_tac [notE,impE] i THEN uniq_assume_tac i;
-(*** If-and-only-if ***)
-val iffI = prove_goalw IFOLP.thy [iff_def]
- "[| !!x.x:P ==> q(x):Q; !!x.x:Q ==> r(x):P |] ==> ?p:P<->Q"
- (fn prems=> [ (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[conjI, impI]) 1)) ]);
-(*Observe use of rewrite_rule to unfold "<->" in meta-assumptions (prems) *)
-val iffE = prove_goalw IFOLP.thy [iff_def]
- "[| p:P <-> Q; !!x y.[| x:P-->Q; y:Q-->P |] ==> q(x,y):R |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn prems => [ (resolve_tac [conjE] 1), (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-(* Destruct rules for <-> similar to Modus Ponens *)
-val iffD1 = prove_goalw IFOLP.thy [iff_def] "[| p:P <-> Q; q:P |] ==> ?p:Q"
- (fn prems => [ (rtac (conjunct1 RS mp) 1), (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val iffD2 = prove_goalw IFOLP.thy [iff_def] "[| p:P <-> Q; q:Q |] ==> ?p:P"
- (fn prems => [ (rtac (conjunct2 RS mp) 1), (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val iff_refl = prove_goal IFOLP.thy "?p:P <-> P"
- (fn _ => [ (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI] 1)) ]);
-val iff_sym = prove_goal IFOLP.thy "p:Q <-> P ==> ?p:P <-> Q"
- (fn [major] =>
- [ (rtac (major RS iffE) 1),
- (rtac iffI 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,mp] 1)) ]);
-val iff_trans = prove_goal IFOLP.thy "[| p:P <-> Q; q:Q<-> R |] ==> ?p:P <-> R"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rtac iffI 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,iffE] 1 ORELSE mp_tac 1)) ]);
-(*** Unique existence. NOTE THAT the following 2 quantifications
- EX!x such that [EX!y such that P(x,y)] (sequential)
- EX!x,y such that P(x,y) (simultaneous)
- do NOT mean the same thing. The parser treats EX!x y.P(x,y) as sequential.
-val ex1I = prove_goalw IFOLP.thy [ex1_def]
- "[| p:P(a); !!x u.u:P(x) ==> f(u) : x=a |] ==> ?p:EX! x. P(x)"
- (fn prems => [ (REPEAT (ares_tac (prems@[exI,conjI,allI,impI]) 1)) ]);
-val ex1E = prove_goalw IFOLP.thy [ex1_def]
- "[| p:EX! x.P(x); \
-\ !!x u v. [| u:P(x); v:ALL y. P(y) --> y=x |] ==> f(x,u,v):R |] ==>\
-\ ?a : R"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [exE,conjE] 1 ORELSE ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-(*** <-> congruence rules for simplification ***)
-(*Use iffE on a premise. For conj_cong, imp_cong, all_cong, ex_cong*)
-fun iff_tac prems i =
- resolve_tac (prems RL [iffE]) i THEN
- REPEAT1 (eresolve_tac [asm_rl,mp] i);
-val conj_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:P <-> P'; !!x.x:P' ==> q(x):Q <-> Q' |] ==> ?p:(P&Q) <-> (P'&Q')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI,conjI] 1
- ORELSE eresolve_tac [iffE,conjE,mp] 1
- ORELSE iff_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val disj_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:P <-> P'; q:Q <-> Q' |] ==> ?p:(P|Q) <-> (P'|Q')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [iffE,disjE,disjI1,disjI2] 1
- ORELSE ares_tac [iffI] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1)) ]);
-val imp_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:P <-> P'; !!x.x:P' ==> q(x):Q <-> Q' |] ==> ?p:(P-->Q) <-> (P'-->Q')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI,impI] 1
- ORELSE eresolve_tac [iffE] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1 ORELSE iff_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val iff_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:P <-> P'; q:Q <-> Q' |] ==> ?p:(P<->Q) <-> (P'<->Q')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [iffE] 1
- ORELSE ares_tac [iffI] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1)) ]);
-val not_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "p:P <-> P' ==> ?p:~P <-> ~P'"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI,notI] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1
- ORELSE eresolve_tac [iffE,notE] 1)) ]);
-val all_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "(!!x.f(x):P(x) <-> Q(x)) ==> ?p:(ALL x.P(x)) <-> (ALL x.Q(x))"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac [iffI,allI] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1
- ORELSE eresolve_tac [allE] 1 ORELSE iff_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val ex_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "(!!x.f(x):P(x) <-> Q(x)) ==> ?p:(EX x.P(x)) <-> (EX x.Q(x))"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [exE] 1 ORELSE ares_tac [iffI,exI] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1
- ORELSE iff_tac prems 1)) ]);
-val ex1_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "(!!x.f(x):P(x) <-> Q(x)) ==> ?p:(EX! x.P(x)) <-> (EX! x.Q(x))"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [ex1E, spec RS mp] 1 ORELSE ares_tac [iffI,ex1I] 1
- ORELSE mp_tac 1
- ORELSE iff_tac prems 1)) ]);
-(*** Equality rules ***)
-val refl = ieqI;
-val subst = prove_goal IFOLP.thy "[| p:a=b; q:P(a) |] ==> ?p : P(b)"
- (fn [prem1,prem2] => [ rtac (prem2 RS rev_mp) 1, (rtac (prem1 RS ieqE) 1),
- rtac impI 1, atac 1 ]);
-val sym = prove_goal IFOLP.thy "q:a=b ==> ?c:b=a"
- (fn [major] => [ (rtac (major RS subst) 1), (rtac refl 1) ]);
-val trans = prove_goal IFOLP.thy "[| p:a=b; q:b=c |] ==> ?d:a=c"
- (fn [prem1,prem2] => [ (rtac (prem2 RS subst) 1), (rtac prem1 1) ]);
-(** ~ b=a ==> ~ a=b **)
-val not_sym = prove_goal IFOLP.thy "p:~ b=a ==> ?q:~ a=b"
- (fn [prem] => [ (rtac (prem RS contrapos) 1), (etac sym 1) ]);
-(*calling "standard" reduces maxidx to 0*)
-val ssubst = standard (sym RS subst);
-(*A special case of ex1E that would otherwise need quantifier expansion*)
-val ex1_equalsE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:EX! x.P(x); q:P(a); r:P(b) |] ==> ?d:a=b"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (etac ex1E 1),
- (rtac trans 1),
- (rtac sym 2),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, spec RS mp] 1)) ]);
-(** Polymorphic congruence rules **)
-val subst_context = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:a=b |] ==> ?d:t(a)=t(b)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac (prems RL [ssubst]) 1),
- (resolve_tac [refl] 1) ]);
-val subst_context2 = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:a=b; q:c=d |] ==> ?p:t(a,c)=t(b,d)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (EVERY1 (map rtac ((prems RL [ssubst]) @ [refl]))) ]);
-val subst_context3 = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:a=b; q:c=d; r:e=f |] ==> ?p:t(a,c,e)=t(b,d,f)"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (EVERY1 (map rtac ((prems RL [ssubst]) @ [refl]))) ]);
-(*Useful with eresolve_tac for proving equalties from known equalities.
- a = b
- | |
- c = d *)
-val box_equals = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:a=b; q:a=c; r:b=d |] ==> ?p:c=d"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [trans] 1),
- (resolve_tac [trans] 1),
- (resolve_tac [sym] 1),
- (REPEAT (resolve_tac prems 1)) ]);
-(*Dual of box_equals: for proving equalities backwards*)
-val simp_equals = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:a=c; q:b=d; r:c=d |] ==> ?p:a=b"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (resolve_tac [trans] 1),
- (resolve_tac [trans] 1),
- (REPEAT (resolve_tac (prems @ (prems RL [sym])) 1)) ]);
-(** Congruence rules for predicate letters **)
-val pred1_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "p:a=a' ==> ?p:P(a) <-> P(a')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rtac iffI 1),
- (DEPTH_SOLVE (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, subst, ssubst] 1)) ]);
-val pred2_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:a=a'; q:b=b' |] ==> ?p:P(a,b) <-> P(a',b')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rtac iffI 1),
- (DEPTH_SOLVE (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, subst, ssubst] 1)) ]);
-val pred3_cong = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:a=a'; q:b=b'; r:c=c' |] ==> ?p:P(a,b,c) <-> P(a',b',c')"
- (fn prems =>
- [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1),
- (rtac iffI 1),
- (DEPTH_SOLVE (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, subst, ssubst] 1)) ]);
-(*special cases for free variables P, Q, R, S -- up to 3 arguments*)
-val pred_congs =
- flat (map (fn c =>
- map (fn th => read_instantiate [("P",c)] th)
- [pred1_cong,pred2_cong,pred3_cong])
- (explode"PQRS"));
-(*special case for the equality predicate!*)
-val eq_cong = read_instantiate [("P","op =")] pred2_cong;
-(*** Simplifications of assumed implications.
- Roy Dyckhoff has proved that conj_impE, disj_impE, and imp_impE
- used with mp_tac (restricted to atomic formulae) is COMPLETE for
- intuitionistic propositional logic. See
- R. Dyckhoff, Contraction-free sequent calculi for intuitionistic logic
- (preprint, University of St Andrews, 1991) ***)
-val conj_impE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:(P&Q)-->S; !!x.x:P-->(Q-->S) ==> q(x):R |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([conjI, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-val disj_impE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:(P|Q)-->S; !!x y.[| x:P-->S; y:Q-->S |] ==> q(x,y):R |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (DEPTH_SOLVE (ares_tac ([disjI1, disjI2, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-(*Simplifies the implication. Classical version is stronger.
- Still UNSAFE since Q must be provable -- backtracking needed. *)
-val imp_impE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:(P-->Q)-->S; !!x y.[| x:P; y:Q-->S |] ==> q(x,y):Q; !!x.x:S ==> r(x):R |] ==> \
-\ ?p:R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-(*Simplifies the implication. Classical version is stronger.
- Still UNSAFE since ~P must be provable -- backtracking needed. *)
-val not_impE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:~P --> S; !!y.y:P ==> q(y):False; !!y.y:S ==> r(y):R |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([notI, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-(*Simplifies the implication. UNSAFE. *)
-val iff_impE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:(P<->Q)-->S; !!x y.[| x:P; y:Q-->S |] ==> q(x,y):Q; \
-\ !!x y.[| x:Q; y:P-->S |] ==> r(x,y):P; !!x.x:S ==> s(x):R |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([iffI, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-(*What if (ALL x.~~P(x)) --> ~~(ALL x.P(x)) is an assumption? UNSAFE*)
-val all_impE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:(ALL x.P(x))-->S; !!x.q:P(x); !!y.y:S ==> r(y):R |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([allI, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-(*Unsafe: (EX x.P(x))-->S is equivalent to ALL x.P(x)-->S. *)
-val ex_impE = prove_goal IFOLP.thy
- "[| p:(EX x.P(x))-->S; !!y.y:P(a)-->S ==> q(y):R |] ==> ?p:R"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (REPEAT (ares_tac ([exI, impI, major RS mp]@prems) 1)) ]);
-open IFOLP_Lemmas;
--- a/src/FOLP/ifolp.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-IFOLP = Pure +
-classes term < logic
-default term
- p
- o
- p,o :: logic
- (*** Judgements ***)
- "@Proof" :: "[p,o]=>prop" ("(_ /: _)" [10,10] 5)
- Proof :: "[o,p]=>prop"
- EqProof :: "[p,p,o]=>prop" ("(3_ /= _ :/ _)" [10,10,10] 5)
- (*** Logical Connectives -- Type Formers ***)
- "=" :: "['a,'a] => o" (infixl 50)
- True,False :: "o"
- "Not" :: "o => o" ("~ _" [40] 40)
- "&" :: "[o,o] => o" (infixr 35)
- "|" :: "[o,o] => o" (infixr 30)
- "-->" :: "[o,o] => o" (infixr 25)
- "<->" :: "[o,o] => o" (infixr 25)
- (*Quantifiers*)
- All :: "('a => o) => o" (binder "ALL " 10)
- Ex :: "('a => o) => o" (binder "EX " 10)
- Ex1 :: "('a => o) => o" (binder "EX! " 10)
- (*Rewriting gadgets*)
- NORM :: "o => o"
- norm :: "'a => 'a"
- (*** Proof Term Formers ***)
- tt :: "p"
- contr :: "p=>p"
- fst,snd :: "p=>p"
- pair :: "[p,p]=>p" ("(1<_,/_>)")
- split :: "[p, [p,p]=>p] =>p"
- inl,inr :: "p=>p"
- when :: "[p, p=>p, p=>p]=>p"
- lambda :: "(p => p) => p" (binder "lam " 20)
- "`" :: "[p,p]=>p" (infixl 60)
- alll :: "['a=>p]=>p" (binder "all " 15)
- "^" :: "[p,'a]=>p" (infixl 50)
- exists :: "['a,p]=>p" ("(1[_,/_])")
- xsplit :: "[p,['a,p]=>p]=>p"
- ideq :: "'a=>p"
- idpeel :: "[p,'a=>p]=>p"
- nrm, NRM :: "p"
-(**** Propositional logic ****)
-(* Like Intensional Equality in MLTT - but proofs distinct from terms *)
-ieqI "ideq(a) : a=a"
-ieqE "[| p : a=b; !!x.f(x) : P(x,x) |] ==> idpeel(p,f) : P(a,b)"
-(* Truth and Falsity *)
-TrueI "tt : True"
-FalseE "a:False ==> contr(a):P"
-(* Conjunction *)
-conjI "[| a:P; b:Q |] ==> <a,b> : P&Q"
-conjunct1 "p:P&Q ==> fst(p):P"
-conjunct2 "p:P&Q ==> snd(p):Q"
-(* Disjunction *)
-disjI1 "a:P ==> inl(a):P|Q"
-disjI2 "b:Q ==> inr(b):P|Q"
-disjE "[| a:P|Q; !!x.x:P ==> f(x):R; !!x.x:Q ==> g(x):R \
-\ |] ==> when(a,f,g):R"
-(* Implication *)
-impI "(!!x.x:P ==> f(x):Q) ==> lam x.f(x):P-->Q"
-mp "[| f:P-->Q; a:P |] ==> f`a:Q"
-allI "(!!x. f(x) : P(x)) ==> all x.f(x) : ALL x.P(x)"
-spec "(f:ALL x.P(x)) ==> f^x : P(x)"
-exI "p : P(x) ==> [x,p] : EX x.P(x)"
-exE "[| p: EX x.P(x); !!x u. u:P(x) ==> f(x,u) : R |] ==> xsplit(p,f):R"
-(**** Equality between proofs ****)
-prefl "a : P ==> a = a : P"
-psym "a = b : P ==> b = a : P"
-ptrans "[| a = b : P; b = c : P |] ==> a = c : P"
-idpeelB "[| !!x.f(x) : P(x,x) |] ==> idpeel(ideq(a),f) = f(a) : P(a,a)"
-fstB "a:P ==> fst(<a,b>) = a : P"
-sndB "b:Q ==> snd(<a,b>) = b : Q"
-pairEC "p:P&Q ==> p = <fst(p),snd(p)> : P&Q"
-whenBinl "[| a:P; !!x.x:P ==> f(x) : Q |] ==> when(inl(a),f,g) = f(a) : Q"
-whenBinr "[| b:P; !!x.x:P ==> g(x) : Q |] ==> when(inr(b),f,g) = g(b) : Q"
-plusEC "a:P|Q ==> when(a,%x.inl(x),%y.inr(y)) = p : P|Q"
-applyB "[| a:P; !!x.x:P ==> b(x) : Q |] ==> (lam x.b(x)) ` a = b(a) : Q"
-funEC "f:P ==> f = lam x.f`x : P"
-specB "[| !!x.f(x) : P(x) |] ==> (all x.f(x)) ^ a = f(a) : P(a)"
-(**** Definitions ****)
-not_def "~P == P-->False"
-iff_def "P<->Q == (P-->Q) & (Q-->P)"
-(*Unique existence*)
-ex1_def "EX! x. P(x) == EX x. P(x) & (ALL y. P(y) --> y=x)"
-(*Rewriting -- special constants to flag normalized terms and formulae*)
-norm_eq "nrm : norm(x) = x"
-NORM_iff "NRM : NORM(P) <-> P"
-(*show_proofs:=true displays the proof terms -- they are ENORMOUS*)
-val show_proofs = ref false;
-fun proof_tr [p,P] = Const("Proof",dummyT) $ P $ p;
-fun proof_tr' [P,p] =
- if !show_proofs then Const("@Proof",dummyT) $ p $ P
- else P (*this case discards the proof term*);
-val parse_translation = [("@Proof", proof_tr)];
-val print_translation = [("Proof", proof_tr')];
--- a/src/FOLP/int-prover.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: FOL/int-prover
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1992 University of Cambridge
-A naive prover for intuitionistic logic
-Completeness (for propositional logic) is proved in
-Roy Dyckhoff.
-Contraction-Free Sequent Calculi for Intuitionistic Logic.
-J. Symbolic Logic (in press)
-signature INT_PROVER =
- sig
- val best_tac: int -> tactic
- val fast_tac: int -> tactic
- val inst_step_tac: int -> tactic
- val safe_step_tac: int -> tactic
- val safe_brls: (bool * thm) list
- val safe_tac: tactic
- val step_tac: int -> tactic
- val haz_brls: (bool * thm) list
- end;
-structure Int : INT_PROVER =
-(*Negation is treated as a primitive symbol, with rules notI (introduction),
- not_to_imp (converts the assumption ~P to P-->False), and not_impE
- (handles double negations). Could instead rewrite by not_def as the first
- step of an intuitionistic proof.
-val safe_brls = sort lessb
- [ (true,FalseE), (false,TrueI), (false,refl),
- (false,impI), (false,notI), (false,allI),
- (true,conjE), (true,exE),
- (false,conjI), (true,conj_impE),
- (true,disj_impE), (true,ex_impE),
- (true,disjE), (false,iffI), (true,iffE), (true,not_to_imp) ];
-val haz_brls =
- [ (false,disjI1), (false,disjI2), (false,exI),
- (true,allE), (true,not_impE), (true,imp_impE), (true,iff_impE),
- (true,all_impE), (true,impE) ];
-(*0 subgoals vs 1 or more: the p in safep is for positive*)
-val (safe0_brls, safep_brls) =
- partition (apl(0,op=) o subgoals_of_brl) safe_brls;
-(*Attack subgoals using safe inferences*)
-val safe_step_tac = FIRST' [uniq_assume_tac,
- IFOLP_Lemmas.uniq_mp_tac,
- biresolve_tac safe0_brls,
- hyp_subst_tac,
- biresolve_tac safep_brls] ;
-(*Repeatedly attack subgoals using safe inferences*)
-val safe_tac = DETERM (REPEAT_FIRST safe_step_tac);
-(*These steps could instantiate variables and are therefore unsafe.*)
-val inst_step_tac = assume_tac APPEND' mp_tac;
-(*One safe or unsafe step. *)
-fun step_tac i = FIRST [safe_tac, inst_step_tac i, biresolve_tac haz_brls i];
-(*Dumb but fast*)
-val fast_tac = SELECT_GOAL (DEPTH_SOLVE (step_tac 1));
-(*Slower but smarter than fast_tac*)
-val best_tac =
- SELECT_GOAL (BEST_FIRST (has_fewer_prems 1, size_of_thm) (step_tac 1));
--- a/src/HOL/Integ/Relation.ML Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: Relation.ML
- ID: $Id$
- Authors: Riccardo Mattolini, Dip. Sistemi e Informatica
- Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1994 Universita' di Firenze
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Functions represented as relations in HOL Set Theory
-val RSLIST = curry (op MRS);
-open Relation;
-goalw Relation.thy [converse_def] "!!a b r. (a,b):r ==> (b,a):converse(r)";
-by (simp_tac prod_ss 1);
-by (fast_tac set_cs 1);
-qed "converseI";
-goalw Relation.thy [converse_def] "!!a b r. (a,b) : converse(r) ==> (b,a) : r";
-by (fast_tac comp_cs 1);
-qed "converseD";
-qed_goalw "converseE" Relation.thy [converse_def]
- "[| yx : converse(r); \
-\ !!x y. [| yx=(y,x); (x,y):r |] ==> P \
-\ |] ==> P"
- (fn [major,minor]=>
- [ (rtac (major RS CollectE) 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [bexE,exE, conjE, minor] 1)),
- (hyp_subst_tac 1),
- (assume_tac 1) ]);
-val converse_cs = comp_cs addSIs [converseI]
- addSEs [converseD,converseE];
-qed_goalw "Domain_iff" Relation.thy [Domain_def]
- "a: Domain(r) = (EX y. (a,y): r)"
- (fn _=> [ (fast_tac comp_cs 1) ]);
-qed_goal "DomainI" Relation.thy "!!a b r. (a,b): r ==> a: Domain(r)"
- (fn _ => [ (etac (exI RS (Domain_iff RS iffD2)) 1) ]);
-qed_goal "DomainE" Relation.thy
- "[| a : Domain(r); !!y. (a,y): r ==> P |] ==> P"
- (fn prems=>
- [ (rtac (Domain_iff RS iffD1 RS exE) 1),
- (REPEAT (ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-qed_goalw "RangeI" Relation.thy [Range_def] "!!a b r.(a,b): r ==> b : Range(r)"
- (fn _ => [ (etac (converseI RS DomainI) 1) ]);
-qed_goalw "RangeE" Relation.thy [Range_def]
- "[| b : Range(r); !!x. (x,b): r ==> P |] ==> P"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (rtac (major RS DomainE) 1),
- (resolve_tac prems 1),
- (etac converseD 1) ]);
-(*** Image of a set under a function/relation ***)
-qed_goalw "Image_iff" Relation.thy [Image_def]
- "b : r^^A = (? x:A. (x,b):r)"
- (fn _ => [ fast_tac (comp_cs addIs [RangeI]) 1 ]);
-qed_goal "Image_singleton_iff" Relation.thy
- "(b : r^^{a}) = ((a,b):r)"
- (fn _ => [ rtac (Image_iff RS trans) 1,
- fast_tac comp_cs 1 ]);
-qed_goalw "ImageI" Relation.thy [Image_def]
- "!!a b r. [| (a,b): r; a:A |] ==> b : r^^A"
- (fn _ => [ (REPEAT (ares_tac [CollectI,RangeI,bexI] 1)),
- (resolve_tac [conjI ] 1),
- (resolve_tac [RangeI] 1),
- (REPEAT (fast_tac set_cs 1))]);
-qed_goalw "ImageE" Relation.thy [Image_def]
- "[| b: r^^A; !!x.[| (x,b): r; x:A |] ==> P |] ==> P"
- (fn major::prems=>
- [ (rtac (major RS CollectE) 1),
- (safe_tac set_cs),
- (etac RangeE 1),
- (rtac (hd prems) 1),
- (REPEAT (etac bexE 1 ORELSE ares_tac prems 1)) ]);
-qed_goal "Image_subset" Relation.thy
- "!!A B r. r <= Sigma A (%x.B) ==> r^^C <= B"
- (fn _ =>
- [ (rtac subsetI 1),
- (REPEAT (eresolve_tac [asm_rl, ImageE, subsetD RS SigmaD2] 1)) ]);
-val rel_cs = converse_cs addSIs [converseI]
- addIs [ImageI, DomainI, RangeI]
- addSEs [ImageE, DomainE, RangeE];
-val rel_eq_cs = rel_cs addSIs [equalityI];
--- a/src/HOL/Integ/Relation.thy Sat Apr 05 16:00:00 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-(* Title: Relation.thy
- ID: $Id$
- Author: Riccardo Mattolini, Dip. Sistemi e Informatica
- and Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
- Copyright 1994 Universita' di Firenze
- Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
-Functions represented as relations in Higher-Order Set Theory
-Relation = Trancl +
- converse :: "('a*'a) set => ('a*'a) set"
- "^^" :: "[('a*'a) set,'a set] => 'a set" (infixl 90)
- Domain :: "('a*'a) set => 'a set"
- Range :: "('a*'a) set => 'a set"
- converse_def "converse(r) == {z. (? w:r. ? x y. w=(x,y) & z=(y,x))}"
- Domain_def "Domain(r) == {z. ! x. (z=x --> (? y. (x,y):r))}"
- Range_def "Range(r) == Domain(converse(r))"
- Image_def "r ^^ s == {y. y:Range(r) & (? x:s. (x,y):r)}"